Nineties Eastenders (3rd December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (3rd December 1996)
01:01It doesn't look like much of a guard dog.
01:04He might give us some trouble, though.
01:06But then that's what I pay you for.
01:08You keep him busy, and I'll deal with the lamb, maybe.
01:14What the hell's that?
01:22Don't ever let me drink like that again.
01:24Nah, it's gonna sweat it off. You'll be all right.
01:26You don't look any worse for it.
01:28I'm fighting fit.
01:30I don't know how you manage to pack it away like that
01:32and then get up in the morning like it never happened.
01:34I pace myself.
01:49Uh, listen, I want to see you.
01:51It's the nurse to see, Charlie.
01:53Richard Tammings. I'm the community psychiatric nurse.
01:56Well, I'll leave you two here.
01:57Thanks, Grant.
01:59Hello again, Jo.
02:00I've just been telling Jo he needs to take his tablets.
02:03They don't work.
02:04You haven't given them chance, Jo.
02:06I took them yesterday and nothing happened.
02:08Could be a few more days before they have any effect.
02:10But you have to take them consistently, Jo.
02:13You've just got to stick with it, both of you.
02:15Well, he knows he's got to take them.
02:17That's what the psychiatrist has told him.
02:19You're gonna carry on taking them, aren't you, Jo?
02:24Oh, sorry. I'll leave you to it.
02:26No, no, don't worry, Peggy. We'll go into my room.
02:39Sorry. I was got clubby-fied last night.
02:42You mean this morning?
02:43Yeah, whatever. Listen, I've just seen Bill the goat.
02:46He's hanging around the square.
02:47What's he up to?
02:48Can't tell, but it's with those guys who we make our boot sale.
02:50Do they see you?
02:52Call George on the mobile again.
02:59We're unable to connect. You call police, try later.
03:01I don't know why people bother with those things.
03:03You could try asking at the VEC.
03:05All right, Jo.
03:09Hello, Peggy.
03:10You look smart. Were you off to anywhere exciting?
03:12Never you mind.
03:14Hmm. Only asking.
03:16That VEC is in company, dear.
03:18No, thanks, Tiffany.
03:19I'd say you were fair to George.
03:21Yeah, that's right.
03:28Oh, George. How are you?
03:30Yeah, all right.
03:32See you then. Take care.
03:34Cancelled, did he?
03:36No, he didn't.
03:41When's your appointment with the hospital?
03:43It's today.
03:44But not a word, all right?
03:46Not a word about what?
03:48Um, not a word to George.
03:50What about?
03:51Peggy's gonna go out shopping for a new outfit for a surprise for him, isn't he, Peggy?
03:54Yeah, that's right. Going shopping up west.
03:56Going somewhere special tonight?
04:01He should start getting better now he's home, shouldn't he?
04:04That doesn't necessarily follow.
04:06I mean, it's quiet and more reassuring.
04:09Well, it certainly won't do any harm,
04:11but it's only been a day or two.
04:13I think you have to look at this a bit more long-term.
04:15You make it sound like a life sentence.
04:18There's plenty we can do to help, like the drugs, for instance.
04:21Well, how am I gonna persuade him day after day to take the tablets?
04:24How do other people cope?
04:26Everyone's different. There isn't a right way and a wrong way.
04:29Look, I know it's hard, but it's trial and error in the early days.
04:32Trial and error? Well, that doesn't help much.
04:35Look, let's go through what the medication will do again.
04:38Perhaps you aren't quite clear on that yet.
04:44There we go.
04:46Peggy, wait a minute. Hang on.
04:49What's the matter? I'm coming with you.
04:51Haven't you ever take no for an answer?
04:53I can't let you go on your own. It wouldn't be right, Samir.
04:56Why not?
04:57Listen, Peggy, we all need a bit of support sometimes, you know.
04:59What, to go shopping?
05:00Look, if it was me, I know I'd really want someone to go with.
05:03I mean, you don't think Grant would want you to go for a smoothie, eh?
05:06And it's not as if Sam's here to go with you either, is it?
05:09I'd be fine, Tiffany.
05:11But you can, yeah?
05:13All right. Thanks.
05:18Is she with Beck?
05:22All sorted with the nurse, then?
05:24As much as it can be.
05:26I thought they could just give him some pills and he'd be back on his feet again.
