Nineties Eastenders (23rd December 1997)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (23rd December 1997)
00:00[♪ Music starts to build, then fades out ♪
00:05♪ as music continues.
00:25I couldn't sleep with all the noise going on out here.
00:36Is Tiff up yet?
00:38Oh, she gets excited about Christmas.
00:39Yeah, well, she'll learn.
00:40You all right, Dad?
00:41Yeah, sort of, yeah.
00:42What's wrong?
00:43Er, Roy's in hospital.
00:44Oh, what's happened?
00:45He had a heart attack last night.
00:46Is he all right?
00:48What's wrong?
00:49I don't know.
00:50I don't know.
00:51I don't know.
00:52I don't know.
00:54Is he all right?
00:55I don't know.
00:56Roy's had a heart attack.
00:58Yeah, he's in the hospital.
00:59Poor bloke.
01:00Makes you think, doesn't it?
01:01Yeah, it does, doesn't it?
01:02I don't want you going the same way, thank you.
01:03I thought you might like some tea.
01:05You know, you can go home if you want.
01:06We'll call you if there's any change.
01:07No, I'd rather stay.
01:08I've got to go.
01:09I've got to go.
01:10I've got to go.
01:11I've got to go.
01:12I've got to go.
01:13I've got to go.
01:14I've got to go.
01:15I've got to go.
01:16I've got to go.
01:17I've got to go.
01:18I've got to go.
01:19I've got to go.
01:20I've got to go.
01:21I've got to go.
01:22I've got to go.
01:23I've got to go.
01:24I've got to go.
01:25I've got to go.
01:26I've got to go.
01:27I've got to go.
01:28I've got to go.
01:29I've got to go.
01:30I've got to go.
01:31I've got to go.
01:32I've got to go.
01:33I've got to go.
01:34I've got to go.
01:35I've got to go.
01:36I've got to go.
01:37I've got to go.
01:38I've got to go.
01:39I've got to go.
01:40I've got to go.
01:41I've got to go.
01:42I've got to go.
01:43I've got to go.
01:44I've got to go.
01:45I've got to go.
01:46I've got to go.
01:47I've got to go.
01:48I've got to go.
01:49I've got to go.
01:50I've got to go.
01:51I've got to go.
01:52I've got to go.
01:53I've got to go.
01:54I've got to go.
01:55I've got to go.
01:56I've got to go.
01:57I've got to go.
01:58I've got to go.
01:59I've got to go.
02:00I've got to go.
02:01I've got to go.
02:02I've got to go.
02:03I've got to go.
02:04I've got to go.
02:05I've got to go.
02:06I've got to go.
02:07I've got to go.
02:08I've got to go.
02:09I've got to go.
02:10I've got to go.
02:11I've got to go.
02:12I've got to go.
02:13I've got to go.
02:14I've got to go.
02:15I've got to go.
02:16I've got to go.
02:17I've got to go.
02:18I've got to go.
02:19I've got to go.
02:20I've got to go.
02:21I've got to go.
02:22I've got to go.
02:23I've got to go.
02:24I've got to go.
02:25I've got to go.
02:26I've got to go.
02:27I've got to go.
02:28I've got to go.
02:29I've got to go.
02:30I've got to go.
02:31I've got to go.
02:32I've got to go.
02:33I've got to go.
02:34I've got to go.
02:35I've got to go.
02:36I've got to go.
02:37I've got to go.
02:38I've got to go.
02:39I've got to go.
02:40I've got to go.
02:41It's too late now.
02:43What am I going to do?
02:45I don't know.
02:47Do you want to take it easy?
02:48It's Christmas Eve.
02:50Oh, you're meant to be on holiday.
02:52Why don't you give the refuge a miss?
02:53Well, because I enjoy it and people need other people at Christmas.
02:57Who's that car from then?
02:59All right, is he?
03:00Yeah, yeah, he says so.
