Fboy Island Australia Season 2 Episode 3

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Fboy Island Australia S02E03


00:00Bu dizinin betimlemesi Maya Film tarafından Sesli Betimleme Derneği'ne yaptırılmıştır.
00:30SESLİ BETİMLEME DERNEĞİ'ne yaptırılmıştır.
01:00Evet, her şey çok hızlandı değil mi?
01:03İkinci grupta gittik ve kızlar zaten çöldü.
01:07Ali çöldüğünde harika görünüyor.
01:09Ama bence biraz daha iyi görünmeli.
01:12Kadınlar, bugün bir sensörü temizlemek için
01:16ne olduğunu keşfedeceğiz.
01:21Gördüğümüz şeylerden şaşırıyoruz.
01:23Ve bu, F-boy Nice Guy Radar'ımızla çöldürülür.
01:29Kadınlar, şimdi detektif çalışmalarına dolayı
01:32sensörü temizlemek için zamanı geldi.
01:35Bu grubun adı Men of Service.
01:39Çünkü kadının ona her şeyi söylemenin
01:42ne kadar mutlu olduğundan bahsediyor.
01:45Ve bu eğlenceli, seksi ve yöntemli.
01:49Evet, kesinlikle öyle.
01:51İki yöntem var.
01:52İlk yöntem için, hepinize bir şey vermiştim.
01:56Bir kadın için mutluluk getirmek.
01:58Belki hayatınızda ilk kez.
02:03Jack, Nicole'a gelen en büyük yarışımım.
02:09Evet, anladım, anladım.
02:11Kadınlar, en çok sevdiğiniz deneyimlerden biri.
02:15İlk yöntem için baş başa gireceğiz.
02:19Evet, kesinlikle.
02:21Buraya getir.
02:22Bu çocuklara çok fazla güveni koyuyoruz.
02:24Kesinlikle, kesinlikle gözlemleniyorlar.
02:26Eğer birisi yöntemleri yasaklarsa
02:28ve kadınlarını yasaklarsa
02:30notlar alacaklar.
02:41Şimdi çocuklar, konuşamıyorsunuz.
02:43Sizin kim olduğunuzu söyleyemezsiniz.
02:45Ve biraz acı bir tersine,
02:47ben karar vereceğim.
02:48Kadınların hangi kadınları seveceksiniz?
02:51Aman Tanrım.
02:55Crystal'a seveceğim.
02:56Oraya gitmek istiyorum.
02:57Nicole, bu adam çikolata içmek isteyecek.
03:00Ve sonra onu yıkayacak.
03:03Ben kabul ediyorum.
03:05Biliyorum ki seveceksin.
03:17Aman Tanrım, içimde kum gibi hissediyorum.
03:21Neden sıcak?
03:23Her yerden bir şey bıraktı.
03:24Bana F'yi veriyor.
03:26Ali, bu adamlar
03:28çikolata atmayı istiyorlar.
03:32Evet, tamam.
03:40Diğer çikolatalar nerede?
03:48Bu Semih mi?
03:53Hayatımda yaşıyorum.
03:56Güzel adam.
03:57Tüm hislerim çıkarıyor.
04:00O bir futbolcu.
04:01Aman Tanrım.
04:02Bir şey unuttuğum gibi.
04:04İşim var.
04:05O F'yi çıkarmak zorundayım.
04:07Mr. Tickles.
04:09Mr. Tickles.
04:11Aman Tanrım.
04:16Bence bu kadarım var.
04:18Diğerlerine bakma.
04:22Aman Tanrım.
04:23Fboy Radar
04:28Ama beğendim.
04:29Kontrol edilen adamı beğendim.
04:37Ne şarkısı?
04:38Bu bir röportaj mı?
04:39Kim bu adam?
04:40Bu bir müzik aleti.
04:43Bu şarkıyı 3. yüzyılda çalışıyorum.
04:46Ve çikolatalar çıkarıyor.
04:48Aman Tanrım.
04:49Bu bir şaka.
04:50Bu yüzden güzel adamı alıyorum.
04:52Çok ciddiye alamıyorlar.
04:54Beni mutlu etmek zorundasın.
04:57Ama beni nereye çıkaracaksın?
04:59Yürüyor mu?
05:01Aman Tanrım.
05:02Nicole'u çıkaran bir çikolata çıkaracak.
05:04İyi değil.
05:05Çok soğuk bir çikolata.
05:07Çikolatamı çok seviyorum.
05:09Bu büyük bir F-boy hareketi.
05:11Ama biraz sıcak.
05:15Aman Tanrım.
05:17Bu çok iyi.
05:21Bu ne?
05:22Hayatımın zamanı var.
05:24Ama bu çocuklar çikolatalar çıkarıyor.
05:30Bak, en azından birisi bir adamdı.
05:33Mr. Oyster.
05:34Seni öpmek istiyor.
05:35Öpmek istiyor musun?
05:36Evet, öpmek istiyorum.
05:40Ama bu çocukların ikisi de benimle öpmeyi
05:44önce sormadan çıktı.
