Hollyoaks 20th August 2024

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Hollyoaks 20th August 2024


00:00Thanks again for coming in.
00:01It's fine, as long as they don't find out.
00:03Hi, John Paul. I think we all need to meet up.
00:05I've got some big news to share with the family.
00:08Sienna wasn't to blame for anything in your past.
00:10None of the girls were.
00:11You know nothing.
00:12Don't you have any regrets?
00:14You couldn't be more wrong about tomorrow.
00:16I'm not going to regret a thing.
00:189th of June, I lost it with JJ,
00:21and I called him a freak.
00:22He attacked me with his football boots.
00:23That's enough.
00:24Darren, my film's not here.
00:26My mum!
00:27My mum, she must have taken it!
01:30I don't know what you're talking about.
01:32I don't know what you're talking about.
01:34I don't know what you're talking about.
01:36I don't know what you're talking about.
01:38I don't know what you're talking about.
01:40I don't know what you're talking about.
01:42I don't know what you're talking about.
01:44I don't know what you're talking about.
01:46I don't know what you're talking about.
01:48I don't know what you're talking about.
01:50I don't know what you're talking about.
01:52I don't know what you're talking about.
01:54I don't know what you're talking about.
01:56I don't know what you're talking about.
01:58If I'd been allowed to go to these summer clubs
02:00when I was little, I would have loved a day
02:02foraging for berries.
02:04I know, the kids are going to love it.
02:06Well, we can make a crumble after tea tonight.
02:08You'll have some, won't you, Jess?
02:10Oh, yeah, of course.
02:12Oh, thank you.
02:14What's this?
02:16An invitation, for you two and Dilly.
02:18An invitation to what?
02:20Well, today's not the easiest day for me.
02:22What's wrong with the 20th of August?
02:24Oh, that's the date on your tattoo.
02:26That's a tough one to talk about.
02:28But on this day every year, I try and distract myself
02:30by doing something for the people I care most about.
02:32Oh, well, thank you for thinking of us.
02:34Okay, 1pm at the allotment.
02:36We will be there.
02:38And you can't tell us what it is.
02:40It's a surprise.
02:42I hope it's a good one.
02:44I can assure you, you won't be expecting it.
02:46I'll see you later.
02:48See you.
02:56Bye, girls.
03:02Well, come on, then.
03:04You've got me on the edge of my seat here.
03:06Are you going to tell them, or should I?
03:08Bill, please don't.
03:10What did I miss?
03:12These two have got some news for us.
03:14Oh, my days.
03:16Are you up the dove?
03:18I'm not.
03:22You promised me you'd stay away from her
03:24and you had to go and break that promise, didn't you?
03:26So Prince is having a baby, but you're not?
03:30Give me strength.
03:32He cheated on her, Theresa.
03:34Guess who with?
03:38His dead brother's fiancée.
03:44You had no right to steal my phone!
03:46I haven't got it!
03:48I am not thick, you stupid cow!
03:50Don't you dare speak to me like that!
03:52I am your mother!
03:54And somebody you are picking JJ over me?
03:56You know what he did to me?
03:58I am your daughter.
04:00You're my mum.
04:02He's my son.
04:04What am I supposed to do, let you just ruin his life?
04:06No, you're supposed to do what's right.
04:08And that means protecting me and not him.
04:10What are you doing here?
04:18Darren, what's all this about?
04:20Nothing, Dad. Just leave it, will you?
04:22Well, it doesn't look like nothing to me.
04:24Nancy and I are really confused about your behaviour.
04:26Now, just wait there.
04:28I'm going to ask you one more time.
04:30What the hell is going on?
04:38And you're sure the baby's yours?
04:46How could you do this to me?
04:48You were the one that went to the hospital with Zoe
04:50and didn't tell me.
04:52You did this to yourself. Do not put this on me.
04:54Yeah, but daily she was desperate.
04:56Pearl was busy and she didn't want to go on her own.
04:58I don't care what the reason is.
05:00You lied to me, again,
05:02after you promised me.
05:04Goldie is going to be heartbroken.
05:06Hunter's death nearly killed her.
05:08And she's only just got her head round the fact that the baby isn't his.
05:10I know.
05:12Do you love Zoe?
