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00:00Previously on 100-Day Hotel Challenge...
00:03Do you want to turn this into a competition?
00:05I'm taking the William and Garland.
00:06I've got the Salterpath Inn.
00:08We each brought in a pair of superstars
00:10for our standard room showdown.
00:12We all just want to have fun.
00:14We're gonna win, but you can have fun.
00:16Is there room for one more in the back?
00:17There's always room.
00:19I hope me and Brian live well together at this competition.
00:21We gotta make sure everything in this room looks perfect.
00:25I'm feeling confident.
00:26Oh, my gosh, guys.
00:27First impression is a good one.
00:29I don't see this bathroom with this room.
00:32They feel like two different rooms.
00:34Hello there!
00:36Handling done the right way.
00:38The one thing I would say, though,
00:39is I'm not a fan of the wood on wood on wood.
00:42It's too much.
00:43The winner of the single and double room
00:46is Team Mika.
00:49Oh, my gosh!
00:50I got my first win, and I'm keeping my foot on the gas.
01:09We meet again!
01:11You are shining today,
01:12and it's not just that bright orange you're wearing.
01:15Listen, this bright orange
01:16is giving me all the energy I need to keep winning.
01:20Nice job on the single and double room.
01:22We have a very solid template now.
01:23Yeah, it's important.
01:24To kind of carry through the rest of this renovation.
01:27So we're doing the lobby for this challenge.
01:29We have to keep in mind, yes, we're beautifying these hotels.
01:32Also, part of our budget needs to go towards rebranding.
01:35Think about when we renovated the Sunburst Inn,
01:37the lobbies where you have opportunity
01:40for a refresh of the business side of things.
01:44This is a really important space in the hotel.
01:47It's the first impression to the guests when they check in,
01:50but also the last impression when they check out.
01:52We're used to building a home in 100 days,
01:54but this is a bigger task to tackle.
01:56But that's why we're not doing it alone.
01:59We have reinforcements coming in to help us with the challenge.
02:02I have a great game plan and an even greater teammate coming.
02:06You know what?
02:07Not only is my teammate a Florida girl as well,
02:09but she is definitely versed with how to renovate
02:12in just a few days.
02:13I have a former and fellow rock the block champion.
02:18Oh, okay.
02:20I have the best of the best.
02:22Come on in, Michelle.
02:23Ooh, okay.
02:24What's going on?
02:25I know I'm going to be celebrating daily
02:27with my girl, Gailey.
02:29Ha ha!
02:30♪ Oh, yeah, I've got it all ♪
02:34♪ Unbeatable, oh ♪
02:38Ha ha!
02:41Hey, what's happening?
02:42Hey, aren't the hats cute, Michelle?
02:44It's all cute, but we're bringing the blues.
02:46You guys are going to lose.
02:47Ha ha ha!
02:49Have you ever done demo?
02:51Oh, man!
02:52Here's the thing.
02:53I'm here to win because that's what we do.
02:55When Brian called, it was a no-brainer.
02:57First of all, I love hospitality design.
03:00My biggest signature in design is how I layer a space.
03:03I don't leave any surface unconsidered.
03:06I didn't even know that I was a competitive person
03:08until I went to rock the block.
03:09And now, a beast has been unleashed.
03:13I think we got this one in the bag.
03:15Girl, I've seen your work.
03:16You know how to do some beautiful renovations,
03:18but also, in a quick timeline.
03:2072 hours, gentlemen.
03:22My career actually started on Wall Street,
03:24and in the last couple of years,
03:25I found my way into designing homes.
03:27I know how to renovate in a very short period of time.
03:30I love coming up with creative solutions
03:33to really difficult problems.
03:35So, this is really something that I've never done before,
03:39and if there's anybody I'm going to do it
03:41for the first time with, it's going to be Mika.
03:43So, we started this competition
03:44with a budget of $225,000 for the entire project.
03:48The next space we're focusing on is the lobby.
03:51We allotted 15 days before the judges,
03:53Jonathan and Drew Scott, arrived,
03:55and we're being judged on amenities,
03:57overall guest experience, design,
03:59and hotel owner requests.
04:02So, whoever wins this space is going to get $5,000
04:05to donate to the charity of their choice.
04:07That's incredible.
04:08We also don't have all the time that we want,
04:10so we better get started.
04:11Ryan, I know all your weaknesses,
04:12and I'm going to use that against you, so.
04:14Mika, that's not even fair.
04:16It is fair.
04:17Gentlemen, good luck, you're going to need it.
04:19Have fun trying to find your lobby.
04:25This is the William and Garland.
04:26I love it.
04:27It's definitely got the vibes from 1950s,
04:30but the cool thing is,
04:31Amanda and Perry moved here about a year ago,
04:34took over all of the duties of the hotel,
04:36and moved in right here.
04:37So, this is their house.
04:38You've got family on the property,
04:41family-owned business, right?
04:42I love that.
04:43So, Amanda and Perry want to keep the yellow.
04:45So, we're going to lean into that.
04:46However, I do think we need to create an experience
04:49for the check-in.
04:50So, let me show you the space we're working with.
04:53All right.
04:54So, we're doing the lobby, right?
04:56We have the lobby.
04:57Are we going to walk into it?
04:59We're kind of here.
05:02Mika, tell me you're messing with me right now.
05:04Oh, I wish I could.
05:04Girl to girl, are you messing with me?
05:06So, if I'm checking in today, where am I checking in?
05:08Am I checking in the lobby?
