Memacu Digital, ISAT Berhasil Serap Dana Capex Rp520,6 Miliar

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PT Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Tbk (ISAT) akan memperkuat layanan komunikasi melalui strategi percepatan transformasi digital. Hingga Semester I-2024, ISAT berhasil menyerap anggaran belanja modal sebesar Rp520,6 miliar dari Rp12 tiliun.

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00:00I'm Miten, PT Indosat-Urridu Telekomunikasi, TBK,
00:09to strengthen communication services
00:11through the Digital Transformation Acceleration Strategy.
00:14Until the first semester of 2024,
00:16ISAT managed to absorb a capital spending budget
00:20of 520.6 billion rupiah, from 12 trillion rupiah.
00:26I'm Miten, PT Indosat-Uridu Telekomunikasi, TBK,
00:32to strengthen communication services
00:34through the Digital Transformation Acceleration Strategy.
00:37ISAT managed to absorb a capital spending budget
00:40of 12 trillion rupiah.
00:43Until the first semester of 2024,
00:45ISAT managed to absorb a capital spending budget
00:47of 520.6 billion rupiah, from 12 trillion rupiah.
00:51Approximately 89.8% of CAPEX absorption
00:54is allocated to strengthen cellular services,
00:57especially to support the growth of data services,
00:59multimedia, data communication, and internet,
01:02as well as information technology.
01:04The program also focuses on a number of technological innovations
01:07and the development of artificial intelligence.
01:09With the focus on strengthening these services,
01:11ISAT Optimistis can continue to improve its efforts
01:14until the end of this year.
01:16For that reason, ISAT Optimistis has reached the target of the year
01:19and has been supported by Kinerja Positif
01:21for more than three consecutive years.
01:23In the first semester of 2024,
01:25ISAT managed to record Kinerja Positif
01:27with the growth of clean labs and income of 2 digits.
01:30The operating period lab that can be attributed
01:32to the owner of the Indosat entity
01:34is recorded as 2.7 trillion rupiah
01:37or 43.29% year-on-year growth
01:40compared to the previous year, which was 1.9 trillion rupiah.
01:45Meanwhile, ISAT will continue to collaborate
01:47with strategic partners and governments
01:49to address the challenges of connectivity equality
01:51in all regions of Indonesia,
01:53including running strategic partnerships
01:55with NVIDIA, Mastercard, KISCO, and Google.
01:59One of the emerging collaborations is with NVIDIA
02:02for the development of AI infrastructure in Indonesia.
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