Peppa Pig English Episodes (1)

  • le mois dernier


00:30C'est le club secret de tout le monde
00:33Et tout le monde peut y être
00:35Oh, que c'est bien !
00:41Le jour du déjeuner des lapins
00:43Peppa, George et Susie Sheep ont eu un déjeuner à la maison de Rebecca
00:48C'est amusant d'avoir des carottes pour le déjeuner, maman lapin
00:53Oui, nous avons toujours des carottes pour le déjeuner
00:56J'aurais pu manger des carottes toute la journée, mais je devrais aller au travail
01:00Bonne journée !
01:01Au revoir !
01:02Maman lapin, pourquoi tu ne travailles pas ?
01:05Je travaille, Susie !
01:07Qui penses-tu que regarde ces deux petits lapins ?
01:09C'est toi, maman !
01:12Et tu peux m'aider en nettoyant tes jouets, s'il te plaît, avant que quelqu'un ne les traverse
01:18C'est ma soeur !
01:19Bonjour !
01:20Bonjour, madame lapin !
01:22Maman !
01:24Je ne peux pas m'arrêter ! J'ai beaucoup de travail à faire aujourd'hui
01:27J'ai le dépôt du supermarché, l'assiette d'ice-cream et le bus à conduire
01:32A plus tard, soeur ! Au revoir, soeur !
01:36Quoi ?
01:38Mme lapin a tombé sur l'un des jouets de Richard
01:40Oh, mon pied ! Je peux toujours monter au travail
01:44Non, tu restes ici et tu vas mieux
01:47Mais j'ai tellement de travail à faire !
01:50Je vais faire le travail pour toi. Quel est le premier travail ?
01:53Le supermarché
01:54D'accord. Rebecca, regarde après ta tante
01:57Oui, maman
02:01Maman lapin est arrivé au supermarché
02:03Merci de Dieu que tu sois là, Mme lapin
02:06Mme lapin est malade
02:07Je vais faire son travail aujourd'hui
02:09Tu n'es pas Mme lapin ?
02:11Non, je suis sa soeur, Maman lapin
02:14C'est ici que je m'assoie ?
02:15C'est ici que je m'assoie ?
02:17Est-ce que tu as déjà travaillé avant ?
02:21Combien c'est ?
02:22Oh, je ne sais pas
02:24J'ai un soutien
02:25Prends-tu des tokens ?
02:26Peux-je payer avec une carte ?
02:30La chèvre de Suzy est habillée comme une infirmière
02:33Ne t'inquiète pas, je ne suis que une infirmière
02:37Écrase ta langue et dis ah
02:43La maison de Mme lapin
02:45Qui parle, s'il te plaît ?
02:47C'est Maman lapin
02:48Tout va bien ?
02:51C'est bien parce que ce travail va me prendre tout le jour
02:54Qu'est-ce qu'il y a des autres travail de Mme lapin ?
02:57J'ai besoin de plus d'aide
03:03La boutique de la crème d'acier de Mme lapin
03:05Daddy !
03:06Pourquoi tu achètes une crème d'acier ?
03:09Oh, Pepper, je suis allé au gym
03:12Quand j'ai pensé qu'une crème d'acier serait agréable
03:15Mme lapin est malade
03:17Tu dois vendre la crème d'acier aujourd'hui
03:20Oh oh, je suis un expert en crème d'acier
03:24Est-ce que je peux avoir une crème d'acier au lait ?
03:27La fraise, le vanille, le chocolat, la banane
03:31Avec la pistache et la fraise, s'il te plaît
03:34Ah, la fraise
03:37Oh, elle a fondu
03:39Qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'autre que la crème d'acier ?
03:47Service de réparation des chiens de grand-père
03:50Mme lapin est malade
03:52Peux-tu conduire un bus aujourd'hui ?