03:01You notice Terry hasn't had one single Christmas card.
03:04Can't have a lot of friends.
03:05Well, perhaps people just don't know where he is.
03:07I wish we didn't.
03:08He must have got up pretty early this morning.
03:10His bedding's all cleared away and everything.
03:12Well, that deal must have come up.
03:14Get real, Sarah.
03:15There's no deal.
03:16I've been borrowing money off people for weeks.
03:18Yeah, well, I just hope Mum's not taken in by him.
03:20I'll see you later.
03:21Yeah, see ya.
03:32Can you turn this off, please?
03:34The music.
03:35It's a bit early in the morning, even for me.
03:36And Stephen hasn't finished his breakfast.
03:38I was just reading this card.
03:39Well, I'd prefer it if you kept an eye on the kids.
03:41Come on, Stephen.
03:42Back up to the table and finish your breakfast, yeah?
03:44Just try and keep your mind on your work.
03:52Last night, right in the square.
03:54Whack, out he went.
03:55I'm surprised I didn't hear anything.
03:57Come on, Cormie, you've got to eat something.
03:59You're putting too much on the spoon.
04:01She likes to take her time in the morning.
04:03Well, how bad is he?
04:04Can't be good, can he?
04:05Not a nice Christmas for Pat, though.
04:07It's not bright for Roy either, is it?
04:10Go on, pass us some milk, will ya?
04:11What, lost use of your arms or something, have you?
04:13No, I'm trying to feed her.
04:14Well, nothing's going to spoil our Christmas.
04:16Christmas dinner tomorrow and party on Boxing Day.
04:19What party?
04:20In the pub.
04:21It's always a dead day on Boxing Day,
04:22but not in the Vic.
04:23Party time.
04:24What sort of party?
04:25Well, everybody who comes into the pub
04:27puts their name in a hat.
04:29In another hat, we've got a list of forfeits.
04:31You know, you sing a song, recite a poem,
04:33mimic Elvis, whatever.
04:35Anyway, when your name gets pulled out of the hat
04:37and you do the forfeit, you get a couple of free drinks.
04:40That's a great idea.
04:41Yeah, well, I think I've already done my forfeit.
04:43And I don't want anybody forgetting about Midnight Mass tonight.
04:47Midnight Mass, we're all going.
04:49I ain't going.
04:50Oh, yes, you are.
04:52I don't want no buts.
04:53The Mitchell family are going to be like the partridge family this Christmas.
04:55All for one and one for all.
04:57More like the Adams family.
04:59Here's your milk, Morticia.
05:02I thought you'd have gone in the ambulance with him.
05:04Isn't that what Vickers do?
05:06Keep playing, Dad, or you'll end up like Roy.
05:11I'm more likely to be you.
05:13Don't you know tension's a killer?
05:23I thought you was going to self-combust yesterday.
05:25Oh, maybe I had good reason.
05:27I thought Christmas was meant to be your time.
05:29It's nothing to do with Christmas.
05:32Remember Father McInnery?
05:36He died.
05:40I'm sorry you should have said.
05:42I didn't really want to talk about it.
05:44I ate it all myself.
05:46Two quid a box is a gift.
05:48We don't need that many. There's only me, you and Frank.
05:50Right, well, we'll have four each.
05:52Right, Barry, how's Roy?
05:54Oh, you've heard.
05:55How bad is he?
05:57You've heard.
05:58Yeah, how bad is he?
05:59Phenomenal. Just on my way back now to see him.
06:01How's Pat?
06:02She's still there.
06:03Listen, can I go and live with you?
06:04No, I'd like to see her.
06:05Yeah, OK.
06:06Right, listen, tell Phil what's happened and I'll be in there later, all right?
06:11Here, if you want to get some of these, he's virtually given them away.
06:13Have you heard Roy's had a heart attack?
06:16Last night.
06:17Well, it doesn't surprise me. He's going for it.
06:19How is he?