05:46Çünkü bu bir F-boy hareketi.
05:49Gerçekten çok çirkinsin.
05:51Gerçekten mi?
05:53Şimdilik çok seviyorum.
05:57Bir sonraki.
05:59Mr. Çikolata ve Oyster.
06:06Bunu gerçekten seviyor.
06:08Bu benim kızım.
06:10Ali'ye ilgileniyorum.
06:13Ama çok açık bir şey.
06:16Joe'nun bunu elinde tuttuğunu hissediyorum.
06:19O sadece bir yarışma.
06:23Bir şeyler değiştirmeliyiz.
06:25Aman Tanrım.
06:29Tamam, evet.
06:32Ama çirkin.
06:37Çok iyi bir tutku var.
06:38Vay be.
06:42Sıcak mı?
06:49Bu adamın
06:50ayağını tutmak istiyor.
06:52Kesinlikle değil.
06:55Harika, bu çok açık.
06:57Ayağımı tutmak istiyor.
06:59Bu F-boy hareketleri.
07:02Hadi başlayalım.
07:04Hadi kremalı olalım.
07:15Bu çok sıcak.
07:17Gerçekten tatlı bir yöntemdi.
07:20Kesinlikle iyi bir adam hareketleri veriyor.
07:25Birinci yarış bitti.
07:26Şimdi ikinci yarışa geçelim.
07:32Bir kısım yarışı.
07:35Birçok kuşu kısmanız gerekiyor.
07:37Bu yarışta F-Boys.
07:38Arkadaşlarınız kim olduğunu öğrenmek için.
07:41İkinci yarışlarının en sevdiğiniz iki deneyimi önerir misin?
07:50Ve kremalı kremalı.
07:52Şunu al.
07:54Ben top yavru.
07:57Kesinlikle masaj yağı.
08:00Ayrıca göz.
08:02Sen ne düşünüyorsun Ellie?
08:03Çikolata ve çikolata çok beğendim.
08:07Ayrıca koltuğu.
08:20Benden nefret etme.
08:22Şimdi diğer adamların kısmetini izlemek zorunda mıyım?
08:26Bu çok kötü.
08:27Bu çok kötü.
08:29Çikolata ve çikolata.
08:30Lütfen yaklaşın.
08:32Ve öp.
08:33Ellie ile yaklaşmak istemiyorum.
08:35Birincisi Joe.
08:37Çünkü o çok pis olacak.
08:40Nicole'u öpmeyi öğrenmek istemiyorum.
08:43Diğer kızlarla ilgilenmiyorum.
08:46Çok hızlı yürüyüşe bakmalıyım.
08:57Ne oldu?
08:59Ne oluyor?
09:04Bu ne?
09:05Çikolata ve çikolata.
09:06Çikolata birine gömdü.
09:08Ve Ellie'ye biraz vermişti.
09:12Çikolata ve çikolata.
09:16Neden bu adam beni öpmedi?
09:18Şimdi bu adamın çikolatası var.
09:21Joe'un gözleri bir araya geliyordu.
09:33Duyabiliyorum çikolatayı.
09:35Çikolata arkasında.
09:36Çikolata tekrar yürüyor.
09:38Ve elinin üstünde.
09:40Çekilmiş koltuk.
09:41Ve elinin üstünde elini öpüyorlar.
09:45Gerçekten çalışmıyor.
09:47Oh, ona yaklaştı.
09:51Oh, bu garip.
09:52İyi bir öpücük değil miydi?
09:53Hayır, üzgünüm, iyi bir öpücük değildi.
09:54Neyden garipti?
09:56Biraz garipti.
09:58Oh, hayır.
09:59Çikolatayı verenin güvenliğine sahip değildi.
10:04Gerçekten kötü yaptı.
10:05O öpücüğü sevmedi.
10:07Bu bir tehlike değil.
10:08Bu bir düşman.
10:12Bu romantikti.
10:13Ne yaptı?
10:14Arkasından gitti.
10:16Anladın mı kız?
10:18Mr. Iceman.
10:19Öpücükler gençler gibi.
10:20Gerçekten hoş bir adam gibi görünüyor.
10:22Gerçekten hoş.
10:23Ben de.
10:24Ve garip bir öpücükle geri döndüm.
10:30O yüzden de onları aldı.
10:42Bu öpücük çok tatlı ve sevimli.
10:45Bence beni hoş biçim gibi öpüyor.
10:47Vay, çok.
10:54Oh my my!
10:56Is that a good one?
10:58Well done Mr. Whip!
11:04It's time for the big reveal!
11:06Oh my god!
11:08Ladies, please take off your blindfolds!
11:10Oh my god, I'm so nervous!
11:16What the fuck!
11:26Holy shit!
11:32Oh no!
11:40It's now time to let us know
11:42who the best kisser was.
11:46the whip?
11:48You? Was it you?
11:50Are we surprised?
11:54Oh, this sucks!
12:00Crystal, body oil or ice?
12:02Had to be massage oil.
