• il y a 5 mois


00:00Doctor Hamster's taught us.
00:03It is a school day.
00:05Children, Doctor Hamster has come to talk to us today.
00:09Hello, everyone.
00:11Hello, Doctor Hamster.
00:13Doctor Hamster is a vet.
00:16Who knows what a vet does?
00:19Vets help sick pets get better.
00:22That's right. And I brought some of my pets to show you.
00:28C'est Binky, le chien.
00:30Bonjour, Binky.
00:32Est-ce que je peux toucher Binky?
00:34Oui, très doucement.
00:36Il a l'air flou.
00:38Ce sont ses fesses.
00:40Elles l'aident à voler.
00:45Le voler, c'est la façon dont Binky s'exerce.
00:49Pouvez-vous me dire ce que Binky a besoin pour rester en bonne santé?
00:55Il a besoin de manger.
00:58Il a besoin de boire.
01:00C'est ça.
01:01Il a besoin de respirer un peu.
01:03Très bien.
01:05Il a besoin de dormir.
01:09Désolée, Madame Gazelle, j'ai dormi trop.
01:12Oh, Pedro, vous aimez bien dormir.
01:15Oui, Madame Gazelle.
01:17J'ai un pet ici qui aime dormir.
01:21C'est un tortoise.
01:23C'est Tiddles, le tortoise.
01:25Bonjour, Tiddles.
01:27Tiddles a dormi tout au long de l'hiver.
01:32Pourquoi a-t-il ce truc à la poche?
01:35Cette poche, c'est sa maison.
01:38C'est là où il s'occupe quand il a peur.
01:41Pouvez-vous l'attraper?
01:43Oui, s'il vous plaît.
01:45N'ayez pas peur, Tiddles.
01:48Quel âge a-t-il?
01:50Tiddles a 33 ans.
01:52C'est aussi vieux que ma mère.
01:54Mais les tortoises peuvent vivre à 100 ans.
01:59C'est aussi vieux que mon grand-père.
02:02Pourquoi est-il si lent?
02:04Il doit porter sa maison sur son dos.
02:07Euh, Docteur Hamster, je pense que Tiddles s'échappe.
02:13Il ne peut pas aller loin.
02:15Parce qu'il est si lent.
02:17J'ai quelqu'un d'autre pour vous montrer ici.
02:21Un dinosaure!
02:22Oh, Georges!
02:24Vous dites toujours dinosaure.
02:28Oh, c'est un dinosaure.
02:32Ce n'est pas un dinosaure.
02:34C'est Lulu, le lézard.
02:37Bonjour, Lulu.
02:39Elle a des épaules, comme un dragon.
02:42Peut-elle brûler?
02:44Non, mais elle a une langue très longue.
02:50Est-ce qu'elle dort pendant l'hiver, comme Tiddles?
02:55Oh, où est Tiddles?
02:58Oh, mon dieu! Tiddles, le lézard, s'est échappé.
03:03Ne vous en faites pas, Docteur Hamster.
03:05On va trouver Tiddles.
03:06Est-il dans la salle de musique?
03:09Tiddles n'est pas dans la salle de musique.
03:11Est-il dans la maison?
03:13Tiddles n'est pas dans la maison.
03:16Est-il caché dans les chaussures?
03:19Tiddles n'est pas caché dans les chaussures.
03:22Je sens Tiddles.
03:25De ce côté.
03:27Freddy Fox a un très bon sens du sentiment.
03:30Il y a Tiddles!
03:33Tiddles est au dessus d'un arbre.
03:35Je dois appeler pour l'aide.
03:37C'est la station de feu de Miss Rabbit.
03:40Ah, feu! Feu!
03:43Station de feu! Où est le feu?
03:46Ma Tiddles est au dessus d'un arbre.
03:48Quoi? Encore?
03:51Émergence! Émergence!
03:54Tortoise au dessus d'un arbre!
03:56Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu aimes tellement les arbres.
04:00Tu es une tortoise!
04:08Allez, Tiddles!
04:11Merci, Miss Rabbit.
04:13Je fais juste mon boulot.
04:15Et mon boulot, c'est de chercher les chats.
04:18Où sont Binky et Loulou?
04:20Oh, je ne sais pas.
04:22Ah, ici ils sont!
04:24Sauves et sourdes!
04:30Le soleil, la mer et la neige.
04:32C'est l'heure de dormir pour Peppa et George.
04:35Demain, nous allons faire une voyage de coach vers l'océan.
04:40Nous pouvons faire des castles d'eau.
04:43J'ai envie d'aller nager.
04:45Moi aussi.
04:46Le capteur du temps dit qu'il va faire soleil.
04:49Bonne nuit, Peppa. Bonne nuit, George.
04:54Oh, il commence à neiger.
05:00C'est le matin.
05:01Yippee! Il fait soleil.
05:04Oh, le neige!
05:06Beaucoup de neige a tombé ce soir.
05:09Le neige, maman! Le neige, papa! Le neige, le neige, le neige!
05:13Hein? Quoi?
05:15Nous allons toujours vers l'océan, n'est-ce pas?
05:19Bien, voyons combien de neige il y a.
05:23Oh, où est passé papa?
05:27C'est un neigeur qui marche.
05:30Je suis froid.
05:32C'est un neigeur qui marche et parle.
05:36Oh, c'est juste papa.
05:39Pauvre papa. Allons vous réchauffer un peu.
05:42Maman-pig, Peppa et George réchauffent papa-pig en l'étouffant avec des couches.
05:47C'est mieux.
05:49Maintenant, nous pouvons aller vers l'océan.
05:51Mais qu'est-ce qu'il y a de la neige?
05:53Je ne pense pas que le capteur sera en cours aujourd'hui.
05:57Le capteur de Miss Rabbit est arrivé à la maison de Peppa.