06:20We don't know.
06:21Why couldn't it have been Cindy?
06:23Are you going to buy the turkey or do you want me to get it?
06:27For Christmas dinner.
06:29You're not going to get yourself a small sliced loaf of piece of cod and perform a miracle, are you?
06:33I'm at the refuge all day.
06:35Oh, great. I'll open myself a tin of Spang then.
06:38Do you really think I want to spend Christmas Day looking hard out?
06:41I have no choice.
06:44I just love religion.
06:45It's a wonderful way to justify everything.
06:47God says this is the way it's going to be.
06:50And because it suits the rich and powerful, we all step neatly into line.
06:54Oh, keep it up, son. You're doing a great job.
06:57Your serve.
06:58I just want it over with.
07:00I know. The longer she stays around, the more dangerous she is.
07:02Don't worry. If anyone's got Cindy's number, it's me. January the 8th.
07:05When she gets in the dock, that'll be it for her.
07:09Heard about Roy?
07:10I was there.
07:11Terrible, isn't it?
07:12Well, he was asking for it.
07:14And you should know.
07:15Not that bad.
07:16Pat was going to have Ben, wasn't she, while you went to do your Good Samaritan?
07:20That's a bit of a shame.
07:21I'll tell you what. You come to us.
07:23Phil can look after Ben while you go off to the refuge.
07:26Oh, Ben will love it.
07:28It'll solve your problem.
07:29Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so. Thanks.
07:31That's what family's all about at Christmas, helping each other out.
07:34Why don't you come over to dinner too, Ian?
07:36You three will have a ball.
07:38I've already made arrangements at home.
07:40Oh, well, I've got to go. I've got plenty of things to do.
07:42I bought these on the market.
07:45Oh, you've got some too. Real bargain, isn't it?
07:48See ya.
07:49Why don't you come across to the VK?
07:51I'll have you doing the cooking. I'll do the support.
07:53I've got Cindy coming over.
07:55Mum, how's it going to look if I don't let her see the kids on Christmas Day?
07:58Yeah, I suppose so.
07:59Mum, I'm not going to let her accuse me of anything when we get the call.
08:02I'm going to look like the Archangel Gabriel next to her.
08:15Oh, was I asleep?
08:17It's all right.
08:19Oh, I fell asleep.
08:21You've been up all night.
08:23I shouldn't have fallen asleep.
08:25Right, Pat.
08:31If there's anything me and Bianca can do...
08:33No, we'll just wait in love. Get over the next couple of days.
08:39He didn't deserve this.
08:41We've all got to keep praying for him.
08:43Look, I've had a word with the doc,
08:45and he doesn't seem to think he'll wake up for a while yet,
08:47so why don't you go home, freshen up and then come back?
08:49It'll only take an hour. You'll feel so much better.
08:51No, I've got to be here.
08:53Yeah, you will be. Me and Barry will make sure of it.
08:55No, I don't want him to think he's on his own.
08:57He won't. We'll get you back in plenty of time.
08:59That's what went wrong, you see. It was all by ourselves.
09:05I should have supported him more.
09:08You did just fine.
09:10Come on, Pat.
09:13He's a good man, your dad, Barry.
09:16A good man.
09:18Yeah, I know.
09:21I think he's gone a bit mad on the Christmas pudding.
09:23No, no, I've got them. They're for the refuge for Sarah.
09:25We've all got to throw a bit for Christmas, haven't we?
09:27Have you seen my pliers?
09:30Well, I need them.
09:31Well, I haven't got them.
09:32Hello, Irene? Is my dad there?
09:34No, he's not here. He's gone out shopping.
09:36Yeah, well, when he gets back, can you ask him to ring me?
09:38I was wondering if he wanted to come across for Christmas dinner tomorrow.
09:41No, he's having Christmas dinner here.
09:43Yeah, well, he might want to change his mind
09:45and spend Christmas dinner with his daughter.