12:06Definitely do have my eyes on Doug.
12:08Southeast was actually
12:10really special.
12:14did you enjoy kissing a real human
12:16or a wooden macaw?
12:22It's bad when it's this hard
12:24to decide if you'd rather kiss a block of wood
12:26or a real person.
12:28Um, I mean like
12:30at least you didn't like quit, so...
12:32Thank you, yes!
12:34Woo! Javi!
12:36Number two, Javi, number two.
12:38That's my girl.
12:40I definitely got the shit
12:42end of the stick with today's group date.
12:44Disappointing boys.
12:46That concludes
12:48this very spicy group date.
13:14The girls and I are on our single dates
13:16and we've come up with a plan
13:18to test the boys.
13:20We've enlisted the help of the bar staff
13:22to put the boys in challenging situations
13:24that really push their buttons.
13:26I'm looking for
13:28how these boys treat the bar staff
13:30and that'll show whether they are
13:32a nice guy or whether they do have that
13:34F-boy, short fuse, quick temper.
13:36Yeah, a finger fruit, yeah. Fruit, nice and refreshing.
13:38Fruit? Yeah, please.
13:42It was crazy because we instantly had a connection from the start.
13:46And it's clear that he's got
13:48sexual chemistry there
13:50but I just want to see if that's all there is
13:52or if we do have something more than that.
13:54Adelaide! Yeah, so...
13:56I had no idea! Yeah, living in Adelaide right now.
13:58Today for this date I'm taking
14:00Nugget because none of us
14:02girls really know the guy
14:04yet and he hasn't really made much
14:06of an effort. Nugget?
14:08Who even are you?
14:12You need to step your pussy up.
14:14I swear to God, I'm very shy like at the beginning.
14:16Yeah. He did catch my eye
14:18really early on. He has a beautiful smile
14:20and I really want to
14:22get to know him a little bit more.
14:24Oh, look at this cute little set up.
14:26Yeah, this is nice.
14:28I'm taking Tim on a date today because
14:30I still have unanswered questions from that
14:32first elimination. I really
14:34don't know what your intentions are here.
14:36My intentions here is that I'm here to find love
14:38and I wanted to focus my energy on you.
14:40But also,
14:42he's a damn good kisser.
14:44Yeah, you should have got the massage oil.
14:46Should have. But after the
14:48men of service group date, the sexual tension is
14:50definitely building up between us.
14:52So I want to figure out if he is an f-boy or not.
14:54And it'll be really interesting
14:56to see how he handles the little game
14:58that we're playing on the boys today.
15:00Bit of fruit? Yeah, I'd love some fruit.
15:02Get that sorted for her. Remember to tip
15:04your waiter boys. You never know who's watching.
15:06Thank you, I appreciate it.
15:08Can we get that fruit platter
15:10please my friends? Sorry, yeah, I'll get it sorted for you.
15:12Oh wait, that's a fancy fruit.
15:14He said sushi, right?
15:16Did we say fruit?
15:18Cheers, thanks.
15:20Come here.
15:22Real quick.
15:24We asked for fruit, buddy.
15:26For fruit.
15:28I'll go get it for you now. My man.
15:30My guy.
15:32The boys have no idea they're being tested.
15:34So I'm gonna be on the lookout
15:36for bad and disrespectful
15:38behavior from Nugget.
15:40I wanted to bring you on this date because
15:42you caught my eye at the very initial
15:44first day. So I was intrigued and I've been
15:46meaning to talk to you. Okay.
15:48But I was still gonna come talk to you eventually.
15:50And once again, I did ask Joe. I was like, hey dude, out of respect,
15:52I understand. You asked him. I did.
15:54You asked him. That's a big mothafucka.
15:56Fuck me.
15:58Out of respect,
16:00I would like to just talk to Ali.
16:02Just have a conversation.
16:04Can't say I'm not Joe, so no.
16:06I'm not used to it.
16:08Normally you're the guy ahead.
16:10Joe is possessive of
16:12Ali. We all know that.
16:14That mothafucka's scary.
16:16Can we speak about that? Thousand percent.
16:18Everyone's like, oh no, that's Joe's.
16:20No one, like, no one touch her.
16:22Yeah, now the guys,
16:24the guys are intimidated by Joe.
16:26What the fuck?
16:28I could be missing out on
16:30a great connection because everyone
16:32just sees me as Joe's.
16:34Please don't feel like you need to ask Joe
16:36permission. It's upsetting me a little bit.
16:38And I'm not about to be pigeonholed.
16:40Love it.
16:42No one's for me.
16:44Not a fan.
16:46Sorry Ali, is the champagne okay?
16:48Yeah. Do you drink
16:50much champagne or more of a red?
16:52Yeah, it really gets you too.
16:54Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:56Nice day today, isn't it? It's beautiful.
16:58Neither, my man.
17:00Can we get a little space, bro?
17:02Oh yeah, for sure. Sorry. Appreciate it, buddy.
17:06Sorry, mate.
17:08Apologies for that.
17:10Oh my goodness.