06:01Oh, mon Dieu. Comment avez-vous pu traverser tout ce neige?
06:05Avec mon gros neigeux.
06:07Les neigeux poussent le neige hors de la voie.
06:10Bonjour à tous.
06:11Bonjour, Peppa.
06:13Tous les amis de Peppa vont aussi vers l'océan.
06:17La prochaine stop est l'océan.
06:22Mr Bull et ses amis grattent la route.
06:25Le grattement déchire le neige.
06:27Bonjour, Mr Bull.
06:29Oh, bonjour, Miss Rabbit.
06:32Ça nous a pris toute la nuit.
06:34Mais la route est claire.
06:36Tout le chemin est vers l'océan.
06:38C'est bien.
06:39Nous allons vers l'océan.
06:41Vous aimeriez venir avec nous?
06:43Non, merci, Miss Rabbit.
06:45Nous avons plus de routes à gratter.
06:48Au revoir, Mr Bull.
06:50Au revoir.
06:51Passez un beau jour sur la plage.
06:54Nous allons tous sur l'océan pour un jour.
06:57Passez un beau jour sur l'océan.
07:01Nous allons tous sur l'océan pour un jour.
07:05Regardez, je plonge aussi.
07:09Nous sommes sur l'océan.
07:12La plage est couverte de neige.
07:15Oh, l'océan a l'air froid.
07:17J'avais hâte de plonger.
07:19Vous pouvez encore.
07:21L'océan n'est pas froid.
07:23Venez, les filles.
07:28Je ne peux pas plonger car j'ai brûlé mon pied.
07:31Et je pense que je vais courir.
07:34Venez, Maman Pig.
07:36C'est merveilleux.
07:37Vous êtes sûre que c'est merveilleux?
07:39Bien sûr.
07:40L'océan est merveilleux aujourd'hui.
07:43Maman Pig va plonger.
07:47Est-ce froid, Maman?
07:49C'est un peu froid.
07:51Il fait toujours froid quand on rentre.
07:54Si vous continuez à bouger, vous vous réchaufferez.
07:57D'accord, je vais continuer à bouger.
07:59Maman Pig a sauté hors de l'océan.
08:01Laissez-moi vous faire sécher.
08:03Peppa, George et Maman Pig
08:05réchauffent Maman Pig
08:07en l'étalant avec des toilettes.
08:09Oh, c'est mieux.
08:10Est-ce que vous allez sauter, Maman Pig?
08:12Peut-être pas aujourd'hui.
08:14Qui veut de l'ice-cream?
08:18Tout le monde aime l'ice-cream à l'océan.
08:22J'ai voulu faire des caisses à l'eau,
08:25mais la plage est couverte de neige.
08:29Nous pouvons faire des caisses à l'eau.
08:32Tout d'abord, nous remplissons les sacs avec de l'eau.
08:36Nous tournons les sacs vers l'envers,
08:39nous leur donnons un petit tapotement,
08:41et presto, nous avons des caisses à l'eau.
08:45Des caisses à l'eau!
08:47J'aime l'océan
08:49et j'aime la neige.
08:51J'aime l'océan et la neige.
09:00L'ordinateur de Maman Pig
09:03Peppa et George sont à la maison de Maman Pig et de Maman Pig.
09:09Maman Pig! Maman Pig!
09:11Regardez ça! Un cloche de coucou!
09:14Oui, ça marche.
09:16Coucou! Coucou!
09:18Mais c'est cassé.
09:20Pouvez-vous l'amener, Maman Pig?
09:23Hum, prenons-le dans ma chambre.
09:27C'est la chambre de Maman Pig, où Maman Pig amène les choses.
09:31Je vais voir à l'intérieur.
09:34Maman Pig! Maintenant, tu l'as vraiment cassé!
09:38Oh! Je me demande si j'ai un livre sur les cloches.
09:43Ah! Voici comment fonctionnent les cloches.
09:49Maman Pig a cassé la cloche de coucou.
09:55Coucou! Coucou!
09:57Coucou! Coucou!
09:59Coucou! Coucou!
10:01Coucou! Coucou!
10:03Maman Pig vient prendre Peppa et George.
10:06Maman, Maman Pig a cassé la cloche de coucou.
10:10C'est bien.
10:12Qu'est-ce que c'est?
10:14C'est mon ancien ordinateur.
10:16Je ne peux pas le mener.
10:18Ce n'est pas cassé. J'ai un nouveau ordinateur.
10:21Je pensais que tu aimerais mon ancien.
10:23Je ne suis pas sûr. J'en ai vraiment besoin.
10:27Oh! Un ordinateur! Qu'est-ce qu'il fait?
10:31Tu peux faire des lettres avec ça.
10:33Regarde, Maman Pig!
10:35A, B, C, D.
10:38Et des numéros.
10:401, 2, 3.
10:42J'ai peur que tu vas le brûler en appuyant le bouton incroyable.
10:46Ne t'inquiète pas, tu ne peux pas le brûler.
10:49Ne le nourris pas d'eau, ni de biscuits, ni de gelée.
10:56Le meilleur truc qu'il fait, c'est...
10:58Joyeux Maman Pig!
11:01Quand tu appuies sur ce bouton, elle met un oeuf.
11:06Je suis très bien à ça, mais George est le meilleur.
11:13C'est amusant!
11:16Peut-être qu'on devrait garder le ordinateur, Maman Pig.
11:22Au revoir!
11:26Pouvons-nous faire du travail sur le ordinateur, Maman Pig?
11:30Oui! Faisons des numéros et des lettres.
11:36Peppa et sa famille déjeunent.
11:39J'ai donné mon ancien ordinateur à Granny et à Grand-père.
11:42C'est gentil. Je me demande comment ils s'en sortent.
11:47Bonjour, c'est Peppa Pig.
