【百格大事纪】慕尤丁录供提供115份SD 砂盟沙盟与国阵都有分? | 21.8.202

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8月20日 #百格大事纪,周六继续关注今日重点时事。

慕尤丁现身录供 提供2年前法定宣誓书
力证有SD支持 帮你数115来自哪个阵营
包括GPS、GRS 国阵确实有10人
慕尤丁:有人歪曲言论 诽谤我侮辱上任元首
扎希:慕尤丁应意识到 口无遮拦发言后果

2童困升降机11小时 竟是“自作孽”
掉入棕油果搅碎机 厂工惨被搅成尸碎
云冰原住民仿傚华人 农历七月十四拜好兄弟
2小贩摊档有蟑螂 槟美食中心被令关2周
舢舨沉没3学生坠河失踪 15岁少年遗体被寻获


00:00Is it true that Meng Youding's support for the lawlessness theory is true?
00:04The person directly appeared to swear to lose.
00:06As for Amos Zhaxi, it is a straight speech.
00:08Maybe that person does not accept the fact.
00:10Please look at the big news of August 21st.
00:16Good evening, I am Xinlong.
00:17A rare accident occurred in a petrochemical plant in Jialong, Xuezhou.
00:20A 34-year-old local operator who has only been working for eight days
00:25Accidentally crashed into a petrochemical plant.
00:30As a result, the man's whole body, including clothes and bones,
00:33were smashed into pieces by the machine and died on the spot.
00:36Director of Guangleng Police Station Amos Liwan revealed
00:38The police intercepted a local female manager at the petrochemical plant on the evening of August 20th.
00:43The deceased, who was supposed to operate the machine, suddenly disappeared.
00:47Colleagues in the factory were looking for him.
00:49Until the evening, in the petrochemical fiber pile at the end of the machine
00:53Found the deceased's shoes, clothes, fragments and bones.
00:58This man arrived at the petrochemical plant on August 13th.
01:01A few days later, a tragedy occurred.
01:04The deceased believed that he was drunk when operating the machine.
01:08As a result, he did not have time to escape and was killed by the machine.
01:11The police investigated that there was no criminal factor in this case.
01:14Therefore, the case was classified as a death penalty case.
01:17Amos Liwan said
01:18After the police called for help, the deceased's remains were sent to Wanjin Hospital to be dissected.
01:24President Mu Youding was expelled during the election.
01:27He won 115 votes in the 15th general election.
01:31However, due to the involvement of Peng Heng, Sudan, and Abdullah,
01:34he was considered to have violated the prestige of being the 16th national leader.
01:39Mu Youding was accepted by the police today.
01:41Two years ago, he also submitted a ten-member petition to support his appointment as a member of Congress.
01:48It took two and a half hours to receive the police's recommendation.
01:51To prove that what he said earlier was the truth,
01:54there was no intention to insult the Wang family.
01:56Mu Youding did not make any remarks after the recommendation.
02:00Instead, he provided a media statement to the media present
02:03and a copy of the petition two years ago.
02:07Mu Youding emphasized
02:08The fact that the government was established after the 15th general election
02:15and the difficulties and challenges faced by the people under the current government policy
02:20However, some people distorted his remarks, including editing videos to slander him for insulting the 16th national leader.
02:27Our host Mu Youding added that he had given all the evidence to the police.
02:31The documents provided include
02:33On November 21, 2022, he submitted a petition to the National Palace of China
02:36to support his appointment as the 10th prime minister.
02:40The next day, another petition was added to support him.
02:44But are you curious about who the 115 SDs in Mu Youding's mouth include?
02:50We looked through Mu Youding's articles.
02:52In fact, he did not directly point out individuals, but focused on political parties.
02:56Mu Youding's so-called 115 petitions, 73 of which came from the National Alliance.
03:01There are 22 SDs in the GPS, 6 SDs in the GRS,
03:051 SD in the SDP, 10 SDs in the National Government, and 2 SDs in the Independent People's Party.
03:09There is also a petition that was blacklisted,
03:11so we don't know which party or which YB it came from.
03:15In addition, Mu Youding also said that he hopes that the police can carry out transparent, fair, and fair investigations through his explanation and submitted documents.
03:23Mu Youding has recently been accused of supporting the Sudan dispute.
03:27Deputy Prime Minister and President of the United Nations Amjad Shahi also said
03:31that Mu Youding's speech was very rude towards Sudan.
03:36The former prime minister should be aware of the consequences of his speech.
03:41I really respect the statement made by Mrs. Mahkut Pahang.
03:58Of course, it is something that must be seen as an effect of the negligence that has arisen in the dispute.
04:14Maybe that person did not realize that the intention of the coalition government
04:25was to unite all the coalition parties so that instability would no longer occur in the country's politics.
04:38But that person may have seen it from the aspect of madness,
04:45because he did not get that responsibility again.
04:48Maybe it was a slap in the face when the ground was turned into a place to save electricity.
05:00It is not at all in line with the words of the late President Bangku Agung Kedambas.
