• 2 months ago


00:16Sorry, Kev.
00:17Oh, don't worry.
00:19You've got a lot on your mind, what with the scanning and all.
00:21Um, right, do you want to try a beef teriyaki?
00:25At least for tonight.
00:30Like it?
00:33It's a bit spicy.
00:34Well, you did say that Rhys likes things spicy.
00:38Oh, shoot, behave yourself.
00:41So the engagement's still going on, then?
00:47Yes, we are.
00:49And I'd really love it if you came to celebrate with us.
00:52Well, I don't think I'd be that comfortable, to be honest, Sonya.
00:55I know you're still angry with Rhys, but you're going to get your money back.
00:59I know.
01:00And I'm really grateful for how patient you've been.
01:02It's not me you need to worry about.
01:04Yeah, well, thank God for Teddy Mitchell.
01:07I mean, if he hadn't talked down Phil and bought us some time...
01:12He hasn't told you, then?
01:14Teddy didn't just buy us some time.
01:16He's taken on the whole debt himself.
01:19Rhys owes him now.
01:21Sonya, we should go. The unit's encapsulated.
01:32Good luck with the scan.
01:38All right?
01:43Going to be an up one today?
01:45The cab's been making a roll, but we really should.
01:51How are they?
01:55I was about to call the hospitals because I thought you'd had an accident,
01:58because I couldn't think of any other reason why you wouldn't answer my text.
02:01I'm sorry, love.
02:03I was on a roll. I just kept on picking up numbers.
02:05All right.
02:07Come and sit down.
02:08I have been worried sick about you.
02:11I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:13I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:15I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:17I'm sorry.
02:18I've been worried sick about you.
02:20I'm sorry, love, but you knew I was working.
02:22Oh, you're always working.
02:25I need to make money, don't I?
02:26So where is all this extra money? Because we don't see any of it.
02:33You're not going to tell me.
02:35Oh, that's fine.
02:36Your money. Spend it how you want.
02:38You think I'm doing it for me?
02:41When do I ever do anything just for me?
02:43I work.
02:44I work all day and all night to pay the bills.
02:47Every holiday, you want to put food on the table for your family.
02:50That's what I do.
02:51None of it's for me.
02:52My family?
02:54And here I was thinking these last few years they were our family.
03:08I thought you'd appreciate the Reddies.
03:10We're both similar like that.
03:12Analog men in a digital world.
03:15There's no need to count it. It's all there.
03:17It's not like I'm going to knock one of me family.
03:19Because we are family.
03:22Count it if you want.
03:25So, do I need to worry where this is coming from?
03:28It's clean.
03:30And you just, er...
03:32You took on this little fraudster's debt because, what, you're some talker Samaritan?
03:36I'm not doing it for him.
03:38You've got a lot on your plate at the minute with Ben.
03:40And I thought I'd ease your burden.
03:43God, you really don't trust me at all, do you?
03:46I don't trust anyone.
03:48Now, you pull Reece's feet out of the fire, I'm going to ask why.
03:50I'm going to ask, what's in it for you?
03:54Well, some people, they invest in property.
03:56Stocks, shares, gold bars even.
03:59But me, Phil, let's just say I like to invest in people.
04:05Now, you have a good day now.
04:13Tension and anxiety be gone.
04:17Welcome peace and calm.
04:29Are you OK?
04:31You've hardly said a word to me since we got here.
04:33And you do seem very tense, which is understandable.
04:37We could try some alternate nostril breathing exercises.
04:39I don't want to do any alternate nostril breathing exercises.
04:41I was only trying to distract you from getting stressed about the scan.
04:44You've already done that.
04:46Has Teddy Mitchell bought your debt off, Phil?
04:49I wonder what Sharon was telling you. She had no right.
04:52So you were just going to keep me in the dark again?
04:54No, of course not.
04:55I just didn't want you getting worked up before the scan.
04:57I knew you'd have questions.
04:58You're right, I've got questions.
05:00I thought we were waiting for Debbie's life insurance.
05:03Yeah, well, there was no guarantee we were getting that any time soon.
05:06Or at all.
05:07Not with her parents kicking up a fuss like they did.
