• 2 months ago
Enders 19th August 2024


00:00You all right, mate?
00:25Tell me you didn't go home.
00:27You pay him. They've had my wallet, haven't they?
00:31Yeah, I tried. I'm sorry, Dad.
00:35You can't keep showing your face around there, kid. Keep telling you that.
00:39Yeah, I'll take a look at that.
00:42Go on. Go on. Go and get yourself fresh enough. Go on. I'll sort this.
00:48Everything all right?
00:50Yeah. You know how it goes. Young lads scrapping over a bit of skirt.
00:55All right. I'll match.
00:57Anyway, you've got your own problems to be worried about.
01:01Beardy bloke. Looks like he wants to keep you in his loft, turn you into soup.
01:07I thought you could trust him. He won't make that same mistake again.
01:10Nor will anyone else.
01:12If we don't get that money back today, then Rhys is a dead man.
01:27Oh, you're up. I was wondering you might show your face.
01:30Oh, I was going to get milk. Hang on, let me get you some money.
01:33No, you're fine. Goodbye, my baby sister, milk and bread, right?
01:37And, can I have a chocolate?
01:46Right. I'm off. I'll see you later.
01:50Where are you going?
01:52I've got a meeting in town.
01:54You're up too much tonight.
01:56Why? Are you angling for me to cook?
01:58No, I'm just wondering if you need me to disappear, in case your new girlfriend comes over again.
02:02I know, it's just me. So, we'll get a takeaway or something, if you like?
02:08All right. Hands off my cereal.
02:10All right.
02:19Decaf cappuccino to go, please, Barney.
02:21Yeah. Oh, I saved you some of them Belgian buns, if you like.
02:24Well, actually, Barney, can I just have a hot water? I'm trying to save up.
02:29Oh, I get you. Felix wanted to take me to Brighton for my birthday,
02:33but, you know, Brighton's a B&B, and not that I was feeling...
02:36Twelve o'clock, Rhys. And I ain't marrying a bear.
02:39There you go. On the house.
02:51Can I just see you?
02:56Wakey, wakey, old man. Rise and shine.
03:22Poor Ben. And how was Lexi?
03:25Well, she was putting on a brave face for him, you know,
03:28telling him all about the American sweets we picked up at the airport.
03:31Ian decided to stay another week, you know, to try and sort things out.
03:35I told Cindy. Do you know, I could swear she was thrilled not to have him home.
03:39Oh, lovely. Is that my decaf cappuccino?
03:42Actually, I'm so sorry. It's just hot water.
03:44You went to the caf for hot water?
03:47I was thinking we could go out today, maybe get a train somewhere, make a day event.
03:51We can later, darling. Besides, you know, we've got to save where we can.
03:55We've got a wedding to pay for.
03:58You're not, are you?
04:00We're engaged.
04:02Oh, Sonny, congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
04:05About time and all. I'm up with the baby and everything.
04:08Oh, I wish everyone would take it as well as you.
04:11Debbie's parents turned up again last week, shouting the odds about Debbie's life insurance.
04:16I mean, they barely even visited her in the last few years.
04:18As if he ain't suffering enough.
04:20Well, the woman's been in a coma for years. I mean, he's allowed to move on.
04:24I think they saw the ring.
04:26Yeah. Not like it's hers, is it?
04:40Black coffee, please, Brownie.
04:42Yeah, of course. I'll bring it over.
04:48So, he back at the flat?
04:51No. He's gone into town for a meeting.
04:54What meeting? I don't know.
04:56Look, I really don't feel right spying on him.
04:59He's been buying me pastries and stuff.
05:01Oh, a couple of croissants and you're swapping sides already?
05:04So what if he's got a new woman?
05:07That was me 25 years ago, Gina.
05:10You should have seen him lose it the other day.
05:12He needs to focus on his family, not some side piece,
05:15otherwise he's going to be the man in 2050
05:18wondering why he doesn't see his boy anymore.
05:25Just try and get a look at his phone.
05:29See if this woman's serious.
05:35You have got to go and see your recovery coordinator and talk to her rehab.
