Sostenibilità, al Meeting di Rimini l'esperienza di Coca-Cola HBC Italia

  • last month
(Adnkronos) - Progetto AFI per il risparmio idrico e packaging 100% riciclato, esempi di economia circolare


00:08They are called forest areas of infiltration,
00:11that is, agricultural land located in high plains areas characterized by permeable soils,
00:17equipped with a network of canals in which a continuous flow of water is made
00:22taken from external sources with the aim of facilitating the infiltration into the phreatic fault.
00:29Di Affi spoke at the meeting of Rimini at the convention
00:32on how to conserve, use and share a resource as precious as water,
00:38which has seen the presence of the institutional, academic and business world
00:42on what is the essential element for life that, due to climate change,
00:47is in ever more scarce quantities.
00:49The project presented by Coca-Cola HBC Italy,
00:53carried out together with the consortium of Bonifica Veronese,
00:56will allow to zero the use of the water of the fault by the Nogara plant.
01:02We take the water from the subsurface, we do not use the aqueduct water,
01:07we take it in depth.
01:09The forest area of infiltration allows us to increase the wealth of the fault
01:15with 800,000 cubic meters, which will become 1.5 million cubic meters of water,
01:20therefore going to more than compensate the water we take.
01:23And always in Rimini, Coca-Cola HBC Italy also brought an important project
01:27related to packaging.
01:29In the four corners of the meeting restoration areas,
01:32compactors have been positioned to involve visitors
01:36on the importance of the correct recycling and daily gestures
01:40to be more sustainable through educational quizzes on the themes of circular economy.
01:45We decided to bring four compactors in collaboration with Cori
01:50to collect bottles post-consumption, which are then inserted in these compactors
01:56and the recycling process begins, which will lead them to be new bottles.
02:00Because packaging is not an enemy of the environment,
02:03but it is what allows us safe and quality products,
02:06the important thing is not to waste it, but to deliver it and then recycle it.
02:11Today we use 100% recycled plastic in our drinks.
02:17Two years ago, in Piedmont, near Biella, in Gaglianico,
02:23we built a plant that works with 30,000 tons of recycled plastic,
02:29making the recycled plastic for food use and then transforming it into bottles
02:33that must then be filled in all our Italian plants
02:36and serve the Italian market with packaging that is already 100% recycled.