05:14Of course not. It was a one-time thing.
05:16Look, I made a massive mistake, all right?
05:20Did Hunter know before he died?
05:24I told him.
05:26But he... he didn't...
05:30It was the night he died.
05:34You know, he would never betray you like this.
05:38Would you have let that baby grow up
05:40never knowing that it was a McQueen?
05:42I'll take that as a yes.
05:44I'm really sorry.
05:46Everyone really am.
05:48I, er...
05:50I think you'd better leave, Dilly.
05:52You've done enough.
05:56Look, you're entitled to feel angry, yes.
05:58But you've got no right to embarrass Prince
06:00in front of his entire family.
06:02I thought you all had a right to know.
06:04But you didn't do this for them, did you?
06:06You did this
06:08to hurt me.
06:10You're one cold-hearted piece of work.
06:12But do us a favour and get lost.
06:26If you think
06:28that you're forgiven,
06:30you are very, very wrong.
06:34It's ringing.
06:38Speak to your mother.
06:48And worryaboos.
06:52I wonder what happened to Jez on this day all those years ago.
06:54Lip focus.
06:56Oh, come on, you must be intrigued.
06:58His vibe was just a bit...
07:00A bit what?
07:02I don't know.
07:04It's just, when he was leaving,
07:06his eyes were all hollow and sad
07:08and I just wanted to give him a hug, really.
07:10Whatever it was, it must have been bad.
07:12I'm sure he's going to tell us when he's ready.
07:14Eyes closed.
07:18since when have you been so respectful of other people's business?
07:22Do you think he's worried about his mum, too?
07:32Yeah, hello?
09:00He keeps pushing us away and I don't know why.
09:02I'm worried he's going to leave me, Jack.
09:04Nancy, you're spiralling.
09:06Darren loves you.
09:08He misses you.
09:10Things aren't the same without you.
09:12All I know is that wherever I turn,
09:14people are rowing.
09:16If it's not Darren and Suzanne,
09:18it's Suzanne and Frankie.
09:20If it's not Suzanne and Frankie, it's Suzanne, Frankie, Darren.
09:22What are they rowing about?
09:24I don't know.
09:26They won't tell me.
09:28I'll tell you that for nothing.
09:30Nothing has been the same since Suzanne and the twins showed up.
09:32Darren's not been Darren.
09:34You and Darren love each other.
09:36You'll get through this.
09:38I don't know if loving each other
09:40is going to be enough.
09:44Where are you going?
09:46I'm not having this family torn apart.
09:48I'm going to sort this mess out now.
09:50Mess out now?
09:56Are you happy now?
09:58Humiliating me in front of my family?
10:00You made a fool of me through your lying.
10:02You kidnapped yourself, could you?
10:04Look, I'm sorry for lying, but you had no right
10:06breaking the news to my family like that.
10:08This isn't just about you and me, this is about Hunter and the baby.
10:10Prince, this baby isn't even here yet
10:12and it's already getting between us.
10:14Dilly, you can't expect me
10:16to just walk away from this baby.
10:18Especially now that my family all know.
10:22maybe we could move away, okay?
10:24You said you wanted to be with me.
10:26You don't have to be involved in this kid's life.
10:28Yeah, but I want to be.
10:30This is my child and what you're asking of me,
10:32it's not right.
10:34Hey, Prince.
10:40Dil, are you free to come to the allotment?
10:42Jeremy has organised a surprise.
10:46I think I might lose Prince.
10:48What's he done?
10:52He's having a baby with Zoe.
10:56He cheated on you with his brother's fiancé?
10:58Oh, Dilly,
11:00you must be in shock.
11:02I've known for a while.
11:04Why didn't you tell me?
11:06Because I was...
11:08I was embarrassed.
11:10And I knew you'd make me break up with him and I didn't want to.
11:12I love him.
11:14And up until recently,
11:18I thought we could get through it.
11:20Get through it how, Dil?
11:24Under the condition that
11:26he won't be involved
11:28in the baby's life.
11:32Dilly, don't you think that's a bit unreasonable?
11:36Yeah, maybe a little,
11:38but couldn't even stick to it anyway.
11:40He went to some scam with Zoe
11:42behind my back, and
11:44I got so mad, I told
11:46the entire family, so
11:48now everyone knows.
