Effect of woman upon man || Acharya Prashant, on Guru Granth Sahib (2019)

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Video Information: Shabdyog session, 13.05.2019, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida, India


Is woman a hindrance in spirituality?
Are scriptures and saints against woman?
How Purush, Prakrti and Pramatma related with each other?
Who is calling the woman bad?
Why one call woman bad?

भंडि जमीऐ भंडि निमीऐ भंडि मंगणु वीआहु ॥
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married.

भंडहु होवै दोसती भंडहु चलै राहु ॥
Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.

भंडु मुआ भंडु भालीऐ भंडि होवै बंधानु ॥
When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.

सो किउ मंदा आखीऐ जितु जमहि राजान ॥
So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.

भंडहु ही भंडु ऊपजै भंडै बाझु न कोइ ॥
From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.

नानक भंडै बाहरा एको सचा सोइ ॥
O Nanak, only the True Lord is without a woman.
~Asa di Vaar, Guru Granth Sahib .

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Ana from Hungary and she is quoting from Asadivar, Guru Granth Sahib.
00:18From woman, man is born.
00:22Within woman, man is conceived.
00:24To woman, he is engaged and married.
00:29Woman becomes his friend.
00:30Through woman, the future generations come.
00:35When his woman dies, he seeks another woman.
00:38To woman, he is bound.
00:41So why call her bad?
00:43From her, kings are born.
00:45From woman, woman is born.
00:47Without woman, there would be no one at all.
00:50O Nanak, only the true Lord is without a woman.
00:57Acharya ji, who is calling the woman bad in the first place?
01:03I didn't get why the question.
01:07So why call her bad was posed at all.
01:09Thank you for the guidance.
01:10With gratitude, Ana from Hungary.
01:13There are two classes of people who call the woman as bad, Ana.
01:21On one hand are the male supremacists, the misogynists, who have this notion that one
01:43gender is superior than the other.
01:53And then there are the spiritualists, who talk not of the physical woman, but Prakriti.
02:11And they say Prakriti or Maya or Avidya are the root cause of man's bondage.
02:26So Baba Nanak is addressing both these people.
02:41He is saying that you who talk ill of the woman are not at all separate from the woman.
02:57You come out of the flesh of the woman and all your life you remain attached to the woman
03:06in many ways.
03:10Even when you say that you are a God seeker or truth lover, who are you without the woman?
03:17Would you exist to love the truth or seek God?
03:24And this operates at both levels, each of his utterances operates at both the levels.
03:31At the level of those who despise the physical woman and at the level of those who despise
03:40So he is addressing both the commoner, who believes in male supremacy, the MCP as you
03:53know him and the Pandit, the spiritualist who keeps on cursing Prakriti.
04:14Nanak Saheb is talking to both of them and each of his sentences is addressed to both
04:21of them and therefore has two meanings.
04:26To the commoner he is saying, aren't you a big hypocrite that you keep cursing the woman?
04:36If the woman goes away from your life, you would not take two months to bring another
04:42woman into your life, such is your dependence on the woman.
04:50You keep lording over her and Ana remember that when we say that Baba Nanak is addressing
04:59the commoner, do not forget the context.
05:04He is talking to the peasants of Punjab.
05:10He is talking to the people of Punjab as they were 700 years back.
05:19That's the context.
05:24So he is saying, if the woman goes away for a while, then it is you who become desperate for her.
05:43She may or may not miss you so much, but what is certain is that you start longing
05:54for her, pining for her rather.
06:06So what is this double speak?
06:13On one hand you cannot live without her, on the other hand, look at your actions.
06:22The woman does not need four husbands, but the husband often needs four wives.
06:29So with gender is more in need of the other.
06:34The woman is able to do with a quarter of a husband, but the man is wanting four wives.
06:48So the man needs the woman 16 times more.
06:54Is it not so?
06:58And still you act as if the woman is a curse on you.
07:05He's just exposing the double standards of the common male.
07:20From woman man is born, within woman man is conceived, to woman he is engaged and married.
07:29Look at her preponderance, look at her sheer importance.
07:35Who are you without her?
07:37In fact, you are not even a little without her, without her you are just not.
07:48And he's addressing the common man.
07:50So he's addressing the common man whose body identified, where does the body come from?
07:55The woman.
07:58Woman becomes his friend, through woman the future generations come.
08:01Is that not what you want?
08:03You want a son, from where would the son come?
08:05Even the son has to come from the woman.
08:10You might keep with the entire world the entire day, but when you retire to your home, in
08:17the night, it is to the woman that you talk and share.
08:26When his woman dies, he seeks another woman.
08:30That is what has been happening in India in general, probably the entire world.
