Fboy Island Australia S02E03 (2024)

  • last month
00:45Today's great day, and I don't know what's about to happen
00:50Choosing myself is an understatement, but I also really like being blindfolded
00:55It's kind of hot
00:58What are we in for well haven't things escalated quickly second group date, and the girls are already blindfolded
01:06And it looks amazing in a blindfold, but they should look a little bit better naked blindfolded ladies
01:12Today we're going to explore what happens when you remove one of the senses that really leads us astray
01:19Sight yeah, we get digmatized by what we see and that can cause havoc with our f-boy nice guy radar
01:28But ladies now it's time to use your sense of touch for the detective work
01:34This group date is called men of service
01:39because how you pleasure a woman can tell her everything she needs to know and it's fun and
01:46Sexy and also mandatory
01:50There's two rounds
01:52For round one I've given you all an item to bring pleasure to one woman, maybe for the first time in your life
02:02Jack is my biggest competition when it comes to Nicole, but
02:08Yeah, I've got it I've got it man
02:11Ladies the two men whose experiences you enjoyed the most will go head-to-head in a kiss-off for round two
02:19They bring him here
02:21We're putting a lot of trust in these boys obviously going in completely blindfolded
02:25If anyone pushes the boundaries and disrespects any of the girls notes will be taken
02:40Now boys you can't talk you can't say who you are and
02:44In a spicy little twist, I will decide which of the ladies you will pleasure. Oh my god
02:52Let's say I'm in sweat
02:54Pleasure in crystal. That's where I want to be
02:56Nicole this guy would like to drip honey, and then proceed to lick it off Wow I can send
03:20Why is it warm
03:22He left the mess everywhere. It's giving me halfway Ali
03:26this gentleman
03:28Would like to dangle a lolly snake
03:31Yeah, okay
03:36Mmm-hmm Oh where are the rest of the snakes? Oh?
03:45Um is that the semi
03:52I'm living my dream
03:55Iceman I've got all these senses going tingling. Oh, he's a sucker. Oh, babe
04:02It's almost like I've forgotten that we've got work to do we need to weed out those efforts. Mr.. Tickles
04:14I think I've got this color. I'm up top everyone else to just get in line oh
04:22Shit f-boy radar is going off
04:27But I like it though I like the man in control what Oh
04:40It's a musical instrument
04:43I'm practicing since grade three for this
04:49Bit of a joke sir I'm getting nice guy off this like they're not taking it very seriously like you're meant to be pleasuring me
05:01Suck to watch Nicole get seduced by a kiddie with not good. That's a soft liver. Thank you sir
05:07Oh whipping my tit is a big f-boy move, but it's kind of hard
05:22I'm having the time of my life, but these boys just keep sneaking in cheeky kisses
05:30Look at least one of them was a gentleman Oh
05:33Mr.. Oyster wants to kiss you do you consent? Yes?
05:40But I need to find out which two of these boys stole a kiss from me without asking first
05:45Cuz that's f-boy behavior
05:48Are you just absolutely horny as fuck honestly? Yeah? I would I would love to get railed right now
05:56Bring on the next
05:58Mr.. Strawberries and chocolate
06:06She's really enjoying this one, I'm gonna go I'm interested in Ali
06:13But it's so obvious that Joe feels like he's got this in the bag is the only competition and
06:23We have to change things up
06:25Shit oh, I mean, okay. Yeah, I like that. Oh, it's tight
06:36It's been a great grip Oh Wow hot
06:47Nicole yes this gentleman would like to sniff your feet
06:54Not great. That's pretty clear
06:57Wanting to sniff my feet that is like fetish f-boy vibes
07:02In you go whipped cream, let's get creamy
07:16It is
07:18it was a really gentle approach and
07:22Definitely giving me nice guy vibes
07:26Round one is over now. It's time for round two
07:32The kissing competition
07:35You know you gotta kiss a lot of frogs and in this case f-boys to find out who is your friends
07:40Nicole please nominate the two experiences you enjoyed the most oh
07:48The whip and the whipped cream take that Sean
07:53I'm a top dog
07:55Crystal I definitely think the massage oil and also the ice
08:01What about you Ellie? Um I really liked the chocolate and strawberries as well as the
08:19But why isn't it me
08:22And now if I have to watch other dudes
08:24Kiss my woman
08:26fucking sucks
08:28Strawberries and chocolate, please approach Ali and kiss away. I don't want to make out with Ali
08:35Number one is Joe
08:37Because he'll be fucking pissed and I don't want Nicole to find out that I've been kissing someone else
08:42I'm not interested in any of the other girls, so
08:45Gotta think on my feet pretty quick
08:58What is happening
09:04So strawberries and chocolate put the chocolate onto one of the macaws from his body and just gave a little bit to Ali
09:11Disappointing I did not consent to kissing a wooden power
09:15Why did this final kiss me
09:18we now have leather belt man I
09:21Could sense Joe's eyes kind of peering right over it was intimidating I
09:27Can hear I can hear it?
