Shortland Street 7989 20th August 2024

  • last month


00:00This is our motorcycle patient.
00:25Tim Thornton, 28, suspect of TBI, a GCS of 5, hypertensive.
00:29Wearing a helmet?
00:30Oh, he was conscious on the scene, but then collapsed.
00:33I'll take over.
00:34Oh, but wait, there's more.
00:35Do you need a hand, Chris?
00:36I'm all good.
00:37We should escape while we can.
00:38We've got this covered, eh, mate?
00:39Yeah, totally.
00:40All right.
00:41Thanks, guys.
00:42Good night.
00:43You too.
00:44Feel the whiskey coming along.
00:45OK, I have removed a glass from Mrs Hexton's shoulder, and Cindy's completing the dressing.
00:52So, back to Wester.
00:53Did you really just roll over?
00:56I thought she'd fight tooth and claw for the MPC.
00:57Well, now we know what she's made of.
00:58What is happening to this place?
00:59Back to the revolution tomorrow.
01:00Who's next?
01:01Sally Mataira.
01:02She's a COPD patient, internet with increased shortness of breath.
01:03Give her five milligrams of sorbidinol.
01:04On it.
01:05Hi, Sally.
01:06I am Gia Te Atakura, one of the doctors here.
01:07You're finding it a bit hard to breathe?
01:10You're my doctor?
01:12You're Māori?
01:13I am.
01:15So, what's your name?
01:16Sally Mataira.
01:17And you?
01:18Sally Mataira.
01:19And you?
01:20Sally Mataira.
01:21And you?
01:22Sally Mataira.
01:28Sheesh, boss.
01:29If that doesn't cool for a drink, I don't know what does.
01:31OK, stop calling me boss, but yeah, first round's on me.
01:34No excuses, team.
01:35We've had a shocker.
01:36Let's go forget it.
01:37We might even drag Warner along.
01:41What's so funny?
01:42Oh, um, nothing.
01:44You on your way home?
01:46Tough shift?
01:48Well, hold that thought.
01:49Phil, I'll see you there, OK?
01:50Half an hour?
01:51You said something about juggling pages?
01:53Oh, yes, indeed.
01:56This one is surgical.
02:00This is ED.
02:02And HDU.
02:03That's the most important.
02:04Keep that one closest.
02:05I've only got two pockets.
02:07Well, luckily they've got little clips, right?
02:09Just be sure not to mix them up.
02:10You should be writing all this down.
02:11Where's your pen?
02:12Oh, I must have left it in my other scrubs.
02:14Ah, bravado.
02:16Very good antidote for nerves.
02:18I'm not nervous.
02:19Come on.
02:20It's your first night flying solo as the on-duty surgeon.
02:23You're only a phone call away, right?
02:25In theory.
02:26However, tonight I am not to be disturbed.
02:28I have very important plans for my long overdue evening with my wife.
02:33She has no idea yet.
02:36It's the key to a happy marriage, Phil.
02:38Getting quick before the disappointed looks.
02:40Well, good for you.
02:43It's a big night for an up-and-coming registrar.
02:45You finally get to hold the fort.
02:47Looking forward to it.
02:48I have given you all the tools to succeed.
02:50Now it's up to you to fly, little sparrow.
02:52Oh, that's my cue.
02:54Now, obviously, if there is a genuine crisis, do call.
02:57But, Phil...
02:59Don't call.
03:09Oh, I didn't think I'd see you back here so soon.
03:11Neither did I.
03:12Naz needed me all of a sudden.
03:13Oh, yeah, that's right.
03:14Mini-Cat tickets to that plane?
03:17Yeah, but they'll probably do a runaround.
03:19No, I meant I thought he had an emergency.
03:21Oh, well, I don't know.
03:22A love emergency?
03:23Hey, I'm team Mini all the way.
03:25We both know you were a little bit too clingy
03:27when she was trying to get out of your orbit.
03:29That's in the past, and I feel like you've learned
03:31a valuable lesson about respect and boundaries.
03:35This is Jim Edwards.
03:37Hi, Jim.