05:09So you decided to put our financial security in the hands of Teddy Mitchell?
05:13You don't even know him.
05:14Yeah, but I don't need to.
05:15It's just a business arrangement.
05:17Like with a bank.
05:18And is he charging you bank interest or loan shark interest?
05:22It's nothing like that. It's very reasonable.
05:24And I've agreed to pay him back in monthly instalments.
05:27So what's in it for him?
05:28Well, like I said, he'll make a little interest.
05:30So his shoulder's a massive risk for minimal reward?
05:34It just don't make sense.
05:35I'm not a massive risk.
05:37Well, he don't know you.
05:38He don't know you from Adam.
05:39Look, I can't tell you why he offered.
05:41I can only tell you why I accepted.
05:43He seems a reasonable, calm, professional man.
05:46Which is a lot more than can be said for Phil Mitchell.
05:49Yeah, well, you should know what you're getting when it comes to Phil.
05:52This Teddy fella won't have a flaming flu.
05:55Sonia Fowler?
05:57Let's get started, shall we?
06:02Let's get started, shall we?
06:13This is a kill on. I'm kind of thirsty.
06:15You are, dread. The cafe's over there.
06:17I thought you'd have calmed down by now, but I guess not.
06:21Have you got something to say to me? I'm busy.
06:23Oh, it's just that it's a nice day.
06:25I thought we could spend some time together.
06:27Thanks, but no thanks.
06:29I'm going to go shopping with my girls.
06:31If you want company, call Maxi.
06:34I've already explained that.
06:40You had a blighted ovum last time, is that right?
06:43Yeah, that's right.
06:46Is everything OK?
06:47Just locating baby, that's all.
06:50Eight weeks, that's not always easy.
06:52Oh, I just had a flashback to that film Alien.
06:55I'm sorry?
06:57You know, parasitic alien life form gets implanted,
07:00unsuspecting host, and explodes out of said host's chest.
07:04Oh, bloody... Sorry, that was probably inappropriate.
07:12OK, everything's fine, or...?
07:14Well, there's no sign of any alien life forms,
07:17but we do appear to have a human baby.
07:21And a heartbeat.
07:23A strong, regular heartbeat.
07:28Baby's a hair over seven millimetres,
07:30which is within the range we'd expect at this stage.
07:33So, everything appears to be fine.
07:37Our baby's OK? I know.
07:39And our baby's OK?
07:50Are you going to be all right sharing a room with your mum?
07:52Will have to be, won't I?
07:54Well, you can always crash on our sofa if she snores.
08:01Do I look like the kind of person who snores?
08:05No, of course not.
08:08OK, signal me if it's...
08:10Are you sure?
08:12Forgot to interrupt your tanning session.
08:14See you later. See you later.
08:16We were just having a quick break, cooling off.
08:18Yeah. Why stress yourself when you have all the people to take this training?
08:22Poor man, I'm going to have to carry more of this young buck here.
08:26With what?
08:27You've got plates in it.
08:29I thought you'd find it easier, a young gym bunny like you,
08:32all that natural muscle.
08:35Oh, I might run.
08:36Yeah, yeah, you'd better run.
08:38Well, having that pair living under the same roof is going to be fun.
08:43You always should tell me your denny's.
08:45If he gets a custodial sentence next week,
08:47they won't be living together for long.
08:53What's that smell?
08:55Sausage rolls.
08:56Oh, Bernie.
09:02Are you open?
09:03Yes, for takeaways.
09:04I've got to go to an engagement party, but Bernie will sort you out.
09:08Two teas, please.
09:12Oh, no, you've got to be kidding me. What do you want?
09:16Besides checking out your renovations, you've done the place up nicely.
09:21We just have a few questions about a local resident.
09:24I wondered if you could help.
09:26Oh, depends who it is.
09:28Rhys Colwell.
09:29What are you asking about Rhys for?
09:31You know him, though?
09:32Yeah, we all do.
09:33This is food for his engagement party tonight.
09:39Any more trouble this morning?
09:41No, we snuck out the back, like you said.
09:43It's embarrassing.
09:44That's what it takes to stop you ending up like a raging bully,
09:47and that's what we're going to have to do for it.
09:49Is that why you asked us to come here?