08:39If the man dies, the woman may or may not feel a deep urge to remarry and get another
08:49But experience has been that man more definitely does get another partner when the woman dies.
08:59And this demonstrates who needs the other the more.
09:11From her kings are born.
09:14Even the greatest one who achieved liberation came from her, didn't he?
09:21The child starts off just as a body, be it Christ or Krishna, Ram or Buddha, Ashtavakra
09:32or Shankaracharya, all started off as just babies.
09:38And babies are babies, they all puke and cry, don't they?
09:49And they all get measles.
09:55Babies are babies.
09:56From where did that baby come?
10:00Who nursed that baby?
10:02The woman.
10:10From woman, woman is born.
10:21Utter genius of the sage.
10:27There is nobody who is not attached to Prakriti.
10:36It says that sometimes you may like one kind of Prakriti and not another kind.
10:40But that aspect of Prakriti that you like and are attached to, that too comes from mother
10:48Prakriti, which means Prakriti in its wholeness has to be accepted and even respected.
11:06Without woman there would be no one at all.
11:08Oh Nanak, only the true Lord is without a woman.
11:18There is Prakriti, there is Purush and there is Parmatma.
11:25To all who are body identified, Prakriti is the companion.
11:34Who is body identified?
11:36The Purush.
11:37What is the body?
11:39I am the body when you say so, then I is the Purush, body is the Prakriti and when you
11:48give up the body identification, then only the one great I remains and that is Parmatma.
11:58But that is only for those who have given up body identification.
12:04As long as you live as the body, you have no right to curse the body, the woman or Prakriti.
12:17If you claim to be beyond woman, then ask yourself, are you one with Parmatma?
12:22Oh Nanak, only the true Lord is without a woman.
12:27Mind you, only the true Lord.
12:30Are you the true Lord?
12:31Are you one with the true Lord?
12:34If you are not one with the true Lord, why do you speak ill of women?
12:41That would be hypocrisy.
12:44On one hand you are so dependent on women, on the other hand you curse them or speak
12:50ill of them, which also means that the more you are attached to women, the more will be
13:02your distance from the true Lord.
13:05At the same time, the one who goes to the true Lord cannot come without a woman.
13:11So it's complex.
13:15Without woman, there is no journey to truth and on the journey to truth, you create woman
13:24as an obstacle.
13:30Who would journey to the truth if there were no women?
13:35And women here stands at two levels, the physical woman and Prakriti in general.
13:44Who would journey to the truth?
13:48Can there be Purush without Prakriti?
13:50No, they are parts of the same duality.
13:58Without Prakriti, there would be no Purush to long for Parmatma.
14:09At the same time, if the Purush gets lost in Prakriti, he never meets Parmatma.
14:16But if you get lost in Prakriti, is it Prakriti's fault?
14:22Did she tell you to get drunk and rape her?
14:36She exists with you.
14:43She doesn't exist to become an obstacle for you.
14:48If you are, then she is.
14:50Now how do you denounce her?
14:59And if you find her becoming an obstacle, then what right do you have to condemn her?
15:04Condemn yourself instead.
15:05You are not careful enough in your relationship with her.
15:15She is not merely a necessity.
15:24She is your physical progenitor.
15:29She is where you physically come from.
15:34She is the physicality, Prakriti.
15:42And without your physicality, who are you to seek liberation?
15:46All this bliss that you talk of in the spiritual process, to whom would it come without your
15:52physical self?
15:58What bliss have you experienced sans your physical self?
16:01And if your physical self is needed, even to be liberated, then shouldn't you rather
16:08thank Prakriti for liberation?
16:24Only somebody who is very honest about liberation can utter these words.
16:33Others are neither liberated and not even sincere about being liberated.
16:48So they blame their bondage upon Prakriti rather than themselves.
16:57They would say, oh, what to do?
16:59My body is like this.
17:01Oh, what to do?
17:02I am genetically not equipped to be liberated.
17:06The woman is being blamed.
17:07Woman is the body.
17:09Woman is the Prakriti.
17:10Oh, what to do?
17:12I am a lady.
17:16So I get a little carried away by hormonal emotionality.
17:25That's the kind of arguments that insincere people come up with.
17:32Whenever you find somebody blaming his or her body or conditioning for his various shortcomings
17:47and bondages, see that Prakriti is being blamed and if Prakriti is being blamed, then you
17:54must remember these words of Guru Sahab again and again, do not blame her.
18:04She is your necessary companion.
18:10She is your necessary companion.
18:14Now if you turn her into an enemy, that is your decision.
18:22Your journey to liberation would necessarily be along with her.
18:34Now it depends on you how you use her in your journey to the truth.
18:41Can you journey to the truth bodilessly?
18:44So your journey to the truth would necessarily be along with her.
