The Adventures of Lleo S01 E05 Hindi 720p

  • last month
South Indian Lucky men

00:00Let's call for tea from Tambay.
00:04Hey, mister!
00:06Can I have a cup of tea, please?
00:08Yes, sure.
00:28Hey, mister!
00:30Don't put this guy in our lock-up.
00:33Last time, Babban ate from his plate.
00:35He vomited blood and died.
00:37What can I do?
00:39He couldn't even hear.
00:41Last time, the judge had a heart attack.
00:44Before that, the investigating officer was caught in the act.
00:49And today, the lawyer's license has been revoked.
00:52It's a taboo.
00:53Mister, put him in the next room.
00:56Tambay, do one thing. Put him aside.
00:58Yes, sir.
00:59If anyone steps forward, the human rights activists will be after us.
01:03Come on, Babban. Let's go.
01:18Why did you have to mess with the truck driver?
01:22Because of you, Shabnam is not on the road today.
01:24She's in Lota.
01:25Was Shabnam a hot Arabian chick, bro?
01:27No, sir. She wasn't a hot Arabian chick.
01:30She was in our truck.
01:31Did you forget that so soon?
01:33Listen, sir.
01:37It's like this.
01:39You shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.
01:41We're leaving.
01:42Okay, bro. Go.
01:43But listen. Give me 20 rupees.
01:4420 rupees?
01:47But where will you stay?
01:49Don't say you'll stay in a pond.
01:51No, bro.
01:52This time, I'll stay in a place where
01:55living and eating is free.
01:59In-laws' place?
02:00Yes, bro.
02:02In-laws' place.
02:05Good one. You're the next Dhoni, bro.
02:08Hey, Leo.
02:10Leo, don't go there. It's a very dangerous place.
02:14Bro, even an electric pole is dangerous.
02:18But I stand on it and dive.
02:21Leo, it's okay to dive.
02:25But there's an electric shock there too.
02:33What kind of food is this?
02:35Hey, Tambe.
02:37Didn't your wife send this food?
02:39Let it go, bro.
02:40I'm a criminal.
02:42I'm not sexist.
02:44Should I eat this food?
02:46Even a mad dog won't eat this food.
02:50Brown rice with lentil soup and mashed potato.
02:55Bro, you eat it.
03:21Is it clean?
03:34Hey, you drunkard.
03:39Are you an idiot?
03:42Double L-E-O.
03:48You're smart.
03:50Do you know the MLA here?
03:57There's a big poster outside the police station.
03:59It says, Ekachwada Anand Dada.
04:00Old looking fella.
04:01Nice moustache.
04:02What nonsense are you talking, brother?
04:04I'm not talking nonsense, bro.
04:06It's a real poster.
04:09Didn't any of you see it?
04:13With this vision, how do you guys commit crimes?
04:15I guess that's why you're in jail.
04:18Enough is enough.
04:19Let's drink.
04:20Yes, let's drink.
04:21Even I'm thinking about it.
04:22There's no action in the lock-up.
04:24Let's drink.
04:25Who wants to drink?
04:40Were you sleeping?
04:42No, bro.
04:43I was standing.
04:47If you want to stand,
04:48don't stand here, stand there.
04:50Get up.
04:52Get up.
04:55Get up, son.
04:56If you want to stand, stand there.
04:59Move back a little.
05:01A little to the left.
05:02Now a little to the right.
05:04Now raise your hand.
05:06That's it.
05:07Now stand still.
05:09And if you move,
05:11I'll pull you and hit you.
05:12If you hit me, I'll hit you.
05:14Why wouldn't I hit you, bro?
05:15I'm not a fool like you.
05:17There's a huge poster outside.
05:18They'll see it.
05:19Shut up.
05:21If you say it,
05:23I'll hit you again.
05:32If you didn't say it, then why did you hit me, bro?
05:35I thought you'd say it.
06:07Bro, you haven't let me eat for two days.
06:09And now you've dropped the food.
