Late Night Lockup S02E11 I'm Going LIVE on This

  • last month
A man falls asleep at a drive-thru in New Mexico; police discover he is so intoxicated he can't even stand; in New Orleans, a police horse pursues a gun-toting felon around the French Quarter; in Florida, a cop sees a go-kart speed around a neighborhood.
00:00What the f*** do you want, you stupid?
00:03When the sun goes down...
00:05What are you gonna do? Throw me in jail?
00:07The strangest stories pass through police stations.
00:10Take me in. I sleep very well in a prison cell.
00:14Your right foot in front of your left foot, you'll tell me.
00:16I don't know.
00:17What don't you know?
00:18I don't know.
00:19Late at night, officers encounter human behavior at its weirdest...
00:24Why do you have this one glove on?
00:25I always just have one glove on.
00:27...and wildest.
00:29Tonight, we're in New Mexico...
00:32Are you trying to offer me sexual favors?
00:40...and Florida...
00:41Matter of fact, I'm gonna go live. witness what happens... Late Night Lockup.
00:53Albuquerque, New Mexico, 10.52 p.m.
00:57911, emergency.
00:59Hey, I have this guy, he's drunk in my drive-thru.
01:02Any weapons, drugs?
01:04No, just a bottle of alcohol.
01:07Go around, please.
01:09If you want to order, you go around the window, okay?
01:19The suspect has fallen asleep at the wheel,
01:22turning the drive-thru into a drive-around.
01:25My team leader was taking the orders,
01:26and I kind of heard him, like, slurring, you know,
01:28and she was trying to get him to, like, repeat his orders,
01:30and we couldn't hear him, so I started yelling at him
01:32because he was not answering.
01:34Is it this vehicle?
01:36It's been asleep probably for, like, 15 minutes now.
01:43There's nothing fast about this guy's food order.
01:47Hey, brother, Albuquerque police.
01:49Albuquerque police.
01:51Hey, man, you doing okay?
01:55I need you to step out of the car and talk to me.
01:58Okay, come on.
02:05Beep, beep.
02:06Moving Mr. Drunk in drive-thru is easier said than done.
02:10Hey, brother.
02:12Hey, man.
02:16Go ahead and take off your seat belt and step out of the car.
02:25It's clear that you're obviously intoxicated by some measure.
02:28I could smell alcohol coming from you.
02:33Let's go.
02:34Let's go.
02:35Take off your seat belt.
02:36Get out of the car.
02:43I don't care if you're not interested.
02:45We can talk out here,
02:46but I need you to take off your seat belt and get out of the car.
02:51So let's do it.
02:53Right now.
03:08All right.
03:10It's clear this customer has been enjoying more than just a shake.
03:14Hey, why don't you come back over here to the back of your car for me.
03:17Right back over here where my partner is.
03:19Yeah, I'm back over here.
03:21I don't understand.
03:22Well, we're going to explain it to you.
03:23So walk back over here.
03:26Do you need medical to come check you out?
03:30Because you were in a car that was running.
03:33I was trying to drive the car.
03:40Are you okay?
03:41Sir, no.
03:44Yeah, man.
03:58Do you have a driver's license on you?
04:00I do, but.
04:02Okay, can you grab it for me?
04:03I can't.
04:06Why can't you grab your license?
04:15Cops can assess if a driver is over the limit with field sobriety tests.
04:19But this guy is too drunk to even attempt them.
04:23Do you need to throw up before we get in my car?
04:25The suspect has a date with a jail cell.
04:30After the cops log the evidence.
04:34Holy cow.
04:35And there's plenty of it.
04:37And this one's open.
04:43The suspect has seven open bottles of whiskey in his car.
04:47Dude, it's like.
04:50And when the cops locate the man's license,
04:53it reveals this isn't his first rodeo.
05:01He has several DUI arrests
05:03and is required to use an interlock breathalyzer
05:06to prevent him driving whilst drunk.
05:13This one doesn't appear to be connected.
05:17You hanging tight, buddy?
05:21I'm Officer Tedoni with the Albuquerque Police Department.
05:27The suspect is taken downtown to be processed.
05:30Hey, I got a question for you.
05:32What's up?
05:33You saw someone drink 500 milliliter bottles
05:37and two 200 milliliter bottles of whiskey.