11:49Peppa, j'ai une question sur l'ordinateur.
11:54C'est Grand-père. Il a brûlé l'ordinateur.
11:58Quel est le problème avec l'ordinateur, Grand-père Pig?
12:01C'est rempli d'oeufs.
12:04Heureusement que Mme Chicken n'a plus d'oeufs.
12:09Je suis brûlé.
12:11Tournez l'ordinateur.
12:15Maintenant, tournez-le de nouveau.
12:18Ça s'est bien fait?
12:20Je suis très brûlé.
12:23Ça n'a pas l'air bon. Peut-être qu'il ne peut pas être déplacé.
12:26On va aller le chercher.
12:29Grand-père, on est là pour retenir l'ordinateur.
12:32Oh, Grand-père Pig l'a pris dans sa chambre.
12:38Voilà, ça devrait le faire.
12:41Je suis brûlé.
12:44Mon grand-père est le meilleur à brûler les choses.
12:49Est-ce très difficile à brûler?
12:51Pas du tout.
12:53J'ai trouvé ce livre.
12:55Comment fonctionnent les ordinateurs.
12:57Donc vous ne voulez pas que nous prenions l'ordinateur?
13:00Non, je l'ai besoin pour des tâches importantes.
13:04Pour les lettres et les numéros?
13:06Non, pour battre le score de Mme Chicken.
13:11J'ai brûlé 4 020 oeufs.
13:15Alors, j'ai du travail à faire.
13:19J'ai du travail à faire.
13:31C'est l'heure de jouer à l'école.
13:33Peppa et ses amis s'amusent.
13:36Aïe, ça fait mal.
13:38Est-ce que tu vas bien, Peppa?
13:41J'ai brûlé mon genou.
13:43Mme Gazelle, Peppa a brûlé son genou.
13:47Tu as juste brûlé ton genou, Peppa.
13:50D'abord, Mme Gazelle nettoie le genou de Peppa.
13:53Puis, elle met un plastre dessus.
13:56Est-ce que ça se sent mieux?
13:57Oui, merci.
13:59Maintenant, les enfants, vous avez peut-être remarqué que Pedro Pony n'est pas là aujourd'hui.
14:04Est-ce qu'il est en retard encore?
14:06Non, Suzy, Pedro est à l'hôpital.
14:10Et aujourd'hui, nous allons le visiter.
14:14C'est l'hôpital.
14:16Peppa et ses amis sont venus visiter Pedro Pony.
14:19Rappelez-vous, enfants, restez proches de moi.
14:22Je ne veux pas que vous soyez perdus.
14:24Oui, Mme Gazelle.
14:26Excusez-moi, M. Poule,
14:28quel est le chemin vers le jardin des enfants?
14:31Vers les escaliers, les deux portes,
14:33à droite, à gauche, à droite, dans le corridor,
14:35sur les escaliers, la troisième à gauche.
14:38Ou vous pouvez juste prendre la gauche.
14:43Le jardin des enfants!
15:14Voulez-vous dessiner sur mon plastocastre?
15:17Oui, s'il vous plaît.
15:19Les enfants dessinent sur le plastocastre de Pedro.
15:23Je dessine un football.
15:25Je dessine des fleurs.
15:27M. Potato.
15:29Un oiseau.
15:31Et je dessine un poteau.
15:34Wow! Merci, tout le monde.
15:37Vous pouvez dessiner sur mon plastocastre aussi.
15:40Ok, je dessine une petite fleur.
15:43Merci, Pedro.
15:45Pedro, comment est-ce d'être à l'hôpital?
15:48C'est génial!
15:50Comment sont les soignants?
15:52Ils me donnent des stickers.
15:55Et ils viennent quand j'appuie sur ce bouton.
16:00Qui est-ce, je me demande?
16:02Est-ce... Pedro?
16:04Que voulez-vous, Pedro?
16:06Nous sommes très occupés.
16:08J'ai un peu de douleur.
16:10Même si votre jambe a du douleur,
16:13nous ne pouvons pas enlever le plastocastre jusqu'à ce que votre jambe soit meilleure.
16:17Ce n'est pas ma jambe qui a du douleur.
16:20C'est mon oreille.
16:22Est-ce mieux?
16:24Oui, merci.
16:26C'est l'heure du déjeuner.
16:28Que voulez-vous manger aujourd'hui, Pedro?
16:30Pouvez-vous m'offrir des spaghettis et de la poudre à la poudre, s'il vous plaît?
16:34Vous allez avoir votre dîner au lit?
16:36Au lit? Oui!
16:39Hmm, ça a l'air délicieux!
16:41Le Docteur Brown Bear vient voir comment Pedro va.
16:45Comment allons-nous aujourd'hui, Pedro?
16:47Mon oreille a un peu de douleur, juste ici.
16:53Hmm, je dirais que vous êtes presque mieux.
16:59La visite est terminée.
17:01Au revoir, Pedro!
17:03Au revoir, tout le monde!
17:05Oui, Madame Gazelle!
17:09C'est un autre jour à l'école.
17:11Peppa et ses amis jouent dans le playground.
17:14Madame Gazelle, ma poudre a disparu.
17:18Pouvez-vous m'en offrir une autre?
17:20Vous n'avez pas besoin d'une poudre, Peppa.
17:22Votre oreille est meilleure.
17:24Oh, oui!
17:27Bonjour, tout le monde!
17:28Pedro Pony est de retour.
17:30Oh, bonjour, Pedro!
17:32Où est votre plastique?
17:34Ils l'ont enlevé parce que ma poudre est meilleure.
17:38Votre poudre est plus forte maintenant?
17:40C'est plus forte qu'avant!
17:43C'est une super-poudre!
17:45Pouvez-vous courir sur elle?
17:47Regardez ça!
17:51Pedro aime courir et s'amuser.