09:47No, he won't.
09:51And what was all that about?
09:53Just asking my dad over for Christmas dinner, that's all.
09:55Without checking with me first?
09:56Yeah, without checking with you first.
09:58Or Peggy.
09:59Look, I live here alone, you know.
10:00I think you should have checked first, out of politeness.
10:03You've got your brother coming over, isn't that enough for you?
10:05Grant, it's Christmas, and I thought I might be allowed
10:07more than one member of my family over for Christmas dinner.
10:09I still think you should have asked Peggy first.
10:13Now look what you've gone and done.
10:15I've only just got her off to sleep.
10:16I'll take her out for a walk.
10:18No, she'll go to sleep later.
10:19Look, she'll be fine.
10:20Let her take her for a walk, yeah?
10:21Just help me clear this lot out.
10:24I'm not looking forward to Christmas with just him and me.
10:27I'd rather be at home.
10:28I thought you were coming over to us.
10:30He doesn't want me to.
10:31He wants me to be there when Cindy comes to visit the kids.
10:33It's a shame you all couldn't come over and see us.
10:36Robbie, where's that mistletoe?
10:38I don't know, mate.
10:39You know what I mean?
10:40This is Mary's lucky day.
10:41Depends what you mean by lucky.
10:43Go on, Mary.
10:44Why would I want to be kissing him
10:45when there's so much better an offer?
10:47Kiss him.
10:48All right, come here.
10:54I'm just giving Tiffany a break,
10:55doing my last bit of Christmas shopping.
10:57Oh, that's good of you.
11:00I'm just off to buy something.
11:02I'll catch up with you in a minute.
11:03I'm just off to buy something.
11:04I'll catch up with you later.
11:05Going for a piggy?
11:07What can I do for you?
11:08It's about Terry.
11:09He's been looking for work but not had any luck,
11:10and I was wondering if you had any for him.
11:13I might have something.
11:14Oh, that would be great.
11:15See you.
11:17You've got five minutes till I'm calling the police.
11:18What's happened to the season of Goodwill?
11:20Still waiting to get a licence.
11:22Very masterful.
11:23What are you doing here?
11:24You've got five minutes, right?
11:26Just up there at Tech tomorrow.
11:27Is he OK with you?
11:28Yeah, of course.
11:29Have you seen Matthew?
11:31He's taking to the next Richard Branson.
11:33Well, I should have just let it go.
11:35It's too old to start from scratch.
11:36Maybe I should have offered him a bit more,
11:37but then I would.
11:38Don't start getting soft.
11:40That was business.
11:42All right, lads?
11:44Lost Leader.
11:45He won these free with every purchase over 9.99.
11:47Where did you get them from?
11:49I did a deal.
11:50I could grab this for Christmas Eve.
11:51That'd look great on the tree in the back.
11:54Keep the change.
11:55What are these?
11:56Fancy tree fairies?
11:57Come here.
11:58Free with every purchase over 9.99.
12:00Don't touch them.
12:01Slave labour.
12:02Are you trying to ruin my business?
12:03No, I was only joking.
12:04In fact, it's probably good that they do come from Korea.
12:07Stops the really poor people from starving.
12:09I'll go and get Claire.
12:10Where is she?
12:11In the cafe.
12:12Morning, ladies.
12:13Oh, morning.
12:14Happy Christmas.
12:15Happy Christmas.
12:16Have you seen these?
12:17Oh, look at this.
12:19Oh, that is nice, isn't it?
12:23Oh, I do love these Christmas recreations.
12:31Pat, how is he?
12:33They've got him sedated.
12:34He's gonna be fine.
12:42I've had this wonderful notion.
12:44You and me should go to midnight mass tonight, along with everyone else.
12:46I don't know if I can get the time off.
12:48What's the man like?
12:49A father has the right to Christmas dinner with his daughter.
12:51It'll be the first time in 15 years.
12:53Come on.