17:12When that champagne fell on Tim, I was
17:14losing it. Godwill did a good job
17:16at that, our waiter. Sorry about that, mate.
17:18Apologies. Don't even stress, man.
17:20Tim kept his cool and
17:22so far, so good. Have you struggled with
17:24commitment in your past? No.
17:28I like love. I like to be with someone.
17:30I believe that Nicole
17:32thinks I'm an F-boy.
17:34When was your last relationship? I don't think I've asked you that.
17:36A year ago. I definitely feel like
17:38there's more work that I'm going to need
17:40to be putting in. We were together for three years
17:42as well. Oh, wow. Yeah, I think
17:44we just kind of agreed that
17:46it just wasn't.
17:48Are you into marriage? Like, what is
17:50your future? What do you want?
17:52Do you want kids? Do you want a family?
17:54Kids, yes.
17:56I'm a family man. I love my mum.
17:58I'm a mumma's boy.
18:00Oh, shit.
18:02Sorry, guys. I'm shaking hands today.
18:04Godwill. I'm so sorry.
18:06No, you're so fine.
18:08That's okay. Thank you. Oh, just behind my
18:10leg as well.
18:12Thank you so much.
18:14Thank you.
18:16You've got great legs, by the way. Thank you.
18:18What's your favourite
18:20sex musician?
18:24Who are you? What are your favourite sex musicians?
18:26Where's the green book? What was that?
18:28Put a pillow under...
18:32Would you mind giving this to your girl?
18:34Thank you very much. Oh, fuck!
18:36Sorry. I'm so sorry.
18:38That's all right. You're all good. Do you think we can get
18:40another two? I'll be right up.
18:42I'll make sure I get a new glass. I was going to say something
18:44a little cheeky then, but... What were you going to say?
18:46I would want to be the one that made you wet.
18:49You know, the sex would be amazing.
18:51But also, like,
18:53does it just end there? What's been your
18:55past with, like, girls and stuff? Like, why...
18:57Why? Have you had a few
18:59rough relationships? My last one
19:01was, like, two and a half,
19:03three years ago, I reckon.
19:05And, yeah, I really hope, like...
19:07I'm feeling
19:09something. So, like, it's hard
19:11for me to express emotion, man. Why?
19:13I don't know.
19:15Why is it hard for you to express emotion?
19:17Because I haven't been in this position in a long time.
19:21You make me nervous, which is a weird feeling.
19:29Let's go, guys!
19:33I thought just for that...
19:37It's a special moment.
19:39It's sad that you are doing damage, yeah.
19:41Yeah, I'm fine.
19:43I'll get you. Thanks.
19:47Oh, sorry.
19:49I've got so much of this left. I might as well just top that up, yeah.
19:51Fuck yeah.
19:53He puts his leg up like a peacock
19:55in a personal space.
19:57Mate, what are you doing?
19:59Dude, he just put his leg up.
20:01Why would she think that?
20:05One pair is crazy.
20:07That's wicked. I'm not doing a lot, too.
20:09Nathan the waiter
20:11is definitely nailing the brief.
20:13Let me holler at you one more time.
20:15Come here.
20:17Can we get the whole fruit platter?
20:19The whole fruit platter?
20:21I can feel Nugget's frustration growing.
20:23And I think that he could snap
20:25any time soon.
20:27The finest fruit platter on this island at the moment.
20:29I'll leave that there for you guys.
20:33Nathan, Nathan!
20:35Bro, that's not fruit. That's sushi.
20:37Have you tried it?
20:39We would love some fruit.
20:41Oh, platter.
20:43You got it. Don't fuck this one up.
20:45I don't like a man that's hot-headed.
20:47So if you can't keep your cool
20:49in a situation,
20:51it's a no from me.
20:53Oh, God!
20:55Bro, what the shit?
20:57You okay? You good?
20:59Sorry, mate.
21:01Is that okay?
21:03Oh, fuck me.
21:05It's a fruit platter, but...
21:07It's not ideal, is it?
21:09You're still your bitch, so...
21:11And then, like, sorry, guys.
21:13He's a bit hungry.
21:15You haven't had a smoke, have you?
21:17Nah, it's alright, man. You keep doing you.
21:19Tim's keeping his cool right now.
21:21He's not getting angry, which I really like.
21:23And we're having a lot of fun on this date.
21:27Oh! Almost!
21:29Almost. Did I hit you in the face?
21:31No, actually, I'm wearing my safety goggles.
21:33So I can protect my eyes.
21:39Oh, God!
21:41Tim is such a good kisser.
21:43But in my experience,
21:45f-boys don't know how to behave.
21:47Like, climbing on top of me
21:49on a first date,
21:51it's hot, but typically that means f-boy.
21:59Yeah, I might need a bit more time to figure out
22:01if he's an f-boy or not.
22:03Hey, guys.
22:05Did you guys have another drink by any chance?
22:07Thank you so much.
22:09Thank you.
22:11I'm just going to bring you some water.
22:13Thank you, man. Cheers.