11:50They're probably going to dump me for how I reacted.
11:56He just...
11:58He keeps on letting me down.
12:00And it's only going to get worse when the baby arrives.
12:02I just...
12:04I don't want to lose him.
12:10Well, if you really want a future with Prince,
12:12I mean, personally, I would
12:14bare him in a skip for cheating on you, but
12:16forgiveness is your decision and not mine, so if you really do
12:18want a future with him, you might
12:20have to realise he comes as a package
12:22deal now.
12:24Yeah, but
12:26what if he won't take me back
12:28after what I did?
12:30Well, you're going to have to prove to him
12:32that you truly do forgive him.
12:34And that you want to fight to be together.
12:40You are?
12:42I know. You should have heard them going at each other.
12:44You know, I think Cass McQueen needs to
12:46really invest in double glazing.
12:48So hang on, what was actually being said?
12:50I couldn't quite make it out, but I think
12:52someone's messed up, big time.
12:54I live for this kind of tea.
12:56You going to fight much of that on the love boat?
12:58No, what, cos Grace isn't really into drama?
13:00We actually get on like a house on fire.
13:02The only thing that
13:04grinds my gears about Grace
13:06is the way she makes her brew.
13:08So she brews the tea, right?
13:10Takes the teabag out.
13:12And you think with the bin, it'd be right underneath the sink.
13:14Yeah, you just shove it in afterwards.
13:16Every night I come downstairs
13:18and there's a teabag in a spoon by the sink.
13:20I don't get it. The bin's right there?
13:22Whilst I would love to figure out
13:24the inner workings of the psychopath,
13:26I think I'll be staying as far away from Grace as possible.
13:28I value my life, thanks.
13:30I think that's for the best.
13:32Just the person I wanted to see.
13:34How you doing?
13:36Yeah, good, thanks. How are you?
13:38Good, good. And Bo?
13:40What about Bo?
13:42Well, how's he doing rotting in jail?
13:44God, I should imagine.
13:46He'll be making use of the outdoor gym.
13:48Such a sad life he'll live, eh?
13:50Being locked up.
13:52Well, it's the least he deserves
13:54for what he did to Declan, right?
13:58I need it back at the station.
14:00Oh, Kitty?
14:02You're not going on
14:04holiday any time soon, are you?
14:06No, why?
14:08Good. But don't go too far.
14:10I think me and you are going to need to have
14:12a very serious chat later.
14:14Hello, Sarge?
14:20OK, I'm heading down to the station now.
14:22Are you sure it was a positive ID?
14:26I'm on my way.
14:30Dilly's only gone and told the whole family
14:32about the baby being mine.
14:34Sorry, what? Why would she do that?
14:36She saw me going to the scan with you.
14:40I had to call my mum as well.
14:42She's heartbroken.
14:44Happy, in a way, the baby's my queen,
14:46but confused
14:48cos she was expecting to be
14:50her grandmother's hunters.
14:52And what about the rest of the hyenas?
14:54How did they react?
14:56They're saying the same.
14:58They say that I betrayed Hunter.
15:00I'm so sorry.
15:02I guess you wish you'd never come to the scan now.
15:04It wouldn't have caused you all this stress.
15:06Do you know what? I'm actually glad that I went.
15:08I know I messed up.
15:10But Dilly giving me an ultimatum
15:12to stay away from the baby, that was never going to work.
15:14My cheating on her,
15:16that isn't her baby's fault.
15:18And her baby shouldn't be the one to suffer.
15:20If Hunter was here,
15:22yeah, he'd be fuming about the whole thing,
15:24but he'd want me
15:26to step up for this kid.
15:28So that's exactly what I'm going to do.
15:38Is that for me?
15:40No, no.
15:42This is for the sofa.
15:44Cos it's for you, you dummy opener.
15:52You didn't need to buy me a new phone.
15:54Well, I am your dad.
15:56So it's kind of my duty
15:58to replace phones when they may
16:00or may have not been nicked by your mum.
16:04I know she did it.
16:08And I know she did it to protect JJ.
16:12And now I just feel like no one's going to believe me.
16:14Hey, don't you worry about that, OK?