05:10So, hopefully one day.
05:13This is our home, actually.
05:15You guys are living here?
05:17We really do need an office lobby, so.
05:19That's why I wanted to allocate a little bit of extra.
05:22We've got $32,000.
05:26It sounds like it's a lot of money.
05:27That's going to dwindle very quickly
05:29when we're talking about building a structure
05:32that doesn't exist.
05:33I'm going to have to make this work for the lobby
05:34because I still have an entire hotel to renovate,
05:37and man, the budget's going to go pretty quickly.
05:40Amanda and Perry, they are very hands-on.
05:42They do all of the job duties,
05:43from turning the rooms to meeting the guests,
05:46outside of their room doors, giving them the key.
05:48So, for them, it's going to be convenient
05:51if we can create a lobby space
05:53that's right here, basically, off of the home.
05:56The intimidating part about the lobby, though,
05:58full transparency, is that it can make or break a hotel.
06:02Not everybody books in advance,
06:03so if you drive up and you walk in and you think,
06:05this doesn't feel like my vibe,
06:07no loss on you to just go down to the next one, right?
06:10The pressure to make this received well
06:13is the most important part, I think,
06:14of the entire property.
06:15I know, with the budget we have,
06:17the time we have, and the lack of space,
06:20we're going to have to get really creative.
06:23And that's why you're here, girl!
06:24I love that.
06:30Michelle Smith-Boyd, I'd like to introduce you
06:33to the Salter Path Inn.
06:36The hotel owners, Rock and Raj,
06:38are actually uncle and nephew,
06:39and one of the requests is that we clearly define
06:42that lobby entrance.
06:43Where do you think the lobby is?
06:45Well, I'd like it to be immediately recognizable.
06:49You mean it's not?
06:50It's not.
06:51That is our lobby.
06:53This gray door?
06:54That's it.
06:56So we got bright doors everywhere.
06:58And this one that fades to the back
07:00is our first point of entry?
07:02That's the problem.
07:03Feels like I'm going to the principal's office.
07:05We have $25,000 to do our lobby.
07:09The reason I chose Michelle to be my teammate
07:12for the lobby is because I want luxury for less,
07:17and I want to be able to use my budget equally
07:20throughout the entire hotel to make the biggest impact.
07:22Here goes nothing, and I do mean nothing.
07:27Where's the rest of it?
07:28This is it.
07:29No, seriously, this is it?
07:30Brian, I can touch both walls.
07:33I mean, this is a closet.
07:34And worst part, it's not welcoming
07:37for a guest checking in on a vacation.
07:38No, man, I want an experience.
07:40That's why I'm coming to vacation.
07:42This is small, guys.
07:44I mean, how do you guys feel about this lobby?
07:46What's working?
07:47What's not?
07:48Nothing's working.
07:49He answered that real quick.
07:53Are you serious?
07:54No, this has got to be a joke.
07:56I want this closet space back.
07:57Can I have that back into this room, please?
08:00The hotel owners told me that the manager
08:02lives behind this lobby.
08:03I'm assuming through this door and that little window.
08:06Anybody home?
08:11Ooh, you see what I see?
08:13I see a lot of space.
08:14And that's not scary at all.
08:16Wow, look at this.
08:18I mean, we can't take it all.
08:19What if we share it just a little bit?
08:21Here, plenty of room for dining.
08:23If we could get all of this space.
08:25I want the window.
08:27If we could capture this space,
08:29we would like double the size of the lobby.
08:31Then we'd have an actual lobby for someone to rest.
08:36Check this out.
08:36We won single and double room.
08:39The things that Jonathan and Drew appreciated the most,
08:41they love that we used a little bit of color,
08:43but it's also got like some of the organic elements
08:46with the wood paneling.
08:47And they think that we did a great job with the wallpaper.
08:49Yeah, it looks great.
08:50Super moody.
08:51The ceiling color, yeah.
08:52Very vintage-y.
08:53I think we'd create the sister version
08:55where it looks related, but not identical.
08:58I love the natural wood immediately because of the color.
09:00It's warmer and it just feels like sunset.
09:05This bathroom wasn't Jonathan and Drew's favorites.
09:10What's wrong with them?
09:12You like it?
09:13I love this color.
09:14Their artwork prepared me for this blue.
09:16So Jonathan and Drew did not agree with that point of view.
09:19I like it.
09:20I think we should stick to the color, double down on it.
09:23Like make them love it.
09:25I like it.
09:26Roll the dice.
09:27Let's go.
09:27Let's go.
09:31Now, keeping in mind that Amanda and Perry do live here,
09:34they still want to have a portion of the porch
09:36that's kind of designated just for them.
09:39However, one of their requests
09:40is that we enclose their portion of the porch
09:42and wrap everything with windows so it looks seamless.
09:45They've also asked us to make sure they have access
09:47from their side of the house
09:49so we can do a hidden door on the back wall.
09:52This space here needs to create
09:53like somewhere she can run her business,
09:55run the books, check in guests.
09:57We can do a podium reception desk to save on space,
10:00but we'll add much needed storage behind it
10:02and maybe do a feature wall above it.
10:04Ooh, yes.
10:05I'd love that.
10:06Branding is crucial.
10:07So maybe we can add a coffee bar
10:09with shelving for merchandise.
10:11And maybe behind it,
10:12we could do a beautiful wood accent wall
10:14to display the motel logo.
10:16And we can add some banquette seating under the windows.
10:19I want when people to drive up,
10:21there's no mistaking that this is the entrance, right?
