• last year
00:00So we're still in Hebrews. We're in Hebrews 11. I'm just going to go ahead and tell you
00:07we will not finish this chapter tonight. A lot of information, probably at least in two
00:16weeks. It's called the faith chapter. What I want you to understand about this is there's
00:24something called dispensation, where people will tell you that the gospel was dispensed
00:34in different ways throughout time. They'll tell you in the Old Testament that people
00:40were saved by their works. Folks, that's never been the truth. And I want you to see because
00:47this chapter goes through a lot of people in the Old Testament and tells you the details
00:53of where their faith played a part in it. So we start out with verse one, which describes
01:01and explains faith. And if you're here Sunday, we talked about that quite a bit. Now, faith
01:06is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So faith is anything
01:16that you cannot touch. You can't touch faith. Another word for faith is hope, believe, trust.
01:26So it's the things that you can't touch. You can see things. Nobody saw how the earth was
01:33created. Nobody saw Jesus Christ down on the cross. Nobody saw him rise from the dead.
01:39That's faith. That's something we can't touch, something we can't feel, something we can't
01:45test. This drives scientists crazy. That's why most of your scientists, they won't ever
01:51believe on Christ because there's nothing they can touch, test, or feel. They want the
01:56evidence. Well, there is no evidence. There's no evidence of faith. Faith is its own evidence.
02:04Verse two, for by it, what? It, the faith, the elders obtained a good report. With who?
02:11With the Lord. A good report with the Lord. Through faith, we understand that the world's
02:16refrained by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which
02:23do appear. So nobody here, nobody on this earth can tell you, hey, I saw Adam created.
02:30Hey, I saw a monkey created. I saw a deer created. I saw a turkey created. They can't
02:35tell you that. They can't tell you anything. So by faith, we have to believe that what
02:43Genesis 1 and 2 says, that God created everything and it was void and there was nothing there.
02:49We have to believe that. That's faith. Belief. And that the way we see things, that's the
02:58way they appear. Verse four, by faith, Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice
03:06than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous. God testifying of his gifts
03:14and by it, he being dead, yet speaketh. So keep your finger there and go to Genesis 4.
03:21We're going to be going to a lot of places in Genesis because this is the main stories
03:28that God's trying to explain to us that happened in Genesis, Genesis 4. So saying by faith
03:37that Abel had a better sacrifice, what does that mean? Look at chapter four, verse one.
03:44And Adam knew his wife, that word knew means the physical relation that a man, a husband
03:51and a wife has, his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain and said, I have gotten a man
03:59from the Lord. And she again bare his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain
04:05was a tiller of the ground. So right away, we see that Abel is a shepherd, but Cain,
04:12what is he doing? He's working in the fields, creating crops and stuff. He's a farmer. And
04:19in process of time, it came to pass that Cain brought the fruit of the ground and offering
04:24unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof.
04:32And the Lord had respect and Abel and unto his offering, but in the Cain and to his offering,
04:38he had no respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell. So the first thing
04:43we see is that nowhere, if you go to Genesis one, two, and three, you'll never see anywhere
04:49where God tells him, Hey, the only offering I'll accept is a sheep, something of the flock.
05:00But apparently at some point in time, they were told that because we see that Abel knew
05:07that he was supposed to give a firstling of the flock, which would be the first 10%
05:12of whatever. But Cain, for whatever reason, he chose not to. So the Bible says, in what
05:21we see in Hebrews 11, that Abel, by faith, he, you know, he knew, they're apparently
05:29both were told what to do, but Cain didn't do it. But Abel did. That's why it's by faith.
05:37There's no evidence of it. There's no evidence that, Hey, you know, God never said, Hey,
05:42if you give me the firstling of your flock, then I'm going to do this. There's that's
05:50what faith is. Just like when you give your 10%, God says he'll bless that 90% over 100%.
05:59That's faith. Something you can't test. Keep your finger in Genesis, go back to Hebrews.
06:06And then verse five, by faith, Enoch was translated that he should not see this. So
06:12what does translated mean? It means that he was taken off of this earth, alive up to heaven.
06:21That he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before
06:28his translation, he had this testimony that he pleased God. So keep your finger there
06:33and go to Genesis five. So Enoch is only mentioned a couple of times. We're going to actually
06:43look at all the times that he was mentioned. One is when it's just talking about, uh, in
06:51the beginning of chapter five, where it's talking about the, uh, the lineage of Adam.