03:55Bien sûr, Pepper
03:58Grand-père, grand-père
04:00Nous avons trouvé les oeufs au chocolat
04:02C'était vraiment amusant
04:04Mais c'était un peu facile
04:06Ce n'était pas facile pour les petits
04:12George, Richard et Edmund n'ont pas trouvé d'oeufs
04:18Je me demande où sont les autres oeufs
04:22Les oeufs au chocolat
04:23Ah, les oeufs au chocolat
04:26Les oeufs au chocolat
04:31Ah, Edmund, je pense qu'il y a quelque chose derrière tes oreilles
04:39Tout le monde a trouvé un oeuf au chocolat
04:42Qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant, grand-père Pig ?
04:45Tu les manges, bien sûr
04:51Bonjour, enfants
04:52Grand-mère, grand-mère, nous avons trouvé tous les oeufs au chocolat
04:55Mais où sont-ils ? Je ne vois pas d'oeufs
04:59Ils sont dans nos poumons
05:01Et autour de votre bouche
05:07A-t-il bien caché les oeufs, grand-père ?
05:09Non, nous les avons trouvé facilement
05:12Mais les petits ont besoin d'aide
05:16Georges, Richard et Edmund n'aiment pas être les petits
05:21Ne vous inquiétez pas, il y aura bientôt des petits dans le jardin
05:26Oh oui, les petits bébés, c'est tellement excitant !
05:32Grand-père nous a déjà parlé des petits plantes, grand-mère
05:37Mais ce n'est pas si excitant
05:39Nous ne parlons pas des petits plantes, Peppa
05:42Oh, qu'est-ce que vous parlez ?
05:45Allons voir Jemima, Vanessa, Sarah et Neville
05:49Ils sont des oeufs !
05:51Oui, et ils ont des oeufs aussi
05:54Pouvons-nous les manger ?
05:56Non, Freddy, ces oeufs sont en train de cacher
06:02Oh, nous sommes juste en temps
06:06Les petits sont en train de cacher
06:09Oh, les petits oeufs !
06:13Maintenant que les oeufs ont caché, c'est vraiment l'été
06:18Faisons preuve d'être des petits oeufs
06:21Oeufs, oeufs, oeufs, oeufs
06:24Je suis un petit oeuf chantant oeufs, oeufs, oeufs
06:27J'aime manger avec ma bouche, bouche, bouche
06:31Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:35Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:38Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:41Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:44Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:47Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:50Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:53Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:56Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
06:59Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:02Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:05Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:08Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:11Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:14Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:17Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:20Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:23Je suis un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf, un petit oeuf
07:26Oh mon dieu, il n'y a pas d'espace pour moi
07:29N'importe quoi, je vais regarder du sol
07:31Le chien de père n'aime pas les hautes
07:35Oui, on va en haut dans l'air
07:38Oui, il peut aller en haut
07:43Il peut aller en bas
07:48Il peut même bouger
07:53Pauvre père, il manque tout le plaisir
07:56Oui, pauvre père
07:58Une cuillère d'acai, s'il vous plaît
08:01Hmm, c'est bien
08:04Peut-être qu'on devrait tomber maintenant
08:07Émergence, émergence! Appelez l'hélicoptère de rescue
08:11Je suis en route
08:12Vous avez de la chance, nous avons un boulot à faire
08:15Mr Bull est en train d'aller en haut
08:19Bonjour, Mme Rabbit
08:22J'ai un gros tuyau de métal qui manque de poids
08:26D'accord, Mr Bull
08:28Comment pouvez-vous enlever ce gros tuyau?
08:30Avec mon gros magnet
08:38Que faites-vous avec le tuyau?
08:41Hum, je ne suis pas vraiment sûr
08:44Je sais, je vais le mettre ici où quelqu'un peut le trouver facilement
08:50Maintenant, je peux vous donner un lift à la maison
08:53Mais qu'est-ce qu'il se passe avec père?
08:59Père Pig?
09:00C'est demain, il vaut mieux allumer la lumière
09:04Oh, où est allumée la lumière?
09:08Vous savez quelle heure c'est? J'ai juste allumé la lumière
09:11Oui, nous le savons
09:13Pouvez-vous allumer la grande lumière de nouveau?