12:54Well, seeing as Ian's not giving me Christmas day off,
12:56Mark thought it'd be a really good idea if you all came round to Ian's.
12:59I thought.
13:01What, you've changed?
13:03Thanks, Kev.
13:04Morning, Kev.
13:06How's Alex?
13:07How do you mean?
13:08Well, you know.
13:09Father McKinnery.
13:10Oh, right.
13:11Yeah, he's fine.
13:13You know I wouldn't leave him alone.
13:15Oh, Mr Healy, have you seen Alex?
13:17Yeah, he's gone straight round to church.
13:18Oh, good.
13:19All right, Neelam's got some Ben Cairns for us.
13:21Ben Cairns are what?
13:30Somebody's got to have a word with him.
13:33Mary's got to be stuck over there all Christmas day.
13:35You can't do that, poor girl.
13:37Well, Ian's refusing to leave the house.
13:39I think we should all go round to his place.
13:41Oh, yeah, I can see him agreeing to that.
13:43You can always keep down at mine.
13:45You can have my bed.
13:46I'll take the floor.
13:47Well, it's either that or sharing a sofa with Terry.
13:50Oh, why, thank you.
13:52So you're staying, then?
13:54All right, thanks.
13:55I wasn't looking forward to going back to our flat in Miami.
13:58All right, Tony.
13:59I am now.
14:00We've finished for Christmas, mate.
14:03Simon, if you're thinking about taking a break, forget it.
14:07We haven't got time.
14:08Well, I've just seen Tony go in the car.
14:10Oh, don't worry.
14:11I'd rather have work.
14:12Oh, good, good.
14:14Hey, man.
14:15Hey, goodbye.
14:19No, I need a word, mate.
14:20Not now, Mark.
14:21I'm busy.
14:23Oh, here you go.
14:24Come and ask me again in a few weeks.
14:26All right, thanks.
14:30That's a nice ferry, Frank.
14:32Yeah, well, there's a lot of them about, isn't there?
14:34Yeah, you tell him that.
14:35Come on, ladies.
14:36Happy hour, happy hour.
14:42What's wrong?
14:44Courtney's gone.
14:45I left her here, and she's gone.
14:46I'll see if Grant's got you.
14:52Have you seen Courtney?
14:53I've lost her.
14:55I can't find her.
14:58Please, someone's taken the baby.
15:07Where's Courtney?
15:08She was here.
15:09It was only a minute.
15:10What was she doing leaving her by herself?
15:11I didn't take her.
15:12You stupid.
15:15Where have you been?
15:16She was crying.
15:17I just strapped down a bit.
15:19Without asking anybody.
15:20Look, she's all right.
15:21She's fine.
15:22You don't just take someone's baby without asking.
15:23I didn't take her.
15:24I don't know who left her in the first place.
15:25None of this would have happened.
15:26Let's forget it, shall we?
15:28What did she say?
15:31What are you doing?
15:32It's a surprise for your mum.
15:33Can I take a look?
15:35Wait till tomorrow.
15:36You'll see it then.
15:37It's not something rude, is it?
15:39It's not inflatable.
15:40You've got a strange mind.
15:41Mum, Polly's going to be staying with us over Christmas, yeah?
15:45Oh, that's nice.
15:46Whereabouts is she going to...?
15:48She's going to be having my bed.
15:49I'll be sleeping on the floor.
15:50You're such a gentleman, yourself.
15:53I'll just go and get a few things.
15:54I'll see you later.
15:56That's a turn-up for the book, isn't it?
15:58She's a friend.
15:59I'm doing her a favour.
16:00Yeah, sure you are.
16:03Terry, do you fancy coming over to the Vic?
16:04Only Peggy said she wanted to have a word with you.
16:06What about?
16:07I don't know.
16:09Yeah, see ya.
16:23I mean, who in their right mind
16:24leaves a baby by itself in the middle of the street?
16:26Now, Tiff.