17:54Tout le monde aime courir et s'amuser.
17:57C'est l'été!
17:58C'est l'été!
17:59Le poisson grand-père a fait une poudre au chocolat.
18:02Est-ce que tout le monde est prêt?
18:04Non, grand-père!
18:05Freddy Fox n'est pas là!
18:10Bonjour, tout le monde!
18:11Bonjour, Freddy!
18:13Ah, bonjour, Mr. Fox!
18:16Vous restez?
18:17J'aimerais bien!
18:18J'aimais les poudres quand j'étais petit.
18:21À plus tard, Freddy!
18:22Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:23Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:24Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:25Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:26Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:27Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:28Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:29Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:30Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:31Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:32Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:33Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:34Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:35Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:36Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:37Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:38Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:39Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:40Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:41Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:42Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:43Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:44Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:45Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:46Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:47Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:48Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:49Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:50Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:51Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:52Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:53Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:54Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:55Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:56Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:57Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:58Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
18:59Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:00Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:01Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:02Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:03Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:04Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:05Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:06Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:07Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:08Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:09Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:10Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:11Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:12Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:13Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:14Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:15Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:16Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:17Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:18Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:19Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:20Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:21Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:22Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:23Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:24Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:25Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:26Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:27Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:28Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:29Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:30Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:31Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:32Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:33Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:34Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:35Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:36Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:37Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:38Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:39Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:40Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:41Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:42Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:43Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:44Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:45Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:46Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:47Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:48Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:49Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:50Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:51Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:52Au revoir, Mr. Fox!
19:53It was really fun!
19:55But it was a bit easy.
19:57It wasn't easy for the little ones.
20:02George, Richard and Edmund haven't found any eggs.
20:08I wonder where the other eggs are.
20:13Choccy egg!
20:15Choccy egg!
20:18Ah, Edmund, I think there's something behind your ear.
20:26Everyone has found a chocolate egg.
20:29What do we do now, Grandpa Pig?
20:33You eat them, of course!
20:38Hello, children!
20:39Granny, Granny, we found all the chocolate eggs!
20:43But where are they? I can't see any eggs.
20:47They're in our tummies!
20:49And round your mouths!
20:54Did Grandpa hide the eggs well?
20:57No, we big ones found them easily.
21:00But the little ones needed helping.
21:05George, Richard and Edmund don't like to be the littlest ones.
21:10Don't worry, there'll soon be even littler ones in the garden.
21:14Oh, yes! The little babies! It's so exciting!
21:20Grandpa already told us about the baby plants, Granny.
21:25But it's not that exciting.
21:27We're not talking about baby plants, Peppa.
21:30Oh, what are you talking about?
21:33Let's go and see Jemima, Vanessa, Sarah and Neville.
21:37They're chickens!
21:39Yes! And they have eggs too.
21:42Can we eat them?
21:43No, Freddy. These eggs are about to hatch.
21:50Oh, we're just in time!
21:53The baby chicks are hatching.
21:57Aww, baby chicks!
22:01Now the chicks have hatched, it really is springtime.
22:06Let's pretend to be baby chicks.
22:08Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!
22:11I'm a little chick singing, Chirp, chirp, chirp!
22:14I like to pick up food with my beak, beak, beak!
22:18I've a fluffy yellow head and a straw for my bed
22:22And I jump up and down singing, Chirp, chirp, chirp!
22:28Miss Rabbit's Helicopter
22:31Peppa and her family have come to the summer fete.
22:34Look! A display of rescue vehicles!
22:37Grand-dad Dog is showing his pick-up truck.
22:40This is the sound my pick-up truck makes.
22:45Mummy Sheep is showing the fire engine.
22:48This is the sound the fire engine makes.
22:52And Miss Rabbit is showing her rescue helicopter.
22:55This is the sound my helicopter makes.
22:58Helicopter reversing. Helicopter reversing.
23:02Helicopter reversing. Helicopter reversing.
23:07Would you like to go for a ride?
23:09Yes, please!
23:10Okay, hop in!
23:13Oh dear, there's no room for me.
23:16Never mind, I'll watch from the ground.
23:18Daddy Pig doesn't like heights.
23:22We're going up in the air!
23:25Yes, it can go straight up.
23:29It can go straight down.
23:34It can even loop-a-loop.
23:40Poor Daddy, he's missing all the fun.
23:43Yes, poor Daddy.
23:45One ice cream, please.
23:49That's nice.
23:51Maybe we should land now.
23:53Emergency! Emergency!
23:55Emergency! Calling rescue helicopter!
23:58I'm on my way!
24:00You're in luck! We've got a job to do!
24:03Mr Bull is digging up the road.
24:05Moo! Hello, Miss Rabbit!
24:09I've got a big metal pipe that needs lifting!
24:13Okay, Mr Bull!
24:15How can you lift that big pipe?
24:18With my big magnet!
24:24What are you going to do with the pipe?
24:27Um, I'm not really sure.
24:30I know! I'll put it down here where someone can easily find it.
24:36Now I can give you a lift home!
24:39But what about Daddy?
24:45Daddy Pig, can you make your own way home?
24:48Miss Rabbit is giving us a lift!
24:51Daddy! Daddy! We went up and down!
24:55And round and round!
24:57Oh! Oh! I'm really sad to have missed that!
25:00See you back at home!
25:05Who put that pipe there?
25:09I know! I'll take a shortcut!
25:12Hmm! It's a bit muddy!
25:16Come on, car! Daddy Pig needs to get home!
25:21Daddy Pig is stuck!
25:23I'll ring the granddad dog's pickup truck!
25:30Hello! Breakdown recovery!
25:33I'm stuck in the mud! Can you come and rescue me, please?
25:36Sorry, Daddy Pig! I'm stuck in the mud!
25:39Can you come and rescue me, please?
25:41Sorry, Daddy Pig! I'm moving a big metal pipe that some maniac has left in the road!
25:47I'll pass you on to the next rescue service!
25:52Hello! Fire service!
25:54I'm stuck in the mud! Can you rescue me, please?