05:29If only it was that simple.
05:31Well, perhaps you should take him out somewhere.
05:33Oh, I wish I could. He just seems to sit there at the moment,
05:36no matter how hard I try.
05:38Well, do you want me to have a word with him?
05:40He's a bit confused at the moment.
05:42Better to leave him.
05:44Well, the offer's there.
05:45Thanks, Grant.
05:47You know, I don't know how you deal with this all on your own.
05:50Well, you've just got to get on with it, haven't you?
05:52I suppose so.
05:53I mean, I've not much choice now, do I?
05:55But you wouldn't want David to come back, would you?
05:58I don't think that's an option.
06:01But you talking about Bolton the other day got me thinking.
06:04I mean, maybe I should take Joe in.
06:06I mean, maybe I should take Joe back there.
06:09What, permanently, you mean?
06:11Well, if he's somewhere that feels more like home,
06:13it might bring him out of himself.
06:15Are you sure? I mean, it'd mean a lot of upheaval in his life again.
06:18Well, I thought I'd talk to Mum about it when I see her at Christmas.
06:21What, you mean you'd be missing the famous Mitchell family Christmas?
06:25I think it'd be best for both of us, me and Joe.
06:29Oh, Nigel, I've forgotten I'm supposed to be going somewhere with him.
06:32Anywhere special?
06:33Well, a personal reader, you know, fortune teller.
06:36What, cross my palm with silver and all that?
06:38He's very keen on the idea.
06:40Oh, what am I going to do with Joe?
06:42All right, Nigel?
06:43All right, Lorraine, you ready?
06:45Well, I...
06:46We're still on, aren't we?
06:48Look, it's all right, I'll keep an eye on Joe for you.
06:50I'm sorry, Grant, I should have mentioned it before.
06:53Oh, no, look, I'm sorry, I should have...
06:55No, it's OK, thanks. Listen, I'll just get my coat.
06:58Right, I've got a car, Johnny. Have a good time.
07:01I hope you know what you're doing.
07:06Ooh, give us a twirl.
07:08Ooh, very chic. Have they got it in a size 12?
07:11Yeah, any more of that and you can leave right now.
07:13I'm sorry, Peggy.
07:14Mrs Mitchell?
07:15Hi, I'm Jeanette Powell, the radiographer.
07:17Hi, I've just got a couple of questions to ask you before we go through.
07:22Do you examine yourself regularly?
07:24Not particularly.
07:25How did you find the lot?
07:27In the shower.
07:28Have you had a mammogram before?
07:30No, never.
07:31What, you've never received a letter calling you in for one?
07:34I might have had something now you mention it.
07:36I think I tucked it away.
07:37OK, well, we do encourage screening, especially for women over 50.
07:41We call it preventative medicine.
07:43The way I see it, there's no point going looking for trouble.
07:46Let me tell you a little bit more about the mammogram.
07:48We take two photos, one from the front and one from the side.
07:52Any collection of solid tissue shows up as a white lump.
07:55Are you sure you understand, Mrs Mitchell?
07:57Of course I do.
07:59Now, when do I see the consultant?
08:01I am the consultant radiographer, Mrs Mitchell.
08:03Would you like to come through?
08:05Come on, Maggie.
08:16Come on through, love.
08:18Find a seat.
08:21Thank you, Mrs, um, Madam...
08:27I can do a six-month forecast or a 12-month forecast.
08:31Or if there's anything specific you'd like to ask me.
08:34Like what?
08:35Well, for instance, the prospects for a business venture.
08:39Or a financial undertaking.
08:42Or a relationship.
08:45Oh, no, we're not, er... It's not, um...
08:47Ah. Or perhaps you'd like to ask me about an old relationship.
08:51Er, yeah, um...
08:53My wife, I suppose.
08:55And whether you can return to her.
08:57No, she died in a road accident.
09:01And you would like to know
09:03whether she would like you to move on in your life.
09:06Well, yeah, perhaps, maybe, um...
09:13Well, my fee for that is 40 pounds.
09:16It's far more difficult than doing a six-month forecast
09:19or a 12-month forecast.
09:21Oh, right, yes, I understand.
09:23So what does Nigel get for his money?
09:27You get the benefit of my 20 years' experience of reading the cards.
09:31And I record it all onto this cassette
09:33so you can listen again as many times as you like.