09:31Okay, oh, okay, whoa I can hear the belt the belts around the wrist is going again
09:38arms or above the head dislocated shoulder and
09:42Kissing it with their hands above her head
09:45It's not really working. Oh, she's not into it. Oh
09:50Oh, that's awkward wasn't a good kiss. No. I'm sorry. It wasn't a good kiss. What was wrong with it, so so miss
09:56It was a bit awkward. It was oh no didn't have the confidence that the the belt was giving
10:04He did horrible she hated that kiss so it's not a threat is a dweezil
10:12That was romantic what did he do?
10:14He went by his side in straddle it get it girl
10:18Mr.. Iceman kisses like a gentleman seems like a real nice guy
10:22Big tip and back to the straddle
10:29Instant funny classes from him
10:31You know
10:41This kiss is soft but passionate think he's kissing me like a nice guy Wow
10:53Shit oh my my
10:56I'm gonna good one. She went well done mr.. Whip
11:04It's time for the big reveal oh my god ladies, please take off your blindfolds. Oh my god, I'm so nervous
11:25Holy shit
11:40It's now time to let us know who the best kisser was Nicole the whip
11:49You are we surprised yes, oh this sucks
11:59Crystal body oil or ice had to be massage oil
12:06Definitely do have my eyes on Doug, so this was actually really special
12:13Did you enjoy kissing a real human or wooden McCall
12:22It's bad when it's just hard to decide if you'd rather kiss a block of wood or a real person
12:28I mean like at least you didn't like quit, so thank you. Yes
12:35Yeah number two Joey number two
12:38That's my girl. I
12:41Definitely got the shit end of the stick with today's birthday
12:44disappointing boys
12:46That concludes this very spicy group date
13:14Girls and I are on our single dates, and we've come up with the plan to test the boys
13:19We've enlisted the help of the bar staff to put the boys in challenging situations that really push their buttons
13:27I'm looking for how these boys treat the pasta and now I'll show
13:30Whether they are a nice guy or whether they do have that every short fuse quick temper. Yeah, yeah
13:40Cheers I've invited Paddy because we instantly had a connection from the star
13:45And it's clear that he's that sexual chemistry there
13:49But I just want to see if that's all that is or if we do have something more than that
13:55Yeah, so I had no idea yeah living in Adelaide right now today to this date
13:59I'm taking nuggets because none of us girls really know the guy yet, and he hasn't really made much of an effort
14:07Nugget even are you?
14:11You need to step your pussy up
14:13What I got I'm very shy like at the beginning. Yeah, he did catch my eye really early on. He has a beautiful smile and
14:20I really want to get to know him a little bit more
14:25This is nice, I'm taking Tim on a date today because I still have unanswered questions from that first elimination
14:32I really don't know what your intentions are here. My intentions here is that I'm here to find love and
14:37I wanted to focus my energy on you
14:40But also he's a damn good kisser
14:44Yeah, you should have got the massage oil
14:46But after the men of service group date the sexual tension is definitely building up between us
14:51So I want to figure out if he is an f-boy or not
14:54And it'll be really interesting to see how he handles the little game that we're playing on the boys today bit of fruit
15:03Remember to tip your way to boys you never know who's watching
15:06Thank you. I appreciate it. Ah can we get that fruit platter, please my friends. I'm sorry. Yeah
15:11I'll get us a minute. Oh wait. That's a fancy fruit. He said sushi, right?