25:57Sorry, Daddy Pig! I'm rescuing a tortoise that's stuck up a tree!
26:02Calm down, Tiddles!
26:04I don't know why you like lime trees! You're a tortoise!
26:09Don't worry, Daddy Pig! I'll pass you on to the highest rescue service in the land!
26:18What's that noise?
26:21I'm flying!
26:23Miss Rabbit's helicopter has rescued Daddy Pig!
26:27Hurray! Lucky Daddy gets a helicopter ride after all!
26:32Shall we show him what my helicopter can do?
26:36It can go straight up!
26:40It can go straight down!
26:44It can even move the loop!
26:50Everyone likes going up and down and round and round in Miss Rabbit's helicopter!
26:57Baby Alexander
26:59Peppa and George's cousins are coming to visit today!
27:03Mummy! How long before Cousin Chloe is here?
27:07Not long now, Peppa! Baby Alexander is coming too, remember?
27:11Oh! Babies cry all the time! They're so noisy!
27:16I'm sure Baby Alexander won't be that noisy!
27:22What's that sound?
27:25What's that sound?
27:27Is it a car alarm?
27:29Is it a fire engine?
27:31No! It's Baby Alexander!
27:35Hello, Peppa! Hello, George!
27:38Hello, Cousin Chloe!
27:40Hey! Hello, everyone!
27:42Hello, Uncle Pig!
27:44Hello, Auntie Pig!
27:46You remember Baby Alexander, don't you, Peppa?
27:54Are you staying for a few days?
27:56No! This is what Alexander needs for just one day!
28:00Can't go anywhere without all these baby things!
28:05Hello, Baby Alexander!
28:07He can't talk, Peppa!
28:09If he can't talk, then how do you know what he wants?
28:13We guess!
28:16I'm guessing he's hungry!
28:18Peppa, would you like to help feed Alexander?
28:22Yes, please!
28:25It is lunchtime for Baby Alexander!
28:28Cousin Peppa is going to feed you today, Alexander!
28:32Here you are, baby!
28:34Oh! Here it is!
28:38He keeps turning his head!
28:41Feeding Baby Alexander is quite hard!
28:45Watch this! Here comes the aeroplane!
28:52Alexander likes it if you pretend the spoon is an aeroplane!
28:56You have a go, Peppa!
28:58Here comes the aeroplane!
29:02Open your mouth and in through the doors!
29:08That was an aeroplane!
29:10Can you say aeroplane?
29:13I told you, he can't talk!
29:16He hasn't even said his first word yet!
29:19Peppa, do you remember what your first word was?
29:24It was mummy!
29:26I thought Peppa's first word was daddy!
29:29No, mummy!
29:31What was George's first word?
29:35George's first word was dinosaur!
29:39Somebody looks like they had a good lunch!
29:42Yes, bath time, I think!
29:45Baby Alexander is having a bath!
29:50This is Mr. Dinosaur! Can you say dinosaur?
29:55Go, go!
29:56He can't talk, Peppa!
29:59But he will talk one day!
30:02Then you'll know what he wants!
30:04What do you want to do now, Alexander?
30:07Go, go!
30:09I think he wants to go for a walk!
30:12He can't walk yet, but he can go out in his buggy!
30:19That's a clever little buggy!
30:22Yes, five gears, mudguards and ABS as standard!
30:26Blah, blah, blah!
30:28That's how daddies talk!
30:31Alexander likes it when you talk, Peppa!
30:34That's because I am very interesting!
30:38This is the sky! Can you say sky?
30:42Go, go!
30:44The sky is where rain comes from! Can you say rain?
30:49Rain is good for ducks and plants and making muddy puddles!
30:59Look, Alexander! I'm jumping up and down in a puddle!
31:04I love jumping up and down in puddles!
31:09Alexander has said his first word! Puddles!
31:16And I taught him to say it! Puddles!
31:24Grumpy Rabbit's Lighthouse!
31:27Peppa, George and Danny are having a day out on their own!
31:31Peppa, George and Danny are having a day out on Grandad Dog's boat!
31:36Can we go to Pirate's Island today?
31:39Yes, Danny! But first, we've got to deliver supplies to my friend, Grumpy Rabbit!
31:45Where does Grumpy Rabbit live?
31:48On a rock!
31:49On a rock?
31:50Yes! In that lighthouse!
31:54Ahoy there, matey! I've brought your supplies!
31:59Oh, thank you, Grandad Dog!
32:01I've got my crew with me today! Danny, Peppa and George!
32:06Visitors? I haven't had visitors in many a moon!
32:11I get a bit lonely with just the sea and sky for company!
32:16How long have you been here?
32:18Since Tuesday!
32:20I've got tales to tell, if you'd like to hear!
32:24No, thanks!
32:25Yes, please!
32:26Well, there's the sea and the sky and...
32:29I'm learning the banjo! Would you like to hear a song?
32:32No, thanks!
32:33Yes, please!
32:34I got up this morning, the sea was still there, so was the sky!
32:42The sea, the sky, the sea, the sky...
32:44Here's your cheese!
32:46Oh! I've missed cheese!
32:48And a new book!
32:49How to Run a Lighthouse! Oh, that'll come in handy!
32:53Why is your house called a lighthouse?
32:56I'll show you, Peppa!
32:58The staircase goes round and round to the very top of the lighthouse!
33:03Round and round and round!
33:06It's called a lighthouse because it has this big light at the top!
33:13It shines through the dark, helping sailors to find their way!
33:18And when it's foggy, I use this foghorn!
33:25That's loud!
33:27No fog today, just sea and sky!
33:30The stories I could tell!
33:32No, thank you! We've got to go!
33:35We're sailing to Pirate Island!
33:38Goodbye, Grumpy Rabbit!
33:40Enjoy the sea and the sky!