09:42Well, now, before we start, would you like a cup of tea?
09:45They said I'd only have to wait half an hour for the results.
09:49They're probably just really busy.
09:51I don't know.
09:52Can't be serious.
09:53Well, they'd have told me by now.
09:55Yeah, well, there's no point in worrying, is there?
09:57I'm sure they're being as quick as they can.
09:59It's hanging around these places that make people feel sick.
10:02Where do you work that one at?
10:03Oh, I don't know.
10:04It's just the atmosphere.
10:06All those ill people.
10:08Mrs Mitchell, would you like to come through?
10:11No, it's all right.
10:13You stay, you look.
10:14She's very welcome to come.
10:15Yeah, you ain't getting rid of me now.
10:21Please take a seat.
10:33I'm afraid that the mammogram shows
10:35that the lump in your left breast is solid tissue.
10:40How bad is it?
10:41It's about the same size across as a 10p piece.
10:45You do understand, Mrs Mitchell?
10:47Of course I understand.
10:49I know it's there, all right.
10:51We're not certain what it is yet.
10:53We need to do another test.
10:55Another one?
10:56What sort of test?
10:57It's called a fine needle aspiration.
10:59What we do is we take a few cells out of the lump
11:01and then we can analyse them.
11:03You mean you can't give me a straight answer today?
11:05We can arrange for you to have the further test on Thursday morning.
11:08We'll have a much better idea after that.
11:10It's a bit quick, isn't it?
11:11It's quite usual in these circumstances.
11:13But I'm supposed to be going out with George on Thursday.
11:16You really should keep the appointment, Mrs Mitchell.
11:18How long will it take for the results to come through?
11:21It'll be the same day. We try not to keep people waiting.
11:24So it'll all be done and dusted by Thursday?
11:26You'll know much more by then, yes.
11:32The Empress is the woman you love, or have loved.
11:37She represents domestic happiness.
11:40Perhaps a woman who's looked after you, a mother figure.
11:44Someone who's helped you make sense of your life.
11:47Debbie. It's Debbie.
11:52This card is very interesting.
11:54The Page of Cups is the card that crosses you.
11:57It crosses me. Is that good?
11:59Yes, it's good.
12:02Somewhere there is a child.
12:05Claire, Debbie's daughter.
12:08The Page of Cups means strong feelings and emotions.
12:13There is a child who brings you great strength, great happiness.
12:17Yeah. Yes, she does.
12:19She will continue to support you
12:21while you divest yourself of loneliness
12:24and embrace a future of renewed happiness.
12:37Keep the change, love.
12:39Debbie, they've got a right to know sometimes.
12:41There's nothing to tell, is there?
12:43They're your family.
12:44There's no reason for anyone to worry.
12:47You might be in later, mate.
12:48Hang on a minute, here's a woman that might know more.
12:50You're back early.
12:51Yeah, we had a nice time, though, didn't we, Tiffany?
12:53Peggy tried on a really nice new outfit there, didn't you, Peggy?
12:56Yeah, it was OK.
12:57A lot in colour, though, barely any head blue.
12:59Anyway, I'm going to go upstairs.
13:00You'll be able to manage without me, won't you, Danny?
13:02Sounds like we'll have to.
13:03All right, mate.
13:04Hang on a minute, you can't both go and put your feet up.
13:06Peggy, you don't know where George is today, do you?
13:08Well, he's away on business somewhere all day.
13:10It's not important, is it?
13:12Nah, not to worry. It'll be fine.
13:19Just come here.
13:21I bet you've grown since I've been away, haven't you?
13:23No, just this much.
13:25Have you really? What, just a tiny, tiny amount?
13:28Right, well, let's see what I've got for you.
13:30I can't guess what this is.
13:32All the way from Greece.
13:34A piece of your Auntie April's wedding cake.
13:36Thanks, Mum.
13:38Welcome home.
13:40How was the wedding?
13:41Yeah, fine, thanks.
13:42No, no, no, no, I can manage.
13:57How are you, Joe?
14:00I just want to see how you are.
14:03You hungry?
14:05I'm busy.
14:06I was only asking.
14:13There you go. On me.
14:14Cheers, dear.
14:15That's all right.
14:16I could do with some warming up after being out on that storm all day.
14:18Yeah, I need something before I go round and see my mum.
14:20Let's have a sip.