15:17Do we say free
15:19Cheers, thanks
15:27All right, I'll go get it for you now my man my man my guy
15:32The boys have no idea they're being tested
15:34So I'm gonna be on the lookout for bad and disrespectful behavior from the nugget
15:39I wanted to bring on this date because you caught my eye at the very initial first day
15:44So I was intrigued I've been meaning to talk to you, okay
15:47But I was still gonna come talk to you eventually and once again, I did ask Joe
15:50I was like, hey, dude out of respect like I understand you awesome. I did
15:58I'm just out of respect. I would like to just talk to Ali just like just have a conversation. Hey, like
16:03Casa, I'm not jealous. I'm right. All right, man. I'm not used to it. Yeah, you know me. You're the guy here
16:10Joe's possessive of Ali like we all know that
16:14Motherfucker scary. Can we speak about that thousand percent? Okay, so everyone's like, oh, no, that's Joe's
16:19No one like oh, yeah. Yeah. No the guys
16:23The guys are intimidated by Joe
16:26What the fuck I could be missing out on
16:29Great connection because everyone just sees me as Joe's
16:33Please don't feel like you need to ask Joe permission. It's upsetting me a little bit
16:38Mm-hmm, and I'm not about to be pigeon-holed love it. I'm no one's for me
16:43That's a shit not a fan
16:45Sorry, Ali is a champagne. Okay. Yeah, do you drink my champagne or wine over red? Yeah, it really gets you
16:54Nice day today, isn't it? It's beautiful
16:58Nathan my man
17:00Can we get a little space bro? Oh, yeah for sure. Sorry. Appreciate it, buddy
17:05Sorry, oh
17:11When that champagne fell on Tim I was losing it God will did a good job at that
17:16I'll wait up. Sorry about that man. Apologies. Don't even stress man. Tim kept his cool and so far so good
17:22Have you struggled with commitment in your past? No, you haven't
17:26No, I like love. I like to be with someone. I believe that Nicole thinks I'm an f-boy
17:33When was your last relationship? I don't think I've asked you that a year ago
17:36It definitely feel like there's more work that I'm gonna need to be putting in we were together for three years
17:41Well, oh, well, yeah, I think we just kind of agreed that
17:46Just wasn't yeah into marriage. Like what does your marriage?
17:51Do you want kids? Do you want a family marriage? Yes. Yeah. Yeah kids. Yes. I'm a family man. I love my mom
17:57I'm a mama's boy
18:00Oh shit, sorry guys, I'm shaking today. God will I'm so sorry. No, you're fine. Sorry, sir
18:07That's okay. Thank you. I'll just find my leg as well. Chuck your leg up here. Thank you so much
18:13Thank you
18:15You got great legs by the way. Thank you
18:19What's your favorite sex position?
18:23Yeah, well your favorite sex is a green book
18:26What was that?
18:28put a pillow and
18:32Give this to you girl. Thank you. Very much. Oh fuck. Sorry
18:36I'm so sorry
18:38Do you think we can get another two? Oh, I'll be right up. I'll make sure I get any glass
18:42I'm gonna say something how cheeky them. What were you gonna say? I would want to be the one that made you it
18:49You know the sex would be amazing
18:52But I'm also like does it just ends there? What's been your past if like girls and stuff like why?
18:57Why he had a few rough relationships my last one was like two and a half three years ago, I reckon and
19:05Yeah, I really hope like
19:08I'm feeling something. So I feel like it's hard for me to express emotion man. Why?
19:14Why is it hard to express emotions because I'm in this position a long time
19:20You may be nervous which is a weird feeling
19:33Thought just for that
19:38It's sad you are doing damage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, I'll get you. Thanks
19:51He puts his leg up like a peacock in a personal space
19:56Mates what are you doing?
20:01Why would she think that
20:05One pair is crazy
20:07That's wicked. I'm not doing a lot to Nathan. The waiter is definitely nailing the brief my man
20:13Let me holler at you one more time. Yes
20:15Come here
20:17Can we get the whole soup platter? Oh first by my god
20:20I can feel Nuggets frustration growing and I think that he could snap any time soon
20:26Well finest fruit platter on this island at the moment. I'll leave that there for you guys. Enjoy Nathan Nathan
20:33Well, that's not fruit. That's sushi. Have you tried it?
20:37Another just say yeah
20:39We would love some fruit food platter. You got it. You got it. No worries at all. Don't fuck this one up
20:44I don't like a man that's hot-headed. So if you can't keep your cool in a situation
20:50It's a no from me
20:53You guys precious for my bro, what shit you okay? You're good. Sorry, man. Can you only pick it up for a second?