06:57So go down to verse 21 in chapter five and Enoch lived 60 and five years and begat Methuselah.
07:06So Enoch, when he was 65, he had Methuselah, his son and Enoch walked with God after he
07:13begat Methuselah 300 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Enoch were
07:20365 years. So when he died, he was 365 years old. And then look at verse 24 and Enoch
07:29walked with God and he was not for God took him. So the, when it says he was not means
07:36that he was not on this earth, but the Bible doesn't tell us what great thing Enoch did.
07:42He just, God was pleased with him. He walked with God. Well, does that mean that the rest
07:47of these other guys didn't walk with God? I don't know. Uh, go to Jude one. There's
07:53only one chapter in Jude. You're in Hebrews. Jude's right before you get revelation. Jude
08:02one is the other mention of Enoch. Jude one verse 14 and Enoch also the seventh from Adam
08:16prophesied of these sayings, behold, the Lord cometh with 10,000 of his saints to execute
08:24judgment upon all to convince all that are ungodly among them who of all their ungodly
08:32deeds, which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly
08:37sinners have spoken against him. That's uh, this is what's one of the great things about
08:45the King James Bible is the word ungodly. This is poetic. The way it says is these are
08:51murmurs complainers walking after their own lust and their mouth speak of great swelling
08:56words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. So what we don't see in Genesis
09:03five is where did Enoch say this? It's not there. In fact, you won't find it anywhere
09:09but in the book of Jude. What is he talking about? He's saying that there's 10 thousands
09:14of a saint that the Lord cometh with 10 thousands of the saints will go to Genesis nine. I mean
09:20revelation 19 say revelation 19. This man was in Genesis and he's talking about what's
09:26going to happen in revelation. Yeah. Why? I don't know. Then I can't answer. Look at
09:35a revelation 19 verse 11 because Jesus came twice, right? He came once as a baby in
09:45Bethlehem's manger. Well, he ain't bringing 10,000 of the saints in. It was just him and
09:51some angels were celebrating, but he didn't bring 10,000 saints. Look at verse 11. I saw
09:57heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and
10:02true and in righteousness he does judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire
10:08and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew, but he himself
10:13and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name was called the word
10:17of God and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in
10:24fine linen, white and clean. So this is the armies. It's the 10,000 saints he's talking
10:32about. What is the saint? It is any person that has been saved. So what he's talking
10:38about if you take this and what Enoch said and what's in the book of Jude, these aren't
10:43angels. The armies aren't angels. It's us behind him. So what's interesting is you have
10:49preachers say, well, this is the second coming of Christ folks. This is not the second coming
10:54of Christ. You just got to put a number on it and you're just a mathematician. This is
10:58the third coming of Christ because the second coming of Christ is when he comes to the clouds
11:03and we that are the people that are in the grave and first Thessalonians four, they're
11:08going to rise up and their Jesus is going to bring their body, their soul with them
11:12and their body is going to meet. This is not the same thing in revelation 19. The Lord
11:18is coming in revelation 19 to kick butt. That's what he's coming to do. The battle of Armageddon.
11:24You're going to hear these people talking about the battles over in the, in Europe or
11:29the battles in Israel and, and, and fix it. And I'll just go ahead and tell you what's
11:33going to happen is you're going to have all these countries gathering up against Israel.
11:37You're going to have the sodomite lovers gathering with Israel. That's going to be the United
11:41States and France and all these other countries. And you're going to have the Muslims going
11:45against Israel and people will say, Oh my gosh, this is biblical. This is what Jesus
11:50talks about. And Jesus is fixing to come before this happens.
11:57But what they don't realize is because these same people over there in Israel, they hate
12:03Jesus Christ. They hate everything about him. They spit three times when they say his name.
12:08They hate anything about him. They think he's burning and burning doo doo in hell right
12:12now. They think he's a bastard child of Mary and some kind of a Pantera, a Roman guard.
12:20They don't understand that he's the savior. They hate him so much. They, they still wish
12:27that he was on the cross. They celebrate that and because they reject Jesus Christ, God
12:32don't allow all these nations to come and they're going to destroy them to, to his degree.