09:51So you can babysit us?
09:53Well, yeah, something like that.
09:55Look, let's just say today could be a big day for our family.
09:58A chance to put our past behind us and make a new start.
10:02You could just tell us.
10:04Well, I could, but I'm not going to.
10:10Oh, you've got to love summer.
10:12What happened to your face?
10:13Oh, I got in a fight, defending your honour.
10:16Were you enjoying the sun, ladies?
10:18You were.
10:25Keep smiling.
10:26Oh, I love this heat.
10:28Feels like Mars.
10:30Yeah, it's right up the sea.
10:31I'm going to fit, guys. Thanks, Mum.
10:33Plenty of good-looking blokes around here.
10:35You just need to lower your standards.
10:37Oh, her standards aren't that high.
10:39Oh, well, at least I have some.
10:41You'll find someone soon, I know you will.
10:43I'm not even looking, which is probably a good thing,
10:46cos I couldn't take anyone back to the flat.
10:48I've last night sent someone to go by.
10:49Last night?
10:50Let's just say that Junior's day did not end in the Vic,
10:53and the walls were paper thin.
10:55Oh, my God, he did it.
10:56Oh, yeah, he did. All night.
11:00Have you ever tried calling her?
11:02She's not picky, that.
11:04No, she was pretty upset.
11:05She told me to put them in some water for you.
11:07Another hour in this heat,
11:08and they'll be limper than a vicar's handshake.
11:13Did she tell you what I said?
11:15No, but it must have been pretty bad,
11:17because normally I can't shut her up.
11:19Well, I can't have implied that this family weren't my family.
11:25But I didn't mean it, you know. I was just tired.
11:27It's not what I think.
11:29No, I know that, and she knows that.
11:31But I think she's just, er...
11:33She's just being a bit low at the minute.
11:35And then this thing with her back is...
11:37She can't think straight.
11:39Is it that bad?
11:40Well, yeah, it is.
11:42And if you'd been round a bit more, you'd know.
11:45I'm sweating like mad. Can we go to the library?
11:47I can't, Neil. I've got washing to do, tea to cook,
11:50Charlie to pick up from nursery.
11:53I could do that.
11:55I mean, the rest could wait, right?
11:57It's a lovely day. You should go out and enjoy yourself.
12:05Are you sure?
12:06Of course.
12:08But sometimes you've got to put family first, Ace, yeah?
12:11Maybe you could tell your mum I said that.
12:19You seem happy.
12:20I'm just so relieved about our baby.
12:22And the fact that all this stuff with Phil's gone away.
12:25Maybe this Teddy fella is a straight shooter, like you said.
12:29Oh, I'm sure he is.
12:31And maybe Debbie's life insurance will come through quicker than we thought.
12:35You know, you can clear the debts and focus on the baby.
12:39This time next year, we might be pushing a pram around the square,
12:42trying to keep them cool.
12:44Unless he or she inherits my ability to sweat excessively.
12:47I don't know if I'd call it an ability.
12:49It's more of a condition, isn't it?
12:51It's a super pram with her like this.
12:53I mean, who wouldn't swap a little extra moisture
12:55for world-class thermal regulation?
12:57We don't want a sweaty baby, Rhys.
12:59Look, whoever he or she is, whatever they're like,
13:03I can't wait to meet them.
13:05And I can't wait to marry you.
13:10Hey, son.
13:12Rhys, can I have a word, mate?
13:17What's with all the cloak and dagger?
13:19Maybe there's something going on in the party.
13:21We don't want you to know.
13:22Oh, I don't want any surprises, Martin, please.
13:30What is it? Has something happened?
13:32Look, I did want to tell you in front of Sonia,
13:34because of the baby and that.
13:35Maybe it's nothing, but I just thought you should know.
13:37There's a couple of old Bill sniffing around the square
13:39asking questions about you and Debbie.
13:43Do you know anything about that?
13:48It's just, when I told them that you and Sonia were getting married,
13:51they wanted to know all the details.
13:53I'm sure it's just Debbie's parents kicking up a fuss again.
13:56Look, I'll call the police and, you know, see if I can help.
14:03Well, see you in the Vic tonight, then.
14:08Come on.