21:00Is that okay?
21:03It's a fruit splatter, but um, no, I do is that at least you got each other, right?
21:09You steal your bitch and then like sorry us exam
21:14Bit hungry. You haven't had smoke. Oh, yeah
21:16That's right, man. You keep doing you
21:19Tim's keeping his cool right now. He's not getting angry, which I really like and having a lot of fun on this day. Oh
21:27Almost almost
21:30No, actually, I'm wearing my safety goggles. Oh, thank you. I protect my eyes. Oh
21:41Tim is such a good kisser
21:43But in my experience
21:45F boys don't know how to behave like climbing on top of me on a first date. It's hot, but typically that means f-boy
21:57Yeah, I might need a bit more time to figure out if he is an f-boy or not
22:03Hey guys, did you guys know how to drink?
22:07Thank you so much. Thank you
22:10Because of it still and everything I use I'm just gonna bring you some water. Thank you, man
22:14Appreciate it glass matches the dress. Thank you. Do a good employee
22:19Now giggle
22:21Don't make you nervous. Come on Chad me
22:24You've got a good look at day. I'm not I'm just saying
22:29Cha and also love that, you know, put Paddy to the test. Hey Chad, there's a bit of personal space, man
22:36I'm a great day. I'm sorry for all the mishaps, but got you next time
22:43Honey was never rude. It was just kind of like playful with the way stuff
22:48Huge green flag in my eyes big tip in the box
22:51You've gone cute. Thank you
22:54So what's your favorite exposition? You ask me what my favorite sex position is you were describing yours
23:02First cowgirl
23:05Sexiest fuck
23:07What would be like, oh my god, all jokes aside by his obviously I'm what nothing
23:20The Loch Ness Monster come out it's a pointless head out, but it was there to stay
23:26Only throw me I can see
23:46Hello gentlemen
23:59Sonnen tanen
24:08I think I'm going home, you know, I think she's was unsatisfactory
24:18I shouldn't just went straight in for the kiss. You know, I did too much Joe is probably happy
24:34Don't know I just came up a day with Ali she was fire
24:38Like we actually had like a good like a good ass conversation
24:40I wasn't really like trying to look for anything sexual like we didn't care to do nothing about a good vibe
24:44Come on now
24:45I didn't kiss Ali because like Joe he has real strong feelings for Ali already like I didn't want Joe to get pissed off
24:51So what a nice guys about for drinks is your water? Oh, I mean, well, thank you. Hey
24:56Hey, I don't want to wait over there. This is my guy
25:00Timmy I was a slap. How do you know you're good, bro? Yeah, it went well yours
25:05so we're sitting there first was looking absolutely gorgeous and
25:09The way it comes over and the champagne just goes all over me man all over me just covered me mate
25:17Hey same thing, bro
25:19God, he was like he poured me drink. He fucking tipped it on me. He tipped it on her
25:25He was like tapping her down like giving her the walk down and stuff no way nugget, uh-oh running away
25:32Talking about dates man. Oh, yeah, we're talking about the way to bow
25:35So how's this right we asked for a fruit plan comes back with a fucking sushi bowl, bro
25:40You took sushi the only thing those bartenders were serving was sabotage
25:44Bro, I asked this motherfucking three fucking times like bro
25:48Bring me the fruit platter and then he comes back drops a fucking fruit. Yeah
25:54Boys got the fruit platter a drop my powder what's going on in there? Why are they doing a something's up?
26:00Chad say this is how you do it
26:19Tonight's mixer is on an agenda this whole jury's property thing. She's off-limits is weighing on my mind
26:26I need to get some answers tonight
26:33They were f-boy alarms going off at the group date today
26:38I'm on a mission to find out which boys stole some kisses for me
26:46After today's group date
26:47I want to find out from Sean why he used a bird to kiss Sally and
26:53Get to the bottom of what's really going on with him. How has today been?
26:56Yeah, sort of a interesting one something that I thought would
27:00Sort of show my qualities almost backfired in a way during the group date. How do you mean went in front of Ali and
27:07somehow got caught up for the top two I
27:11Sort of felt uncomfortable because I've only got eyes for you. Yeah, and
27:16So is that why you gave her the pelican kiss or the pecan or whatever?