12:40And they might not destroy them all because later on, guess what's going to happen. They're
12:43going to be gathered up in the battle of Armageddon. They're going to be gathered up in the battle
12:47of Armageddon. And then that's when Jesus is really going to whack them. Because keep,
12:51keep looking in Revelation 19. What does Jesus do? The armies that are with him, are they
12:58doing any fighting? Look at verse 15. And out of his mouth, who Jesus is, draw the sharp
13:04sword that with it, he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron.
13:11And he treaded the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of almighty God. And he hath on
13:16his vesture and on his thigh, a name written King of King and Lord of Lords. And I saw
13:20an angel standing in the sun and he cried with loud voice saying to all the fowls, it's
13:24all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven. Come and gather yourselves together into the
13:29supper of the great God that you may eat the flesh of Kings and the flesh of captains and
13:35the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of them that sin on them and the flesh
13:40of all men, both free and bond and both small and great. So all these dead bodies that are
13:45out there at a battle of Armageddon, and we've talked about this before, it's not a
13:49timeframe, it's a location at a battle of a place of called Megiddo. And when that happens,
13:56all these birds are going to be eating these dead bodies. That's what, that's what's going
14:00to happen. Uh, go back to Hebrew. What's interesting when you read the Bible, you don't see anything
14:08at all where, um, he's talking about this, where I'm sorry, where Enoch is preaching
14:14to people about this. That's what's so great about the Bible is as holy men spoke as they
14:20were moved by God. Uh, not necessarily written. They, he might not have written anything down,
14:26but he spoke, he preached to people about things that's going to happen when he was
14:32alive. Probably, you know, many, many thousand years in the future. Um, but he, he apparently
14:43got enough that he just took him out of here. Verse six, but without faith, this is important
14:49without faith. It is impossible to please him. It is impossible. Well, it's impossible without
14:59faith for you to be saved. That pleases God. But then after you're saved, we live by faith,
15:05by faith. And it's impossible to please God. You're going to see all these people like Enoch
15:12so far and Abel, and we're going to see Abraham and a bunch of other people. It's because of the
15:17things they did with faith is why they're in the Bible to be an example to us. So it's impossible
15:25to please God for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder
15:33of them that diligently seek him. So I want you to understand, I want you to look at that real
15:38carefully, because what it's saying is, is when you come to God, you got to believe who God is
15:44not just where I just believe God exists. What would he do? The devil believes that God exists,
15:50but you got to believe that God is who he says he is. You got to believe when you come to God
15:56that you believe that first of all, to be saved, you got to believe he's a savior.
15:59You got to believe in the death, burial, resurrection, but you got to believe in
16:02these things. Also, you got to believe that if I, by faith, do the things that he says in the Bible,
16:09if I come to church every Sunday and Wednesday, by faith, he's going to bless me. If I go and raise
16:16my family, like the Bible says, by faith, he's going to, he's going to bless me by faith. If I
16:22give 10% of what I earn to the, to the church by faith, guess what? He's going to bless me.
16:29That's what it's talking about. That's what the thing. And just like I've told you before,
16:33many times, if you got any mathematician and you told them, Hey, do you think I can do better
16:40if I take 90% of my paycheck and try to pay my bills? Or if I take a hundred percent,
16:47without doubt, what are they going to say? A hundred percent. I mean, that's common sense,
16:51right? But that's not faith. But the Bible says in Malachi that if you do take your,
16:57you give your 10%, that God will open up the heaven, the doors and windows of heaven and
17:03bless you. And that the, the bill collectors that you have, the 90% that you're using,
17:10you'll be able to be able to use it more easier than you would the a hundred percent,
17:15as you'll make sure that happens. And that's faith. There's nothing to test that. You can't
17:21sit there and test that mathematically and say, well, this is going to happen. That's going to
17:24happen. That's what faith is. Verse seven, by faith, Noah being warned of God of things,
17:33not seen as yet moved with fear, prepared an art to the saving of his house by the,
17:38which he condemned the world. And he became heir of the righteousness, which is by faith.
17:43Go to chapter six of Genesis chapter six and Genesis.
17:50And I'm not going to tell you the whole story of Noah. Most of all of us know it.
17:55But there are a couple of points I want to show you.