14:20Are you going to get changed?
14:21In a minute.
14:34I'll get it!
14:37I'll get it.
14:46Ah, it's for you.
14:48Rhys, what's wrong?
14:53All right, I think you're having a panic attack.
14:55All right, listen to me.
14:56I want you to focus on your breathing, OK?
14:59Focus on your breathing.
15:07Come on.
15:37Come on.
15:53Are you feeling better?
15:58Do you want some water?
16:08I'm sorry.
16:10You haven't got to be sorry for having a panic attack.
16:15What do you think brought it on?
16:22I don't know.
16:25Well, I think I do.
16:28You've had so much to deal with.
16:31Debbie's death, her parents,
16:34waiting for the post-mortem results,
16:36issues with the life insurance, it's too much for anyone.
16:41But why do you think it happened now?
16:44Look, whatever it is, you can tell me.
16:47Because I love you.
16:50I want to marry you.
16:51I want to have your baby.
16:54And I want us to be together forever.
17:05I think that's it.
17:09You know, this morning...
17:12I was scared.
17:14I was so worried.
17:16I tried not to show it.
17:19But I was scared stiff.
17:22After the last time...
17:26It was OK.
17:28Our baby was OK.
17:31I felt so happy.
17:34Thinking about our future together.
17:37Our baby.
17:40Because I want it so much.
17:46I suppose deep down...
17:50I just can't believe it's not all going to get taken away from me.
18:05Harvey, wake up!
18:08Open the door!
18:09Lock it!
18:10What's happening?
18:12It's like a sauna in there.
18:13Is she OK?
18:14Yeah, she's fine, Lil, she's fine.
18:16I'm so sorry, I must have nodded off.
18:17She don't look right.
18:18No, she's fine, she's just a little bit hot.
18:20Jack, go inside and get a tea towel, run it under cold water.
18:24And bring it out here.
18:25I'm so sorry, stay somewhere.
18:26Just stay out of the way.
18:28That's it, pull that off.
18:29That's it, it's all right.
18:34I thought you'd come knocking.
18:37We've even got some champagne chilling.
18:39Well, you might want to give last night's slapper a call.
18:42Because I'm not staying.
18:44Are you still banging on that drum, yeah?
18:46I'm not banging anything, but apparently you are.
18:49I mean, what did you think, eh?
18:51That you'd go that extra mile to throw George and Gina off the scent?
18:55Look, I didn't plan it, it just happened.
18:58And I don't think I need to apologise for it, either.
19:00I'm not asking you to apologise.
19:02I'm here to tell you we are done.
19:04I think you're overreacting.
19:07The people I love the most would cut me dead if they found out about us.
19:11This isn't a game and I don't want to be with anyone who acts like it is.
19:14I don't think it is.
19:16I swear.
19:19But I'm just not enough for you.
19:22Of course you are.
19:24Then prove it.
19:26Prove it how?
19:28No more casual hook-ups like last night.
19:32If you want to be with me, then it's just me and no one else.
19:37But you're still sharing a bed with Ian, though, right?
19:39What happens between me and Ian has got nothing to do with you.
19:42How is that fair?
19:43Life isn't fair!
19:45You know my situation when we got together.
19:47And what happened last night, I didn't sign up for that.
19:50So, like I said, if you want to be with me, it's just me and no one else.
19:57Let me know.
20:27I'm sorry.
20:28I'm sorry.
20:57I'm sorry.
21:20Right, so, you want me to drop the keys off at the estate agent?
21:23No, no, I'll do it.
21:26Hey, come here.
21:28It's going to be okay.
21:29Alright, baby?
21:33It's just all I had left.
21:36The only thing I had to show, you know, what you put me through.
21:41And I paid the mortgage every month, even when it was hard.
21:45And now he's going to profit from that.
21:48Oh, darling.
21:49It's going to be okay.
21:51You can be billed.
21:53Yeah, and I'm going to help you.
21:57Despite everything that happened in that house, Mum.
22:02It was my home.
22:05Now it's going to be some stranger's home.
22:10I just don't know how I'm going to live with that.
22:14Come on.
22:16It'll be alright.
22:17That's fantastic news.
