Nikki Haley Calls for Taiwan's U.N. Membership, Doesn't Mention Trump

  • last month
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley voiced full support for Taiwan's U.N. membership and its right to self-determination during a speech at the Ketagalan Forum in Taipei.
00:00Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Republican presidential contender Nikki
00:05Haley says that Taiwan should have full membership in the United Nations.
00:09She made the comment during her speech at a security dialogue in Taipei known as the
00:13Kedagalan Forum.
00:16Taiwan shouldn't just be in the WHO.
00:19Taiwan should be a full member in the United Nations.
00:23You have every right to sit at the same table with the world's countries.
00:28Haley did not mention the upcoming U.S. election or the candidate that she has endorsed, Republican
00:33nominee Donald Trump.
00:35It's a notable omission and may reflect the two's rocky political relationship.
00:39The two went through a bruising Republican primary this year in which Haley was often
00:43very critical of Trump.
00:44Haley also said that the world should embrace Taiwan without apology.
00:48The West must embrace Taiwan without exception or apology.
00:54We should have fought harder when China shoved you aside years ago.
00:59Now we should right that wrong.
01:02There's still time.
01:03Haley could still be a contender for future presidential elections, especially if Trump
01:08is defeated.
01:09And this speech could be a preview of what a Haley foreign policy might look like.
01:13John Su and Chris Gorin for Taiwan Plus.