16:16Don't you worry.
16:22I'm going to go and set this up.
16:24Yeah, of course, of course.
16:32Dad, if you're going to pick my head,
16:34not now, all right?
16:36Nancy and I are worried sick about you.
16:38You keep pushing us away, especially her.
16:40Is it because you think she pushed Frankie?
16:42Do you really think that Nancy
16:44is capable of doing something like that?
16:46Of course I don't, Dad.
16:48I know she wouldn't hurt anyone.
16:50Then what's going on?
16:54It's complicated.
16:56All right?
16:58You're not making any sense.
17:00Come on, son.
17:02Let me in. Let me help.
17:04Please, Dad.
17:06I can't, OK?
17:12Look, I love you, Dad.
17:14And I need you.
17:16But I need you to appreciate
17:18that I can't tell you this.
17:22Just trust me.
17:26I'm here, son, OK?
17:28And I love you.
17:32And whatever's going on
17:34in your life right now that you can't tell me about,
17:36that's fine.
17:38That's fine. I will always be here for you.
17:42But if you keep pushing Nancy away,
17:46you might never get her back.
17:52What is that?
17:54It's a gift for Jess.
17:56You are so annoying.
17:58Why didn't you tell me you were bringing a gift?
18:00Well, it's not a big deal. It can be from both of us.
18:02No, he's going to know that's from you.
18:04I'm obviously not a cactus gift buyer.
18:06And even I know they don't grow in allotments.
18:08It's for in the shed. I thought it would be funny.
18:10I thought it would remind him of me.
18:12Where are you going?
18:14To buy a gift.
18:16Oh, Lib, you are being so dramatic.
18:18We're going to be late now.
18:20Oh, well, that's not good.
19:18Thank you for coming. I am I owe you a huge apology. I shouldn't have told your family like that
19:23It wasn't it wasn't fair to you or to hunt her or to anyone
19:29All right, hang on wait, I'm still still going I am I shouldn't have made you choose between me and your baby
19:38that was
19:39That was cruel. I'm
19:41I'm sorry as well
19:44But this baby, it's gonna be a big part of my life. Yeah, I know
19:48And and I didn't think I could handle that but I can
19:52Okay, because I want you in my life no matter what and I will welcome that baby like it's my own
19:56am I insecurities they've they've got the better of me recently and I think for responsibility for acting like a complete monster, but
20:04I was so scared about losing you to another family when I I
20:08Still want a family with you and I want to start now. Yeah, but Dilly
20:12I'm having a baby with someone else. No, and I can handle that. Yeah, but it's not what you wanted
20:16But I'm willing to make it work. Well, I'm not
20:22Famous should break up
20:30Hello, oh
20:32My gosh, this place is amazing
20:38Where's Sienna and Dilly Oh
20:40Don't be on their way soon. Don't worry. I
20:43Got you a little something
20:47That's a hell yeah, yeah, well I couldn't get you an actual Lotus like you tattoo so I tried to get the next best thing
20:53No, azaleas actually represent family. So I thought if I gave you this you'd have a constant reminder of us around. It's a family
21:03You don't like it I do I
21:06Just wasn't expecting it
21:09It's a very kind of you
21:12Oh, I didn't mean to upset you
21:16See it's not you
21:19On a normal day, I wouldn't be so emotional
21:24It's just today's
21:26look, I am
21:28I'm assuming rightly or wrongly that
21:31This has something to do with you being in the army
21:34And I just wanted to let you know that if you ever want to talk about it, then I'm here
21:42It's got nothing to do with the army
21:51Today's the anniversary the day I lost my children
21:57Jeremy he's not here. He's at the allotment with Liberty, but I need to see him
22:02No, we need to get you back to the care home. No, no, he needs to know the truth
22:07The truth about what I have to find him Martha, please. Why don't you just come and sit down?
22:12Need to find your father
22:16Patrick's dead. Remember Patrick Jeremy
22:20But Jeremy isn't my father. He is
22:23Jeremy is your real father and I can prove it
23:05You'll never guess what?
23:06Zoe is actually having a McQueen baby. Mm-hmm. No, no, it's not hunters
23:14It's princes. I know I know
23:19We're actually gonna have another McQueen's problem in the family after all