05:39And he'll be fine with me.
05:40I should be there.
05:42Listen, darling, like the dentist said, it's just a routine procedure.
05:45Go and see if the little lady's ready, yeah?
05:49Apparently, it was his grand dream, not Debbie's, even though she wore it.
05:54You know, Linda almost backed out of taking this down when you was away.
05:59Dean offered her a deal.
06:01She's got a meeting about her rehab today.
06:03We don't need her talking to anyone else.
06:05Well, she's more likely to let something slip if she's blind drunk.
06:08As soon as she gets help about it.
06:10Don't stop on my account.
06:12Look, we all just want you to get better, Linda.
06:15Hey, sweetheart, you're going to be good for Grandma,
06:19and I'll be back soon with lots and lots of cuddles.
06:24Just give us a minute, Sharon, all right?
06:30Can I have a word?
06:32Kath, whatever it is, I ain't got time, all right?
06:35It's about Ben.
06:37It was just a can of chocolate.
06:39No need to buy me lunch.
06:41Yeah, but Mum would do herself first, wouldn't she?
06:45Have you got a pic from Xavier's birthday party?
06:47I just can't get a picture of his face.
06:55Did he get any cake in his mouth?
06:57I'll send them over to you.
06:59Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:01Right, get the pies in, I'll be back in a second, yeah?
07:15What can I get you?
07:17That's Judy's phone, isn't it?
07:21Look, Dad wanted me to find out who his new fancy woman is.
07:24Oh, so Georgie's getting you to do his dirty work, is he?
07:26No, he just...
07:28He doesn't want a woman in his life.
07:30You know, like he did.
07:32I see.
07:34You sure?
07:36No, just grab your wine.
07:38Coming up.
07:45What are you talking about? I spoke to him a few days ago.
07:48Well, he's putting on a brave face, isn't he?
07:50He did it for Lexi and all.
07:52You should see him, though, Phil.
07:54He's lost weight again.
07:56He's not sleeping, I know he's not.
07:58And this appeal of his, he's barely getting off the ground.
08:01So what about his brief?
08:03Useless, apparently.
08:04Ian stayed out there to try and find him someone else.
08:07Listen, er...
08:09I'll call the prisoner, all right?
08:11He won't want to talk to you.
08:15Well, he don't want anyone to know.
08:17I mean, he's got Lexi to think of, Callum.
08:19And he probably thinks you'd fly off the handle and make everything worse.
08:22Just don't let him know that I've said anything.
08:24Phil, we need to talk about...
08:26I've got to go, I've got to go.
08:28What's happened with Phil's boy?
08:30Sorry, but what's it got to do with you?
08:32Oh, just asking, that's all.
08:34Because if he is bound for blood,
08:36then we're your friendly neighbourhood account,
08:38and he's going to get it on the neck.
08:47Look, I am sorry, you know.
08:49I explained to Cathy that it was your grandmother's ring.
08:52It's not that.
08:54Well, what is it then?
08:56Look, I just think...
08:58I mean, this should be the happiest time of our lives.
09:00We got engaged, we're having a baby.
09:02People are always going to talk.
09:04What if we got away, you know, just for a few days?
09:06A week, maybe, or even two?
09:08A month, by the coast, it'll do anyone the world of good.
09:10Listen, I've told you.
09:12If we run away, it makes us look guilty.
09:14Just keep winning everything.
09:16You're still grieving, Rhys.
09:18Listen, we could still go and grab lunch, you know, in town somewhere.
09:21If we go right now...
09:23What has gotten into you?
09:25Open the door!
09:27Phil knows.
09:31There's no investment.
09:34And I said I'd pay him back.
09:38Rhys! Open the door!
09:43Oh, what time do you call this?
09:46You're resting, right?
09:48Oh, look, I can't stay in this house a second longer.
09:50I'm absolutely sweltering.
09:52I've had to give my hand to Lily for Charlie.
09:54It's the first sunny day we've had.
09:56And that's not going to help.
09:58Well, there's nothing on the television,
10:00just back-to-back holiday programmes
10:01flipping Greek islands and infinity pools
10:04and sipping pina coladas on the beach.