10:24This is where you check in.
10:27So I want to make it grand and expansive.
10:29What if we find a way to extend the easement
10:32and create a pergola?
10:33We'll extend the fence.
10:35What are we thinking for ground covering?
10:37Maybe we do gravel and some pavers.
10:40I know we're going to have to fence in the AC unit,
10:42but I'm wondering what we can do in front of it.
10:43It would be great to have a fire pit.
10:45Oh, I love that.
10:47Create an experience, not just seating.
10:49The only thing I have to say is if we're going to win,
10:51we have to start immediately.
10:52Oh my gosh.
10:53Because I already feel the clock is ticking.
10:55If I walked in to this door, number one,
10:58and then into this room, I'd probably go back to my car.
11:01So you're checking out before you even check in?
11:03Not even checking in.
11:04So we need to make a big statement
11:06when you first walk into the lobby.
11:08Let's take down the wall and extend 10 feet
11:10into the manager's apartment.
11:12I mean, it'll still leave them plenty of space.
11:14You think like a tile in here?
11:16Like a terrazzo?
11:18What if we did two colors and striped it?
11:21I love that.
11:22So how about we do a little bit of a mix?
11:24So how about we create some symmetry on either end?
11:27So if we did a solid white oak arch on one side
11:30with the bar and some seating,
11:31on the other side, we can do the arch with storage
11:34behind the reception desk.
11:35Ooh, check in desk.
11:37Like, I just, I keep looking at this.
11:41It doesn't get much better than this.
11:43Oh, it better.
11:44It's got to.
11:46Honey, let's set the vibe.
11:49Get the party going on time.
11:51Looking in the mirror like three, two, one.
11:54I'm ready.
11:56Opening up the lobby.
12:01Oh, Brian, you don't know who's on my team.
12:13Is there some things you want to talk to me about?
12:15Maybe a therapist?
12:16I don't know.
12:17Like, I think we did some damage here today.
12:20I'm wondering if we should have asked
12:21Rock and Raj permission first.
12:23Tell me you asked, Brian.
12:24I'd rather ask for forgiveness.
12:26Oh my God.
12:28I'm ready.
12:59We already know that Brian's up to this.
13:00They're messing with the wrong girls.
13:03Are you kidding me, Brian and Michelle?
13:04First of all, y'all must have a lot of free time
13:07on your hands.
13:08You know what this tells me?
13:09He's feeling very threatened at this point.
13:11That's a scared sign.
13:14What we're doing here is adding so much value,
13:17first impressions.
13:18And the guest experience.
13:19Wait a minute.
13:20I spy a blonde ponytail.
13:22What do you mean, ponytail?
13:23All right, all right.
13:25You know what?
13:25We won't stay long.
13:26We just have a date.
13:27We won't stay long.
13:28We just have a delivery.
13:29First impressions!
13:30You were waiting for deliveries today, right?
13:32Here's your first one.
13:33Nice try.
13:33Stop work order.
13:34What are you doing here?
13:35You shouldn't even be here.
13:37Hey, okay.
13:38Hey, if you guys don't want to take this seriously,
13:39then watch you get shut down.
13:41I hate to see you shut down.
13:42No, y'all are about to get shut down in this competition.
13:44That's what's about to happen.
13:47Sign drop.
13:49This was good.
13:50It was worth it.
13:51You're crazy.
13:52It was worth me getting in trouble when I get home.
13:57Now that we have demoed the space,
13:59the real work begins.
14:01We have to build our arches.
14:03We have to drywall.
14:05This timeline is going to go really fast.
14:07All right, so we got to figure out the color
14:09of the cabinets inside this lobby.
14:12That's our pastel palette.
14:13You're going to start with the, what is that?
14:15Robin's egg blue.
14:16All right, so Rock and Raj, they love Tulum, Mexico.
14:19And this is a super coastal vibe.
14:22This might be too much.
14:24I don't know.
14:25I don't know.
14:26This might be too orange, though.
14:28That might be too blue.
14:29I'm actually really kind of liking this color.
14:32Like, what do you, is this like a pink?
14:34It's kind of blush, but do we love it?
14:36We need to love it.
14:37This is going to help us win.
14:38It's my favorite out of the four,
14:39if that's what you're asking.
14:40I like the idea of using pastels.
14:42Oh, me too.
14:43It's smaller rooms.
14:44It'll help the rooms feel larger,
14:45but also fresh and coastal.
14:52The newly enclosed front porch of the William and Garland,
14:55part of that is actually going to be the lobby space.
14:57And the other part is for Amanda and Perry,
14:59but overall, the aesthetic has to be cohesive.
15:02When people are driving by,
15:03it all has to tie in together beautifully.
15:06For the first time in history,
15:07the William and Garland is getting a lobby.
15:10I'm sleeping a little better now that the walls are up,
15:12because I feel like this is actually possible, right?
15:16Like, I'm seeing the vision come together.
15:18I know we're knocking this thing out of the park.
15:25♪ I'm gonna take you on, baby, take you on ♪
15:31♪ I'm gonna take you on, baby, yeah, you better believe ♪
15:36Oh, now this feels more like a lobby you want to check into.
15:40That makes me so happy.
15:41You have no idea.
15:43You know what, though?
15:44We've got this great symmetry happening
15:45on the right and the left now with the arches.
15:48I kind of want the same thing with this beam.
15:52I mean, obviously, we wanted this gone.
15:55I feel like the second floor of this entire hotel
15:57would have fallen down as well.