09:16Oh, désolé!
09:21Il fait froid
09:23Je ne vois plus la lumière
09:27C'est nous de nouveau
09:28Pouvez-vous allumer le foghorn?
09:30Bien sûr
09:38Je peux entendre quelque chose
09:40Grampy Rabbit les guide à la maison
09:43Son voix est un foghorn
09:45De cette façon à la maison!
09:48Les parents sont là pour prendre les enfants
09:51Avez-vous passé un bon moment?
09:52Nous sommes allés à l'île des pirates
09:55Et à la lumière
09:56La lumière de Grampy Rabbit nous a guidé à la maison en sécurité
10:00C'est gentil
10:01Grampy Rabbit a chanté une chanson
10:04Voulez-vous l'entendre?
10:06Non, merci!
10:07Oui, s'il vous plaît!
10:08Je vais chanter ce matin
10:11Le club secret
10:14Peppa vient jouer avec Susie Sheep
10:17Bonjour, Susie
10:18Bonjour, Peppa
10:20Pourquoi avez-vous ce masque sur votre visage?
10:23Pour que les gens ne sachent pas que c'est moi
10:25Je suis dans un club secret
10:28Peux-je être dans votre club secret?
10:32Ce n'est pas facile d'y entrer
10:34Vous devez dire le mot secret
10:37Quel mot?
10:42C'est bon, vous êtes dans le club!
10:46Danny Dog vient jouer
10:49Bonjour, Peppa
10:50Bonjour, Susie
10:54Je suis dans un club secret
10:56Moi aussi
10:59Pedro Pony, Candy Cat et Rebecca Rabbit viennent jouer
11:06Susie et Peppa sont dans un club secret
11:09Peux-je être dans votre club secret?
11:12C'est très difficile d'y entrer
11:15Vous devez dire le mot secret
11:22Ce n'est pas le mot que j'ai dit
11:24Ça change tout le temps pour le garder secret
11:28Est-ce qu'on est dans le club secret maintenant?
11:31Vous êtes dans!
11:32Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
11:34On fait des choses secrètes en secret
11:37Et on y va en secret sur des missions secrètes
11:42Je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez
11:44Montrez-nous comment vous faites une mission secrète
11:47Oui, montrez-nous!
11:49Peppa peut le faire
11:51Vous avez le masque, Susie
11:54Ok, ma mission secrète est d'acheter des biscuits
11:58Regardez ça!
12:01Susie Sheep essaie de ne pas être vue
12:08Maman, peux-je avoir des biscuits pour mes amis?
12:12Bien sûr, ici vous en avez
12:14Merci maman
12:17Susie Sheep has returned with the biscuits
12:25Did anyone see you?
12:28Well, only a grown-up
12:30Look out!
12:32Would you like some juice to go with your biscuits?
12:35What biscuits?
12:36The biscuits I just gave you for your friends
12:39Oh, Susie!
12:41What's the matter?
12:43We're in a secret club doing secret things
12:46And Susie's told everyone
12:49Oh, can I be in your secret club please?
12:52Please? I've always wanted to be in a secret club
12:56It's very hard to get into
12:58You must say the secret word
13:01Which is?
13:03Pick a needle noodle
13:05Pick a needle noodle?
13:07That's it, you're in
13:09What happens now?
13:11Look out!
13:13It's Daddy Pig
13:15You talk to my daddy
13:17But don't say anything about our secret club
13:21Hello! Ah, there you are Mummy Sheep
13:25What's new?
13:26Uh, um, uh, uh, secret club
13:29Oh no!
13:31Oh, I always wanted to be in a secret club
13:34Can I join please?
13:36You can't join daddy because you are grown-up
13:39Uh, my mummy is grown-up
13:42Well, you have to know the magic word
13:46Which is?
13:48Papadiddle doodle dum
13:50Papadiddle doodle dum?
13:52You're in
13:54What do I do now?
13:55Look out!
13:57It's Mummy Pig
13:58Follow mummy
14:00Can you make your own way home?