06:11Where did you drop it?
06:12Did you drop it?
06:14Did you drop it?
06:15No, I didn't.
06:16Did you drop it?
06:17No, I didn't.
06:18You didn't drop it?
06:19You want to sit down and eat?
06:22Then sit down and eat.
06:27Sit, sit, sit.
06:50Eat now.
06:52Don't leave anything incomplete.
06:55Don't leave anything incomplete.
06:58Don't leave anything incomplete.
07:00Come on, eat.
07:19Tanve, bro.
07:21Tanve, bro.
07:23What's the procedure to change the room?
07:26Brother Munna is going.
07:28Go to sleep.
07:29Where should I sleep?
07:31He's not letting me sleep,
07:31or eat
07:32nor even let me sit.
07:35Life is a screw up, Tanve.
07:37Lock ups are the same.
07:39Don't you know
07:40It's a dangerous place.
07:42Someone told me that a lock-up is a dangerous place.
07:45I told him that even an electric pole is dangerous.
07:48And I stand on it and urinate.
07:51You were supposed to urinate on the pole, you dog.
07:54Why did you urinate on the snake's car?
07:57I thought if I go to the lock-up, I'll be able to eat for a few days.
08:11You really don't have anything to eat?
08:14What do you mean?
08:16I don't have anything to bathe, to wear, to sleep.
08:19How long have you been living like this?
08:21For a month or two.
08:23Before that?
08:25Before that, I had everything.
08:27I had a house, a bungalow, a car, Russian chicks.
08:32Reduce your intoxication.
08:35Do one thing.
08:37As soon as you leave this place, stay with your parents for a few days.
08:41You'll improve.
08:43My parents are no more.
08:53Will you make me cry now?
08:59I'm like your father.
09:02Here, drink this.
09:08I don't have a matchbox.
09:10Leave the cigarette.
09:12I have a request.
09:14Shift me to the next lock-up, please.
09:20The world's worst man lives in that room.
09:24If you go to him, your life will be ruined.
09:28Do you know?
09:30The one who handcuffed him,
09:32his hands were cut off.
09:35The one who brought his bail application,
09:38he was crushed by the bull.
09:41And the one who was supposed to testify,
09:44he went dumb.
09:46Tell me.
09:48Do you want to go to him?
09:50Do you?
09:52Yes, leave it.
09:54I'm not going to die here anyway.
09:56No, man.
09:58The big shots will handle it.
10:01Tell me if you want anything else.
10:03I'm very hungry.
10:05Order some khichdi.
10:07Please, Papa, please.
10:09I can't.
10:11Anything else?
10:12I have a friend.
10:14Call him.
10:16I'll go out and give you a gold cigarette.
10:25Hey, Umbrao.
10:27Put it on properly.
10:28Sir, lift your leg.
10:31Hey, Leo.
10:33Your friend is here.
10:35Do this.
10:37Thank you, Papa.
10:39Hey, who's going to do this?
10:42You do it.
11:01Hey, Leo.
11:03Who's Leo?
11:05I'm Laxman.
11:10What have you done to yourself?
11:15Oh, God.
11:18Where are your slippers?
11:20I broke them, bro.
11:23Did you get beaten up?
11:25How much have you been beaten up?
11:27How much have you been beaten up?
11:29My dad doesn't beat me up this much.
11:32He beat me up once.
11:35I don't know why.
11:38You were right, bro.
11:41This is a very dangerous place.
11:44You're the dangerous man, Leo.
11:47Leo, don't feel bad.
11:50What's happening to you is right.
11:53Shwetam, bro.
11:54Stay away from me.
11:56I don't want to live with you.
11:59First of all, you made a poor family even poorer.
12:03You filled our dreams in a pot.
12:06You ruined a man's marriage by saying bad things.
12:09And moreover,
12:10you broke Ms. Rupali's heart,
12:12who was delicate like a flower.
12:17Tell me one thing, Leo.
12:19One day, this was bound to happen to you.