16:27She'd have been fine if Bianca hadn't come along.
16:29If Bianca hadn't have come along,
16:30you don't know where we'd have taken her.
16:31Any pervert could have got her.
16:32I'm sure Sal would have got her.
16:34I could see her through the window.
16:35Bianca should have said something.
16:36You what?
16:37She said you could see her through the window.
16:38Well, if she could see her through the window,
16:39how come you didn't know who'd taken her?
16:41You're overreacting.
16:43Great, the woman nearly lost our baby.
16:45Early things have been looking after Courtney all this time.
16:47Oh, come on, Mum.
16:48She thought her baby would have been stolen.
16:49Give her a break.
16:50I'm just trying to calm the situation, that's all.
16:52It was just a misunderstanding.
16:53A misunderstanding?
16:55Too right it was a misunderstanding.
16:57I'd never have let you near my baby
16:58if I knew you was gonna leave her
16:59parked outside some castle any passing freak could get her.
17:02Now, that's enough.
17:03No more arguing.
17:04It's Christmas, and it's five past eleven.
17:05We should be open by now.
17:07So let's get on with it.
17:08Go on, Grant.
17:10Now, come on, Sal.
17:12Let's go and get you a gin and tonic.
17:14Now, I want everyone to forget all about this.
17:17This is the season of goodwill to all men.
17:19And I meant what I said about mass tonight, Phil.
17:21I want you there.
17:27Look who I've found.
17:29Oh, how you've grown.
17:31I wouldn't have recognised you.
17:33It's not that long.
17:34Give us a kiss, then.
17:35Mrs C's gonna be staying with us over Christmas.
17:38Oh, well, I was going back tomorrow,
17:39but apparently there ain't no trains.
17:41It's really good to see you, Mrs C.
17:42Isn't it, Claire?
17:44Well, you don't have to worry about Christmas dinner,
17:46because Pauline's already insisted
17:47that I bit round her toes.
17:49That's nice.
17:50It seems a pity, though,
17:51not to spend this special time together.
17:53We'll have to see what we can do.
17:56Who's that?
17:57Boy George?
17:59I know it's not much.
18:00It'll do for me.
18:01Well, collect the empties,
18:02and if it gets really busy,
18:03you can help wash the glasses.
18:05Let's talk straight away, won't you, Terry?
18:06I'm clocking in as we speak.
18:08He won't let you down, I promise.
18:09He's the sort of man who just wants to please.
18:13Oh, I love her.
18:14Peggy's just given me a job here.
18:15To put me in...
18:16Don't let his deal come through.
18:17Oh, right.
18:18Did Irene tell you that I've invited you over here
18:19for Christmas dinner?
18:20Oh, yeah, well...
18:21I told you we were going to have dinner at our house.
18:23Weren't we, Terry?
18:26All right, then.
18:27Just thought I'd ask.
18:28Thanks for, er...
18:29not telling her about the deal.
18:31We're in partnership, aren't we?
18:33Got to stick up for each other, aren't we?
18:35Is that right?
18:36That's right.
18:37Better get to work.
18:40Hello, Simon.
18:41Mrs Hills.
18:42Are you thinking about coming over to see us over Christmas?
18:44Yeah, I suppose so, at some point.
18:46Penny, I think I ought to warn you,
18:47so it doesn't come as a shock to you.
18:49Tony's got a girl staying with him.
18:51A girl?
18:53Is she staying at your place?
18:55I don't want her to arrive and not know.
18:57She's moved in, is she?
18:59So it seems.
19:06You don't look the type to mess around with fairies.
19:08Yeah, well, I only do it at Christmas.
19:10What do you mess about with normally?
19:12Anything that takes my fancy.
19:14Like what?
19:15Well, I hang around long enough and you might find out.
19:19Sounds interesting.
19:21What are you doing?
19:22Collecting glasses.
19:23Well, don't.
19:24It's my job.