33:43We will!
33:46Grandad Dog's boat has arrived at Pirate Island!
33:50Look! Our sandcastle is still here!
33:53Let's play hide-and-seek!
33:55Okay! One, two, three, four, five...
33:58There are not many places to hide on Pirate Island!
34:01Ready or not, here I come!
34:05Found you!
34:07Now, where's George?
34:10Grandad Dog cannot find George anywhere!
34:13I give up! Where is he?
34:16George was hiding behind Grandad Dog!
34:19Clever George!
34:21Let's set off home before it gets dark!
34:27Oh, it is getting dark!
34:30Don't worry! The light from Grumpy Rabbit's lighthouse will show us the way home!
34:36Grumpy Rabbit is ready for bed!
34:39My new book, How to Run a Lighthouse, chapter one!
34:45I'll read the rest tomorrow.
34:48Oh, where did the light go?
34:58Do you know what time it is? I've just turned the lights out!
35:02Yes, we know! Could you turn the big light on again?
35:06Oh, sorry!
35:11It is getting foggy!
35:13I can't see the light anymore!
35:16It's us again! Could you sound the foghorn?
35:20Of course!
35:24I can hear something!
35:26Grumpy Rabbit is guiding them home!
35:29His voice is a foghorn!
35:31This way home!
35:34The parents are here to pick up the children!
35:37Have you had a lovely time?
35:39We went to Pirate Island!
35:41And to a lighthouse!
35:43Grumpy Rabbit's lighthouse guided us home safely!
35:47That's nice!
35:48Grumpy Rabbit sang a song! Would you like to hear it?
35:53No, thanks!
35:54Yes, please!
35:55I got up this morning!
35:57The Secret Club!
36:00Peppa has come to play with Suzy Sheep!
36:03Hello, Suzy!
36:05Hello, Peppa!
36:06Why have you got that mask on your face?
36:09So people don't know it's me!
36:12I'm in a Secret Club!
36:15Can I be in your Secret Club?
36:18It's not easy to get into!
36:21You have to say the secret word!
36:24What word?
36:29Right! You're in!
36:33Danny Dog has come to play!
36:36Hello, Peppa! Hello, Suzy!
36:41I'm in a Secret Club!
36:43I'm in it too!
36:46Pedro Pony, Candy Cat and Rebecca Rabbit have come to play!
36:53Suzy and Peppa are in a Secret Club!
36:56Can we join your Secret Club?
36:59It's very hard to get into!
37:02You have to say the secret word!
37:10That's not the word I said!
37:12It changes all the time to keep it secret!
37:16Are we in the Secret Club now?
37:19You're in!
37:20What do we do?
37:22We do secret things in secret!
37:25And secretly go on secret missions!
37:30I don't know what you're talking about!
37:32Show us how you do a secret mission!
37:35Yes! Show us!
37:37Peppa can do it!
37:39You've got the mask on, Suzy!
37:42OK! My secret mission is to get biscuits!
37:46Watch this!
37:49Suzy Sheep is trying not to be seen!
37:56Mummy, can I have some biscuits for my friends, please?
38:00Of course! Here you are!
38:02Thank you, Mummy!
38:05Suzy Sheep has returned with the biscuits!
38:13Did anyone see you?
38:16Well, only a grown-up!
38:18Look out!
38:20Would you like some juice to go with your biscuits?
38:23What biscuits?
38:24The biscuits I just gave you for your friends!
38:27Oh, Suzy!
38:29What's the matter?
38:30We're in a secret club doing secret things!
38:33And Suzy's told everyone!
38:36Oh, can I be in your secret club, please?
38:39Please? I've always wanted to be in a secret club!
38:43It's very hard to get into!
38:45You must say the secret word!
38:48Which is?
38:49Pick a needle noodle!
38:51Pick a needle noodle?
38:53That's it! You're in!
38:56What happens now?
38:58Look out!
39:00It's Daddy Pig!
39:02You talk to my daddy!
39:04But don't say anything about our secret club!
39:08Hello! Ah, there you are, Mummy Sheep!
39:12What's new?
39:13Uh, um, uh, uh, secret club!
39:16Oh, no!
39:18Oh, I always wanted to be in a secret club!
39:21Can I join, please?
39:22You can't join, Daddy, because you are grown-up!
39:26Uh, my mummy is grown-up!
39:29Well, you have to know the magic word!
39:33Which is?
39:34Papadiddle doodle dum!
39:37Papadiddle doodle dum?
39:39You're in!
39:41What do I do now?
39:42Look out!
39:43It's Mummy Pig!
39:45Follow Mummy in secret!
39:52Daddy Pig!
39:53Ah, hello, Mummy Pig!
39:55What are you doing in that bush?
39:57Um, uh, secret club!
40:01I've always wanted to be in a secret club!
40:04We can't have everyone in the secret club!
40:07It wouldn't be a secret!
40:10I suppose it doesn't have to be a secret secret club!
40:15It can be the everybody secret club!
40:19And everybody can be in it!
40:22Oh, goody!
40:27This rabbit's day off!
40:30Peppa, George and Suzy Sheep have had a sleepover at Rebecca Rabbit's house.
40:35It's fun having carrots for breakfast, Mummy Rabbit!
40:40Yes, we always have carrots for breakfast!
40:43I could eat carrots all day, but I'd better go to work!
40:47Have a nice day!
40:49Mummy Rabbit, why don't you work?
40:52I do work, Suzy!
40:54Who do you think looks after these two little bunnies?
40:56You do, Mummy!
40:58And you can help me by tidying up your toys, please, before someone trips over them!
41:04That'll be my sister!
41:07Hello, Miss Rabbit!
41:10I can't stop long! I've got lots of work to do today!
41:13I've got the supermarket checkout, the ice cream stall and the bus to drive!
41:18See you later then, sister!
