Upaya Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisman ke Borobudur

  • last month
PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) atau Injourney menandatangani kerja sama dengan maskapai penerbangan Thailand Thai Airways untuk pengembangan konektivitas udara Bangkok-Yogyakarta. Kerja sama tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan tingkat kunjungan wisatawan khususnya ke Candi Borobudur.


00:05PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia Persero or INJOURNEY
00:07signed an agreement with Thai Airways
00:11for the development of Bangkok-Yogyakarta air connectivity.
00:14The agreement is expected to increase the level of tourist visits,
00:18especially to Chandi Borobudur.
00:24PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia Persero or INJOURNEY
00:27signed an agreement with Thai Airways
00:31for the development of Bangkok-Yogyakarta air connectivity,
00:36especially to Chandi Borobudur.
00:39Director of Marketing and Tourism Program INJOURNEY, Maya Watono,
00:43said that the agreement is expected to increase the level of tourist visits,
00:48especially to Borobudur.
00:50The number of Buddhists in Thailand reached 64 million.
00:55In the first step, INJOURNEY estimated that the number of Buddhists
00:58in Thailand can reach five times or around 500 thousand people.
01:03Currently, the number of visitors in Borobudur is 1.4 million a year
01:07and 10% are Buddhists.
01:09We are quite optimistic with the opening of this connectivity,
01:14it can attract 3-5 times more Buddhists in Thailand.
01:18It can reach 400-500 thousand.
01:20But this is just the first step.
01:22In the future, we are sure that the number of Buddhists in Thailand
01:25will reach 64 million.
01:27So if we can get 5%, it will add up to 3 million tourists.
01:32Maya added that Chandi Borobudur is designated as a spiritual tourism destination
01:36in line with INJOURNEY's commitment to build an inclusive destination
01:40as a place of worship for Buddhism.
01:43Currently, the total number of Buddhists in Southeast Asia is 120 million,
01:47so it has great potential to do Buddhist worship in Chandi Borobudur.
01:52Jakarta Rikenwar, D'Addiction Channel.
01:58Stay tuned, we will be back soon.