19:25Your mum employed me.
19:29Have you just given Dope Me There a job?
19:31Yeah, I did.
19:33Because he needed the work.
19:34Oh, superb.
19:35Why don't you just move the old family in, eh?
19:37Let them run the place.
19:39I wondered if it would be a problem.
19:41What, if you come to see your dad?
19:44If he's your dad, why would it be a problem?
19:46Well, I wouldn't want to make things awkward for you.
19:49I thought it might be embarrassing,
19:50seeing as how you've got someone staying.
19:52You mean Polly?
19:53Of course I mean Polly.
19:55Haven't got anybody else staying here, have you?
19:57Why should it be embarrassing?
19:58I would have thought that was obvious.
19:59She's staying here, that's all.
20:01Yeah, of course she is.
20:02She is?
20:03We don't all go jamming in the bed with the first person that smiles at them.
20:05Meaning what?
20:06Oh, nothing.
20:07No, come on, what do you mean by that?
20:08I touched a nerve, have I?
20:09Oh, well, that's rich coming from you.
20:11And he put in a storm, innit?
20:12Oh, you what?
20:13Get off me!
20:15You idiot!
20:16You started it.
20:19Oh, no.
20:25Oh, no.
20:27Well, you could at least give her Christmas Day off.
20:29She is coming round, I need her here.
20:30That means she won't be able to see her dad on Christmas Day.
20:32I'm sorry, Mark, but that's the way it is.
20:34And he can always come here.
20:35Oh, yeah?
20:36But he won't be at me mum's either, will he?
20:38What am I supposed to do?
20:40You could always invite us all here.
20:43This is our first Christmas with our new relatives.
20:45We've got a lot of lost time to make up.
20:47Oh, right.
20:48I mean, look, you can all come round here.
20:49They're more than merry, right?
20:50I don't care.
20:53Look what I got for the tree.
20:55You'll never guess what.
20:56Ian's invited us all round for Christmas dinner.
20:58That's brilliant.
20:59This is going to be a great Christmas.
21:03Not long till me favourite bit of Christmas.
21:05Oh, what's that then?
21:06Midnight mass.
21:07You'll both be going, I suspect.
21:09Oh, well, I'd love to, but I can't.
21:11You see, if I stay up too late,
21:12then I just sleep in the next day.
21:13Yeah, and, um...
21:14Yeah, well, um...
21:15Right, Nigel'll be going.
21:16He'd love it.
21:19If I don't find a replacement,
21:20they'll think I did it out of spite.
21:22You can just give her one.
21:23One lovebird?
21:24Doesn't have the same ring to it somewhere, does it?
21:26This was your fault.
21:28Oh, come on, let's go and see what we can find.
21:30Merry Christmas.
21:33What are you doing here, mum?
21:34You're not a Christian.
21:35Doesn't mean I can't enjoy a good sing-song.
21:37Well, this isn't just about having some sing-song.
21:39Oh, it is in my book.
21:43Merry Christmas.
21:46Merry Christmas.
21:47Merry Christmas.
22:04Thought you weren't gonna make it.
22:06Wouldn't have missed it for the world.
22:08Didn't tell me you'd invite Kathy.
22:10Oh, I didn't invite her.
22:11She just turned up.
22:18I didn't know you were coming.
22:20Yeah, I just felt like I wanted to, you know.
22:22I'm sorry about this morning, Tiff.
22:24It's all right, it weren't your fault.
22:25It was those stupid bags over there.
22:26I thought it was gonna kill her.
22:28Courtney's all right, eh?
22:29That's the main thing.
22:32Must be great waking up Christmas morning
22:33and opening presents for your own kids.
22:36That's what it's all about, innit?
22:38B, what are you doing tomorrow?
22:40Not a lot.
22:41Well, why don't you come over for Christmas dinner?
22:44Why don't you come over for Christmas dinner?
22:46I can't.
22:47Course you can.
