• last year
An Australian device launching in 2025 could transform wool micron testing.
00:00so we've got a micron scanner here scans the RFID tag of each individual animal and then scans our
00:06micron we don't have an RFID tag here so i'm just going to skip that if you don't want to do that
00:14and then we've selected we can select one two or three images three is optimum for accuracy
00:22and we want got our staple of wool here start to spread them out
00:26a little bit and capture our image and this is ideal it will take a picture of the
00:37micron and it'll measure it when i accept
00:43now it's got that so i'll move it along halfway down capture again accept
00:50move it down to the bottom of the staple
00:58capture accept
01:02and then it's given me our average micron of the staple standard of covariance comfort factor over
01:11here and code of variation across that staple so i can either accept or reject that test
01:20and accept it and that'll be saved back to the back of the pack
01:25for download your computer later on and move on to your next animal