17:59Now I've always been told and always believe because of verse, uh, go to verse three in
18:05Genesis six and verse three, it says, and the Lord said, my spirit shall not always strive with man
18:14for that. He also is flesh yet. His day shall be 120 years. Now I want you to look at that word,
18:19Lord. What do you, what do you notice about that? Capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D.
18:25So who is he telling this to? I used to think he was telling us to know it, but he's not telling
18:29it. No. So apparently the Trinity is talking amongst themselves is what I believe because
18:35then you go on down and it says, and God saw that their wickedness of birth five was great in the
18:41earth. And that every imagination of his thought of his heart was only evil continually verse six.
18:48And it repented this first time the word repent is used in the King James Bible. And look who's
18:53repenting the Lord. So it has nothing to do with repenting of your sins because the Lord has no
18:57sin. He's just changing his mind that he had made man on this earth. Not because God didn't figure
19:03out before he made man, Hey, they're going to screw up in chapter six. It's because God had
19:09to change his course of action because of what man did. He knew all along it was going to happen.
19:13And he grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man who I've created from
19:19the face of the earth, both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fouls of the earth
19:24and for it repented me that I made them. Now look at verse eight, but Noah found grace in the eyes
19:31of the Lord. Now, do you think God told Noah that I don't think he did. It's like he didn't tell
19:36Job. He didn't tell anybody. And these are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man and
19:41perfect in his generations. And Noah walked with God and Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.
19:48And the earth was also corrupt before God. And the earth was filled with violence and God looked
19:55upon the earth and behold, it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. Look
20:02at verse 13. And God said unto Noah, that's the first time God's talking to Noah. The end of all
20:09flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold, I will
20:14destroy them with the earth. So I don't believe in verse five. God is saying to Noah, Hey, 120 years
20:27and it's going to be gone. We don't know how much time has gone between chapter of verse five and
20:33verse 13. So I used to think that when Noah was building the ark, it took him 120 years to do it.
20:42Now it might've taken a long time. We don't know, but I don't want you to put that number on there
20:47and say, we do got Noah 120 years. I've heard people say that, but there's just no evidence to
20:52that. He's putting a timeframe in verse three saying in 120 years, the earth will be destroyed,
20:59but he's not saying it to Noah. But what I don't want you to understand is look at what, look at
21:05the next verse, make the an ark of gopher wood room. Shall that make it an ark and shall pitch
21:12it within and without with pitch is the fashion was that shall make the length of the art shall
21:19be 300 cubits. A cubit is the length between the middle of finger and the length of a man's arm.
21:26And, uh, the breadth of it, 50 cubits. So this thing is 300 cubits long. It's 50 cubits wide
21:36and it's 30 cubits high. Now I believe that probably took him a long time, but what you got
21:44to understand, just like every little cartoon I've seen about Noah is the people were mocking him.
21:50And I'm sure they were. That's just what people do. They're wicked continually, but I'm sure they're
21:55mocking him because he's making an art. Guess what folks it's never rained before in history.
22:02So if it's never rained before in history, these people are thinking, what are you doing? Why are
22:07you building a boat? Why? And you know, they don't even know what a boat is obviously, because
22:11well, they're, they're, they're just not anywhere near water that according to the Bible. So what's
22:17going on? They're mocking him. So this is why by faith is talking about it. That by faith is showing
22:25God's long suffering. Look at verse 18, but the, I'm sorry, with the, I will establish my covenant
22:32and thou shalt come into the ark, thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy sons, wives, and thee,
22:38and of every living, living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark
22:45to keep them alive with thee. Thou shalt be male and female of fowls after their kind and of cattle
22:53after their kind and of creeping things of the earth of this kind. Two of every sort shall come
22:58unto thee to keep them alive and take thee out unto thee of all food that is eaten. And thou
23:04shalt gather it to thee and it shall be for food for thee and for them. Thus did Noah, according
23:10to all that God commanded him. He never said, why God? Really? You know, you're going to kill all these
23:17people, but you're going to keep the animals. He just did it. That's what the faith is. The faith
23:22is that he continued, that he did it. Go down to Genesis seven, verse 11. The 600 year of Noah. So
23:31Noah, he's not a young kid. He's not a young guy. He's 600 years old. When he's doing all this
23:39in this, uh, in the second month and the seventh day of the month, the same day where all the
23:46fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were open. So just like I said
23:51before, it had never rained. That's why I'm saying the windows of heaven were open and it's pouring
23:57down. You've never seen a rain pour down like this. And rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights
24:04and the self same day. Noah entered Noah and Shem, Ham and Japheth and the sons of Noah and Noah's
24:09wife and the three wives of his son with them into the ark. Um, go down to verse 17 and a flood was
24:1740 days upon the earth and the waters increased and bear upon the ark and it was lift up above
24:22the earth. So eventually what do we see? Everything's underwater. The whole earth is underwater. It's a
24:28worldwide flood. Don't let anybody tell you that it's not, it was a local flood. Yeah, it was local
24:35over the whole earth. Go down to, uh, go to chapter eight, verse 13 and it came to pass in the 600th
24:41and first year in the first month. So he was 600 now he's 601 in the first month, the first day of
24:49the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth and Noah removed the covering of the ark
24:55and look and behold the face of the ground was dry. So if you take, uh, basically it was, uh,
25:05150 days, I'm sorry, 30 days plus 27 is 57 days. That's how long it was underwater. Uh, go to
25:17first, uh, go to first Peter three, first Peter three, we'll get another understanding of this.
