7th Lourdes Montinola Piña weaving competition at 3rd Eloisa Hizon-Gomez Abaca weaving competition

  • last month
7th Lourdes Montinola Piña weaving competition at 3rd Eloisa Hizon-Gomez Abaca weaving competition


00:00because of the desire to preserve, promote, and change the textile industry in the Philippines
00:05because of this, Lourdes Montinola Piña weaving competition was formed
00:09and Eloyza Hizun Gomez Abacao weaving competition
00:12and to know more details about this, we have special guests, right Profy?
00:18Yes Diane, we are now joined by the President of HABI, Philippine Textile Council
00:22Ms. Mia Villanueva, she is also joined by the 2023 Lourdes Montinola Piña weaving competition winner
00:30Ms. Karla Reporan and Ms. Lisserio
00:32Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines
00:35Good morning
00:37It's important that we talk about this because this is an important industry in our country
00:41Can you explain to us Ms. Mia, what is the purpose of these two competitions?
00:46Yes, because our goal is to promote and preserve Philippine textiles
00:52and the abacao and the piña is a heritage textile
00:56so it's really indigenous to our country
00:59something that sets us apart from other countries, we have that
01:02so we decided to do the competition
01:06so that we can see the different techniques
01:10and to elevate the weaving of those textiles in the Philippines
01:16Alright, Ms. Mia, we understand the awards
01:18and there are people who have different names
01:20for instance, Lourdes Montinola
01:22and also Eloisa Hizon Gomez
01:24tell us more about these people
01:26Lourdes Montinola is the chairman emeritus of FEU
01:30she is the family of FEU school
01:32but she also wrote a book
01:36she wrote a book in 1991 about piña
01:38so she is really a champion of piña textile
01:42Eloisa Gomez Hizon is the mother of Dom Martin
01:49who is a Benedictine monk
01:51but she was the designer of Gang Gomez
01:55so that's where she got her interest and inspiration
01:59to get into textiles
02:01I think maybe 2 or 3 years ago
02:03she also had an exhibit of vestments
02:06but she also used other local textiles of the Philippines
02:12Let's go to Carlo
02:14I understand that you are a Hall of Famer
02:16and you always win
02:20Tell us about your winning piece every year
02:22what is your technique and what is the secret
02:24that you always win in this competition?
02:26I am from the family of weavers
02:29my mom is a cultural master for piña weaving
02:31and every year since I started
02:33Lourdes Montinola
02:35the goal is always innovation
02:37something new that we can show to the public
02:40that's how we make our textiles
02:42so we got to know piña
02:44maybe because of the traditional color
02:46and design, it's just plain
02:48and then in the competition
02:50they encourage innovation
02:52something new in the texture and color
02:54so as you can see here
02:56here's the fabric
02:58is that your winning piece?
03:00traditionally, let me show you the reference
03:02this is the traditional fabric
03:04and then comes the Lourdes Montinola
03:06it's so beautiful
03:09it's a blend of cotton
03:11and natural dye
03:13so that's the motivation
03:15to innovate new products
03:17how did you conceptualize with this
03:19as the winning piece?
03:21with this competition
03:23we consider the demand
03:25especially our market
03:27is the designers in Manila
03:29so their demand is not like that
03:31although the traditional is still in demand
03:33but they want something more from us
03:35for example, the color
03:37the texture, it's not just plain
03:39it's a shared fabric
03:41sorry, just to interrupt
03:43if you look at the Lourdes Montinola
03:45piña competition
03:47it's the 7th year
03:49at the beginning, as Carla was saying
03:51the entries are simple
03:53but then the contestants
03:55are motivated
03:57so they level it up
03:59so it's really about innovation
04:01and then another thing that we see happening
04:03is they're using old heritage techniques
04:06of how to improve the textiles
04:08so it's exciting
04:10to elevate
04:12that's really the objective also
04:14what are the opportunities
04:16that you're giving to the winners
04:18in this competition?
04:20there are cash prizes
04:22and then of course
04:24we have an exhibit during our fair
04:26so the designers
04:28or other buyers
04:30like Carlo
04:32is a good example
04:34from the time he started
04:36he won
04:38now he's very advanced and very successful
04:40in his work
04:42so this Lourdes Montinola
04:44piña weaving competition
04:46and HABI, the market fair
04:48this is what gives
04:50morale to us
04:52in the past years
04:54because as weavers
04:56we just know
04:58as weavers of fabrics for designers
05:00now with this platform that HABI gave
05:03with this competition
05:05Lourdes Montinola
05:07we have a voice
05:09and a face
05:11in front of our weavers
05:13so our entries
05:15we share our story
05:17our process
05:19and the tradition and culture
05:21behind the entries
05:23that's empowerment for the weaving industry
05:25good thing we have this Ms. Mia
05:27I understand from the traditional kind of
05:29ways of doing this weaving thing
05:31now we move forward with the unconventional one
05:33we want to know what are the qualifications
05:35so we can choose our winning pieces
05:37or the winners here
05:39as Carlo was saying
05:41it's really also about innovation
05:43and then of course technique
05:45we have a panel of judges
05:47and when you submit they're going to judge it
05:49based on innovation
05:51and technique
05:53do you have other comments
05:55what do you think was your edge
05:57with the other contestants
06:00I think the concept
06:02of injecting
06:04or putting
06:06other materials
06:08elements, texture
06:10something new
06:12in our traditional way of doing it
06:14very unconventional
06:16it's not that easy competition
06:18because the panel of judges
06:20they're also smart
06:22they know the pinya and abaca
06:26quality, looks, aesthetics
06:28when submitting entries
06:30they're deliberating
06:32so young and old weavers
06:34can join
06:36so where can they see the details
06:38if they want to submit
06:40for all the details they can go to our website
06:44and everything will be there
06:46like what are the requirements
06:48we also have a Facebook page they can write there
06:50or Instagram as well
06:52when is the deadline
06:54September 16
06:57that's why we want to thank you for inviting us here
06:59to Rise and Shine
07:01we want to get the word out there
07:03and they can also go to the fair
07:05to see
07:07what is out there
07:09because sometimes other weavers
07:11they're just in their province
07:13they don't see
07:15they're not exposed to all the other
07:19but if they're exposed here
07:21for sure they'll be recognized
07:23aside from the weaving competition
07:25about the Likang Habi Market Fair
07:27can you tell us more about this
07:29and can you invite others to participate
07:31so the Likang Habi Market Fair
07:33we're on our 16th year
07:35it's gonna be in Glorieta
07:37in Makati on October 18, 19
07:39and 20
07:41and we have all these weavers
07:43doing textiles but also doing
07:47finished products using the textiles
07:51theme for this year is
07:54about natural dyes, so it's earth to loom
07:56celebrating Philippine dyes
07:58maybe for the last, Carlos
08:00since there might be aspiring weavers
08:02that want to follow your footsteps
08:04what's your advice to them
08:06to my fellow weavers and communities
08:08across the Philippines
08:10since it's open to everyone
08:12maybe we should continue
08:14because unlike before
08:16it was traditional and we weren't noticed
08:18now it's more alive
08:20and colorful, the weaving industry
08:22in the Philippines
08:24so my advice is to continue
08:26and make it more alive and colorful
08:28and let's continue the story of our generation
08:32let's keep going
08:34this is part of our knowledge as Filipinos
08:36technically our culture
08:38as Filipinos
08:40anyway, Ms. Mia and Carlos, thank you so much
08:42for being with us this morning
08:44for introducing to us this very relevant
08:46competition for everyone
08:48thank you