14:21Why's that, then?
14:22Well, they've just got back from Greece, haven't they?
14:23And I'm not expecting much,
14:24cos they're on an unexactly romantic break.
14:26What are you two gossiping about?
14:28We were just talking about Alan and Carol.
14:29Oh, yeah?
14:30Yeah, it was a private conversation.
14:31I'm assuming you're paying for that.
14:33It's all right, Mum. I've bought her it.
14:35Well, don't forget to put the money in, too.
14:37Thank you, Alan.
14:38Where's the orange juice?
14:39Yeah, you're allowed to put it in your tea.
14:46I only had a sip.
14:47How long have you been drinking this?
14:48About five seconds.
14:49You know what I mean. How long have you been drinking alcohol?
14:51As long as I've been old enough for people to buy it for me.
14:53It's bad for the baby. How could you be so stupid?
14:55Well, I'm not going to do no harm.
14:56I'm talking to my wife.
14:57Yeah, she happens to be my friend.
14:58It doesn't do you or the baby any favours.
15:01I just don't understand why you want to do it.
15:02You can't talk to me like this in front of everyone.
15:04I've got feelings, you know. I am a person, you know.
15:06Yeah, well, have some feelings for the baby.
15:08Do you know what you treat me like?
15:09You treat me like I'm some sort of an incubator for your baby.
15:16What a pig.
15:18What's going on?
15:19I didn't open anything that wasn't addressed to me.
15:21Yeah, thanks for consideration, Alan, but I don't think anything's too personal.
15:25They all look like bills.
15:26Yeah, no, they're overdue bills.
15:31So, er, there's no word from David?
15:33No, why? Should I be expecting someone?
15:35No, I just thought, you know, er, he might be in touch.
15:38No, he hasn't been.
15:40No, I just thought, you know, er, that he's left.
15:44Where's he gone?
15:45Well, no-one knows. He's done a bunk.
15:47I thought you might know where he was.
15:49No, Alan, it seems I'm in the dark more than you.
15:52Oh, well, you seemed certain he would leave.
15:54Is that Joe with him?
15:55No, he's over at the Vic with Lorraine.
15:58I mean, you've asked about Joe, but you haven't asked about Sonia, Robbie or Bianca.
16:02You know, you don't seem so surprised that he's gone.
16:04Look, I've just got off a plane, Alan, and I've just got no energy for anything.
16:07Actually, there is one thing that surprises me.
16:09Well, go on.
16:10I'm surprised that you're still here.
16:15I'm just a walking wound to you, innit?
16:17You know the damage alcohol can do to the baby.
16:19Not the odd sip. I'm not stupid, you know.
16:21I never said you were.
16:22Do you know what the worst thing is? I can't see any end to this.
16:25I can't see it getting any better once I have the baby.
16:28Look, why don't we go out tonight, you know, before dinner?
16:31We can talk things over.
16:32We can't.
16:33Why not?
16:34Because you're playing snooker with Phil.
16:36Sorry, I forgot one clean out of my head.
16:38Yeah, well, don't cancel it on my account.
16:40I don't want you blaming me for that as well.
16:42Well, I'll just have to leave you here then, won't I?
16:46Well, I could come with you. I won't get in your way.
16:49I don't think that's a very good idea.
16:51Why not? I can play snooker. It's not that difficult.
16:53It's just that me and Phil haven't been out on our own for ages.
16:56I don't know how I'd feel about you being there.
16:58Oh, great.
16:59Somebody else's feelings that mean more to you than mine.
17:03All right, you win, you can come.
17:05I'm sure it'll be fine.
17:09Is this going to work?
17:10Well, the test signal's leaving here, all right.
17:12Look who's here.
17:14Oh, hi.
17:17So, what are you up to?
17:19Oh, it's top secret.
17:20Well, that's the transmitter. Any day now, I'm going to be on the radio.
17:22Oh, great.
17:26Who's that?
17:27Oh, he came back for a few beers yesterday.
17:30And what's his name?
17:31We've forgotten the name of an in-fit state to ask.
17:34Well, this thing doesn't look very powerful.
17:36We've got it!
17:38We're picking up the signal. We're on air.
17:39You're on, Frank, you see.
17:43I'm not ready.
17:44Oh, it doesn't matter. You've got a bigger audience in the room than you have out there.