03:38I'm Phil.
03:39You're here for surgery?
03:41Had it.
03:42Post-op haemocollectomy.
03:44Drew was a surgeon.
03:53Hi, Elliot.
03:54I'm Phil.
03:55I'm one of the doctors here.
03:56How's that arm feeling?
03:58You're doing great, Elliot.
03:59Uh, temp?
04:00Uh, 36.5, and all of the obs are normal.
04:03OK, great.
04:04Well, if you need anything, just press the button.
04:08Where are we at with Mr. Linders?
04:10He's in HTU.
04:11He needs a review about after you've checked
04:13and Mr. Haveli and Mrs. Cowley and Mr. Hawke.
04:16Uh, Dr. Grayson, I need you to check on a patient urgently.
04:23Phil, I need you to chart more pain relief for Jim.
04:27Hey, Phil, do you have time to go see Abigail?
04:29I have IOPs tomorrow, and she's a little bit scared.
04:36He's vomiting everywhere!
04:43So, I have just been looking at the notes for your eye surgery.
04:48Isn't you.
04:49Sorry, as you were.
04:53Um, it won't be long till you can go home,
04:55but, um, you can't ride your bike for a while.
04:57Were you going very fast when you fell off?
05:00You know, I've been thinking about getting a bike.
05:02Some of the staff here are really into it.
05:08Are you OK?
05:09What's the matter?
05:10Do you need another pillow?
05:11You can tell me, Elliot.
05:12My job is here to help you.
05:15I peed myself.
05:17Oh, OK.
05:18That's no worries.
05:19We'll get you a fresh gown and some fresh sheets
05:21and I'll close the blinds and you can get changed.
05:23I'm sorry.
05:25Nothing to be sorry about, OK?
05:27These things happen.
05:28I'll be back in ten.
05:34Ka ora ake koe haiku anei.
05:36Ka ora ake koe haiku anei.
05:42You'll feel better soon.
05:44Points for you.
05:45No, I've still got lots to learn,
05:47but I started taking classes again
05:49after the war in the city all kicked off.
05:51Well, if enough people get motivated.
05:53Yeah, no more psyching off.
05:54Look where that got us.
05:57And hey, about the MPC.
06:00What if you got TK to make a statement about the closure?
06:02Yeah, we'll get him to bang some heads together.
06:04Go for it.
06:05Go running to my dad, you mean?
06:07Or you could go to the media yourself.
06:09You really think me running my mouth on national TV
06:12is going to do anything other than poke the right wing bear?
06:16I'm just saying it can't hurt to make some noise.
06:20You know, I'm Sally's first ever Māori doctor.
06:26So, in a way, it's progress that I'm here at all.
06:30Yeah, I get it.
06:31Talk's cheap, but...
06:33You must be angry.
06:35I've said my piece.
06:36I'd rather be spending my energy
06:38on people like Sally and Maihana.
06:40That's your abscess patient?
06:41Yeah, prime candidate for the MPC,
06:43but we worked with what we had and we got a result.
06:49Yeah, you ignore the haters.
06:51You do the mahi even though it's soul-destroying
06:54and you never let it riddle you.
06:56Just trying to do my job.
06:58What's going on?
07:00Date night.
07:01Good sleep?
07:04We wanted to share these gourmet treats with them.
07:06All your favourites.
07:07Oh, yeah.
07:09Real French champagne and flowers
07:11to remind you how much I adore you.
07:17You look like a million bucks.
07:19Do I?
07:20Like a goddess I haven't worshipped in far too long.
07:23Lay it on thick, why don't you?
07:25Get some plates.
07:33Hey, you haven't seen Elliot wandering around, have you?
07:36Do I look like an octopus?
07:38I don't know how to answer that.
07:40ED, wards, HDU.
07:41I don't have enough tentacles
07:43to be babysitting your patient as well.
07:45OK, well, if you see a boy about yay high
07:47and his name's Elliot,
07:48I've checked the wards, the toilets, the stairwells,
07:50I've checked the bathroom,
07:51I've checked the bathroom,
07:52I've checked the bathroom,
07:53I've checked the bathroom,
07:54I've checked the bathroom,
07:55I've checked the toilet, the stairwells.