05:40What do you think they blow?
05:41That's all she had?
05:42You are.
05:43Dude, how's he do it?
05:45I'm impressed.
05:48The suspect's blood alcohol level remains a mystery
05:51as he is refusing to take a breath test.
05:54Okay, well, am I incarcerated?
05:56Yes, sir. You are under arrest for driving while intoxicated.
05:59Plus, when I ran your license,
06:01and it even says it there, it's an interlock license.
06:04You didn't have an interlock on the vehicle,
06:06which is an automatic arrestable offense.
06:09When I searched your car, incident to arrest,
06:12I found seven open bottles of whiskey.
06:15Well, there should be four.
06:19Phil, I'm going to jail.
06:20Yes, sir.
06:22And there's nothing that I can do about that?
06:24No, sir.
06:26Okay, um...
06:29How do I not get a specific situation?
06:35A what?
06:36Well, I'm a homosexual, so...
06:39Are you trying to offer me sexual favors?
06:42Oh, my God, no.
06:44I'm saying that I'm exclusive to that, so...
06:49You can, uh...
06:50I don't care about you. Oh, my God.
06:52Why would I put anything under your thing?
06:55Well, that's why I was trying to clarify
06:57what you were trying to ask me here, so...
06:59No. Jesus Christ.
07:03You see it?
07:04No, it's pretty clear.
07:05It's just jail time on the menu today.
07:07Jail time on the menu tonight.
07:08So, regardless, you understand that
07:10tonight being the fifth time makes it a felony, right?
07:13Well, I understand, yes.
07:17And it's going to be up to the judge
07:19whether what they do or not, okay?
07:22That's a potential two-year sentence
07:24on top of having his license revoked.
07:28I'm so sorry.
07:30It's okay, man.
07:31Mistakes happen. Mistakes happen, right?
07:34As the suspect is transferred to the lockup,
07:36the whiskey appears to be wearing off...
07:38I'm sorry, you guys. I'm sorry.
07:41I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
07:43It's okay.
07:45...only to be replaced with remorse.
07:47About nine?
07:48Uh, roughly.
07:54Air forward.
08:02Over 1,000 miles away,
08:04New Orleans, Louisiana.
08:08It's 10 p.m., Saturday night,
08:10and the French Quarter is packed with revelers.
08:23One partygoer is packing a little too much heat.
08:35Although carrying a firearm is not illegal in Louisiana,
08:38brandishing it in public is.
08:51Finding the gunman in the crowds is no easy task.
08:57But one search team is head and shoulders above the rest.
09:01The subject is heading towards Burbank.
09:03The New Orleans Mounted Police Unit
09:05is the third largest in the U.S.
09:15Tracking the suspect on JJ,
09:17one of the 26 powerful horses that patrol the city,
09:20gives the officer an advantage.
09:31Here we go. Up we go.
09:38Especially when the gunman takes off.
09:41Come on. Come on. Come on.
09:42Let's go. Let's go. Come on.
09:43Let's go. Let's go. Come on.
09:56In New Orleans,
09:57New Orleans Mounted Police are in pursuit of an armed suspect.
10:09Look out! Look out! Look out!
10:11Look out! Look out! Look out!
10:15Come on, girl. Come on.
10:16Give it to me. Come on.
10:19Receiving the suspect's location direct from the horse's mouth,
10:22the cops converge on the area.
10:24Right on the wall towards the station.
10:26Right on the wall towards the station.
10:28Come on, girl. Come on.
10:39A foot officer tackles the gunman to the ground.
10:43We got him down in the construction area right here in Wall Street.
10:47Up under here. Up under here.
10:50Put your hands on your back. Put your hands on your back.
10:52Bring your hands behind your back.
10:54They got him. They're on him.
11:01You got the gun?
11:02Yeah, it's in there. It's in there.
11:05Good job, gentlemen.
11:07All right, let's go.
11:11Here, get your property so you ain't taking nothing from me.
11:14Weapon seized, the suspect is taken to the lockup.
11:17Excuse me.
11:21Excuse me, ladies.
11:22Excuse me, ladies.
11:24Whilst J.J. and his buddies go back on patrol.
11:27How y'all doing? Watch yourself, ma'am.
11:29Thank you, dear.
11:31Happy wedding. Happy wedding.