22:20Yeah, yeah, me too.
22:24So where can I get the keys?
22:28I'll see you then.
22:31Yes, mate, the keys.
22:32That's why I wanted you here.
22:34Look, you know I've been thinking it might be best for us to move for quite some time now.
22:38And while you get in your face with your range, prove my point.
22:41I kind of bought an house.
22:43A house.
22:45Well, right there, Barney boy.
22:46You're now looking at the proud owner, number one, Albert Square.
22:51You've done this for me?
22:52Well, I did it for us all, H.
22:54Here's to new starts.
22:58Come here, come here.
23:00Welcome to Walford, boys.
23:05Gran's running late, Lauren.
23:06We're going to have to start putting all this back in the fridge if they don't get here soon.
23:10Babe, will you have a seat while you wait?
23:15It's not like it's all here to be, mate.
23:17I hope she didn't get any bad news from the scan.
23:19Yeah, all from your lot knocking around earlier asking questions.
23:22Did you get his name, this copper?
23:23I think it was the same one that questioned Cathy about the fire.
23:27What's she doing slumming it on a low-priority case?
23:30Oi, they're heading over.
23:31Elaine, music.
23:32Coming right up, darling.
23:40You might make it a second full house.
23:42Don't be ridiculous.
23:43I'm marrying the best man in the world.
23:45Oh, I'm sure David Beckham and Nathanael Longwood have something to say about that.
23:52I heard my colleagues were sniffing around asking questions.
23:54Is everything all right?
23:55You know, it's nothing.
23:57I expect it's just Debbie's parents kicking up a fuss about her life insurance.
24:01Right, yeah.
24:02Do you want me to speak to an investigating officer?
24:03Try and find out.
24:04No, no, please, please.
24:05There's no point worrying Sonia about it.
24:07I just want her to enjoy her party.
24:10Yeah, of course.
24:11Oh, my God, Simon, that is amazing!
24:14What? What's that?
24:16I'm pregnant and everything's fine.
24:18Oh, nice one, mate.
24:19Who's the daddy?
24:22I'm the daddy.
24:39Is she all right?
24:40Yeah, her temperature's stable now.
24:42She's fine.
24:43Oh, thank God.
24:44Another ten minutes and she could have died.
24:46No, you heard her.
24:47Another ten minutes in there and you could have killed my daughter.
24:50Can we go?
24:51Yeah, I'll get the car, mate.
24:52I'm already past her, Frank.
24:53No, no, you won't be driving my granddaughter no more, thank you very much.
25:05I like Arwen.
25:06That's a lovely name.
25:07Where did you get that from?
25:08Lord of the Rings.
25:09Oh, I don't know if I'd name my daughter after a hobbit,
25:11even if she does end up looking like her father.
25:13Oh, hello, hello.
25:15You taking that, Rhys?
25:16Sorry, what?
25:17Your future wife just compared you to a hobbit.
25:20Er, Arwen's actually an elf, but...
25:24OK, right.
25:25Boys' names, then.
25:26What's on your list?
25:27Well, I quite like Caleb.
25:28Caleb's lovely.
25:30He's in the Bible, isn't he?
25:32Dot would have loved that.
25:33Rhys Colwell.
25:37What do you want?
25:38What do you want?
25:39He's told you everything he knows.
25:41Excuse me, is there a problem?
25:43Maybe we should step outside.
25:44This is an engagement party, if you don't mind.
25:46What's going on?
25:48I think you should go, then, mate.
25:49I don't know anything at all.
25:51See what you're doing?
25:53Look how upset he is. He's a victim.
25:55He's lost his wife and you're re-traumatising him.
25:57Calm down.
25:58No, I will not flame him calm down.
26:00Debbie's parents keep pressuring the police to look at him.
26:03Debbie was a very sick woman.
26:05Sick people die.
26:07We believe Mrs Colwell was murdered.
26:10We'd like you to come with us.
26:11No. No, you're not taking him.
26:13We're taking you both.
26:16Rhys Colwell and Sonia Fowler,
26:18I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Deborah Colwell.
26:21You do not have to say anything,
26:23but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned
26:26something which you later rely on in court.
26:28Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
26:31Let's go.
26:37Let's go.