15:58So what if we add a second one here
16:01and make it feel like an architectural feature
16:03that was really intentional
16:04as opposed to something we had to live with?
16:06On this side of the merchandise space.
16:09I like that.
16:13Could you be any happier about what's happening in there?
16:16It's feeling much better.
16:18Come on, you gotta give us some credit.
16:19Yes, it looks awesome.
16:20Now, can we get some of that sexy out here?
16:22We have to define this space
16:25so people know this is where you check in.
16:27How about we bring some of our favorite elements
16:30in the lobby outside?
16:33What if we created another arch like the two we put inside?
16:36And what's better than two arches?
16:39And it'll feel like a really grand sense of entry.
16:42Rock and Raj do not love this stone.
16:45And I think the reason they don't love the stone is-
16:47You want to get rid of the stone?
16:49I wish we could.
16:50In our budget, we can't, though.
16:52So what do you want to change the color?
16:54I just think the stone feels fake.
16:57If we painted like a creamy tone
16:59to kind of soften the white.
17:01It's something a little more natural.
17:03So we'd paint the stone, all the walkways,
17:06install a new entry door.
17:08We'll paint the rest of the hotel exterior
17:10later in the competition.
17:11Once we paint this and dull out the stone a little bit,
17:14Rock and Raj might actually like the look of this.
17:22The William and Garland has been
17:23that bright yellow building since it was built in 1954.
17:28So we're going to honor the request of Amanda and Perry,
17:31and we are keeping the William and Garland yellow.
17:34However, we are able to update that shade of yellow.
17:38Okay, Amanda and Perry,
17:39you've already put so much trust into me,
17:41my team, to do this renovation,
17:43but there is one decision that I feel like
17:45I just don't want to make on my own.
17:47Oh, wow.
17:48It's so important.
17:49We've got some samples here.
17:51I have my favorite already.
17:52I think I have a favorite too.
17:54All right, so let's see if y'all are really in tune.
17:56I'm going to count to three,
17:57and I want you guys to both go point to your favorite color.
18:01All right, so ready?
18:02One, two, three.
18:04Oh, thank goodness it's the same one.
18:06From a mile away, as soon as I saw it.
18:08That's the new face of William and Garland right here.
18:16We are full steam ahead of the Salter Path Inn.
18:19In the lobby, Michelle's custom-built cabinets
18:21are going to go perfectly underneath the arches.
18:23It's really going to add that touch of luxury
18:25that the hotel owners asked for.
18:27I love this color you chose for the cabinets.
18:29Are you going to give me the credit?
18:30Looks so good.
18:31It's the color right out of the horizon,
18:33and it's exactly what we're doing,
18:35expanding our horizon regarding palette.
18:38See what I just did there?
18:38Well said.
18:41I can almost taste the champagne now.
18:43I mean, this is the area I would probably hang out at.
18:46The alcohol is here.
18:47No, this is a good spot.
18:52Pergola time, baby.
18:54We are digging some holes.
18:55So we're going to have four posts.
18:58Oh, I hope we can find some gold,
18:59Gailey, and add to our budget.
19:01Starting to build this pergola is really exciting
19:04because it's helping us to see that maybe the lobby
19:07isn't just a little patio porch that we've covered in.
19:11Ooh, that's heavy.
19:12Oh my God.
19:12Oh my goodness.
19:14I feel like we're starting with a clean slate,
19:16and that's where you get the most growth.
19:18Okay, you got this?
19:19I feel like I got it, yeah.
19:20All right, I'm going to go get some cement,
19:22and some candy. I'm going to post up.
19:25I'll be right back.
19:26I'm good for a couple minutes,
19:27not that many minutes.
19:28Can't hear you!
19:36Hey, Brian.
19:37Hey, Brian.
19:38Hey, no sneaking up on me like that.
19:40How's it going?
19:41Good seeing you.
19:42So there's something I want to run by you.
19:45So in addition to rebranding,
19:47how do you guys feel about a brand new name?
19:50Tell us more about it.
19:51I am so excited about this.
19:53I have fallen in love with this area of North Carolina,
19:58and the lighthouses that you guys have here.
20:00I love the meaning of them.
20:02So I would love for your hotel to be somewhat
20:05of a lighthouse for all the guests that are coming.
20:09So, drum roll please.
20:12I was thinking of calling it, The Beacon.
20:23I was thinking of calling it, The Beacon.
20:29I like it.
20:30Show the path.
20:31The path, yeah.
20:32Kind of leading the way.
20:33Leading the way, yes, yeah.
20:34It's not an inn, it's not a motel, it's an experience.
20:37And that's what we're going for.
20:39After renovations, we always believe
20:41it's good to rename, rebrand.
20:44It's just more welcoming.
20:46We should have a fresh start with a fresh name.
20:49So are you guys ready to see the logo?
20:52Let's see it.
20:55Ooh, like those.
20:56A lot of options here.
20:57I mean, they all look amazing.
20:59Are there any that speak to you right from the get-go?
21:02This one.
21:03What would you guys like to see this branded on?
21:06Your basics, your hat, your T-shirt, hoodies.
21:09Super important that we got this right,
21:10and I feel like we did.
21:11Yeah, we hit it.
21:15Can we talk about keys?
21:16I want to do an artistic moment behind the reception desk.
21:22Think like apothecary, old school,
21:24where you've got hooks and skeleton keys hanging down.
21:29And this will be visually beautiful,
21:32and you'll really feel like you're in a museum.
