Late Night Lockup S02E12 Causing a Stink

  • last month
Police in Marathon, Florida, find an unruly woman who will come neither quietly nor easily; in La Crosse, Wisconsin, officers engage in a dangerous late-night pursuit; In Lakewood, Washington, a drunk driver first causes a crash, then a real stink.
00:00Sit down, sit down.
00:02Make me, b****.
00:04When the sun goes down,
00:06My cousin will kill you.
00:08The strangest stories
00:10pass through police stations.
00:12I'm calling the cops. The cops are here, now stop.
00:14You think you're a hero?
00:16I'm gonna punch you.
00:18Ma'am, you're not free to walk away.
00:20I don't know what you're thinking.
00:22You are such a b****.
00:24Late at night, officers encounter
00:26human behavior at its weirdest.
00:28I can see in your mouth,
00:30and you have no idea of what's
00:32coming out of my vagina.
00:34And wildest.
00:36Put your hands on the hood.
00:40we are in Florida.
00:42Wow! I am literally awesome.
00:46Police! Stop!
00:48And Washington State.
00:50Did you poop your pants?
00:52Well, I'm getting ready to do.
00:54To witness what happens.
00:56So I just say it was mine.
00:58It was a b**** snitch.
01:02In Late Night Lockup.
01:08Marathon, Florida.
01:10It's 10 p.m.
01:12Police receive a call from a local hotel.
01:16Sheriff, how can I help you?
01:18Hi, we've got a guest,
01:20and her boyfriend, whatever,
01:22has asked for her to be removed from the room.
01:24And I just need a deputy to come
01:26and escort her off property.
01:28Alright, I will send someone that way and have them
01:30meet you at the front desk, okay?
01:32Cops arrive, and immediately find
01:34the suspect surrounded by her belongings.
01:36Hey Amanda!
01:38I'm not Amanda.
01:40No? Okay, what's your name?
01:42I don't have to tell you my f**** name.
01:44I'm not a problem.
01:46The business has requested that we remove you from the property,
01:48so yeah, you are a problem.
01:50At this point, you're required to give me identification.
01:52I don't know what your problem is.
01:54Ma'am, there's no reason to come off like that, alright?
01:56You're being trespassed from the property.
01:58I'm not trespassing, I'm staying in a room.
02:00You're not, you've been kicked out of the room.
02:04You know this is all recorded.
02:06You have two cameras on you.
02:08The property wants you trespassed.
02:10I'm not trespassing,
02:12I'm allowed to stay here.
02:14If you would let me talk, okay?
02:16Don't talk to me like that.
02:18Despite being asked to leave,
02:20the suspect is adamant she has a right to remain at the hotel.
02:22Call the sheriff.
02:24Right now, in your f**** name.
02:26No, no, no, no.
02:28I'm going to either remove you from the property,
02:30or you're going to die.
02:32You're going to remove me.
02:34I am not doing anything wrong.
02:36Alright, listen to me.
02:38I'm going to make this very clear, alright?
02:40I'm going to make it very clear.
02:42Call people who are your authority,
02:44and I have no problem doing that.
02:46I am a woman, I am a national,
02:48The suspect indicates
02:50that she's covertly filming the officers
02:52with a hidden camera.
02:54Why are you here?
02:56The property manager wants you off of the property.
02:58Okay, I don't have a problem with that.
03:00Where's the property manager?
03:02Too much to drink tonight, you think?
03:04I don't need anything to drink.
03:06We're putting it in plain English,
03:08very black and white for you.
03:10If you do not leave, you will be subject to arrest.
03:12You will go to jail.
03:14Why would I go to jail?
03:16In Florida, trespassing is punishable
03:18by up to 60 days in jail.
03:20Honey, this is all recorded.
03:22What is your name and your badge number?
03:24Right now.
03:26You understand that you're not reporting anything?
03:28You understand that I'm not playing your f***ing game?
03:32The suspect appears to remove a set of false teeth.
03:34Call your f***ing lawyer.
03:36Right now.
03:38In preparation for a verbal battle.
03:40What the f*** are you doing?
03:42And you too, and you're being a civil woman,
03:44but you're being detained.
03:46That's f***ing over here.
03:48No, I've already got you recorded too, honey.
03:50You're going to go to jail.
03:52What's your name?
03:54Turn around.
03:56Put your hands behind your back.
03:58I don't need to step around.
04:00I didn't do nothing.
04:02Oh, okay.
04:081,800 miles north,
04:10in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
04:13It's 1.15 a.m.
04:15A routine early morning patrol
04:17is rudely interrupted.
04:42White 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix.
04:45Okay, we'll be out with it.
04:48The car is quickly found abandoned.
04:52A witness saw the occupants set off on foot.
04:56And I'm being advised that it was male white.
04:59Got to be both male white.
05:01One had a blue shirt, one had a red shirt.
05:03Got to be blue and red t-shirts.
05:07Now the La Crosse PD night shift
05:09is on the hunt for the fleeing suspects.
05:13What's up?
05:15You guys got to stop.
05:2140, they're both running right now.