22:15Glass matches the dress.
22:17You do look good in blue.
22:19Now giggle.
22:21Don't make you nervous.
22:23Come on, Chad, mate.
22:25You've got a good look at day. I'm just saying.
22:27Thank you.
22:29I love the little flirt from Chad.
22:31I also love that, you know,
22:33it put Paddy to the test.
22:35Come on.
22:37Have a great day. I'm sorry for all the mishaps,
22:39but we'll catch you next time.
22:41See you later.
22:43Catch you later.
22:45Paddy was never rude. He was just kind of like
22:47playful with the waitstaff.
22:49Huge green flag in my eyes.
22:51Big tick in the box.
22:53You've gone cute.
22:55So what's your favorite sex position?
22:57You're asking me what my favorite sex position is?
22:59You were describing yours.
23:01Um, reverse cowgirl.
23:03That's my favorite.
23:05Sexy as fuck.
23:07What would we like?
23:09Oh, my God.
23:11Obviously I'm what?
23:15Oh, no.
23:21The Loch Ness monster has come out.
23:23It poked its head out,
23:25but it was there to stay.
23:27I can see him winking at you.
23:29He's waving.
23:45Hello, gentlemen.
23:47Oh, yeah.
23:55Hey, mate.
23:57Hey, mate.
23:59What did you guys get up to?
24:01A bit of gym.
24:03Watch everyone else kiss our girls.
24:09I think I'm going home.
24:11The kiss was unsatisfactory.
24:13It's not.
24:15It's not really working.
24:17It's not happening.
24:19I should have just went straight in
24:21for the kiss.
24:23I did too much.
24:25We need to chill.
24:31Bro, how's your day so far, bro?
24:33Doing all right.
24:35Just came up with a date with Ali.
24:37She was fire.
24:39We actually had a good-ass conversation.
24:41I wasn't really trying to look for anything sexual.
24:43We didn't kiss or do nothing, bro.
24:45I didn't kiss Ali
24:47because Joe has real strong feelings
24:49for Ali already.
24:51I didn't want Joe to get pissed off.
24:53You guys ready for drinks?
24:55I'm all right, thank you.
24:57Dave, Dave.
24:59Dave is my guy.
25:03How was your day, brother?
25:05It went well. Yours?
25:07So we're sitting there.
25:09Priscila's looking absolutely gorgeous.
25:11And the waiter comes over
25:13and the champagne just goes all over me, man.
25:15All over me.
25:17Just covered me, mate.
25:19Same thing, bro.
25:21He poured me a drink, he fucking tipped it on me.
25:23He tipped it on her.
25:25He was like tapping her down,
25:27giving her the wipe down and stuff.
25:29No way.
25:31Uh-oh, running away.
25:33Talking about dates, man.
25:35Talking about the waiter, bro.
25:37So how's this, right?
25:39We asked for a fruit platter,
25:41comes back with a fucking sushi bowl.
25:43The only thing those bartenders were serving
25:45was sabotage.
25:47Bro, I asked this motherfucker
25:49to bring me the fruit platter.
25:51And then he comes back, drops the fucking fruit.
25:53At least your boy's got the fruit platter.
25:55He dropped my platter.
25:57What's going on in there?
25:59Why are they doing that? Something's up.
26:01Chad, is this how you do it?
26:19Tonight's mixer is on an agenda.
26:21This whole Jo's property thing,
26:23she's off limits,
26:25is weighing on my mind.
26:27I need to get some asses tonight.
26:33There were f-boy alarms
26:35going off at the group date today.
26:39I'm on a mission to find out
26:41which boys stole some kisses from me.
26:43After today's group date,
26:45I want to find out from Sean
26:47why he used a bird to kiss Ali
26:49and get to the bottom
26:51of what's really going on with him.
26:53How has today been?
26:55Yeah, sort of an interesting one.
26:57Something that I thought would
26:59sort of show my qualities
27:01almost backfired in a way
27:03during the group date.
27:05How do you mean?
27:07Went in front of Ali and somehow
27:09got called up for the top two.
27:11I sort of felt uncomfortable
27:13because I've only got eyes for you.
27:17So is that why you gave her
27:19the pelican kiss?
27:21Or the pecan?
27:23Something like that.
27:25What the f- is that?
27:27All I wanted to do was show that
27:29I was only interested in you.
27:31I'm a little relieved that
27:33Sean didn't kiss Ali.
27:35He is showing me his loyalty right now
27:37and it's definitely making him
27:39the top of my list, so keep it up Sean.
27:41Thank you.
27:51That hurts.
27:55I saw them kiss at the last mixer
27:57so maybe Nicole has feelings
27:59for Sean.
28:01Pretty devastated, yeah.
28:05You all right?
28:09I think jealousy is normal to feel.
28:11It's bad if you act on it.
28:13I won't act on it but
28:15you know, it sucks.
28:19I'm getting
28:21lipstick everywhere.
28:23Sorry about that.
28:29Hello my love.
28:31I've got a little mission at the moment.
28:33I need to figure out who was kissing me today.