10:06Do you think that we might possibly get away sometime this year?
10:10Well, I've got enough sunshine here, haven't we?
10:12A bacon butty on a stinky market
10:15breathing in the smoggy fumes from the tube.
10:18Now, the last holiday I had was imbalanceable with little Mo,
10:22and we could barely afford a bag of chips between us.
10:25Right, are we going then, or what?
10:27We could maybe stop off at the travel agents
10:29and pick up a few brochures and...
10:31No, no, no, no. You need to rest your back,
10:33and I've got a shift on the switch I have to cover.
10:37But later, for sure, all right?
10:39And hey, if we're going to book a holiday,
10:41I need all the dough I can get, don't I?
10:43I won't get up to you.
10:45I promise. Tonight.
10:49Go home.
10:54Riggs, open the door, now!
10:56Open the door!
10:59I told you I want my money, do you hear me?
11:01Phil, mate, he's going for a wave.
11:03There you are, you...
11:05How can he have a conversation
11:07if you're banging the door down like the bleeding Gestapo?
11:09Sonia, stay out of this.
11:11No, no, she's right. Maybe we should...
11:13Yeah, you can shut up and all.
11:15Lay one finger on him and I'm calling the police.
11:17Yeah, you can tell him about your thieving boyfriend, can't you?
11:19No one is calling the police,
11:21and no one is putting anyone else in hospital.
11:23You promised Jamie you'd look after me.
11:25You swore that to him.
11:27But you two just go, OK? I'll deal with him.
11:29Now go, please, Phil.
11:31Come on, mate.
11:39I think you'd better put the kettle on, don't you?
11:56Just so you know,
11:57it was Gina's idea to go to the pie shop.
11:59You know she's spying on you, don't you, George?
12:01You what?
12:03He wants to know how serious you are about this new woman,
12:05and if it's going to stop you
12:07from getting back together with Monique.
12:10Right, well, I'll sort it.
12:14It's going to be even harder for us to sneak around
12:16if you've got someone spying on you in your own home.
12:18Yeah, well, I can't turf her out
12:20after she's barely unpacked her bags.
12:22I said I'll sort it.
12:24Right, well, if you're not man enough
12:25to find us an alternative,
12:27I'll just have to do it myself.
12:29Won't I?
12:33When Keone stole from the business,
12:35you came straight to me.
12:37Yet here we are,
12:39barely a year later,
12:41and you're doing the exact same thing yourself.
12:43Now, I defended you
12:45when Phil wasn't sure about this investment.
12:48Teddy might be talking him down,
12:51but I think you'd be safe in police custody.
12:53He was desperate, Sharon.
12:55But, Sonia, I knew
12:57we'd never have turned a blind eye to theft.
13:00Look, we lost the baby we thought we were having.
13:03He just wanted to get that back for me.
13:06We've got an early scan tomorrow
13:08just to check everything's OK.
13:10We'll pay you back.
13:12I promise.
13:14Rhys just lost his wife.
13:16If it wasn't for me,
13:18he'd be falling into the ground.
13:20What Sonia means is
13:22Debbie had a life insurance policy.
13:23We're just waiting for them
13:25to dot the I's and cross the T's
13:27and the money will be yours.
13:29I promise.
13:31The money comes to us
13:33as soon as the policy comes in.
13:35Now, I'm doing this for you and your baby,
13:38not for him.
13:50Life insurance.
13:51Life insurance.
13:53We don't know if
13:55Brenda and Hugh might get it stopped.
13:57It'll come through.
13:59All right?
14:05So you're going to go to America then?
14:07I can't, can I?
14:09I've got a criminal record.
14:13he don't want to see me.
14:15I think my boys,
14:17they'll always need their dad to keep them out of trouble.
14:19Yeah, well, your boys don't need to sign a visit
14:21to America long enough.
14:26you don't need all this ag with Rhys.
14:28So what?
14:30Just let him get away with it?
14:32He's hardly Ronnie Cray, is he?
14:34And he ain't worth your time right now.
14:36Why don't you let me handle it?