11:36I just got out of jail.
11:39The suspect faces charges of flight from an officer
11:42and brandishing a firearm,
11:44which could result in a six-month prison sentence.
11:48Man, I thought I just come from doing five years.
11:51It's six months since I ain't had no money.
11:53I was only out for two weeks, now I'm back.
11:58I got a gun.
12:02The suspect is already a convicted felon,
12:05which ups the sentence to a minimum of five years in jail.
12:08You know you're a convicted felon.
12:10You can't be in possession of a firearm, so...
12:14I thought that's only if you got violent charges.
12:17Any felon.
12:20It's any felon.
12:30He may be facing more time behind bars.
12:37But if there's one thing this suspect knows,
12:40it's how to fill it.
12:43Look, when I had the gun in my hand,
12:45when I had the .25 in my hand,
12:46and I run into the dude on the house,
12:48I had a beat.
12:49I really had a jail beat.
12:50I could have got a beat, but I turned it on.
12:52I ran directly into the police officer
12:54with the .25 in my hand.
12:56I got the gun in my hand.
12:57I run into him with the gun,
12:58and I ain't trying to point the gun at him.
13:06Sit down right next to him, all right?
13:08Right on the bench.
13:10Hey, Tyrell, do me a favor.
13:12Just quiet down a little bit.
13:18You literally talk more than my child.
13:27Learning lessons.
13:30This gentleman, this chatty cat
13:32may not be the suspect's strong point.
13:39I have your gun.
13:40You got my gun?
13:42You will not get it back.
13:43Probably be melted down.
13:55750 miles away,
13:57the sun sets over Charlotte County, Florida,
14:02when an officer's peaceful patrol
14:06gets a rude interruption.
14:09In Florida, a go-kart driver has skipped a stop sign
14:15and left the cop in the dust.
14:33Get off him!
14:34Get off him!
14:35Get off him!
14:36Get off him!
14:37Get off him!
14:39Get off him!
14:43You ran a stop sign.
14:44Get up and get off him.
14:46Yeah, and it's on camera.
14:47Get up.
14:50I'm glad you do, because I do, too.
14:52Get up off the cart now.
14:58I need ID.
14:59I don't have an ID.
15:00Let me tell you this.
15:01If you refuse to cooperate,
15:03you're going to be arrested.
15:04Right now, you're going to receive a citation.
15:06Skipping a stop sign in Florida results in a fine
15:09and points on your license,
15:11even if your vehicle doesn't have doors or a roof.
15:15Produce your ID.
15:16You'll receive a citation,
15:17and you'll have your day in court.
15:19If you refuse to produce your ID, as I'm requesting,
15:22then we'll go from there.
15:24Instead of complying,
15:25the suspect starts recording on his cell.
15:28Excuse me, what's your name?
15:29It's Corporal Conant.
15:30And what is your ID number?
15:34Now, produce your ID.
15:36Because you ran a stop sign.
15:39Where did I run a stop sign?
15:41Back there, where I turned around on you.
15:44Show me where.
15:45Show me where.
15:46I don't have to show you where.
15:48I had to chase you to get you to stop.
15:50You didn't have to chase me to get me to stop.
15:52I'm on my way home.
15:53Okay, produce your ID.
15:55I don't have an ID.
15:56All right.
15:57No ID on me.
15:58I'm on a go-kart.
16:00My name is Hector.
16:01Matter of fact, I'm going to go live on this.
16:04Give me your information.
16:05I don't have an ID on me.
16:07I'm not in a motor vehicle.
16:08A registered vehicle.
16:10Right, but you're operating it on a roadway.
16:11I am not.
16:13You're not?
16:14This is a road?
16:15Do you know the law?
16:16I'm going to Google the law now.
16:17Come back here.
16:19Don't touch me.
16:20I haven't done anything wrong.
16:21You ran a stop sign and you're being cited.
16:22Why have I done it?
16:23On what?
16:24On that go-kart.
16:25Is there a registered vehicle here?
16:27You don't have to be a registered vehicle.
16:28You can run a stop sign on a bicycle.
16:29All right.
16:30What is your name and birthdate?
16:31Why do you want my name and birthdate?
16:33I'm receiving a citation.
16:34For what?
16:35Running a stop sign.
16:36I think I've been very clear.
16:37On what?