27:21Something like that
27:27You know, all I wanted to do was show that
27:30You know, I was only interested in you. I'm a little relieved that Sean didn't kiss Ali
27:34He is showing me his loyalty right now, and it's definitely making him top of my list. Sorry. Keep it up Sean. Thank you
27:51That's I
27:54I saw them kiss it the last mixer. So maybe Nicole has feelings for Sean and
28:00Pretty devastated. Yeah
28:05You're alone don't let it get to ya know I
28:09Think jealousy's normal to feel it's bad if you act on it
28:13I won't act on it, but you know, it sucks
28:20Getting lipstick everywhere. Yeah. Yeah
28:29Hello my love, I've got a little mission at the moment
28:32I need to figure out who was kissing me today or wasn't me, but can I have one now, please?
28:37How would you please hold we that can be resumed my mission during the group date?
28:42Okay, do that's lovely time because we saw kissing kissing
28:48Oh my god, you can send you consent my boys are good
28:56Not another kiss about consent
28:59But I still need to figure out who these mystery kisses up that didn't ask for consent. I wasn't in your group
29:04Unfortunately as well. Not me
29:07No, you kiss me you kiss me I was oysters
29:10He actually asked me for consent, which I didn't expect from Frank. So nice way brownie points. Did we kiss?
29:17No, we didn't kiss. No
29:19Kiss doggie. You kiss doggie
29:24Almost that's why I liked it. But I
29:26Did you kiss me? No, I didn't kiss you. I'm trying to figure out he did. Do you want to kiss?
29:31I've still got they all want to kiss me
29:34I can't get me. I can't help it. Did we kiss? Oh, yeah. I was the cucumber. Oh
29:40Yeah, I was a cucumber Wow
29:45Bloody enjoyed it. I did. I'm very far Norman and Doug biting and asked for consent
29:52Very good
29:54No, yeah
30:01Thank you, oh
30:07What about ways you didn't talk to any girls last time did not not the last time no, no, no
30:11But tonight I've done seen the Joe before there's any one girl. I want to speak to the Sally
30:14I had a lot of respect for this bloke and I know that she came up to my city, mate, bro
30:18I'm gonna go for it today. It's hot man in there. How beautiful is that?
30:25Hey, it's game on well, I printed out a picture of your face and just started throwing darts at it today
30:34Joe is like the gatekeeper on alley like he's got alley locked down like a dog pees on a tree
30:40Some bullshit man that fuck like the guys I don't want to step on his toes, you know, they're all being buddy buddy
30:48You know
30:50Friends and everything
30:52Joy, what you need young joy, please. Tell me what's going on. I'm just fucking
30:56Bro, what's up, bro? What's on your heart, bro? Pissed off bro. Like spill it. It's like gatekeepers, you know, man
31:02What's who's the gatekeeper bro? Like see I'm in the alley and
31:07It's like Joe's just
31:09Like no one else can even talk to
31:12Yeah, yeah, man nugget had a good date today, bro, I can't even kiss her man
31:17Have you had a conversation with it? Ah, bro. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna speak to the guys about it now
31:26Yeah, we need a vacuum support, you know, it's all right
31:40Yeah, everyone real quick this is some bullshit bro, this is an absolute fucking bullshit
31:47Like you're like a gatekeeper bro. Like no one else can even talk to Ali what bro?
31:52This is some bullshit like nugget had a good date today, man, and he feels bad
31:55You know anyone else here would get with Ali your hands up. Yeah
32:00Come on, you're trying to start a revolution Joey guys all shy man
32:03Joe needed to be called out but I'm gonna keep my mouth shut cuz he's a he's possessive as a motherfucker
32:08You are talking out of your ass my oh like today, man
32:11I had that moment and I could feel everyone like pure into my soul man. Like it's just it's rubbish man
32:17Have I made you come to me once and say you have to come and ask me permission
32:21It's rubbish man to be fair. Joey's a little like Ali's mind. They're kind of rocking like that
32:27And you know what mate, you know what?