07:56Have you told his parents?
07:57Not yet.
08:02I hate to interrupt,
08:03The what?
08:04Jim Edwards, the haemocolectomy.
08:07Yep, I remember.
08:09He's still struggling with his pain.
08:11OK, we'll give him another dose of morphine.
08:13I think he'd appreciate if you reviewed him.
08:15I don't have time.
08:16I've got two unstable patients in HDU.
08:18I'm juggling ward rounds.
08:19OK, well...
08:20And the central line I just placed is blocked.
08:23Great. I will find someone else.
08:25Wait. Sorry. I will get on top of this, I promise.
08:29I'll call Drew.
08:30No, don't.
08:32Look, I don't want to leave Jim like this.
08:34I'll get to it. OK, Nick, just let me handle this first.
08:43Well, I'm comfortable with sending you home unless you want to stay the night with us.
08:48I'll just get your paperwork sorted.
08:50I'll be back soon.
08:53If he's satisfied, customers will win.
08:57So what, you're not missing Chicago then?
08:59Oh, don't get me started on the US healthcare system.
09:03All the elections.
09:05Oh, yeah. Scary times.
09:07And, you know, here's where I feel like I can make a bit of a difference.
09:13Please, please, please, please, please, please.
09:21Elliot, do you want to come out here?
09:30Scary being somewhere new, isn't it?
09:32Am I in trouble?
09:34No, I was asking myself the exact same question.
09:37But I reckon because we both found each other before anyone else did, we're good.
09:42Hang on.
09:43What are you doing?
09:49I'm not allowed.
09:50Oh, go on.
09:51There's a secret stash for staff and I'm staff, so we're good.
09:56You know, I used to hide in my wardrobe when I was about your age.
09:59I'd jump out and give my mum a fright when she'd wake me up for school.
10:03Sorry for running away.
10:06We all feel like running away sometimes.
10:09But luckily, I could use my spidey senses to find you.
10:12Like Spider-Man?
10:13Well, depends what version we're talking about, but yeah.
10:17If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?
10:20Being invisible.
10:22Oh, yeah?
10:24Good choice.
10:28More champagne?
10:29Doesn't feel right when you don't have any.
10:31Oh, go on.
10:32I'm fine with water from an alpine spring or whatever it is.
10:38This is really nice. Thank you.
10:41Well, it's been a while, hasn't it?
10:44And you've been very patient with me.
10:46What do you mean?
10:48In some ways, I think I've been on autopilot since, you know...
10:53It's been tough. It's been really tough.
10:57And there are days where we just feel so distant from each other.
11:03Come on. You must feel it.
11:06Yeah, I suppose.
11:08We've hardly been having sex.
11:10Which happens.
11:11You mean it never happens?
11:14It doesn't bother you?
11:16No, I think it's normal to go through patches like this.
11:19You know, we've both had so much going on.
11:21Yeah, but if we don't do something about it,
11:24it'll just keep going on and on until suddenly it's something we just don't do anymore.
11:29We'll be okay. Don't stress.
11:31We have to try, though.
11:33I know.
11:35We'll get there.
11:38I love you, Harper.
11:40I love you too.
11:42Thank you for taking a look.
11:44Oh, good.
11:47Well, the dosage seems right to me.
11:52Yeah, probably just taking a while to settle in.
11:55Just hope we're not missing anything.
11:57He's got a grandson about the same age as Billy.
12:00I've been showing him pictures from some more.
12:03I'm sure he appreciates the distraction.
12:06I just wish I could take his pain away.
12:08I know I wasn't there for Mum at the very end,
12:12but I was there for damn near everything else.
12:16I know.
12:18I gave her her meds, and I toileted her, and I showered her,
12:21and I watched her get weaker and weaker.
12:25Honey, no one thinks that...
12:27I'm treating Jim differently to make up for Mum.
12:32You're doing an amazing job.
12:35You're doing an amazing job.
12:38I'm sorry.
12:42Mayhan is back.