17:46Oh, we've lost it again. We were nearly there that time.
17:49I think we'll come back when you two guys have got your act together.
17:53So things aren't any better then?
17:55Yeah, well, when I came in, he just stood there like a plank of wood.
17:58I mean, he certainly wasn't pleased to see me.
18:00I mean, I'm all for a good router sort out this sort of thing, but...
18:03I'm after this, I don't know.
18:04You're not going to give up on him, are you?
18:06It's weird, isn't it?
18:07There's April married to Nikos, while me and Ellen don't seem to have anything anymore.
18:11Yeah, well, you could have if you wanted.
18:13I'm not so sure, Bianca.
18:15Well, I want you two to be together.
18:17Yeah, well, you can't always have what you want.
18:18Well, I want you both there at the wedding.
18:20I won't let you down, love.
18:22What about David? Do you think he'll be there?
18:24Yeah, he said he'd come back.
18:26He promised you?
18:27Well, he sent me a share of the car lot to pay for it.
18:29Well, is this all official, is it?
18:31Yeah, well, solicitors sent all the papers.
18:34So he's gone for good?
18:36Yeah, I reckon so.
18:38I really miss him, Mum.
18:40Yeah, love, I know.
18:43I'll listen out for you on that.
18:45I was thinking something just for you. Have you got any requests?
18:48I'm not sure. Let me think.
18:50So, how's the wife?
18:52She's back.
18:54That's about all there is to say, really.
18:56Sounds like one of those horror films, she's back.
18:58Yeah, she gave me an earful five minutes after she came in.
19:01That's what wives are for, isn't it?
19:03I'm not sure how much more I can take of it.
19:05You'll survive.
19:07Look, Alan, I'm a bit busy. What with the radio station and everything.
19:10Yeah, I understand.
19:12Do you fancy meeting up for a drink tonight?
19:14Not tonight. I'll catch you sometime later, yeah?
19:17Yeah, sure.
19:23Do you want to rest for that cue?
19:25No, I'm all right, thanks.
19:27Suit yourself.
19:30What, are you so funny?
19:32Nothing, nothing at all. I thought you said you could play.
19:34Can. It's just that my arms ain't as long as yours, that's all.
19:37Long as the length of your arms is the problem.
19:39What do you mean?
19:41I think Grant's talking about that extra cushion you're carrying around.
19:43Look, if youse two can have a go, I'll sit in the corner and drink my orange juice like the good little wifey I am.
19:48I've got a few minutes. Why don't we nip out and get some fresh air? What do you think?
19:52I like it up here.
19:54Just for five minutes?
19:58Why not?
20:00Because I don't know who's out there, Mum.
20:07Hitch it back quick.
20:11Are you sure it's them?
20:13Look, it's the same car.
20:15Are you sure it's them?
20:17Look, it's the same car.
20:19Look, I'll go over to the Vic's, see if George's in there, and you go over to the club.
20:21What happens if he comes to the club?
20:23Send him over to the Vic.
20:32Have you seen George today?
20:34Not yet, no.
20:36Maybe I'll find him then.
20:39Hi, Lorraine. How's Joe? Can I go and see him?
20:43It's not such a good idea.
20:45Maybe not.
20:47Look, I just wanted to say thanks for coming with me this morning. I know you've got a lot on your plate.
20:50Well, that was all right. It was good having something else to think about.
20:54She was quite inspiring, wasn't she? You know, Cassandra.
20:57I wouldn't say she was inspiring.
20:59She was convincing, though, wasn't she?
21:01She was certainly convincing.
21:08There you go. Your turn to get a drink, Tim.
21:10You won't be able to see the balls, let alone hit them.
21:12OK, we'll both go.
21:14I reckon I'll play a bit better after a few drinks, though.
21:16A bit steady.
21:20You don't play snooker yourself, then?
21:22I do. I just got a bit bored with it tonight, that's all.
21:24I practise three hours a day.
21:26You've got to keep your skills up.
21:30What are you drinking?
21:31A strawberry margarita.
21:33Oh, yeah?
21:34In my dreams, lying on a beach in Barbados.
21:38A bit, yeah. There you go.
21:41Actually, you don't want to put a drop of vodka in there, Fristy, eh?
21:44I'm fine.
21:50Do you want to hear the tape Cassandra made again?
21:52Makes more sense when you've heard it a few times.