14:02Miss Rabbit is giving us a lift
14:06Daddy, daddy
14:08We went up and down
14:10And round and round
14:12Oh, oh, I'm really sad to have missed that
14:15See you back at home
14:21Who put that pipe there?
14:24I know, I'll take a shortcut
14:30Hmm, it's a bit muddy
14:33Come on car, Daddy Pig needs to get home
14:38Daddy Pig is stuck
14:40I'll ring the granddad dog's pickup truck
14:47Hello, breakdown recovery
14:50I'm stuck in the mud, can you come and rescue me please?
14:53Sorry Daddy Pig, I'm moving a big metal pipe
14:57That some maniac has left in the road
15:00I'll pass you on to the next rescue service
15:05Hello, fire service
15:07I'm stuck in the mud, can you rescue me please?
15:10Sorry Daddy Pig, I'm rescuing a tortoise that's stuck up a tree
15:14Calm down Tiddles
15:16I don't know why you like climbing trees
15:19You're a tortoise
15:21Don't worry Daddy Pig
15:23I'll pass you on to the highest rescue service in the land
15:30What's that noise?
15:34I'm flying
15:36Miss Rabbit's helicopter has rescued Daddy Pig
15:40Lucky Daddy gets a helicopter ride after all
15:45Shall we show him what my helicopter can do?
15:49It can go straight up
15:53It can go straight down
15:56It can even move the loop
16:02Everyone likes going up and down and round and round in Miss Rabbit's helicopter
16:12Baby Alexander
16:14Peppa and George's cousins are coming to visit today
16:18Mummy, how long before cousin Chloe is here?
16:23Not long now Peppa
16:25Baby Alexander is coming too, remember?
16:27Oh, babies cry all the time
16:30They're so noisy
16:32I'm sure Baby Alexander won't be that noisy
16:38What's that sound?
16:40Is it a car alarm?
16:42Is it a fire engine?
16:44No, it's Baby Alexander
16:48Hello Peppa, hello George
16:51Hello cousin Chloe
16:53Hello everyone
16:55Hello Uncle Pig
16:57Hello Aunty Pig
16:59You remember Baby Alexander, don't you Peppa?
17:08Are you staying for a few days?
17:10No, this is what Alexander needs for just one day
17:14Can't go anywhere without all these baby things
17:18Hello Baby Alexander
17:20He can't talk Peppa
17:22If he can't talk, then how do you know what he wants?
17:26We guess
17:29I'm guessing he's hungry
17:31Peppa, would you like to help feed Alexander?
17:35Yes please
17:38It is lunchtime for Baby Alexander
17:41Cousin Peppa is going to feed you today Alexander
17:45Here you are baby
17:48Oh, here it is
17:52He keeps turning his head
17:55Feeding Baby Alexander is quite hard
17:58Watch this
17:59Here comes the aeroplane
18:05Alexander likes it if you pretend the spoon is an aeroplane
18:09You have a go Peppa
18:11Here comes the aeroplane
18:15Open your mouth and in through the doors
18:21That was an aeroplane
18:23Can you say aeroplane?
18:26I told you, he can't talk
18:29He hasn't even said his first word yet
18:32Peppa, do you remember what your first word was?
18:37It was mummy
18:39I thought Peppa's first word was daddy
18:42No, mummy
18:44What was George's first word?
18:49George's first word was dinosaur
18:52Somebody looks like they had a good lunch
18:55Yes, bath time I think
18:58Baby Alexander is happy
19:01You will be back to work tomorrow, won't you?
19:05And you'll be back at home, won't you?
19:09Grumpy Rabbit's Boat Guard
19:12Peppa, George and Granny Pig are going out for a day on Grandpa Pig's boat
19:17Ahoy there, Peppa and George
19:20We're ready to go sailing
19:22I'll move the boat a bit nearer
19:25Careful you don't hit that big stick, Grandpa
19:28That's a mooring post, I won't hit it
19:36Grandpa, there's a big hole in your boat
19:40It's just a scratch
19:43Grandpa's boat is sinking
19:47Quick, Grandpa Pig, jump off
19:50A captain never leaves his sinking ship
19:56Grandpa Pig's boat has sunk to the bottom of the river
20:01It is Grandad Dog
20:04Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig
20:06Lovely day for a sail
20:08Yes, ahoy there
20:10I'm taking my boat to the boatyard today
20:13Going to get a few repairs done
20:15Would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard too, please?