14:38Silly old cardigan man,
14:40he just needs a firm hand.
14:42I don't know.
14:44You want me to stay out of it, sweet,
14:46I'll stay out of it.
14:48But in my eyes, we're family
14:50You just focus on that boy of yours.
14:55I'll just get me my money back, yeah?
15:00Yeah, I need to speak to somebody about Ben Mitchell.
15:12Sorry I'm late, the time just went away from me.
15:14Well, I was thinking I was going to have to order a pie soon.
15:16He's been giving me a hard time.
15:17Oh, right, well,
15:19he's an Uber.
15:21If you're hungry, I could...
15:23I was joking, Harvey.
15:25Oh, yeah.
15:27Um, yeah.
15:29Here's my, um, my tickets for last night.
15:31Extra shift.
15:35We've already spent everything we've got this month on bills, so
15:38this'll be really useful for getting a bit of shopping in at least.
15:41Oh, I'm sorry, it ain't much.
15:43I'm taking all the extra work I can,
15:45but I'll get more.
15:47This is more than enough.
15:49Listen, um,
15:51I should go, cos I've got to cover a switch shift.
15:53Listen, Harvey, if this is all too much...
15:56No, no.
15:58No, I'll be in touch as soon as I can.
16:00All right?
16:14you go away for five minutes,
16:17Phil's got some kind of beef with Reece,
16:19Peter's left the pie shop and Bobby's now a manager.
16:21Well, someone had to take charge.
16:23Why are you swanned off?
16:25I was visiting my son in prison, Cindy.
16:27Hardly Disney-owned.
16:30Oh, by the way,
16:32Peter text.
16:34Lauren's made a big sale at the car lot.
16:36Oh, what's she want, a medal?
16:38Actually, we're thinking of inviting you all over for a drink at the Vic later,
16:41and I think he'd really like it if you were there.
16:42Peter wants you and Lauren to patch things up.
16:45I don't know.
16:47I think I've got another migraine coming on.
16:49Do you know what?
16:51I would give anything to have a drink with my son right now.
16:53OK, I'll try.
16:55I'll see how I feel.
16:56You have been so brave.
16:58You have.
17:00Mummy is so proud of you.
17:04I made you this, but maybe you can have some later.
17:06Tell you what,
17:08I'll go and fetch dinner.
17:28All right?
17:35Did everything go...
17:37Absolutely fine, just in and out.
17:41Everything go all right with your recovery coordinator?
17:46And you're all right to start with your private rehab, yeah?
17:49Etienne, yeah, yeah, he's happy.
17:51But, Mummy,
17:53are you sure you can afford this?
17:56It's not exactly spare change.
17:58You're my girl.
18:00I almost lost you last week.
18:02I can't tell you how scared I was.
18:04Nothing matters more than you getting better.
18:11Only two weeks till I take the stand.
18:14Don't feel like a long time.
18:16You'll get through it.
18:18It'll be worth it.
18:20Come on.
18:28Can you wait a couple more minutes, please?
18:46I see you're sulking.
18:50If you want to act like a child, I should treat you like a child.
18:53No more playdates.
18:55Hotel is off.
19:02I'm really sorry, but I won't be needing you anymore.
19:21You look a bit better than you did this morning.
19:23Yeah, I feel a bit better.
19:25Well, that'll teach you to hang about with the wrong crowd, won't it?
19:28Can we get you a drink?
19:30Go on, then. I'll have a white wine.
19:32H, you all right?
19:38So, how's he really doing?
19:41He's a bit shook up, but he's all right.
19:45And Phil?
19:47Well, you're a count and we live to fight another day.
19:51I'm going to give Phil the cash myself.
19:55And I'm going to deal with Rhys.
19:57Why would you do that?
19:59Well, because I'm going in all raging bull.
20:01I ain't going to get anyone's money back, is it?
20:03And Phil's happy about that?
20:05He's got a lot on his plate.
20:08Well, thank you.
20:10Supposedly, Rhys has got a big payout coming in.
20:13But what?
20:15I just need someone to keep him in line.
20:22Cheers, George.
20:24Nice one.