12:44Yeah, sure, no, no, I'll be right there.
12:48I'm sorry, Nick.
12:54I need you to monitor that central line.
12:56Flush it regularly with heparin to keep it patient.
13:00Oh, would you just leave me alone?
13:03Enjoying your dinner?
13:04Oh, thank God.
13:06That HDU nurse?
13:08Yeah, she's, like, 12.
13:09We need someone competent up there.
13:11Where have you been?
13:12With Jim.
13:13Is he okay?
13:14No, not really.
13:15The morphine's not working, so he can't get any rest.
13:17Oh, I know the feeling.
13:18And I don't want him falling through the cracks.
13:20If there was someone else here, I would ask them, but Drew's not.
13:23Drew would know better than to badger me with this over and over.
13:26Actually, Drew knows how to prioritise,
13:29and a good doctor's not too proud to ask for help when they're drowning.
13:35Rest in cash, Drew.
13:37So, what, you're just going to leave Jim to suffer?
13:39I said I'll get to it.
13:42When my mother was here, she was in so much pain that every minute...
13:45Jesus, Nicole, how else can you make this about you?
13:48Excuse me?
13:49I know you're grieving, but there's got to be a limit.
13:51I'm advocating for my patient.
13:52Look around, Nicole.
13:53Everyone in this place is in pain, okay?
13:57You know what? This thing can really get some speed.
14:00You're the boss.
14:03What are you doing?
14:05Wheelchairs aren't toys, and you don't answer your phone.
14:08We've been looking for Elliot.
14:09Well, we're back now.
14:11Hi, mate. I'm Marty. Sorry about that.
14:14Hey, why don't you jump back into your bed, and I'll come through in a minute.
14:17Actually, you have a visitor.
14:18Hi, Elliot. I'm Nina. I'm a social worker.
14:21Come on through.
14:27You're in such a mood tonight.
14:29What were you thinking, just wandering off with him?
14:31If I ask you to look after a patient, I have to be able to find you.
14:34For your information, he ran away.
14:37And I tracked him down, and I found him.
14:39You need to stop worrying about micromanaging me,
14:42and start worrying about the frown lines burning into your forehead.
14:47Why does Elliot even need a social worker in the middle of the night, anyway?
14:50Because his X-rays show the spiral fracture in his arm is too severe.
14:54His X-rays show the spiral fracture in his arm is not consistent with the explanation we were given.
14:58He fell off his bike.
15:00That's what we were told. Yeah.
15:02So what? Why would his parents lie about that?
15:10His blood sugar's at 36 with ketones. Where's that insulin infusion?
15:14Diabetic ketoacidosis. It's a wonder he even made it back.
15:19His cellulitis would have caused this, right?
15:21Looks that way.
15:23We knew he was type 1 diabetic.
15:25Hey, this is not your fault.
15:27No, he was vulnerable. I should have pushed to keep him in if he had access to the MPC clinic.
15:31He needs more IV fluids. He's hypotensive.
15:35He's arrested.
15:39Come on, my hunna. Stay with us.
15:41Stay with us.
15:49I know it's hard, Jim.
15:51Just try to relax, yeah?
15:54I am going to go in and try to get help.
15:57One patient review, I promised.
15:59He has been restless and agitated for hours now.
16:04How's the pain, Jim?
16:06It's bad.
16:08Okay, I'm just going to apply some pressure to the abdomen.
16:14Yeah, it's quite firm. Does that hurt?
16:22It's not just a pain issue, is it?
16:2795 over 50.
16:29He's hypotensive.
16:32Low BP, firm abdomen.
16:35Post-op bleed?
16:37So what are we doing? Taking him back to theatre?
16:39Just give me a minute.
16:40Stop stalling and make a damn call.
16:52I don't want to answer that.
16:53It's in emergencies only, though.
16:57So much for date night.
17:00All right.
17:07When he went to bed, I thought,
17:09okay, he's just nervous to be in hospital.
17:13It's usually anxiety-related.
17:15No, he was so worried about getting in trouble, that's why he ran away.
17:18Well, it's good you found him. He trusts you.