32:29You actually came up to me in that room this afternoon while I was sleeping woke me up and apologized for kissing her
32:35So what are you you're talking out of your ass mate, mate. I'm just I'm just sick of it, bro
32:40I just I just feel like I've done nothing
32:45By the way, I've been gone five minutes she says he's angry because he said you
32:53Yeah, she you're hogging it I said I said I said Joey wanna do no one in here
32:59That's true. That's a good point. No one owns. No one owns
33:03I've been worried guys aren't coming near me because of Joey and
33:08And now it's obvious that is really going on and it's not just one or two guys
33:15But I'm here trying to find something genuine. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. I'm just not able to this is just coming off as insecure
33:20Joey's not a threat. I don't think anyone has it on me in this competition. I can take anyone's girl here right now
33:27How old are you again? 24? Well, it doesn't look like it right now, dude
33:30Joe is definitely the problem when you've said there's no doubt about that. Dude, dude, what say something?
33:36You even said a whistle when you're feeling like jealous of the other guys
33:41Everyone feels jealous when they see someone kissing someone. They like me
33:46I'm the biggest threat here, but guys are still going off the alley. I'm getting fucking sick of it to be honest
33:54Hey, come talk to me come talk to me
34:07I am fucking this up
34:13This situation is getting so intense I need to get to the bottom of this
34:19What happened? I don't know Joey just came out of nowhere and just started looking up at me
34:23Cuz three things I'm making the boys come up to and ask if it's okay to even talk to you
34:31Like the thing I'm
34:35Just I just want you to know I'm not I'm not doing that. Yeah, but obviously it just comes across
34:39Yeah a different way when we've got like every guy being like
34:45Not not talking to him. I come up to her
34:50But I've already had the chance to have these one-on-ones with you and share something special enough
34:57Yeah, you're you're a queen you are you are clean
35:06You want to
35:18My heart in my head being pulled in different directions
35:21But obviously I really like Joe and I really like Joey
35:25But obviously I really like Joe and I don't want to self-sabotage my relationship with him
35:32I'm trying to just go with my gut and hope for the best
35:52Shit ABC
36:00Oh, oh boys boys, I'll be seen
36:07I'll be you pretty early. I'm bit nervous now. What's happening? I don't feel like something big's about to happen
36:15Hello everyone
36:17I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here at a mix-up. Yeah big time. Well in news that will shock no one
36:29There will be intruders tonight fuck and guess what they're here
36:38Where are they coming from?
36:40Where are they?
36:43No guys, they're literally here right now
36:46Well, I have been since the minute you arrived. Oh one two, three
36:53the bus stop
36:55Wait, right. Oh
36:59God will as well
37:09Sabotaging day
37:15What the fuck
37:18What oh
37:21My god, I can't believe the boss staff for the intruders this whole time. We literally just used them as moles in our day
37:29very sneaky
37:31I've been talking to them so much as well. You've been given all the goss I bet
37:36Gentlemen, I'm so sure you've all been watching what you've been saying around the bar staff, right?
37:43Yeah, I'm more of an ass man
37:47It's a great to get the same, you know, I'm sure once you get to see him it's like a documentary
37:52Dude, what's a litter is?
37:54Correct old tissue when stimulated can cause pleasure
37:58Came out obstacles. I actually felt it
38:01Seriously, obviously growing a shower go into a situation ship that I wasn't expected to get into
38:05And then I ended up cheating on my new years, which didn't really sit too well with her, bro
38:09I can find in you bro. That's so messed up. I
38:12Think he's good that he's over shit. Oh, no, this messed up this
38:18Think you're to treat everyone in the way treating mother. It's with respect and with love
38:25Who doesn't love a man in uniform, oh wait, does that mean you guys still make us drinks we're off duty now
38:35I'm definitely a lady's man. So I know how to treat a girl. That's for sure
38:42Ladies there are some new drinks on the menu
38:47Being a master in Vegas, I love women I love looking at giving them affection
38:52I love giving them attention moving. They're just truly beautiful like honest. I
38:58Hope you really enjoy getting to know your fresh ish me
39:04Then I can competition to me they're not seven foot they don't have a rig like me
39:11I'm all sweet
39:17But these aren't intruders these are inside agents all we know is the fucking layers do you want to go grab a drink?