05:25Police pour in from across the city
05:27and flood the neighborhood.
05:36Police! Stop!
05:3838, one's running in.
05:4030, one's running in.
05:4541, it's 2,100 wood.
05:47Going east.
05:49Copy, 1,200 wood going east.
05:52The tactics pay off
05:54and the cops make their move.
05:56Stop. Get on the ground right now.
05:58Get on the ground.
06:00No, I don't got nothing on me.
06:02Okay, just get on the ground, please.
06:04The first suspect surrenders meekly.
06:06Put your hands around your back.
06:08I don't have nothing on me, officer.
06:10I was just scared as he started running.
06:12Why is he running?
06:14I have no clue, dog.
06:16What was in his bag?
06:18I have no clue.
06:2040, you got one of them detained.
06:222,200 Livingston.
06:24Copy, one detained. 2,000 Livingston.
06:26All right.
06:28What's your name?
06:30That's what you do, right?
06:32The man in red
06:34refuses to provide his details.
06:36But what will he say
06:38about his partner in crime?
06:40What's your buddy's name?
06:42What buddy?
06:44The guy in the blue that ran off.
06:46I just know him by Notch.
06:48That's all I know him by.
06:50All I know him by is Notch and Newt.
06:52It's just like an alias.
06:54Whose car was that you guys were in?
06:56His car?
06:58He just calls me Crazy.
07:00Were you guys dealing or something?
07:02He grabbed a big bag and seemed to be...
07:04He grabbed a big bag, though.
07:06He seemed like he didn't want to get rid of it.
07:08Yeah, clothes, all the clothes we own.
07:10He's gonna grab clothes that run from the cuffs?
07:12The officers aren't buying
07:14the innocent performance.
07:16But at least this suspect is in cuffs.
07:18The other is still on the run.
07:30In La Crosse, Wisconsin,
07:32police are on a late-night manhunt.
07:3868, somewhere in the 1900 block
07:40between Wood and Loomis.
07:42It's a big operation.
07:44But eventually...
07:46He's in this block somewhere.
07:50The cops get their man.
07:56On the ground.
07:58On the ground.
08:00On the ground.
08:02All the way?
08:06You got any weapons on you?
08:08No, sir.
08:10Okay, roll towards me.
08:12What's your name, man?
08:14I'm Dylan. I'm on probation in La Crosse County.
08:18Violation of probation in Wisconsin
08:20can result in incarceration.
08:22It's in the suspect's interests
08:24to cooperate.
08:26Are you willing to talk to me about what happened tonight?
08:29Not for the first time tonight,
08:31he chooses poorly.
08:33Perhaps his buddy has more sense.
08:36Start from the beginning. Where were you guys at?
08:38So we're just cruising, right?
08:42I was caught right there.
08:44Almost just hit him.
08:46What do you mean, whoever was driving?
08:48You were...
08:50I'm not gonna say who was driving, but...
08:52Witnesses say a red sweatshirt was driving.
08:54Red sweatshirt.
08:56Officers search the suspect's vehicle.
09:00Is that a taser?
09:02Oh, yeah. There it was.
09:05I don't see that, everybody.
09:09They uncover some worrying evidence.
09:13A taser, drug paraphernalia,
09:15and a shotgun shell.
09:19So you're on a few bonds?
09:21Yeah, I'm on a few bonds, and I'm on a no-weapons,
09:23and, like, I don't have a...
09:27The situation takes a more serious turn.
09:31The cops need to work out why the suspects fled...
09:34and what happened to the bag they ran off with.
09:36I'm guessing he was ditching something.
09:38The bag was all torn up.
09:40I'm assuming this is one of his socks as he was running.
09:44It's a clue that they're looking in the right place.
09:48The officers leave no stone unturned,
09:50looking for anything else that the suspects may have dumped.
10:041,800 miles west,
10:06in Lakewood, Washington State,
10:08it's 1.35 a.m.
10:20Cops are dispatched immediately
10:22and find the suspect behind the wheel,
10:24with the airbags deployed.
10:26Hello? What happened? You all right?
10:32The officer smells something was a little off.
10:56Well, no, he was stopped.
11:02The driver is unable to account for his actions.
11:06Now the cops must determine if he's been drinking.
11:22This suspect was unable to control his car.
11:26It turns out that's not all he's unable to control.
11:48Soiling oneself is not a crime in Washington.
11:52But this driver has certainly caused a stink.
11:56It's seeping through.
12:12This dodgy driver's evening
12:14has come to a messy end.
12:26He might be on his way to lockup,
12:28but he still has plenty of gas in the tank.
12:42First stop on arrival?
12:46The lockup restroom.
12:56Make sure they're wiped, please.
12:58I don't get paid enough.
13:02With the PD furniture protected,
13:04it's time for a different sort of business.
13:08So, will you not submit to a breath test?
13:12Well, I would like to collaborate.
13:16So, take a deep breath,
13:18and go.
13:20The suspect appears to be highly skilled
13:22at blowing.
13:24Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going,
13:26keep going, keep going, keep going.
13:28That's great. That was amazing.