20:20Of course
20:21Where is your boat?
20:23I'm standing on it
20:26Has it sunk?
20:28Well, a little bit
20:30I'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago
20:33What? It's a better boat than that rust bucket of yours
20:39Grandad Dog and Grandpa Pig are very best friends
20:43Catch this, Captain
20:44Aye, aye, Skipper
20:50Grandad Dog's truck has lifted Grandpa Pig's boat out of the water
20:56Next stop, the boatyard
21:00What's a boatyard?
21:02A boatyard, Peppa, is where broken boats get mended
21:08This is Grampy Rabbit's boatyard
21:12Ahoy there, me hearties
21:14Ahoy there, Grampy Rabbit
21:17Who did that to your boat, Grandpa Pig?
21:21Someone drove it into a mooring post
21:24It went crash and made a big hole there
21:29You should never let other people steer your boat, Grandpa Pig
21:33Er, yes, can you mend it?
21:36Of course, I just need to size up the damage
21:39Grampy Rabbit is measuring the hole in Grandpa Pig's boat
21:43Now I need to find something to patch it up
21:47It must be good to know how to mend a boat
21:50It takes years to learn how to mend a boat
21:54How long have you been mending boats?
21:58Grampy Rabbit has collected lots of scrap metal to mend boats with
22:03Now this is a gold mine
22:06It's a pile of rubbish
22:08But you can make things from piles of rubbish
22:12Like what?
22:13Like submarines
22:16Grampy Rabbit has made a submarine out of rubbish
22:20Does it actually work?
22:21Watch this
22:24It fills up with water
22:26So it's very good at going down
22:29But not so good at coming back up
22:32Now this is what I've been looking for
22:35It's a washing machine
22:37It's the fix for Grandpa Pig's boat is what it is
22:42You're going to mend my boat with a bit of washing machine?
22:49That's as good as new
22:53Now we test it
22:56Prepare for launch
22:58Aye aye
23:02Amazing, it floats
23:04You sound surprised
23:06Yes, usually they sink on the first go
23:09Now we can go for our day on the river
23:13What a splendid idea
23:15What a splendid idea
23:17This is the life out on a boat with just the sea and the sky
23:24I know a song about the sea and the sky
23:27Do you want to hear it?
23:29No thank you
23:30Yes please
23:31I got up this morning
23:33The sea was still there
23:36So was the sky
23:41Shake, rattle and bang
23:44Peppa and her friends are at playgroup
23:47Today children we are going to learn about instruments that you shake, rattle and bang
23:55First choose an instrument each from the music room
24:03I've got drums
24:05They are called bongo drums Danny
24:07You bang them with your hands like this
24:11I've got a flat bongo drum
24:14That is a boran, it is Irish
24:17You beat it with a little stick like this
24:21I've got a tambourine
24:24Very good Pedro
24:26You can also shake it like this
24:32I've got a big drum
24:34Ah the bass drum
24:37I don't know what this is called but it's creepy
24:41That candy is called a kiro and it comes all the way from South America
24:48How did it get here?
24:50I brought it back from my holiday
24:52What are these?
24:54They are maracas
24:56I brought them back from my holiday in Spain
25:00This is a triangle
25:03My dad sells these in boxes of ten
25:07Thank you Freddy I will remember that
25:10You don't need to go on holiday to get them
25:13Thank you
25:15What are these?
25:16These are castanets
25:18My dad sells them in boxes of five
25:22Thank you Freddy
25:27That is how you play the tambourine
25:30That is how you play the castanets
25:33Here you are Emily
25:35Do I have to do the dance?
