Open Graves 2009 Horror/Mystery Movie Review

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00:00Hello everyone this is Paul Branson Reviews and much more and today I'm
00:07traveling back in time to 2009 this horror movie that I've never seen it's
00:14on Tubi right now or Tuba no Tubi I always say that wrong and so it's free
00:21to watch and it was an enjoyable horror movie a horror movie I've never seen
00:26maybe because when I saw the poster and just said open graves and it wasn't
00:31appealing sometimes there has to be a real appeal to a name of a movie like
00:37you hear scream like oh scream horror movie that sounds like a cool name
00:41Friday the 13th whoo that sounds like a cool name but this movie open graves
00:47yeah maybe that's how I missed it or I was doing something in 2009 that I
00:52missed now the main actress in this movie you're gonna know her from Buffy
00:58the Vampire Slayer Faith Faith the other Slayer not Buffy unfortunately but Faith
01:09to me is a great actress she's a great actress by far she's been in a lot of
01:14things and that's why I'm shocked that I missed this movie called open grave I'm
01:20really surprised actually I'm even scratching my head right now going how
01:24the heck did I miss this well let's get to it here don't watch the trailer it
01:31does give away too much and all the other actors are really good in it too
01:36some have done more acting some I've done not as much I haven't really seen
01:40the others as much as the main actress because as you know she was also in
01:45wrong turn the very first wrong turn movie that deserves a watch if you have
01:51not seen it I think that came out sometime in the early 90s if I'm correct
01:56I'll just put the poster and that in the back of me well let's get to the movie
02:02these are friends and they're surfers and they're on a trip together you get
02:08to know a little bit about them with character development very little
02:13doesn't really get deep into character development if it did I might have cared
02:18for them a little bit more but I did care for some of them so one of them
02:24decides to go for a walk and he finds this antique store and all of a sudden
02:31the owner wants to give him a game made of wood he's like okay I'll take it so
02:38now he's showing his friends this game and nobody wants to play it he's thinking
02:44he can sell it and make a lot of money off it so now they're surfing they're
02:49having a fun time there's one friend of his it's kind of a jerk and you find out
02:54at the movie when you watch it now he now notices the other woman because the
03:03other woman's not the friend the main actress that I mentioned I can't
03:10pronounce her name correctly so he notices her and they become friends and
03:16all of a sudden or maybe more than friends I'm not gonna tell you but all
03:21of a sudden they're all now having a fun time and the power goes out there's
03:26nothing to do there's a storm brewing so now the friend decides to play the game
03:33the new friend decides to play the game so they all play this game I'm kind of
03:42biting my lip a little bit because I want you to see the details when you
03:45watch it now in the game there can only be one winner so I'm like okay this is
03:51just a game thing and weird things are gonna happen no when the game ended
03:56weird things started to happen people who lost were dying and there was also
04:03a detective because there was a killer where they were doing weird things to
04:11bodies that I'm not going to say it gets right into it when you watch it from the
04:15beginning but this detective is very very smart and he goes to the kids house
04:25and there's a reason why because one of them died in a horrible way so now it's
04:34all about the board game it's all about what it is and what's truly going on and
04:42the weirdness and now the main character sees ghost and weird things happening
04:48and people are chasing him or are they again I'm not going to say anymore but
04:54it is well acted it is well put together and I'm very surprised it only
04:58has a 5.2 on IMD and on Rotten Tomatoes it's even a lower score and I'm like why
05:06this is actually a well acted and well put together movie the only thing I can
05:12think of is because a lot of there were a lot of board game horror movies that
05:18were kind of floating around and none of them are really that good at the time
05:23and maybe some people thought it was a ripoff of Jumanji they were trying to
05:27do something like that but this was good this was actually a good low-budget
05:33movie and the ending actually surprised me and that's rare for a horror movie to
05:39do I really enjoyed the acting and the characters a character development
05:45should have been a little bit more but the cinematography of the surfing and
05:49the fun they had and the costumes and the special effects were all well done
05:53so check it out open graves on Tubi I give this a 7 out of 10 it's not
06:00perfect in any way but it did keep my attention all the way through and I did
06:04care about some of the characters and I did really like what happened at the
06:09ending then maybe I'd give it a 7.5 I'm being generous because it's a
06:13low-budget movie and I do have I do like the actors quite a bit check it out
06:19open graves should be named something differently and when you watch the film
06:24you would probably agree I can't tell you the name though because I would kind
06:28of spoil it and I'm trying to keep a lid on quite a few things bye for now
06:33everyone check it out and have an incredible day and thank you for watching