25:24I want to tell you right off the bat, people try to use this verse to talk about
25:28that being baptized. You have to be baptized to be saved. The church of Christ likes to talk about
25:35this other sects of religion like that to talk about, well, you got to be baptized to be saved.
25:41And this is one of the verses to talk about it. Hogwash. Let me pray that to you.
25:50Only thing to go to heaven is you had to put your trust on the Lord Jesus Christ.
25:54100%. Baptism is a commandment, but it has nothing to do with salvation. Nobody in the
26:00old Testament, Noah wasn't baptized. Abel wasn't baptized. Enoch wasn't baptized. Abraham,
26:08Moses, none of these people were baptized. So that, that just don't make any sense.
26:13That's what you hear people say. Uh, first Peter three, let's see where I'm at. Verse 20,
26:20verse 20, which sometimes we're disobedient.
26:26When once a long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the art was a preparing.
26:32So I told you, I thought it was 120 days, 120 years, but it's not, but it's obviously a long
26:38time. It's a big boat. You know, they don't have, uh, chainsaws and, and, and electric tools to get
26:46this stuff done. They got to use primitive tools while the art was preparing. We're in feud. That
26:52is eight souls were saved by water. Now, when people see this, they think that they're saved
26:59by water. Well, nobody was saved by water. Everybody drowned from the water. So that
27:04don't make any sense. So what is it talking about? Well, let's keep reading. The eight souls is what
27:09it's talking about is Noah, his sons, his, his son's wives, and his family members. They're
27:16saved by water. Well, they weren't really saved by water. Now where are they? They're saved by the
27:20art. But look at verse 21, the light figure. So the light figure means this is a figure or
27:27representation or something to show you where even baptism does also now save us. Now they'll take
27:34that verse and say, see, baptism saves us. But look at the parentheses, not the putting away the
27:41filth of the flesh. So if you get in the water today, if you're going to take a shower or bath,
27:45you're trying to take the filth of the flesh off of you. That's what it's talking about.
27:49Someone, this is a physical thing, but this is not what it's talking about. The figure of being
27:54baptized, look after the parentheses, but the answer of a good conscious toward God by the
28:02resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why are we baptized? Is it because we're trying to get clean? No,
28:08you can do that at the house. The baptism is when somebody's baptized after they're saved,
28:15they're taking part in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's what it is.
28:20Had nothing to do with salvation. There's going to be thousands, probably millions of people in
28:25heaven when we get there that have just believed on Jesus Christ and never been baptized.
28:30That's just the fact of it. A lot of people know everybody in the old Testament, nobody was
28:34baptized. You're just going to have people that bombs are dropping around them and they heard the
28:40gospel one time and they're sitting there in a foxhole and they're fixing to die. And they're
28:43just going to say, Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner. Just forgive me for all my sins. I believe you died
28:48and was buried and rose three days later. Save me, Lord. And they're never going to be baptized.
28:53They'll be baptized with bombs and bullets and blood and dirt. And they're never going to be
28:58baptized in water. The thief on the cross, was he baptized? No, he wasn't.