25:37No, just make the clickety clack noise
25:42Ah I see Rebecca has cymbals
25:48Now you know what your instruments sound like
25:51We can play them all together
25:54Steady go
25:57Stop stop stop
25:59That is not music
26:01That is just noise
26:03Anybody can bang bang bang
26:05But to make music you have to listen to each other and keep in time
26:10Madame Gazelle I can't listen and do music
26:15Can you clap?
26:18If you can clap you can make music
26:22All the girls please copy me
26:26Now boys
26:30Madame Gazelle has made the clapping into music
26:34And stop
26:37Now we will learn how to play our instruments together
26:43The parents have come to pick up the children
26:46Ah you are just in time
26:48May I present the shake rattle and bang orchestra
26:53Children ready steady go
27:03Perhaps some of my old pupils would like to join in too
27:08Find your instruments children
27:11Yes Madame Gazelle
27:13Madame Gazelle used to teach all the mummies and daddies when they were little
27:18It's quite hard daddy but you do it like this
27:23Let me see if I've got that
27:26Daddy you can play the drum
27:29I am a bit of an expert at drumming
27:35That's good shake rattle and banging
27:38Now for a tune
27:57My daddy can shake rattle and bang
28:05Champion daddy pig
28:07Peppa and her family are watching sport on television
28:13It's a long jump
28:15It's a new world record
28:19My daddy can shake rattle and bang
28:23World record
28:26Mummy what's a world record?
28:29It means you're best in the world at something
28:32Then you are a champion and your name goes in a book
28:35There are champions for running, jumping, swimming
28:40I wish you were in the book daddy
28:43I am in the book
28:46Yes daddy pig is champion puddle jumper
28:51No one has beaten me yet
28:53I don't think they ever will
28:55The next event is the puddle jump
29:03This is mister dinosaur
29:06Can you say dinosaur?
29:08Go go
29:10He can't talk Peppa
29:12But he will talk one day
29:15Then you'll know what he wants
29:18What do you want to do now Alexander?
29:20Go go
29:22I think he wants to go for a walk
29:25He can't walk yet but he can go out in his buggy
29:32That's a clever little buggy
29:35Yes, five gears, mudguards and ABS as standard
29:39Blah blah blah
29:41That's how daddies talk
29:44Alexander likes it when you talk Peppa
29:47That's because I am very interesting
29:52This is the sky
29:54Can you say sky?
29:56Go go
29:58The sky is where rain comes from
30:01Can you say rain?
30:03Rain is good for ducks and plants
30:07And making muddy puddles
30:10Peppa has found a big muddy puddle
30:13Look Alexander
30:15I'm jumping up and down in a puddle
30:21I love jumping up and down in puddles
30:26Alexander has said his first word, puddles
30:31Hurray puddles
30:33And I taught him to say it, puddles
30:39Grampy Rabbit's Lighthouse
30:44Peppa, George and Danny are having a day out on Grandad Dog's boat
30:49Can we go to Pirate's Island today?
30:52Yes Danny, but first we've got to deliver supplies to my friend Grampy Rabbit
30:59Where does Grampy Rabbit live?
31:01On a rock
31:03On a rock?
31:04Yes, in that lighthouse
31:08Ahoy there matey
31:10I've brought your supplies
31:13Thank you Grandad Dog
31:15I've got my crew with me today
31:17Danny, Peppa and George
31:20Visitors? I haven't had visitors in many a moon
31:24I get a bit lonely with just the sea and sky for company
31:30How long have you been here?
31:32Since Tuesday
32:05Why is your house called a lighthouse?
32:09I'll show you Peppa
32:11The staircase goes round and round to the very top of the lighthouse
32:16Round and round and round
32:19It's called a lighthouse because it has this big light at the top
32:26It shines through the dark, helping sailors to find their way
32:32And when it's foggy, I use this foghorn
32:38That's loud
32:40No fog today, just sea and sky
32:44The stories I could tell
32:46No thank you, we've got to go
32:48We're sailing to Pirate's Island
32:51Goodbye Grampy Rabbit
32:54Enjoy the sea and the sky
32:57See you
33:00Grandad Dog's boat has arrived at Pirate Island
33:04Look, our sandcastle is still here
33:07Let's play hide and seek
33:09Ok, one, two, three, four, five
33:15Ready or not, here I come
33:19Found you
33:21Now, where's George?