39:22Yeah, sure
39:24Nathan no, he's polished and so is Nicole's so real competition. Definitely
39:34Wish they stay behind the bar
39:37What have you observed observed? You have really gorgeous eyes, so
39:43It weasel in this way, but
39:46We don't know who they want. Let's go around talking just to piss us off. Yeah, that's not entertain today
39:51Absolutely rattled
39:53Yeah, they're all pretty good-looking. So
39:56Not comfortable with any fortunate God will interesting. Let's hope God will help you through
40:10You've got some Intel I've got a lot of Intel okay, thanks reaction to your entry
40:17Honestly, we've just been like sitting back watching you guys interesting
40:22Chad went straight in for an alley pissed off about that. I don't really want him around a woman
40:31I do the Vegas at the moment. Yeah, I followed my career there and your career is I'm a breakdancer. Oh
40:37Any like stripping involved in that? Yeah, there's been involved in that so we get like nude nude
40:42I don't get it. No, we're not allowed to I saw me disappointing
40:51Yeah, absolutely, I'm not right you're a drink I'm trying cool it drinks good. Yeah
41:08This elimination tonight is really gonna help me work out where my feelings are at
41:14Can I actually see a future with some of these guys or is it lust?
41:19These boys need to pull their fingers out the time is up the time wasters
41:26So tonight is about teaching some of these guys a lesson and this lesson they won't forget
41:48Good evening everyone
41:52We have some newish faces
41:57Who's threatened by the intruders boys
42:01Aaron no, I'm not big enough
42:11Crystal Ali, how are you feeling as the fresh meat kind of scrambled the f-boy radar? Yeah
42:18I mean at the moment, I'm trying to weave through the lies and the lust Wow story my life
42:25But I love that crystal. How about you big day for you huge day huge day for the girl
42:32Yeah, babe, we saw beyond happy they come near you and they have involuntary bodily reaction
42:41Ali how are you feeling?
42:43Today, I think I know one thing for sure and that is f-boy and nice guys
42:51Like you need to step it up. We need to be your priority and this boys club
42:58It's gotta go
43:02Nicole Crystal Ali, I'm now going to ask each of you to nominate your bottom two
43:10Who's in your bottom two tonight?
43:30Crystal who's new bottom two tonight?
43:52Ali who's in your bottom two tonight?
44:20Boys, please stand up
44:37Nicole why are Lewis and Tim in your bottom two tonight?
44:50I'm not sure you're here for the right reasons
44:53I've been told by someone in the resort that you're banking material for a stand-up
44:59I was talking to
45:02He told me that he's writing a stand-up about
45:06The show because he's touring and and whatnot. So, okay. Yeah, I just want to be honest and no
45:12I really appreciate that and I don't know what you're always writing down, but we're not the punchline you are
45:26There's no doubt that we have a physical connection in the past when I've let lust rule my relationships
45:32I've been burned by f-boys
45:39Let me just start off by saying that I
45:46I'm a good kisser
46:00Why are Norman and Doug in your bottom two tonight
46:04To be honest Abby as
46:06You know, I've been having a lot of fun a lot of fun
46:10I have and to be honest
46:13I know I have to do this and the only reason I have is from when we played men of service today
46:19These two guys didn't ask for my consent for a kiss
46:24Just need to make it clear both incredible kisses and we're here to teach these boys lessons, so I
46:34Just want to say that I am truly sorry I
46:38Feel something I definitely know you felt saying to you
46:41Please leave me in this house tonight and we can continue our connection that we've got going on
46:47So nice
46:50That was really sweet
46:59Why a nugget and Joey in your bottom two tonight
47:04Nugget you've been super inconsistent rude to the waiter
47:11It's confusing seems like your strategy keeps changing
47:17It's giving major boy
47:25You're a bad kisser
47:28And I'm still convinced
47:30You're here for your reputation. So I think I'm going home, but I'm here for the $50,000
47:39I'm not losing this fucking shit. I
47:41Play a lot of chess in my spare time
47:44I'm not to be fucked with so
47:47Last ditch attempt. I'm I'm coming for you. Obviously the kiss was
47:54Unsatisfactory to say the least and truth be told I'm not very experienced. I'm actually a virgin
48:04My god this boy
48:11So if you're open-minded then
48:13Give this guy another crack, I guess
48:18My head is spinning
48:27Maybe he is genuine
48:30She's definitely buying it Ali you're a fool and I just got to use that to my advantage
48:36Look at this shit
48:46Next time on f-boy Island, Australia Ali who you going to eliminate tonight
48:54The elimination
48:56That rocks the island
48:59Then we're putting the F. This is my room by the way. I'm gonna put that down now Oh in f-boy Island
49:08Let's take a shot, holy shit
49:12Before introducing
49:16Checking in at five minutes our very own cheating scandal
49:26Feel good