13:32So, do you know what the state legal limit is
13:34in the state of Washington?
13:38Okay. You blew .18
13:40above the state legal limit, okay?
13:44All right.
13:46So, I am sending you home
13:48with your copy of the
13:50DAT result.
13:52The rear-ender is quickly sent on his way.
13:54When you get home and sober up,
13:56read over it, okay?
13:58Before he can commit any more
14:02I'm gonna have to poop again.
14:08In Marathon, Florida,
14:10a woman has been arrested
14:12for disorderly intoxication
14:14and not leaving a property on request.
14:16I didn't do anything!
14:18I didn't commit a crime!
14:20You're committing a crime right now, as we speak.
14:22No, I'm not!
14:24She's been kicked out of her hotel room.
14:26Now she'll be spending the night
14:28somewhere far less comfortable.
14:30Let's go to jail.
14:32Stick your finger in my...
14:34one time, I wish you would.
14:36I really don't want to do that.
14:38The officers remove her belongings.
14:40I'm gonna owe you, and I'm gonna have a lot of money.
14:42Including her dentures.
14:44I cannot wait.
14:46Let's go to jail.
14:48Let's go to jail, b****.
14:50Freshly cuffed,
14:52the foul-mouthed suspect has plenty
14:54to chew over in the back of the squad car.
14:56Where's your boss?
14:58You goddamn
15:00detainee for no f****** reason?
15:02You know what?
15:04Let's do it.
15:06Let's go to jail!
15:10I am literally awesome.
15:12Having demanded to speak
15:14with a supervisor,
15:16the incensed suspect gets her wish.
15:18Hi, ma'am. I'm Sergeant Hill
15:20with the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.
15:22I'm the supervisor.
15:24Why am I going to jail?
15:26Because you are disorderly conduct.
15:28No, I'm not.
15:30This is all recorded.
15:32I am a sovereign f****** national citizen.
15:34I have a right to f****** be here.
15:36That's awesome.
15:38Now I want you to listen to what I have to say.
15:40The sergeant tries to make the suspect
15:42see sense, but inexplicably,
15:44all she sees
15:46is a big dollar sign.
15:48Oh, my God! This is gonna make me rich!
15:50We can times this monetary
15:52damages times three.
15:54More money for me!
15:56More money for me!
15:58I want to go to jail!
16:00Let's do! Come on!
16:04The suspect has her latest request
16:08I'm arrested because
16:10I trespass where I belong.
16:12And the cops begin the long drive
16:14to county jail.
16:16I'm semicolon
16:20comma Angela.
16:22You have no authority
16:24over me. It's gonna cost you
16:26a lot of money, honey.
16:28The suspect's possessions have been taken from her,
16:30but she claims she's still
16:32able to film the police.
16:34I have a bra that's recording what you're
16:36doing, stupid. I don't know what that means.
16:38It's called NSA, baby.
16:40My bra!
16:42It's a live feed, dude!
16:44Live feed, buddy!
16:46For the avoidance
16:48of doubt, while the suspect is
16:50wearing a bra, it does not
16:52contain any recording equipment.
16:54Do you understand the words coming
16:56out of my mouth? No, you don't. You ain't a
16:58man. With the
17:00prospect of a jail cell looming closer,
17:02the suspect tries a different
17:06Honestly, it's embarrassing to say, but guess what?
17:08I'm very good friends
17:10with Tucker Carlson.
17:12Do you understand he's my third cousin,
17:14Tucker Carlson? You don't even know.
17:16Thank you, Tucker!
17:20Oh, wait. We forgot about him. Thank you.
17:22Hey, brother. What's up?
17:26Love it. I love it. I love it.
17:28I love it a lot. I love it. I love it.
17:30I love it a lot.
17:32After 40 minutes of nonstop
17:34ranting, the suspect arrives
17:36at Key West Jail.
17:54Three hours ago,
17:56the suspect was kicked out of her expensive
17:58hotel room.
18:00Now, she's got a room without a
18:02view, courtesy of the state of Florida.
18:12Back in
18:16police investigating two
18:18suspects have discovered a shotgun
18:20stashed inside
18:22a trash can.
18:24So that bag was ripped apart, so he was ditching something
18:26while he was running through the alley.
18:28Now, the cops need
18:30to find out who the gun belongs to.
18:59So I'm not going down for that.
19:06The police are building up a picture
19:08of who they've arrested
19:10and what they've been up to.
19:24The cops have their suspects
19:26and their motive.
19:30While they wait on
19:32forensic reports,
19:34the two offenders get to spend their night
19:36in the slammer.
19:46After lockup,
19:48the suspect who dumped evidence when fleeing
19:50police pled guilty to possession of a taser.
19:52He was sent to prison
19:54for two and a half years.
19:56The case against the other
19:58occupant of the car was dismissed.
20:02The evicted hotel guest was found
20:04guilty of trespass and disturbing
20:08She paid $3,000 in fines.
20:12And the rear-ender was found
20:14guilty of reckless driving.
20:16He was given a suspended
20:18sentence and fined $400.
20:22His dry-cleaning costs are unknown.