20:26To my little wheeler dealer and her first big sale.
20:31First of many, she hopes.
20:33Are you really going to be rolling in it once I start that new job, junior?
20:36Yeah, well, let's hope so, eh?
20:38To Lauren.
20:40To Lauren.
20:42Oh, Gran said you had a migraine, no?
20:44Oh, yeah, it's got now.
20:46Oh, that was lucky.
20:48Well done. Keep it up.
20:49Oh, Ben, cheers.
20:51I mean, it might just be a beginner's luck, but I'll take it.
20:53Cindy, is that a good idea?
20:56Just because of how many migraines you've been having.
20:58Just leave it, Bob.
21:02Dad heads up.
21:05Mystery solved, eh?
21:07Are you separated, darling? Come on.
21:09What can I get you both?
21:13Yeah, two whiskies, please.
21:15Two whiskies, please.
21:17Two whiskies, please.
21:19Two whiskies, please.
21:52You alone?
21:54Guess what, Sonia's just hopped out.
21:56She needed some air.
21:58Listen, you can relax.
22:00Phil won't be coming back.
22:04Because I'm going to take on the debt.
22:07Now, any chance of a cup of tea?
22:09Hey. Hey!
22:11Let me get that. Let me get those.
22:13What are you playing at? You're meant to be resting.
22:15Oh, I just got a few bits in for dinner.
22:17Stacey's gone into the attic to get the fairy lights down
22:19and is stringing them round the garden
22:21and we're creating our own little Greek taverna.
22:26Oh, it's nothing.
22:28It's nothing.
22:30It's nothing.
22:32It's nothing.
22:34It's nothing.
22:36It's nothing.
22:38Look, Sarah,
22:40I've got an airport run.
22:42We're short, so I said I'd pick it up
22:44after I was done with the phones,
22:46but I'm just trying to keep the business going.
22:48I'll make it up to you, Jean? I swear.
22:50I've got these.
22:52Come on, don't be daft.
22:54That's what I've got them.
23:02Listen here,
23:06I just wanted to apologise.
23:08You have a day. While you're in the next room.
23:12Bad manners. Won't happen again.
23:15OK, thanks.
23:25I am too old for games.
23:28Oh, you mean Maxine?
23:31Look, I'm sorry I missed your text about the hotel, but this is important.
23:35I found Dad and Jane off the scent.
23:39If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous.
23:47Here you are.
23:49What's going on with Phil?
23:51Oh, nothing, just a few cross wires. You know what he's like.
23:58It's been a bit of a day.
24:01Listen, I am going to see if Elaine wants to host a little do with me tomorrow.
24:06An engagement party. I think we could all do with a little bit of happiness right now.
24:10But what will people think?
24:12Since when do we care what people think?
24:15Oh, go on then, thank you.
24:17Oh, you. You'll start me off.
24:20You keep your chin up, yeah? I'm going to go and talk to Elaine.
24:26It's not too late to get out of this.
24:28You've got that baby to think about now.
24:30What is that supposed to mean?
24:32It means I've tied myself to a lot of bad men, Sonia.
24:35Rhys isn't a bad man, and you know that.
24:37Can you honestly tell me you've never had a single doubt?
24:40Yes, I can. I love Rhys, and I trust him with my life.
24:58Well, you can pay me back in instalments.
25:01Or when your big payout comes in.
25:04And if your big payout don't happen to come in, then...
25:07Well, times are tough. You've got a little kid on the way.
25:10So I'm sure we can sort something out for you.
25:13But why would you help me?
25:15Well, I like you, Rhys.
25:18And Sonia.
25:20Both good people.
25:22Plus, I've got me fingers in a few pies, you know.
25:25Wouldn't be a bad thing to have a clever bit of accounting on my side.
25:29So I'll be working for you?
25:31No, you're getting it.
25:33Look, me and my lads, we've had a spot of trouble lately, and...
25:37..let's just say it wouldn't do us any harm to start afresh.
25:42But if you'd rather deal with Phil instead, that's totally up to you.
25:47Otherwise, I'll call you, and you answer.
25:53What do you say?
25:55We got a deal?