21:34It's beautiful, and you'll really feel
21:35like you're at a check-in.
21:37You're going to walk in and just know
21:39that thought, money, and energy was put into this space,
21:42which is what you want in a place that you're staying at.
21:45So you have something like this.
21:48And then I want to stain all of this like a walnut color.
21:51So underneath the keys,
21:53I want to build a custom cabinet
21:57so that she has storage for a printer, files,
21:59things like that.
22:00And then this now becomes your focal point
22:02over the back of the desk.
22:04And now we're getting symmetry
22:05because we've got the intentional wall space
22:07with the wallpaper on the side.
22:08Are you seeing it?
22:10I am seeing it.
22:16I cannot wait to see this apply.
22:20There we go.
22:21Straight up.
22:24Oh, just made it.
22:26Michelle, you have had some great ideas for this lobby,
22:29but I think adding this extra beam is your best one.
22:32I think it's going to be really cool too.
22:33It almost feels like both beams have always been there.
22:36It feels original, doesn't it?
22:37It really does.
22:38This is good.
22:40Now, when you come in the lobby,
22:41your eyes immediately go to the merchandise.
22:43You land directly here, literally.
22:46Hey, you know what they say?
22:47When life gives you lemons, make a second beam.
22:50Make a second beam.
22:54I got some important decisions I need your help on.
22:59I love that you told us the history of the motel,
23:02and I really want to honor that and keep the legacy alive.
23:05The original William and Garland,
23:07it started off with just the four rooms, right?
23:09It started off as a fisherman's hut,
23:11and I want to keep that sort of one-of-a-kind at-home feel.
23:16But I want to elevate it just a little bit.
23:18So I do feel like there's a fine line between updating
23:22and then changing something completely.
23:24So I really want your input on this new branding.
23:28This is my department.
23:29Oh, look at Gary.
23:31From a very early time,
23:33I was already talking about William and Garland merch,
23:35and I want the nice quality hats, the towels.
23:38Let's talk about what logo
23:41are we putting on that merchandise.
23:43Let's check these out.
23:45But I want this to be something you guys can envision
23:48looking good now, but also in decades to come,
23:50so you're not rebranding anytime soon.
23:51I think I like option three for the William and Garland.
23:55Ooh, okay.
23:57That is a really pretty font.
23:58I like something more filled in for the motel one.
24:02I think we can easily modify motel
24:04and then make that a moment.
24:06Yeah, I love it.
24:07I can't wait to see it.
24:08That's gonna look so good.
24:14Ooh, that looks good.
24:16You approve?
24:17I got something for you now.
24:18What you got?
24:19Flooring samples.
24:20Oh, is this our stripe idea?
24:23This is our stripe idea.
24:25I know we initially talked about
24:26the stripes going east to west,
24:28but now that the beams are going that way,
24:32you don't think the stripes on the floor
24:33should also follow the beams?
24:35The beams are already leading us to our merchandise, right?
24:38I like these stripes leading us to the fun and the business.
24:42And not to mention that the stripes on the floor
24:44are gonna be parallel with the tambour on the desk.
24:47Oh, I didn't think about that.
24:48All those relationships are meant to be harmonious.
24:51It's gonna be good.
24:52All right, I'm gonna finish up these cabinets,
24:53and then I gotta finish building this desk.
24:56Oh my goodness, Kayleigh.
24:57It's tile time!
24:58Now the fun begins, girl.
25:01All right.
25:02The lobby is a small space,
25:03but sometimes you can get away
25:04with a little wild pattern in a small space,
25:08because if this was a huge, massive lobby,
25:10a busy floor would swallow the whole room.
25:12I think we keep a consistent pattern with the piano.
25:16I like that.
25:17And then we do something consistent
25:20with the blacks and the greens.
25:23It's like basket weave on steroids.
25:26Oh, I like that.
25:27This is a lobby.
25:28It's supposed to give you energy when you're stepping in.
25:29All right, so we're good on the pattern?
25:31Girl, then let's start laying some tile.
25:33All right, let's do it!
25:38I feel like it's a timeless, classic look
25:40that will basically be in style for years to come.
25:43This is gonna make William and Garland really memorable
25:46before they even see the room.
25:56We can play this fantasy all night.
26:01Let's celebrate.
26:03Oh, Michelle.
26:06There's only one arch and it still looks good.
26:08It's amazing, right?
26:09Here comes number two.
26:11We wanna make the lobby cohesive
26:13with what we've done in the other rooms,
26:14with the soft white oak paneling on the arches.
26:17Wow, wow, wow.
26:18What do you think?
26:19I think it might be better than my sketch.
26:22Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
26:24Patti has been staying quite busy.
26:27I mean, he already created our coffee bar area,
26:30merch display, our key rack,
26:32and now he just finished staining the storage area
26:35that's gonna be behind the desk.
26:37Rolling it back.
26:38Look at that!
26:39Oh, it's happening.
26:41Oh my God, it's so pretty.
26:43I mean, the adrenaline rush is real
26:45because this is technically the first piece of furniture
26:48that we are going to be putting into this lobby.
26:51I feel like I can smell the finish line.
26:53So we just have to slide it back.
26:55Why are we?
26:57Oh no, why are we hitting that door?
26:59I don't wanna damage this.
27:01I mean, how is this not fitting in here?
27:03The measurement's the same.
27:04It's not even about damaging it.
27:06I don't think this is gonna fit.
27:07Oh my goodness.