22:48I've got a friend.
22:49Well, bring him as well.
22:51I don't know about that.
22:54Look, Peggy would love it.
22:55She said she wanted a big family Christmas
22:57and you're my family, nearly.
23:00Well, I could ask Ricky.
23:01I don't think he'll say no.
23:03Sounds great.
23:04I'm gonna have a brilliant Christmas.
23:14I love you.
23:33It's all right, love.
23:34It's all right.
23:40It's good to see you.
23:44What day is it?
23:48It's Christmas Day.
23:52That's nice.
23:54I'm gonna miss my turkey.
24:04Wasn't that worth going to?
24:06It was wonderful.
24:07Anyone see what happened to Kathy?
24:09Oh, she needed to talk to the vicar about tomorrow.
24:11I'll see Bianca turned up.
24:13Yeah, I invited her, Ricky and Frank over for Christmas dinner.
24:16Because I wanted to.
24:17Make sure you hold on to your baby.
24:20Are you what?
24:21Aren't you joking?
24:22No, you weren't.
24:23She just said she was, didn't she?
24:24Grant, whose side are you on?
24:25It's got nothing to do with sides.
24:27It was a joke, Tiff.
24:28No, it wasn't.
24:30I'm going to bed.
24:37What's the best we could do?
24:39You should have said you were inviting Bianca round here.
24:42Because it's polite.
24:43And after what happened with Aunt Sal,
24:44do you think that was going to make her feel?
24:45Aunt Sal?
24:46I don't give a flying frog how Aunt Sal feels.
24:49She's a guest, dear.
24:50Yeah, and I'm your wife.
24:51You should be backing me, not her.
24:52You're my wife.
24:53You're my wife.
24:54Yes, I'm your wife.
24:56Well, then start acting like it.
24:58You consult me before you invite people round here.
24:59Oh, don't start, Grant.
25:00This is important.
25:01No, why can't you just let it be?
25:02It's Christmas.
25:03I just want to enjoy myself.
25:04Well, I ain't stopping you, am I?
25:05Yes, you are.
25:07By just being here.
25:08What are you doing?
25:09If you're having fun with me,
25:10then I'll have it by myself.
25:11Now, get out!
25:13Get out!
25:14I'm sick and tired of being told what a rotten wife I am.
25:16Now, get out!
25:21Look, I've been wanting to see you all day.
25:23To see me?
25:24Well, about last night.
25:26I think Frank felt a bit awkward, and he was married to that.
25:29I see.
25:30I felt sorry for him.
25:32Yeah, of course.
25:35Well, do you want to come in?
25:37Oh, I'd love to, but I don't think it'd be a good idea.
25:39I didn't mean it like that.
25:40No, no, no.
25:41I just meant for coffee.
25:42Yeah, I just meant it's been a long day.
25:46Right, well, Merry Christmas.
25:49Merry Christmas.
25:54So, you enjoying service?
25:56Yeah, terrific.
25:57Are you by yourself?
25:58Yeah, I just felt like going.
26:00A bit dangerous walking home alone, eh?
26:02Well, I was following you,
26:03so I thought if anything happened, I'd give you a shout.
26:06Well, you'd better get to bed,
26:07otherwise Santa won't come, Liz.
26:17Well, look who it is.
26:18It's the Fairy Man.
26:19Merry Christmas, Fairy Man.
26:23Right, be like that, then.
26:24See if we care.
26:30You two girls fancy a nightcap?
26:32Oh, yeah, where?
26:34Back in the fairy grove.
26:37Merry Christmas.
26:50Are you seeing Grant?
26:51Yeah, yeah.
26:53Well, where is he?
26:54He's just getting a breath of fresh air.
26:57He's fine, he's all right.
26:58Tiffany, I wouldn't.
27:15Sarah's in for a bit of good news
27:17in A Place To Call Home at 2.15.
27:19More classic EastEnders next.
27:36THE END