41:20Bye, sister!
41:24Miss Rabbit has tripped over one of Richard's toys!
41:27Oh, my ankle!
41:29I can still hop to work!
41:31No, you stay here and get better!
41:34But I've got so much work to do!
41:36I'll do your work for you!
41:38Which job is first?
41:40The supermarket!
41:42Rebecca, look after your auntie!
41:44Yes, Mummy!
41:47Mummy Rabbit has arrived at the supermarket!
41:50Thank goodness you're here, Miss Rabbit!
41:53Miss Rabbit is ill!
41:54I'll be doing her job today!
41:56Are you not Miss Rabbit?
41:58No, I'm her sister, Mummy Rabbit!
42:00Is this where I sit?
42:02Er, yes!
42:03Have you ever worked a checkout before?
42:07How much is this?
42:08Oh, I don't know!
42:10I've got a voucher!
42:11Do you take book tokens?
42:12Can I pay with a card?
42:16Susie Sheep is dressed up in her nurse's costume!
42:19Don't worry, I'm only a pretend nurse!
42:22Stick your tongue out and say,
42:29Rebecca Rabbit's house!
42:31Who's speaking, please?
42:33It's Mummy Rabbit!
42:34Is everything okay?
42:37Good, because this job is going to take me all day!
42:40What about Miss Rabbit's other jobs?
42:43We'll need more help!
42:49Miss Rabbit's ice cream stall!
42:52Why are you buying an ice cream?
42:55Oh, Peppa!
42:56I was on the way to the gym
42:58when I thought an ice cream would be nice!
43:01Miss Rabbit is ill!
43:03You've got to sell the ice cream today!
43:06Oh, oh!
43:07I'm an expert at ice cream!
43:10Can I have a cherry ice cream?
43:18With pistachio and strawberry, please!
43:24It's melted!
43:25How about ice cream soup instead?
43:33Grandad Dog's breakdown service!
43:36Miss Rabbit is ill!
43:38Can you drive a bus today?
43:41Of course, Peppa!
43:46All aboard!
43:51Mummy Sheep's car has broken down!
43:57Grandad Dog's breakdown service!
44:00Can you rescue me, please?
44:02I'll be straight there!
44:05We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to your journey!
44:12Driving a bus is quite hard!
44:15Selling ice cream is quite hard!
44:18Running a supermarket checkout is quite hard!
44:26I'm feeling better!
44:27Can I get up now?
44:30You must lie very still!
44:32But please keep breathing!
44:37Are you feeling any better, Miss Rabbit?
44:39It's not easy doing all your jobs!
44:42It's not easy looking after your little bunnies!
44:45You will be back to work tomorrow, won't you?
44:48And you'll be back at home, won't you?
44:55Peppa, George and Granny Pig are going out for a day on Grandpa Pig's boat!
45:02Ahoy there, Peppa and George!
45:05We're ready to go sailing!
45:07I'll move the boat a bit nearer!
45:10Careful you don't hit that big stone!
45:13Careful you don't hit that big stick, Grandpa!
45:16That's a mooring post! I won't hit it!
45:22Grandpa, there's a big hole in your boat!
45:26It's just a scratch!
45:30Grandpa's boat is sinking!
45:33Quick, Grandpa Pig, jump off!
45:36A captain never leaves his sinking ship!
45:41Grandpa Pig's boat has sunk to the bottom of the river!
45:46It is Grandad Dog!
45:49Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig! Lovely day for a sail?
45:53Ahoy there!
45:56I'm taking my boat to the boatyard today, going to get a few repairs done!
46:00Would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard too, please?
46:05Of course!
46:07Where is your boat?
46:09I'm standing on it!
46:12Has it sunk?
46:14Well, a little bit!
46:16I'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago!
46:19What? It's a better boat than that rust bucket of yours!
46:25Grandad Dog and Grandpa Pig are very best friends!
46:29Catch this, Captain!
46:30Aye, aye, Skipper!
46:33Grandad Dog's truck has lifted Grandpa Pig's boat out of the water!
46:40Next stop, the boatyard!
46:43What's a boatyard?
46:46A boatyard, Peppa, is where broken boats get mended!
46:52This is Grampy Rabbit's boatyard!
46:55Ahoy there, me hearties!
46:58Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig!
47:01Ahoy there, Grampy Rabbit!
47:04Who did that to your boat, Grandpa Pig?
47:08Um, someone drove it into a mooring post!
47:11It went crash and made a big hole there!
47:16You should never let other people steer your boat, Grandpa Pig!
47:20Uh, yes! Can you mend it?
47:23Of course! I just need to size up the damage!
47:26Grampy Rabbit is measuring the hole in Grandpa Pig's boat.
47:30Now I need to find something to patch it up!
47:33It must be good to know how to mend a boat!
47:36It takes years to learn how to mend a boat!
47:40How long have you been mending boats?
47:44Grampy Rabbit has collected lots of scrap metal to mend boats with.
47:49Now this is a gold mine!
47:52It's a pile of rubbish!
47:54But you can make things from piles of rubbish!
47:58Like what?
47:59Like submarines!
48:02Grampy Rabbit has made a submarine out of rubbish!
48:05Does it actually work?
48:07Watch this!
48:10It fills up with water, so it's very good at going down, but not so good at coming back up.
48:17Now this is what I've been looking for!
48:20It's a washing machine!
48:23It's the fix for Grandpa Pig's boat, is what it is!
48:28You're going to mend my boat with a bit of washing machine?
48:38That's as good as new!
48:42Now we test it!
48:44Prepare for launch!
48:46Aye aye!
48:50Amazing! It floats!
48:52You sound surprised!
48:54Yes, usually they sink on the first go!
48:57Now we can go for our day on the river!
49:01What a splendid idea!
49:03This is the life out on a boat with just the sea and the sky!