18:47It depends on you how you use her.
18:51She can be a very good friend or she can be the biggest obstacle you can get.
18:57In either case, you are responsible.
19:13That is the reason why in the scriptures Prakriti is never addressed.
19:18She's never taught anything.
19:20The Purush is taught.
19:23Have you seen that?
19:25Because Prakriti is anyway not doing anything.
19:27She is just a companion.
19:29The Purush does what he does.
19:31So the responsibility lies squarely on Purush.
19:35If you are nice with her, she will be your best friend.
19:40And if you find her going crazy with you, ask yourself, what is it that you did to make
19:46her crazy?
19:55I am not addressing merely the physical males.
19:59I am also addressing the physical females.
20:06If you find yourself going crazy, which means your hormonal and impulses and thoughts and
20:16feelings, they are all just going wild and astray, then ask yourself, what did I do to
20:25get my thoughts and emotions and hormones into such a squalor?
20:36They do not do anything on your own.
20:38Have I not been teaching this since long?
20:41When something arises, it depends on you whether you support it or ignore it.
20:46Thought might arise, feelings might arise, but why do you start supporting them?
20:49Why do you start energizing them?
20:57So you must see why the Purush is being constantly addressed.
21:02Because if things go wrong, the fault lies squarely with the Purush, never with Prakriti.
21:11She is what she is.
21:16She is the universe.
21:17She is the material.
21:19She is all that exists.
21:22You are the one who does something with all that exists.
21:28You are the one who establishes a particular kind of relationship with the universe.
21:33So you have to answer why did things go wrong?
21:38The universe is passive in itself.
21:40Prakriti too is passive.
21:46In the entire game, the woman remains passive.
21:51So if the activity goes wrong, the question would certainly be asked to the actor, not
22:00to the one who is passive.
22:05You were talking about Purush, Prakriti and Paramatma.
22:10So the purpose of Purush is to be over Prakriti and merge into Paramatma or to know Paramatma,
22:21as much I could understand.
22:26Purush likes Prakriti and loves Paramatma.
22:32But he thinks liking is loving.
22:34So he says I love you to Prakriti.
22:38So Acharyaji, the other animals, the lower animals, the lower animals, means lower to
22:48humans, humans as they do not have the consciousness to be self-aware and to have a concept of
23:02self and an individual, they do not have this consciousness.
23:07So the Prakriti, if we understand evolution, the Prakriti itself has given the leverage
23:13to humans to be self-aware and to be conscious and to see Prakriti different, means Prakriti
23:26has given the leverage to humans to see itself.
23:30The saints would say Prakriti has given birth to Purush in her effort to reach Paramatma.
23:37Prakriti wants to reach Paramatma through Purush, but Purush is so mad that he thinks
23:42that Prakriti is an obstacle.
23:49It's like mother giving birth to the baby and the baby is trying to gain liberation
23:55and in his effort to gain liberation, he thinks that the mother is an obstacle.
24:03Why the mother doesn't know her?
24:06Because the mother herself is a baby.
24:10Mother too is both the son and the mother, right?
24:16Prakriti and Purush exist within both the male and the female.
24:23So the mother is on the same path as the son.
24:28But as the saints have known the Paramatma, then Prakriti has known the Paramatma.
24:33Yes, through them.
24:35Why then it has to happen?
24:39It doesn't have to happen.
24:40There is a choice.
24:41You make the same choices as the saints did and then things will be different.
24:48So then if the Prakriti has known the Paramatma, then the misstep that this consciousness given
24:57to this one animal called human to be self-aware, then why it hasn't been taken away?
25:04By whom?
25:06Why will Prakriti take anything away or not take anything away?
25:13She's a non-doer.
25:15But through evolution we see that this consciousness has been given to humans by Prakriti itself.
25:22It is not being given to humans by Prakriti.
25:26Consciousness itself is Prakriti.
25:38It's just that consciousness lives in the illusion that it is separate from Prakriti.
25:53What consciousness is there without the brain?
26:04Then why it has kept other animals to be devoid of that consciousness?
26:07It is a thought in your consciousness.
26:10Is that a thought in the animal's consciousness?
26:13They don't have it.
26:14How do you know?
26:15And they don't know how to be self-aware.
26:17How do you know?
26:23Acharya ji, when will Prakriti be completely know it and when there will be?
26:33Maybe around 33 years later.
26:38What kind of question is this?
26:42When will we have the next lunar eclipse?
26:47Are these pattern-based things?
26:51We use the word Brahma and Parabrahma, the absolute Brahma.
27:06And we use the word Atma and Paramatma.
27:12All four are one.
27:17And the Brahma we talk about, the one who keeps the thing, who has made the universe.
27:30That Brahma is different from its own mind, its brain.
27:54Brahma is for the Pandit.
27:56Brahma is for the Jnani.