27:14I don't think this is gonna fit.
27:15Oh my goodness.
27:17Okay, here's an idea.
27:18Let's measure that window.
27:20Yeah, let's see if we can do it this way.
27:22All right, so that's 32.
27:23So we could fit it horizontally.
27:25I think we can fit it through the window.
27:27We can no longer get the cabinet in the easy way
27:31because once the windows were installed,
27:33the drywall started to bow out.
27:35And so we lost about a quarter of an inch.
27:37Please work, please work, please work.
27:39Okay, you're gonna grab that end.
27:41I don't think it's gonna clear this window.
27:43Okay, now we're gonna-
27:44Oh, come on, baby!
27:46Oh my gosh.
27:47Watch your fingers, Fanny.
27:48I'm making progress.
27:49Oh my God.
27:53Short ceiling.
27:56We did it!
28:05So I'm pushing Brian a little bit
28:07and I wanna do some wallpaper.
28:09Even though wallpaper wasn't a huge part
28:11of the single and double rooms,
28:13I think the lobby can still be cohesive
28:15with a simple pattern that won't steal the show.
28:20This is so good!
28:22Isn't it cool?
28:23It's just cool.
28:24This is so graphic.
28:25This is so edgy, but also still beachy.
28:36Wow, what's this?
28:38This is the wall we're gonna make.
28:40This is the wall.
28:42I know it looks a little like a crawfish boil now,
28:45but on the wall, it is going to be art.
28:48How do you cut this at different depths?
28:50They're all different.
28:51Once this all gets layered and it fits together,
28:54and then it's all gonna be stained,
28:56it allows us to get a lot of texture,
28:57but it's not taking up walking space
29:00because it's flat, but it's still-
29:02And then you're gonna have the brass
29:03William and Garland just pop off of it.
29:05I love it!
29:06It's gonna make such an impact in that lobby.
29:13The striped terrazzo is going to expand the room
29:17to make it feel longer and more luxurious
29:20than it really is.
29:21Hey, Michelle, nice to meet you.
29:22How'd I do?
29:23Very good.
29:24Check this out.
29:25Ooh, stop it!
29:26I know, right?
29:29This is our key wall,
29:30the focal point of what you see when you are checking in.
29:33That's hefty.
29:34Oh my God, look how it ties in so beautifully.
29:37Somehow this lobby is actually feeling bigger to me
29:40now that we have some pieces in.
29:41What you feel in the lobby,
29:42you should somewhat feel when you check into your room.
29:46We're still incorporating some of the wood paneling
29:48and the wallpaper,
29:49even though we're doing a different design and pattern.
29:51I'm really hoping the judges will appreciate
29:54that it's cohesive with the rooms,
29:56but it is its own moment.
29:58All these little details
30:01is what's gonna pull off the win.
30:02All right, Don, here we are again.
30:08Building Michelle's dreams.
30:10Michelle has designed a rounded pillbox shape desk
30:14wrapped in flexible fluted wood
30:16that's really gonna tie in nice
30:18with our single and double room.
30:19It also complements perfectly
30:21the rounded edges of our arches in the lobby.
30:24Oh my gosh, that looks so good.
30:25So nice.
30:26You know what?
30:27You almost don't even need the tambour.
30:29I kind of like it like this.
30:29Except I want my tambour!
30:33I'm just saying.
30:34That does look good,
30:35Don is my man!
30:37Why don't we have a secret handshake?
30:39Look at his face.
30:40Is his lip quivering?
30:41Why are you like this?
30:43Brian, Brian, seriously, me and you, chest bump.
30:47When this is done, boom!
30:48I'm coming to meet you in the air.
30:50You promise?
30:51I promise.
30:51Okay, deal.
30:54♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
30:59Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
31:02Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
31:04♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
31:07The pergola framing is up,
31:09but there's still a lot of work to be done
31:12because it does not look like an outdoor lobby yet.
31:15Especially knowing the judges are coming soon.
31:17It's not there yet, I agree,
31:18but the new marigold color
31:20is already brightening up the space.
31:22We're installing the new weatherproof fencing
31:23and the pea gravel.
31:24It's definitely low maintenance,
31:26and it's not going to have to be replaced.
31:27So now it's like putting all those finishing touches
31:30and all the functionality in the outdoor space
31:32people can hang out there and wait.
31:34Oh, this fire table is so pretty.
31:36You know, before, when guests turned into the parking lot,
31:50they didn't know where the lobby was.
31:52I really feel like building these posts out
31:54and boxing them out
31:56is going to give a defined space of where the lobby is.
32:00This is going to be so cool.
32:05So, the exterior arch in front of the lobby
32:07with the bold blue and white stripes,
32:10which ties into the rest of our hotel,
32:12is really going to draw our guests in
32:14and let them know right where to check in.
32:16All right, drum roll, please.
32:19Hey! Hey, look at that.
32:21All right, well, let's build the rest of this.
32:23We have to make sure that we get the lobby perfect.
32:25I mean, it's one of the most important spaces to Rock and Raj
32:29and to our hotel guest experience.
32:31You know, Jonathan and Drew didn't like the cobalt blue
32:34before, but I think this is going to change their minds.
32:36It's going to be a super late night,
32:38but we have to win this space.
32:40We can't go down 0 and 2.
33:00Indoor, outdoor, live-in.
33:04Girl, I've done a lot of things down to the wire,
33:06but this is down to the gravel.
33:10Honestly, we said this in the very beginning,
33:12the lobby is, like, the guest first impression.