28:35It wasn't me but can I have one now?
28:37Please hold.
28:39That can be resumed.
28:41I've got my mission.
28:43During the group date, do you have a lovely time?
28:45Because we saw kissing kissing.
28:49Oh my god!
28:51My boys are good.
28:57Not another kiss without consent.
28:59But I still need to figure out
29:01who these mystery kisses are
29:03and ask for consent.
29:05I wasn't in your group unfortunately as well.
29:07Not me.
29:11He kissed me.
29:13I was oysters.
29:15He actually asked me for consent
29:17which I didn't expect from Frank.
29:19Did we kiss?
29:21No we didn't kiss.
29:23You kissed Dagi.
29:25I don't remember consenting to that.
29:27Almost, that's why.
29:29Did you kiss me?
29:31I still got.
29:33They all want to kiss me.
29:35They can't help it.
29:37Did we kiss?
29:39Yeah I was the cucumber.
29:41Oh really?
29:43That was good fun.
29:45I'm glad you enjoyed it.
29:47I did.
29:49Norman and Doug both asked for consent.
29:53Very good though.
30:01Thank you.
30:03Oh cheers or you're giving me more?
30:05No that's fine.
30:07What about Wes?
30:09You didn't talk to any girls last time did you?
30:11Not the last time.
30:13But tonight I was speaking to Jo before.
30:15There's only one girl I want to speak to and it's Ali.
30:17I had a lot of respect for this bloke
30:19and I literally came up to him and I said
30:21hey bro I'm going to go for it today.
30:23How beautiful was that though?
30:25That's a good man.
30:27He's game on.
30:29I'm going to shave your face and start throwing darts at it today.
30:35Jo is like the gatekeeper on Ali.
30:37He's got Ali locked down like a dog
30:39pees on a tree.
30:41That's some bullshit man.
30:43The guys, they don't want to step on his toes.
30:45They're all being
30:47buddy buddy.
30:49We're good friends
30:51and everything.
30:53Jo what's your name young Jo?
30:55Please tell me what's going on.
30:57What's up bro?
30:59What's on your heart bro?
31:01It's like gatekeepers you know man.
31:03Who's the gatekeeper bro?
31:05See I'm in the alley
31:07and Jo's just
31:09in the fucking way bro.
31:11No one else can even talk to her.
31:13Yeah man.
31:15Nugget had a good date today bro.
31:17I can't even kiss her man.
31:19Have you had a conversation with her?
31:21I'm going to speak to the guys about it now man.
31:23Somebody got to get this shit poppin' bro.
31:25Get it.
31:27We're here to back you and support you mate.
31:29What's up mate?
31:39Um, yo yo yo.
31:41Everyone, real quick.
31:43This is some bullshit bro.
31:45This is some absolute fucking bullshit.
31:47Like, you're like a gatekeeper bro.
31:49Like no one else can even talk to Ali.
31:53Like Nugget had a good date today man.
31:55And he feels bad.
31:57Anyone else here would get with Ali?
31:59Hands up.
32:01You're trying to start a revolution Joey.
32:03You guys are all shy man.
32:05Joe needed to be called out, but I'm going to keep my mouth shut.
32:07Because he's possessive as a motherfucker.
32:09You are talking out of your ass mate.
32:11Like today man, I had that moment.
32:13I could feel everyone like
32:15peering into my soul man.
32:17It's just, it's rubbish man.
32:19Have I made you come to me once and say
32:21can you come and ask me permission?
32:23It's rubbish man.
32:25To be fair, Joey's a little like Ali's mind.
32:27They're kind of rocking like that.
32:29And you know what mate?
32:31You actually came up to me in that room this afternoon
32:33while I was sleeping, woke me up
32:35and apologised for kissing her.
32:37So what are you, you're talking out of your ass.
32:39Mate, mate, I'm just sick of it bro.
32:41What are you sick of?
32:43I've done nothing but.
32:45He's, it's like he picks off over you by the way.
32:47I've been gone five minutes.
32:49He said, he's angry at him because he said you.
32:51He's been gatekeeping.
32:53No! Yeah, you're hogging it.
32:55I stand next to Joey, what do you want to do?
32:57No one in here owns any of these women.
32:59That's true, that's a good point.
33:01No one owns, no one owns, no one.
33:03I've been worried
33:05guys aren't coming near me
33:07because of Joey.
33:09And now it's obvious
33:11that is really going on.
33:13And it's not just one or two guys.
33:15Bro, I'm here trying to find
33:17something genuine. Yeah, yeah, that's cool.
33:19I'm just not able to. This is just coming off as insecure.
33:21Joey's not a threat.
33:23I don't think anyone has it on me in this competition.
33:25I can take anyone's girl here right now.
33:27How old are you again? 24.
33:29Well, it doesn't look like it right now dude.
33:31Joey's definitely the problem. 100%.
33:33There's no doubt about that.
33:35Dude what? Say something.
33:37Bro, you even said it yourself. When?
33:39You're feeling like jealous of the other guys talking to you.
