Prometeo tv n. 34 del 21 agosto 2024

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(Adnkronos) - Italiani e sostenibilità, fare di più su rinnovabili, economia circolare e clima

Riscaldamento globale, l’80% della popolazione mondiale chiede azioni più incisive


00:00Italians and sustainability, do more on renewables, circular economy and climate.
00:20Global warming, 80% of the world's population requires more incisive actions.
00:29For most of the citizens, Italy must do more on renewables, circular economy and fight the climate crisis.
00:36It is the photograph that emerges from an IPSOS poll commissioned by Lega Ambiente, Chioto Club, Conow and Editoriale Nuova Ecologia.
00:44Clean sources and circular economy represent two wings for the country, allowing to create new green jobs.
00:51In addition to an Italian on two, in fact, he believes that in the future they will increase.
00:55Two, then, the priorities of action that emerge from the survey, incentives and simplifications for the production of renewable energies and to develop the circular economy.
01:04As regards the climate crisis that advances, citizens are increasingly aware of the economic setbacks and impacts on territories and health.
01:13In particular, for 61% of the interviewed, the increase in natural disasters is due to the climate crisis.
01:20For 45%, climate change has an effect on the cost of life in general.
01:26For 44%, they determine an increase in food costs.
01:31For 29%, an increase in chronic diseases, allergies and intolerances.
01:37The commitment to counter the climate crisis must see in the front row for 72% of the interviewees the national governments,
01:44followed by companies and consortia, local administrations, citizens and the media.
01:49On the front of the circular economy, according to the Ipsos survey, the share of connoisseurs remains stable at 45%, as in 2023.
01:59As regards the correct disposal of waste, families and individuals are confirmed as the most virtuous subjects, followed by the public sector and companies.
02:09In addition to an Italian on five, he believes that there are no difficult materials to be disposed of.
02:14Those who find it difficult to dispose of some types of waste, see electronic waste and vegetable oil from the kitchen first.
02:22They follow ferrous material, ceramic, stainless steel and lubricating oil.
02:27What emerges from the survey is that the interviewees are aware of several positive characteristics of the waste cycle in our country.
02:38We are the European leaders in the circular economy, even if not all the interviewees know it.
02:44They are aware of the difficulties of some sectors, especially in the final recycling sector.
02:52What emerges from the survey is that there is still a need to invest in the correct information,
02:59because the industry can do its part, local administrations must do their part,
03:04but the citizen, who is the first link in the chain, must know where to give what,
03:11to guarantee the Italian industry to be able to give new life to those materials.
03:2380% of the world population, or four people out of five,
03:27wants their governments to take stronger action to face the climate crisis.
03:32Even more, 86% would like their countries to put aside geopolitical differences
03:38and work together on climate change.
03:41This is what emerges from the People's Climate Vote 2024,
03:45the second edition of the survey promoted by the United Nations Development Programme,
03:50in collaboration with the University of Oxford and Geopol.
03:54The survey involved over 73,000 people in 77 countries,
03:59which represent 87% of the world population,
04:02and 15 questions were asked about climate change.
04:06The survey revealed support for a stronger climate action
04:09in 20 of the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters,
04:13with majorities ranging from 66% in the United States and Russia,
04:17to 67% in Germany, from 73% in China, to 93% in Italy.
04:24In addition to a wide appeal for a braver climate action,
04:28the survey showed support for a global majority of 72%
04:32in favour of a rapid transition from fossil fuels.
04:36Only 7% of the people believe that their country should not make any transition.
04:42Not only that, the climate crisis generates concern.
04:46Globally, 56% have declared to think about it regularly,
04:50and more than half of the people have declared to be more concerned
04:55about climate change, with 71% in the nine small island states on the way to development.
05:0169% of people globally say that big personal decisions,
05:06such as where to live or work, are influenced by climate change,
05:11with higher values ​​in less developed countries
05:14and noticeably lower in Western and North American Europe.