33:14It's also going to be Jonathan and Drew's first impression
33:16of the new branding.
33:18So, I think it's so important they notice all the details.
33:21Oh, my God, we don't have enough time.
33:22We really don't.
33:24Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
33:25Oh, it's going to come down to the wire, Michelle.
33:27Our champagne is chilled.
33:29It's amazing how tranquil and peaceful and calm
33:33it is inside this lobby with the judges here any moment
33:37until I look out the window, and it's complete opposite.
33:40It's chaos when I look outside that window.
33:43Oh, my gosh, we only have a few minutes,
33:45and I don't know how long this is going to take.
33:47Literally, the final countdown.
33:48Oh, man.
33:50Let me smell. I need extra oxygen right now.
33:56Oh, let's go.
33:59We got a quick pray.
34:00All right, let's get out of here.
34:04All right, how's the energy?
34:05Because we're coming off a win for Mika, a loss for Brian.
34:09Runner up. Can we start saying runner up?
34:10I'm going to say runner up.
34:12I'm going to say runner up.
34:13I'm going to say runner up.
34:14I'm going to say runner up.
34:15I'm going to say runner up.
34:16I'm going to say runner up.
34:18I'm going to say runner up.
34:19Can we start saying runner up here?
34:20I think loss is preferable.
34:22As much as this is a friendly competition,
34:25the big thing to focus on as well is the winner
34:27of this challenge gets $5,000 toward their charity.
34:30So we want to make sure that we focus on that prize
34:32as well as improving the buildings
34:34and ultimately the community.
34:36But we want to make sure that we all remember
34:38what you're being judged on.
34:39You're being judged on the hotel owner's requests,
34:42the amenities, the aesthetic and the design,
34:44and you're also being judged on the guest experience.
34:46And obviously, having a great first impression
34:49as you walk into the hotel
34:51is a very important part of that guest experience.
34:53Mika, we're going to go through your space first
34:54since you won the last challenge.
34:56So there you go.
34:57No problem. See you soon.
35:03Oh, my gosh.
35:08Let it be bold.
35:09Let it be nothing.
35:10Very bold. Very yellow.
35:12It feels very inviting.
35:13And also, I know the hotel owner said
35:16you had to use this yellow.
35:17Yep. But I actually like the yellow.
35:19And I think from the street, it will catch the eye.
35:21It's amazing what you guys have created out of thin air.
35:24You added that whole awning,
35:25which makes sense when you're pulling into a motel.
35:27You've got to know where the office is.
35:30And now Amanda and Perry can separate work from home.
35:34You have a nice fire pit area, too,
35:35somewhere to settle and lounge.
35:38The flagstone, I think, is going to become
35:40trip hazard very fast for a lot of people.
35:41I would have done something more solid surface
35:43or something more level.
35:44And also, rolling bags across here,
35:46if you're coming, it just makes it a lot more difficult.
35:48Okay. All right. Let's get inside.
35:49All right.
35:50The big reveal.
36:00Holy smokes.
36:01Welcome to the William and Garland Motel.
36:07This is a lot more moody than I thought it was going to be.
36:11I like it. Okay.
36:13So, we want to create a home away from home.
36:15You kind of feel like this is part of Big Will's house.
36:16Yeah. Wow.
36:17Did you build this by hand?
36:18Yes. Mika and I and Patty and Freddie
36:21individually put each of these and stained them on here.
36:24I mean, this is beautiful.
36:25I like the detail on the wall. The tile is great.
36:28Your tile is tying into the bathroom tile.
36:30Yeah. The greens are the same.
36:34Yeah. Now, do you still have enough functional storage here?
36:37Do you have drawers and cabinets that you can access?
36:39Oh, yeah. So, this is all storage for her.
36:42Can we get you out of here for a second?
36:43Oh, boy. Here we go.
36:45I just want to check on something here.
36:47Okay. So, there is no storage down here.
36:49It's pretty, but it's not exactly functional
36:52for what they would probably need because they have pens,
36:53they have papers, they have stuff that needs to be signed.
36:56I want to see all of the merchandise.
36:57Come on over.
37:00This is our custom-made coffee bar.
37:02We really wanted to create that ambiance
37:04right when they walk in.
37:05You've tastefully chosen all of the merchandise.
37:08You picked some nice colors. I love these mugs.
37:11Yay. Because this just reminds us
37:13when we were kids camping with our family.
37:14We always had metal mugs that looked like this.
37:17This is a lot more seating than I expected to see in here.
37:19I actually quite like it.
37:21Oh, and you have a door. Is that the owner's suite?
37:23That is the door they requested
37:25so that they had access to their private residence.
37:28Knowing that the private space is in the back,
37:31the work happens up here,
37:32it's essentially the mullet of motels.
37:33It is. Business in the front, party in the back.
37:35Party in the back.
37:36So, you guys have killed it. This is really great.
37:39I'm just curious to see how Brian can compare to this.
37:44You guys.
37:45We don't waste time.
37:46I got to say, though, without even looking at anything else,
37:51nice job.
37:55I like the color. It feels current. It feels inviting.
37:57There's no confusion as to where the lobby is.
38:00Exactly. Not like before,
38:02where I couldn't even find it my first day here.
38:04Seriously, the purpose of this arch
38:06is to tie it into our rebranding.
38:08Oh. This is pulling inspiration
38:10from all the lighthouses in the area.
38:12We have rebranded from the Salter Path Inn
38:14to the new and improved Beacon.