33:41Everyone feels jealous when they see someone
33:43kissing someone they like mate.
33:45No, no, no.
33:47I am the biggest threat here.
33:49But guys are still going after Ali.
33:51I'm getting fucking sick of it to be honest.
33:53Hey, come talk to me.
33:55Come talk to me.
34:05What's going on?
34:07I am
34:09fucking this up.
34:13This situation
34:15is getting so intense.
34:17I need to get to the bottom of this.
34:19What happened?
34:21I don't know. Joey just came out of nowhere
34:23and just started arcing up at me.
34:25I'm making the boys come up to me
34:27and ask if it's okay to even talk to you.
34:31Like the thing I'm...
34:35I just want you to know
34:37I'm not doing that.
34:39It comes across a different way
34:41when we've got like every guy
34:43being like
34:45not talking to her.
34:47Won't come up to her.
34:51I've already had the chance
34:53to have these one-on-ones with you
34:55and share something special.
35:01You're a queen.
35:03You are a queen.
35:09Do you want a hug?
35:19Give me a hug.
35:21My heart and my head
35:23being pulled in different directions
35:25but obviously I really like
35:27Joey and I don't want to self
35:29sabotage my relationship
35:31with him.
35:33I'm trying to just go with my gut
35:35and hope for the best.
35:40Play with fire.
35:52Oh shit, Abby's here.
36:02Boys, boys, Abby's here.
36:06Hey, there she is.
36:08It's pretty early.
36:10I'm a bit nervous now.
36:16Hello everyone.
36:18I'm sure you're wondering
36:20why I'm here at a mix up.
36:22Yeah, big time.
36:24Well, the news that will shock
36:26no one.
36:30There will be intruders.
36:34And guess what, they're here.
36:36Oh my god.
36:38Where are they coming from?
36:40Where are they?
36:44No guys, they're literally here
36:46right now.
36:48And they have been since the minute
36:50you arrived.
36:52One, two, three.
36:54One, two, three.
36:56Oh no, there's no way.
37:00God will as well?
37:04No Chad!
37:08You've been sabotaging date.
37:10Bro, you've been...
37:12Bro, nah.
37:14What the fuck?
37:16I am...
37:20Oh my god.
37:22I can't believe.
37:24The bar staff were the intruders this whole time.
37:26We literally just used them as
37:28moles on our date.
37:30Very sneaky.
37:32I've been talking to them so much as well.
37:34You've been giving them all a goss, I bet.
37:38I'm so sure you've all been watching
37:40what you've been saying around the bar staff, right?
37:44Yeah, nah, I'm more of an ass man, to be fair.
37:46I reckon tits are great
37:48until you get to see them, you know what I mean?
37:50Once you get to see them, it's like a documentary.
37:52Dude, what's a clitoris?
37:54A erectile tissue when stimulated
37:56can cause pleasure.
37:58I got a love nest one today.
38:00She felt it, so...
38:04Got into a situation that I wasn't expecting to get into.
38:06And then I ended up cheating on my new years
38:08which didn't really sit too well with her.
38:10Bro, I confided in you, bro. That's so messed up.
38:12I think he's scared
38:14that he's over shit.
38:16Oh, nah, this is messed up.
38:18I think you ought to treat everyone
38:20the way you treat your mother.
38:22With respect and with love.
38:26Who doesn't love a man in uniform?
38:28Wait, wait, wait.
38:30Does that mean you guys still make us drinks?
38:32We're off duty now.
38:36I'm definitely a ladies man, so I know how to treat a girl.
38:38That's for sure.
38:44There are some new drinks on the menu.
38:48Being a male stripper in Vegas, I love women.
38:50I love looking at them.
38:52I love giving them affection. I love giving them attention.
38:54Women are just truly beautiful.
38:56I hope you really enjoy getting to know
38:58your fresh-ish mate.
39:02They're no competition to me.
39:04They're not seven foot.
39:06They don't have a rig like me.
39:08I'm all sweet.
39:12How are you?
39:14These aren't intruders. These are inside agents.
39:16All we know is they're fucking liars.
39:18Do you want to go grab a drink?
39:20Yeah, for sure.
39:22Nathan, you know, he's polished and so is he.
39:24So, real competition, definitely.
39:26Fuck, I'm so excited.
39:28Come to my little couch.
39:32I wish they'd stay behind the bar.
39:34What have you observed?
39:38You have really gorgeous eyes, so...
39:40You know, it weasels in its way.
39:42But we don't know who they want.
39:44They just go around talking just to piss us off.
39:46But that's not entertaining, is it?
39:48Absolutely rattled.
39:52They're all pretty good looking, so...
39:54I'm not comfortable with any.
39:56What was your name?
40:02Let's hope Godwill help you through this.
40:04I hope so.
40:06Let's hope.
40:08The boys aren't too happy.
40:10You've got some intel?
40:12I've got a lot of intel.
40:14Okay. Frank's reaction to your entry.
40:16Honestly, we've just been, like,
40:18sitting back, watching you guys.