12:22God is late at home.
12:24He's not late.
12:25You reap what you sow.
12:27Karma is a...
12:28Wait a minute. I just remembered.
12:30Karma is a biaj.
12:31Actions have consequences.
12:34Bad beginnings make bad endings.
12:38I'm done.
12:40I understand, bro.
12:42You don't understand anything.
12:44You don't understand anything.
12:46I know how bad you must be feeling inside.
12:50That's why I'm talking to the inspector and doing you a favor.
12:54I've got you transferred to the next cell.
12:58Not the next cell, bro.
13:00Wait a minute.
13:01I won't hear a word.
13:07I'm a very rude man.
13:08I told you I won't hear a word.
13:10Where did you say that, bro?
13:13Oh, yes.
13:15I thought you'd say it.
13:18If you won't say it, I'll leave.
13:23Bye, bro.
13:40Double L E O.
13:44That's not me.
13:45Don't talk to me.
13:47Laxman Lal Ibote.
13:50Who are you?
13:51I'm a scammer.
13:53I sent you a link.
13:55Which link? I know a lot of links.
13:57Please be specific.
13:58The link that took all your money, property, mansion, Russian, everything.
14:05Yes, I...
14:07Leo, I made a big mistake.
14:10Ever since I looted you, my life has become a mess.
14:12Don't bore me, bro.
14:13Get to the point.
14:15Leo, give me all your money back.
14:18I can't bear this humiliation.
14:20I beg of you.
14:21I beg of you.
14:24But don't beg.
14:25Apologize to me.
14:27Don't beg.
14:28You know what I've been through because of you.
14:31Sorry, Leo.
14:32Forgive me.
14:43Deo Manus.
14:45Deo Manus.
14:48Bro, don't touch me.
14:49Bro, I don't like people touching me.
14:52Bro, please.
15:02G-Dog, Tibby.
15:03How's this small house?
15:06It's nice, right?
15:07You guys stay in this house from tonight.
15:16You won't be driving cabs in 16 cabs from tomorrow.
15:18What are you saying?
15:20You're the owner of 16 cabs now.
15:22Here are the papers.
15:23Read them well.
15:24Oh, thank you, bro.
15:34Dad, a gold bag for you.
15:39And a cigarette to smoke.
15:41And for your other needs, Sunny Ruita Penelope.
15:45Hey, Leo.
15:46I don't do anything like that.
15:49I have a woman at home.
15:50Dad, don't call her a woman.
15:52She's my mom.
16:09You don't have to work in City Hospital from tomorrow.
16:11Why, bro?
16:12Because you're the owner of City Hospital now.
16:13What are you saying, Leo?
16:15Here are the papers.
16:16Oh, thank you, bro.
16:28Bro, can I have a drink?
16:30Oh, you want a drink?
16:32Bro, you should've told me earlier.
16:36Hey, guys.
16:37Hi, Leo, bro.
16:38Hi, Leo.
16:39Thank you so much for sending us on a world tour on your private jet.
16:43We're having a lot of fun.
16:44Thank you so much.
16:45Keep it if you like it, bro.
16:47And listen.
16:48We have sex on our honeymoon.
16:49We don't talk to our friends on the phone.
16:50Okay, bye.
16:55Where is my leg rest?
16:56Oh, bro.
16:57It's right here.
16:59Keep it.
17:00Don't worry.
17:07So, guys.
17:09Let's get this party started.
17:37What's up?
17:38What's up?
17:39What's up?
17:40What's up?
17:41What's up?
17:42What's up?
17:43What's up?
17:44What's up?
17:45What's up?
17:46What's up?
17:47What's up?
17:48What's up?
17:49What's up?
17:50What's up?
17:51What's up?
17:52What's up?
17:53What's up?
17:54What's up?
17:55What's up?
17:56What's up?
17:57What's up?
17:58What's up?
17:59What's up?
18:00What's up?
18:01What's up?
18:02What's up?
18:03What's up?
18:04What's up?