33:24Grandad Dog cannot find George anywhere
33:27I give up, where is he?
33:30George was hiding behind Grandad Dog
33:33Clever George
33:35Let's set off home before it gets dark
33:41Oh, it is getting dark
33:44Don't worry, the light from Grampy Rabbit's lighthouse will show us the way home
33:50Grampy Rabbit is ready for bed
33:53My new book, How to Run a Lighthouse
33:56Chapter One
33:59I'll read the rest
34:05Daddy Pig
34:06Ah, hello Mummy Pig
34:08What are you doing in that bush?
34:10Um, a secret club
34:14I've always wanted to be in a secret club
34:17We can't have everyone in the secret club, it wouldn't be a secret
34:24I suppose it doesn't have to be a secret secret club
34:29It can be the everybody secret club
34:33And everybody can be in it
34:35Oh goody
34:41Miss Rabbit's day off
34:43Peppa, George and Suzy Sheep have had a sleepover at Rebecca Rabbit's house
34:48It's fun having carrots for breakfast, Mummy Rabbit
34:53Yes, we always have carrots for breakfast
34:56I could eat carrots all day, but I'd better go to work
35:00Have a nice day
35:01Bye bye
35:02Mummy Rabbit, why don't you work?
35:05I do work Suzy
35:07Who do you think looks after these two little bunnies?
35:09You do Mummy
35:12And you can help me by tidying up your toys please, before someone trips over them
35:18That'll be my sister
35:20Hello Miss Rabbit
35:22Miss Rabbit
35:24I can't stop long, I've got lots of work to do today
35:27I've got the supermarket check out, the ice cream stall and the bus to drive
35:32See you later then sister
35:34Bye sister
35:38Miss Rabbit has tripped over one of Richard's toys
35:41Oh, my ankle
35:43I can still hop to work
35:45No, you stay here and get better
35:48But I've got so much work to do
35:50I'll do your work for you
35:52Which job is first?
35:53The supermarket
35:55Ok, Rebecca, look after your auntie
35:58Yes Mummy
36:01Mummy Rabbit has arrived at the supermarket
36:04Thank goodness you're here Miss Rabbit
36:06Miss Rabbit is ill
36:08I'll be doing her job today
36:10Are you not Miss Rabbit?
36:12No, I'm her sister, Mummy Rabbit
36:14Is this where I sit?
36:16Er, yes
36:17Have you ever worked a check out before?
36:21How much is this?
36:22Oh, I don't know
36:24I've got a voucher
36:25Do you take book tokens?
36:26Can I pay with a card?
36:30Suzie Sheep is dressed up in her nurse's costume
36:33Don't worry, I'm only a pretend nurse
36:37Stick your tongue out and say, ah
36:44Rebecca Rabbit's house
36:45Who's speaking please?
36:47It's Mummy Rabbit
36:48Is everything ok?
36:51Good, because this job is going to take me all day
36:54What about Miss Rabbit's other jobs?
36:57We'll need more help
37:03Miss Rabbit's ice cream stall
37:05Daddy, why are you buying an ice cream?
37:08Oh, Peppa, I was on the way to the gym
37:12when I thought an ice cream would be nice
37:15Miss Rabbit is ill
37:18You've got to sell the ice cream today
37:21Ho, ho, I'm an expert at ice cream
37:24Can I have a cherry ice cream?
37:27Er, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, banana
37:32With pistachio and strawberry, please
37:35Ah, strawberry
37:37Oh, it's melted
37:40How about ice cream soup instead?
37:48Grandad Dog's breakdown service
37:51Miss Rabbit is ill
37:53Can you drive a bus today?
37:56Of course, Peppa