21:54Does it?
21:55Oh, yeah. Especially that bit about the Empress.
21:57I really liked it when she called Debbie that.
22:00I know you weren't so sure at first, but you'll have to admit,
22:03she knows her stuff. Go on, have a listen.
22:05No, I don't think so, Nigel.
22:07I'm just a bit tired at the moment.
22:09Oh, look, I'm sorry. Here I am, waffling on,
22:11and you've got much more important things to worry about.
22:13Look, I'm just going to go and check on Joel.
22:15Is it all right if I go and see him, Peggy?
22:17Oh, it's not long till closing. Can't you hang on a bit, love?
22:20Oh, go on, Mrs Mitchell. I'll help you clear up here.
22:22Oh, all right, then.
22:23Thanks, Peggy. I'll see you, Nigel.
22:25Yeah, see ya.
22:26I'm definitely going to go and see Cassandra again.
22:29Sometimes these things are best left alone, Nigel.
22:32Cassandra says I should take Debbie's ring next time.
22:35It'll help her to make contact.
22:37You don't want to dwell on the past too much, love.
22:40Cassandra's made me feel like there might be a little glimmer of hope.
22:44I know, dear.
22:46I'm sorry, Mrs M. I'm boring you, aren't I?
22:48Just a little.
22:50So, um, what do you think we should do about the council
22:53not putting a Christmas tree up?
22:55See you, our love.
22:57Who's this?
22:58Sorry, I didn't catch your name.
23:00You chatting her up?
23:01We was just talking, that's all.
23:02Grant, it's all under control.
23:04Listen, thanks for offering me a drink,
23:06but I'm afraid I can't accept it.
23:08I'm not allowed to drink alcohol in my condition,
23:10and, er, my husband's going to be taking me out.
23:12No, I'm not.
23:13Come on, we're leaving.
23:15We're staying.
23:16It's you that's leaving.
23:18Now, what, me?
23:19I'm in charge.
23:20Hey, hey, hey, take it easy. Come on.
23:22Come on, forget him.
23:23What did you do that for?
23:24I'm quite capable of getting rid of blokes like him, you know.
23:27Look, what do you say we both go back to the Vic for a nightcap, yeah?
23:30What do you say?
23:40Night-night, Joe.
23:57Yeah, mate, it's definitely...
23:59definitely your brand.
24:00We've tried to get at you.
24:02We've tried every time we could.
24:04I can't buy the looks of you lot.
24:06Are you going to talk to me now that we're here?
24:08Are you going to give me Simon treatment in front of your mum and all?
24:11I can't think of anything worth talking about.
24:13No? Well, I can.
24:15Grant, all I'm asking for is a little bit of consideration.
24:17You know the sort of thing.
24:19Like an husband who takes notice of me.
24:21Yeah, well, you weren't short of attention in the snooker, were you?
24:24Oh, you're pathetic.
24:25Oh, I'm pathetic, am I?
24:26I ain't a married, pregnant woman
24:27who goes around chatting up complete strangers, am I?
24:33All right, all right, maybe it wasn't all your fault.
24:35You should know better than to try and pick up a woman in your condition.
24:38What do you mean, my condition?
24:40I'm pregnant, that's all. I'm still a woman.
24:42All right, all right.
24:43You haven't listened to a single word I've said, have you?
24:45I need a drink, all right?
24:48It's not very busy in here tonight. What's up?
24:50I expect everyone's at home getting their strength up for the Christmas party season.
24:53Yeah, well, they're all lightweight, aren't they?
24:55What are you drinking, eh?
24:56I'll have an orange juice, thanks.
25:50George, I'm trying to get a hold of you.
25:52I need a word. Quietly.
25:54George! What are you at?
25:56Come over here. Have a drink.
25:58Er, I won't be a moment.
26:03Bill the Goat, he's out in the square.
26:06He's watching the vig.
26:07He's in a car with those other guys, the ones at the booze sale.
26:10No, he ain't. It's empty.
26:11I'm telling you, it was him.
26:14Does anyone else know about this?
26:16I don't think so.
26:17Last orders, please.
26:19Won't be a minute.
26:20Here, we'll get you one in.
26:49Lovejoy's daughter has disappeared.
26:51Drama with Lovejoy at 4.20 this afternoon.
26:54First though, Soldier Soldier next.