16:38On that.
16:39He wants to give me a citation.
16:41I'm not going to want to.
16:42I'm going to.
16:43And you were giving me your name and birthdate.
16:44I am not.
16:45I'm not agreeing to anything.
16:46All right.
16:47Put your hands behind your back.
16:49I haven't done nothing wrong.
16:50Put your hands behind your back.
16:51You will be tased.
16:52I haven't done nothing wrong.
16:53Put your hands behind your back.
16:54I haven't done nothing wrong.
16:55Put your hands behind your back.
16:56The cop is trying to tase me!
16:57Put your hands behind your back.
16:58The cop!
17:00The go-kart driver actively resists arrest.
17:05Put your hands behind your back.
17:09Put your hands behind your back.
17:10Under Florida law, the cop can deploy his taser.
17:13The suspect has the potential to flee.
17:17I got one thing.
17:18Put your hands behind your back now.
17:20Put your hands behind your back.
17:22He refuses to come quietly.
17:24Let go of my arm!
17:25And it's the cop that requires a rescue park.
17:28Let go!
17:29Let go!
17:31Get your hands behind your back now!
17:35Some good citizens help the cop put the brakes on the go-kart guy's outburst.
17:39You didn't have to, but you didn't listen.
17:41I haven't done nothing wrong, Tony.
17:43Here you go.
17:44Here you go.
17:45I didn't do anything to him.
17:47I didn't do anything to him.
17:48You have a class of disrespectful.
17:51If you had listened, it would have been nothing more than a ticket.
17:54All that action, what did I do?
17:56And I told you four times.
17:58You didn't listen to anything.
18:00And you decided to take a fighting stance.
18:03I'm starting an ambulance for a taser deployment.
18:07Your hand.
18:08Yeah, thank you.
18:12Tony, what did I do wrong?
18:13You wouldn't listen.
18:14What did I do wrong?
18:15I explained it enough.
18:16You should have listened.
18:18Look, my wife's food right there.
18:20Just don't get cold, because you're going to jail.
18:23Having gone from zero to 60, the go-kart driver now faces a charge of resisting arrest,
18:28which carries a maximum penalty of a year behind bars.
18:32Please, please, please don't do this.
18:35A fact which seems to be sinking in.
18:38Why are you doing this to me?
18:39If you want to talk to me like a man, let me talk to you like a man.
18:41How did we end up here?
18:43You want to tell me that?
18:44Listen, I was scared.
18:45Can I be honest?
18:46You were scared?
18:47How many times did I tell you it was a stop sign?
18:49How many?
18:50Okay, I didn't think I ran a stop sign.
18:53Can I talk to you for two seconds?
18:56The suspect has broadcast his bad behavior to his friends and family,
18:59and his brother arrives to plead his case.
19:03He's not normally like that, though.
19:04That's the thing.
19:05We are both outstanding citizens.
19:07We don't give nobody any trouble.
19:09I'm not judging him in any way like that.
19:11It's just, unfortunately, like I said, it went from him running a stop sign to fighting on the ground.
19:17And that's all I'm trying to do.
19:19It didn't have to be like this.
19:21The go-kart driver is not going to back out of this one.
19:23I'm not going to jack a bunch of charges on him to screw with him.
19:26That's not how I play.
19:28But like I told him from the get-go, he took the completely wrong way to the wall.
19:32Because it really would have been nothing more than a ticket.
19:35But I have no choice.
19:36He's going to be arrested tonight.
19:37There's no attempt at violence.
19:38After lock-up, the go-kart driver was charged with failure to obey traffic signs and given a fine.
19:54The resisting arrest charge was dropped.
19:59The gun-toting Chatty Cathy was charged with fleeing an officer and possession of a firearm by a felon.
20:07He was sentenced to 10 years in jail.
20:11And Mr. Drunken Drive-Thru pled guilty to aggravated DWI and driving lost license revoked.
20:18He was given a six-month sentence.
20:31Next time on Late Night Lock-Up.
20:35Listen, I'm going to make this very clear.
20:37I don't have time for your bull****.
20:39Are you willing to talk to me about what happened tonight?
20:41I'm going to tell you.
20:42Can you poop your pants?
20:43I'm good.
20:44Ready to.
20:45Oh, my life.
20:48I am literally awesome.