05:08Is there any anti-nationalism in the domestic old-fashioned political party of the United Nations?
05:13The Supreme Councilor of the United Nations, Noor Jazeelan,
05:15warned the remaining members of the United Nations within the United Nations today on Facebook
05:19not to bring the ideology of the United Nations to the United Nations General Assembly
05:23because those unrealistic ideas have long been destroyed.
05:27He said that there are still a couple of leaders in the party who want to promote the good of the United Nations,
05:31but still urge the other party to stop this behavior.
05:34Noor Jazeelan, who is also the chairman of the United Nations General Assembly,
05:37warned the remaining members of the United Nations not to become a disturbance in the party
05:40because they have already been washed out of the United Nations with their traitorous leaders.
05:45As we mentioned before,
05:47there are two 10-year-old and 11-year-old young brothers in Badaling Plateau.
05:50On the afternoon of August 29, they went to a convenience store near their home to buy buns.
05:54Unexpectedly, they were trapped in an elevator in the apartment for more than 11 hours before they were found by the residents.
05:59Fortunately, neither of them was injured.
06:01Now CCTV footage from the apartment proves that the cause of the accident was that the two brothers were playful
06:07and stuck their slippers on the door of the elevator many times,
06:10causing the car door lock to be activated,
06:14which caused the elevator to stop.
06:16So what is this car door lock?
06:20Mr. Zhong, a professional elevator repairman, pointed out to the New York Times that
06:23according to the government's regulations,
06:25each elevator must be equipped with a car door lock
06:28to ensure that the elevator door is not fully closed
06:31or will not operate until it reaches the specified floor,
06:34so that the elevator door will not accidentally open and throw the user out.
06:39In short, don't play too late when you get on the elevator,
06:42so as not to be helpless like these two children,
06:44and fall asleep in the elevator after a hard day's work.
06:48Next, I will bring you other news.
06:51The shipwreck of the Sarabia-Lunla-Ganban-Sarambica-Yangtze River sank on August 20,
06:55causing three students to be injured and missing.
06:59One of the missing 15-year-old male student, Welch,
07:03his body was found in the river this morning,
07:06which made his family look forward to his safe return,
07:09but his hope was shattered and sad.
07:11After the deceased's body was sent to the hospital in Lunla,
07:15the search for the remaining two female students continues.
07:19Looking back at this incident,
07:21when it happened, there were 20 people on board,
07:24that is, the captain, an adult woman, and 18 male and female students.
07:29After the incident, 17 people were rescued,
07:32with three students missing.
07:34The crossroads near the abandoned village of Wenbin County, Pengheng,
07:38often caused accidents and accidents in the past,
07:41resulting in the death of people.
07:43One of the abandoned people is a Chinese friend,
07:46a merchant from Makou,
07:48under the guidance of Xie Chong-an.
07:5011 years ago, he began to imitate the traditional habits of the Chinese,
07:54preparing offerings on the night of July 14th every year,
07:58to pay respects to good brothers.
08:00As a result, in the past 11 years,
08:02the number of accidents at the intersection has significantly decreased,
08:04causing people to complain.
08:06On the evening of July 14th,
08:09more than 30 aborigines prepared offerings,
08:13incense candles, etc.
08:15to pay respects to good brothers on the roadside.
08:17Xie Chong-an, who gave the advice at the time,
08:20will also pay respects to the villagers on this day every year.
08:24The Ministry of Health and Domestic Trade and the Ministry of Life and Welfare of Dongbei County,
08:28on August 20th,
08:29called for a check at the New World Food Center,
08:31and found cockroaches in some food stalls,
08:34improper handling of ingredients, etc.
08:37The Ministry of Health ordered the related food stalls to be closed.
08:40Based on the fact that the food stalls and the New World Food Center
08:43are under the same order,
08:45the center was also instructed to close.
08:47According to the closing notice,
08:49the food center needs to be closed for two weeks for cleaning.
08:52If the hygiene standards are met,
08:54and after the inspection,
08:56it can be reopened early.
08:58Fang Longxin, the chief operator of the New World Food Center,
09:01said in an interview,
09:03that the beggars have been cleaning their own work today,
09:06and the center has also appointed health authorities to inspect.
09:10If the hygiene is in line with the standards,
09:12it can be reopened on Friday, August 23rd.
09:16In addition, the loss caused by closing for two days
09:19is believed to be tens of thousands of dollars.
09:22That's all for today's century.
09:25If you like it,
09:26remember to like and share the video.
09:27See you next time.
09:42Don't mind.