40:24Chad went straight in for an alley.
40:26Pissed off about that.
40:28I don't really want him around my woman.
40:32I do live in Vegas at the moment, yeah.
40:34I followed my career there.
40:36And your career is?
40:38I'm a breakdancer.
40:40Any, like, stripping involved in that?
40:42Yeah, there is stripping involved in that.
40:44So we get, like, nude nude?
40:46I don't get nude nude, no.
40:48I like your attitude.
40:50I like the confidence.
40:54Yeah, absolutely.
40:58Cool. Intrigued's good.
41:10This elimination tonight is really going to help me work out
41:12where my feelings are at.
41:14Can I actually see a future with some of these guys?
41:16Or is it lust?
41:20These boys need to pull their fingers out.
41:22The time is up.
41:24The time wasters.
41:28So tonight is about teaching some of these guys a lesson.
41:30And this lesson they won't forget.
41:46Good evening, everyone.
41:52We have some new-ish faces.
41:58Who's threatened by the intruder's voice?
42:04Nah, they're not big enough.
42:12Crystal? Ali?
42:14What do you think?
42:16Has the fresh meat kind of scrambled the f-boy radar?
42:20Yeah, I mean, at the moment I'm trying to weed through
42:22the lies and the lust.
42:24Wow, story my life.
42:26I love that.
42:28Crystal, how about you?
42:30Big day for you.
42:32Huge day. Huge day for the girl.
42:34Yeah, babe, we saw.
42:36Beyond happy?
42:38They come near you and they have involuntary bodily reactions.
42:42How are you feeling?
42:44Today, I think I know one thing for sure.
42:46And that is
42:50and nice guys alike,
42:52you need to step it up.
42:54We need to be your priority.
42:56And this boys club,
42:58it's gotta go.
43:02Nicole, Crystal, Ali,
43:04I'm now going to ask each of you
43:06to nominate your bottom two.
43:10who's in your bottom two tonight?
43:32Crystal, who's in your bottom two tonight?
43:54who's in your bottom two tonight?
44:18Boys, please stand up.
44:42why are Lewis and Tim in your bottom two tonight?
44:52I'm not sure you're here for the right reasons.
44:54I've been told by someone in the resort
44:56that you're banking material
44:58for a stand-up.
45:00I was talking to Lewis.
45:02He told me that he's writing
45:04a stand-up about
45:06the show.
45:08Because he's touring and whatnot.
45:10Okay. I appreciate that.
45:12No, I really appreciate that.
45:14And I don't know where you're always writing down,
45:16but where not the punchline,
45:18you are.
45:26there's no doubt that we have a physical connection.
45:28In the past,
45:30when I've let lust rule my relationships,
45:32I've been burnt by f-boys.
45:38Let me just start off
45:40by saying that I...
45:46I'm a good kisser.
45:54All right, next.
46:00why are Norman and Doug
46:02in your bottom two tonight?
46:04To be honest, Abby,
46:06as you know,
46:08I've been having a lot of fun.
46:10A lot of fun.
46:12And to be honest, I know I have to do this.
46:14And the only reason I have
46:16is from when we played Men of Service today.
46:20These two guys didn't ask for my consent for a kiss.
46:24I just need to make it clear
46:26both incredible kissers
46:28and we're here to
46:30teach these boys a lesson, so...
46:34I just want to say that I am truly sorry.
46:38I felt something
46:40I definitely know you felt something too.
46:42Please leave me in this house tonight
46:44and we can continue our connection
46:46that we've got going on.
46:48So nice.
46:50That was really sweet though.
47:00why are Nugget and Joey
47:02in your bottom two tonight?
47:06you've been super inconsistent.
47:08Rude to the waiter.
47:12It's confusing.
47:14Seems like your strategy
47:16keeps changing.
47:18Giving major, boy.
47:26you're a bad kisser.
47:28And I'm still convinced
47:30you're here for your reputation.
47:34I think I'm going home, but
47:36I'm here for the $50,000.
47:38I'm not losing this
47:40f-cking shit.
47:42I play a lot of chess in my spare time.
47:44I'm not to be f-cked with.
47:46So, last ditch attempt.
47:48I'm coming for you.
47:52the kiss was
47:54unsatisfactory to say the least.
47:56And truth be told,
47:58I'm not very experienced.
48:00I'm actually a virgin.
48:04Oh my God.
48:06This poor boy.
48:12So if you're open-minded,
48:14give this guy
48:16another crack, I guess.
48:20My head is
48:28Maybe he is
48:32She's definitely buying it.
48:34Ali, you're a fool
48:36and I just gotta use that to my advantage.
48:38I got this shit.
48:44Next time
48:46on FBoy Island Australia.
48:50who are you going to eliminate tonight?
48:52The elimination
48:54that rocks
48:56the island.
49:00we're putting the F...
49:02This is my room, by the way.
49:04In FBoy
49:08Let's take a shower.
49:10Holy shit.
49:18Our very own
49:20cheating scandal.
49:26Man, this shit feel good.