17:21I just had no idea.
17:23You went to know?
17:25No, he tried to tell me. He wants to be invisible.
17:27That's how scared he is at home of his own mum and dad.
17:30Yeah, listen, about that...
17:32Does he have grandparents or an auntie or uncle or something?
17:35His dad's coming to pick him up.
17:39But he could be the one who put him here in the first place.
17:42There's no record of previous hospital admissions.
17:45So taking a child away from their parents is not easy.
17:48Nina said she'd offer the family wraparound care.
17:51But Elliot's in danger.
17:53There's not enough evidence to make a case.
17:56I'm sorry, Sage.
17:57You know how tough that is.
18:05I'm sorry.
18:31I'm going to transfer my Hannah to the mortuary.
18:34Take a break.
18:35I'm okay to keep going.
18:37Seriously, it's so late. It's early.
18:41Okay, well, I should call his wife.
18:44And say what?
18:46That you busted your arse for him.
18:51I shouldn't have let him leave.
18:54We work with what we've got, like you said.
18:57And he was just too unwell.
18:59It happens.
19:01Yeah, it happens.
19:10What have we got?
19:11I think it's a bleed.
19:12I've initiated fluid resuscitation to try and increase the BP
19:15before we can get him into theatre.
19:17We'll need more blood.
19:18Stop compressions.
19:20What's this feeling?
19:22It's too late.
19:23No, it's not. If we can just get a...
19:24He's gone, Phil.
19:26Bled out.
19:27I would have got him into theatre sooner. I just...
19:29But you passed about.
19:30Why didn't you tell me about the BP dropping?
19:32Time and time again.
19:33Yeah, about the patient not sleeping.
19:34I needed medically relevant detail.
19:36Hey, do not put this on her.
19:38I just had my hands full with so many patients.
19:40If you needed help, why the hell didn't you call?
19:42You told me not to.
19:46I'm sorry. It was my mistake.
19:47No, it was mine.
19:49Thinking you were smart enough to make basic judgement calls
19:51without somebody holding your hand.
19:53Get someone to put in a coffee order.
19:55I'll have to review your other patients.
20:02I'm sorry.
20:32I'm sorry.
21:02I'm sorry.
21:18What's going on?
21:21Thought you were at home.
21:22Yeah, I just got a sitter.
21:23You want to join us?
21:27Called you up, did he?
21:28Flipped you a little text.
21:29No, we talked about it at work.
21:32Excuse me.
21:33I'm talking to my wife.
21:34Sorry, Drew.
21:35What is the problem?
21:36I knew something was off all this time.
21:38The weirdness.
21:39The distance.
21:40The not connecting.
21:41I thought it was me.
21:43But it's you.
21:46It's you, Harper.
21:48You've been having an affair.
21:50Oh my god, you think me and Emmett?
21:52Well, I'm flattered, mate.
21:54Of course.
21:55Shut up, Emmett.
21:56Okay, Drew, stop it.
21:57You're being ridiculous.
21:58How miserable are you?
21:59To throw our life away over him.
22:01Easy, tiger.
22:02You're getting ahead of yourself.
22:03I don't want to hear one more word out of your smug mouth.
22:06That is enough.
22:07Oh, I'm sorry.
22:08Am I making you uncomfortable about your adultery?
22:10Drew, can you stop it?
22:11I know you, Harper.
22:12Something is going on.
22:14Yeah, you're acting like a lunatic.
22:18You know what?
22:20Go for it.
22:22Do whatever the hell you want.
22:29I love you.
22:30I love you.
22:31I love you.
22:32I love you.
22:33I love you.
22:34I love you.
22:35I love you.
22:36I love you.
22:37I love you.
22:38I love you.
22:39I love you.
22:40I love you.
22:41I love you.
22:42I love you.
22:43I love you.
22:44I love you.
22:45I love you.
22:46I love you.
22:47I love you.
22:48I love you.
22:49I love you.
22:50I love you.
22:51I love you.
22:52I love you.
22:53I love you.
22:54I love you.
22:55I love you.
22:56I love you.
22:57I love you.