49:10I know a song about the sea and the sky, do you want to hear it?
49:15No thank you!
49:16Yes please!
49:17I got up this morning, the sea was still there, so was the sky!
49:27Shake, rattle and bang!
49:33Today children, we are going to learn about instruments that you shake, rattle and bang!
49:41First, choose an instrument each from the music room!
49:48I've got drums!
49:50They are called bongo drums Danny, you bang them with your hands like this!
49:59I've got a flat bongo drum!
50:02That is a boran, it is Irish, you beat it with a little stick like this!
50:09I've got a tambourine!
50:12Very good Pedro! You can also shake it like this!
50:18I've got a big drum!
50:21Ah, the bass drum!
50:24I don't know what this is called, but it's creepy!
50:28That candy is called a kiro, and it comes all the way from South America!
50:35How did it get here?
50:37I brought it back from my holiday!
50:39What are these?
50:41They are maracas, I brought them back from my holiday in Spain!
50:46This is a triangle!
50:48My dad sells these in boxes of ten!
50:53Thank you Freddy, I will remember that!
50:55You don't need to go on holiday to get them!
50:58Thank you!
51:00What are these?
51:02These are castanets!
51:04My dad sells them in boxes of five!
51:09Olé! That is how you play the castanets!
51:13Here you are Emily!
51:15Do I have to do the dance?
51:17No, just make the clickety-clack noise!
51:23Ah, I see Rebecca has cymbals!
51:28Now you know what your instruments sound like, we can play them!
51:34Now you know what your instruments sound like, we can play them all together!
51:40Steady go!
51:43Stop, stop, stop!
51:45That is not music, that is just noise!
51:49Anybody can bang, bang, bang, but to make music, you have to listen to each other and keep in time!
51:57Madame Gazelle, I can't listen and do music!
52:01Can you clap?
52:04If you can clap, you can make music!
52:08All the girls, please copy me!
52:12Now, boys!
52:17Madame Gazelle has made the clapping into music!
52:20And... stop!
52:23Now, we will learn how to play our instruments together!
52:29The parents have come to pick up the children!
52:32Ah, you're just in time!
52:34May I present the Shake, Rattle and Bang Orchestra!
52:40Children, ready, steady, go!
52:54Perhaps some of my old pupils would like to join in too!
52:59Find your instruments, children!
53:02Yes, Madame Gazelle!
53:04Madame Gazelle used to teach all the mummies and daddies when they were little!
53:09It's quite hard, daddy, but you do it like this!
53:14Let me see if I've got that right!
53:19Daddy, you can play the drums!
53:22I am a bit of an expert at drumming!
53:27That's good Shake, Rattle and Banging!
53:30Now, for a tune!
53:32My daddy can shake, rattle and bang!
53:38Champion Daddy Pig!
54:03It's a long jump!
54:05It's a new world record!
54:09Mummy, what's a world record?
54:12It means you're best in the world at something!
54:15Then, you are a champion and your name goes in a book!
54:19There are champions for running, jumping, swimming...
54:24I wish you were in the book, daddy!
54:27I am in the book!
54:30Yes! Daddy Pig is Champion Puddle Jumper!
54:35No one has beaten me yet!
54:37I don't think they ever will!
54:39The next event is the Puddle Jump!
54:45That was a very big splash!
54:48In fact, I think...
54:49Yes! It's a new world record!
54:55Daddy, you're not the champion anymore!
54:59Everyone will be sad!
55:01Ho! Ho! I'm sure they've got more important things to worry about, Peppa!
55:07Daddy Pig, you lost the world record!
55:10Everyone wants you to be champion again!
55:12It's important!
55:16Ok, I'll do it!
55:20But I'll have to train myself to jump in muddy puddles again!
55:24Everyone knows how to jump in muddy puddles!
55:28But not everyone is a champion, Peppa!
55:31Daddy Pig is the master!
55:35Daddy, are you going to practice jumping up and down?
55:39No, Peppa!
55:40I must be at one with the puddle!
55:44To jump in a puddle, I must think like a puddle!
55:48Do you need to do running?
55:51Do you need to do press-ups?
55:54Do you need to do press-ups?
55:58I need to sleep and dream about puddles!
56:03It is the day of the big puddle jump!
56:06Daddy Pig is wearing his puddle jumping costume!
56:10I can't find my golden boots!
56:12I gave those old boots to Grandpa for his gardening!
56:15My lucky golden boots to be used as gardening boots!
56:20You've got other ones!
56:22It's not the same!
56:27Grandpa, remember those old boots I gave you?
56:31Uh, yes!
56:33Daddy needs them back urgently!
56:35You have been looking after them?
56:37Um, they have been watered!
56:40Grandpa Pig is growing tomatoes in Daddy's lucky boots!
56:45We need them for the puddle jump today!
56:48Right-o! I'll meet you there!
56:52Everyone has come to watch Daddy Pig's puddle jump!
57:00Please welcome your friend and mine, Mr. Potato!
57:08Good luck, Daddy Pig!
57:10Oh, but where are your lucky boots?
57:13Here they are!
57:15Thank you, Grandpa Pig!
57:17I can smell tomatoes!
57:20And now for Daddy Pig's puddle jump!
57:24Daddy Pig is thinking!
57:27Ready, steady, go!
57:31I must become one with the puddle!
57:34I must be the puddle!
57:42The puddle has gone!
57:45The puddle has gone over all of us!
57:48Daddy Pig has become one with the puddle!
57:51Everyone has become one with the puddle!
57:54It's a new world record!
57:59Champion Daddy Pig!
58:01And who is this?
58:03I'm Peppa Pig!
58:05One day, I will be the champion puddle jumper!
58:09I've been training her!
58:11Ah, to be trained by the master!
58:14What have you learned?
58:16If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots!