38:16I like the name. The name is a really good name.
38:18Well done. That's good.
38:19Actually, the logo is great, too. It looks really nice.
38:21Isn't that cool? I'm not sold on the arch.
38:23To me, it looks like this could be
38:25almost like a bit of a funhouse kind of a thing.
38:27Okay. All right.
38:28Are you guys ready to check out
38:30where the guests are going to check in?
38:30Yes. Yes. Yes.
38:32After you.
38:34Oh, my goodness. I did not expect this.
38:43We walk in. We shut it down.
38:46All eyes on us.
38:48Okay. Oh, wow.
38:51I did not expect this.
38:52Goodness. What a transformation.
38:55That's a good reaction. Yeah.
38:56Where do I start?
38:57There's so much to talk about in here.
38:59Well done. Oh, my gosh.
39:00Let's get you checked in. How about that?
39:01Absolutely. Good call, Michelle.
39:06So where am I right now?
39:07Because this was not this long.
39:09Well, literally, I'm standing in the manager's apartment.
39:12This is the dining area that we borrowed from that area.
39:15We didn't borrow. We stole it.
39:16Well, we took it, but we also gained a window.
39:18So we're flooded with more light,
39:20and we have double the space.
39:22The terrazzo is gorgeous.
39:23I like the stripe a lot.
39:25I think it looks really, really nice.
39:26The brass inlay ties into the wallpaper.
39:29The wallpaper is an inexpensive addition in here.
39:31It's really nice.
39:32Easy, big transformation for low cost.
39:35The symmetry is actually really great
39:36because subconsciously, it's very satisfying, the symmetry.
39:40You've done a beautiful job.
39:42I am noticing you've had some challenges with your curves.
39:45They're not quite as soft as if you weren't rushing.
39:50The beams are a little bulky.
39:51It's too bad that they're as heavy as they are.
39:54I mean, the bar area is really, really great.
39:56The thing I like with your merch, though, is some merch,
39:58it's super heavy branded.
39:59No one wants to buy it. No one wants to enjoy it.
40:01This is actually pretty classy,
40:03and just with the lettering on there,
40:05it's something that people would want to have.
40:06It's really good.
40:07It feels perfectly updated, perfectly modern,
40:10but also perfectly complementary to the era of the property.
40:14I'm not going to inflate your ego too much
40:15because Mika's space still looks really good.
40:17Oh, boy.
40:18But you've done some great things.
40:18Any final words?
40:20Well, if you've got time, we'd love to put it back together.
40:21Yeah, I was going to say.
40:22No, I need to be clear of mine.
40:24You guys underrated it.
40:26We got it for you.
40:28I appreciate it.
40:33Making it hard, these guys.
40:35Yeah, it isn't easy because I'm just looking at Mika's first.
40:38Walking up to it, I think the color is great.
40:40It's inviting.
40:41I'd say walking up for me, Mika takes it.
40:44Walking in the front door.
40:46Brian takes it. Brian takes it.
40:48It's the whole package is what we have to consider,
40:51and I think with that in mind.
40:52Are we both on the same page?
40:54Yes. Yes.
40:54Okay. Okay.
40:55Twin telepathy.
40:57All right. Hey.
40:58Oh, man.
41:00This is tough, though.
41:01Honestly, you guys blew it away.
41:03Both of the hotels look amazing.
41:05So let's focus on Mika and Gailey's space first.
41:09When we walked up, the awning that you built in was incredible.
41:12It's welcoming you in.
41:13It extends beautifully, and it feels substantial.
41:16You also had some great amenities with the fire pit out front.
41:18Totally perfect use of space in that area.
41:21And overall, the design, the aesthetic, it's amazing.
41:25Now, Brian and Michelle, when we walked up to your place,
41:28we saw the blue and white arch,
41:29which I know Drew wasn't a huge fan of,
41:31but I thought the color choices, the porch swing,
41:35and especially the logo of the rebrand was perfect.
41:38Inside is where you really put all the impact.
41:40I did not expect to see the class, the style.
41:43It felt current,
41:44and you tried to make a lot of function in there for people.
41:46Aesthetically, it's beautiful.
41:49But we can only choose one team.
41:50You both had a ton of pluses.
41:53You both had a few minuses.
41:55The winner of the lobby challenge is...
42:02Team Brian.
42:04Oh, no!
42:06There we go. There we go.
42:10I'm so bummed. I know.
42:12Girl, we so crushed it.
42:14Oh, my gosh.
42:16Michelle, you get $5,000 towards the charity of your choice.
42:20Habitat for Humanity Atlanta.
42:21Love that.
42:22Hey, we work with Habitat as well.
42:24I love them, yeah.
42:25The hotel owners are gonna be so ecstatic
42:27because both spaces look absolutely stunning.
42:29I can't wait for them to see it.
42:30I'm dying for them to see it.
42:31All right, you guys worked hard.
42:33Take the rest of the day off.
42:35Congrats, you guys.
42:36Good job.
42:37Oh, my gosh.
42:38Thank you. Thank you.
42:43Next time on 100 Day Hotel Challenge...
42:46The kitchenette rooms could potentially be the top money makers.
42:49One, two, three.
42:51Stop breaking this mirror,
42:52because we need all the luck we can get.
42:54Oh, my gosh, girl!
42:58Welcome to paradise.
42:59The color tones in here make me happy.
43:01We want happy judges.
43:03It's gorgeous in here.
43:04You guys want to check out our pool?
43:06That's not a good thing.