Johnny Wactor's Coworker Says Fight For Justice Not Over Until Convictions

  • last month
Johnny Wactor’s coworker -- who was with him the night he was murdered -- is overcome with emotion about his alleged killers getting arrested, but says the actor's family won’t find peace until the suspects receive the maximum punishment.


00:00We've had this like stagnant grief where we haven't been able to really heal or fully
00:09understand what just happened to us, you know, and LAPD had to do the things tactically the
00:16way that they have to do them.
00:17There hasn't been a lot of information given to us, nor can we give out.
00:21So it's been a really quiet journey as far as that's concerned.
00:26And then I met with Scarlett, Johnny's mother, right after City Hall the other day.
00:32And even though they had good feelings about, you know, what they did that day and speaking
00:37and everything, we just had this, you know, kind of like, oh man, like what's next?
00:42Like how long is this going to drag out for, you know?
00:45And part of our ambition has been to get answers before Johnny's birthday, which is August
00:51And then 48 hours later, it's like, bam, arrests, like it's happening.
00:58And I can't tell you the amount of like, just mixed thing of like joy and grief and everything
01:07kind of was able to be finally like unleashed, you know?
01:10How have you been doing since, you know, since this and, you know, just emotionally?
01:16Um, well,
01:23this changed my life.
01:32Give me a moment.
01:36You know, we're out here doing the best we can do.
01:39It's really expensive to live in L.A.
01:41And even Johnny being an actor, you know, he's out there bartending because he's good at
01:45it. And he's a people person and he enjoyed it, you know?
01:48And I was taken from him and taken from me because of
01:53just recklessness and people caring more about money than they care about the safety of
01:59their employees. Yeah, it changed my life.
02:03Basically, what would be justice?
02:07Seeing these guys like heavily, heavily convicted, I understand that they have a really,
02:12really large bail right now for each individual, not just for the some of them.
02:18So that's really positive on our on our end.
02:20We were really worried that they were going to be underage because I, I realize that in
02:25the scene that they were very young, but I didn't know, you know, they were fully
02:29covered. So I didn't know exactly how young.
02:31But that was a concern of ours where like, are they going to be child or tried as adults
02:36or not? You know, so everybody is an adult.
02:39And we're so during the during the time of the crime.
02:43So that's positive for us.
02:45And then also their bail is extremely high for each individual.
02:49That's very positive for us.
02:52But we're going to keep pursuing this like we're not done.
02:54We're not stepping back. We're not.
02:56OK, now we can sit on the couch and, you know, breathe.
02:59It's it's not over yet until these guys are actually convicted.
03:04At the highest extent of the law, you know, we're going to keep fighting for that.
03:08His family and friends are fighting for that, too.
03:10It's not it's not just about who we lost.
03:12Our guy, you know, it's like we're this could be anybody.
03:16It could have been me. It could have been anyone else in that circumstance.
03:19We want no more Johnny's.
03:21We have a really, really strong case to really fight against the laws of L.A.
03:27and make things change for everybody.