29:04But Jesus said he was going to be in paradise with him. So that's just silly. That's just
29:09people trying to add to salvation. What this is really saying is that the people, Noah's family
29:16was saved by water because the water is to represent the boat, which is salvation. That's
29:23what it's really talking about. That God saved them and without that boat. And if you keep reading
29:30that you'll, you read the whole story, you'll see that when they got in the ark, guess who closed
29:34the door? The Lord. One door. You see these pictures on Sunday School where they got different
29:40doors, one door in and out and one window. Go back to Hebrews 11. So I told you we weren't
29:53going to finish this chapter and we're not. Look at verse eight. By faith Abraham, when he was called
30:00to go into a place, which he should, excuse me, after receive for an inheritance, obeyed.
30:10And he went out not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in land of promise
30:18as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob,
30:23that heirs with them of the same promise. For he looked for a city which hath foundations,
30:29who builder and maker is God. Keep your finger there and go to Genesis.
30:38Genesis 12. Genesis 12.
30:42So when you read the Old Testament, if you ever have like Hebrews or something else in the New
30:48Testament, like Revelation, that is sending you back to another book like Revelation,
30:54goes back to Daniel sometimes goes back to Ezekiel. The book, the Old Testament is people
31:01would see through it with a, it wasn't clear. The New Testament is what clears things up.
31:09And this is one of the good examples. So when you're reading a Genesis 12, starting in verse one,
31:17you don't get a whole lot of information like you do in Hebrews 11. Look at verse 12,
31:21chapter 12, verse one. And the Lord said unto Abram, this before he changes his name to Abraham,
31:27get thee, talking about one man out of thy country and out of thy kindred and from thy father's house
31:33and out of thy kindred and from thy father's house into the land that I will show thee.
31:38So he's, he's happy with his, his father hanging out and he says, you got to leave.
31:44And I will make of thee, one man, talking about Abram, a great nation. I will bless thee and make
31:50thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee and curse them
31:57that curses thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Now I want you to underline
32:03verse three, because you're going to hear that when the United States gets involved and they
32:09start protecting Israel, you're going to hear preachers and a bunch of idiots talking about
32:13this verse right here and say, see what you're going to hear Donald Trump saying it. Hey,
32:19we got to back up Israel so God can bless us. Why would God bless you for, for protecting
32:27Christ rejecting people? It's not going to happen. Preachers like to use this verse and say, see,
32:34we got to stand with Israel, even though they're murdering babies and women and making them starve
32:41to death. So you won't hear that on the regular news and they're making them thirst to death.
32:45They just turn the water off. They're shooting kids in the head that are five years old,
32:49sniping them. They don't tell you that do they? But God wants, people want you to think that
32:55you're supposed to stand with that. Cause you know what I don't find in the Bible at all
32:59is where God commands people, even when the Hebrews were going in and fighting these battles
33:06in Canaan and stuff, he doesn't say, Hey, go out there and cut the kids' heads off and kill women.
33:12That's not what he said. In fact, I've shown you that before that he said to kill the men and to
33:17take the women and the children and do something with them. He doesn't say kill them, but they're
33:23literally trying to wipe out the whole Islam nation. Now look, I don't have anything for the
33:28Jews. I don't have anything for Israel. Both of them are, are, are religions that reject Jesus
33:33Christ. But let me tell you, when you are bound and determined to make the Bible twisted in the
33:41something else where you're trying to protect a bunch of reprobate Christ rejecting people,
33:47you've got a problem. You need to read the Bible again, but that's what they'll tell you.
33:51So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him and Lot went with him and Abraham was 75 years old
33:58when he departed out of Haran. So he's leaving at 75 years old. Abram took Sarai, his wife,
34:04and Lot, his brother's son, which is his nephew and all their substance. And they had gathered
34:09and the souls that they had gotten in Haran, and they all went forth to go into the land of Canaan.
34:15And in the land of Canaan, they came and Abram passed through the land at the place of Shechem
34:20into the plain of Morah and the Canaanite then was in the land, then in the land. And the Lord
34:27appeared to Abram and said unto thy seed, will I give this land? And there builded he an altar
34:34unto the Lord who appeared unto him. So this is where the Lord tells Abram, your seed, I'm going
34:40to give this land to. And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel and pitched
34:47his tent and having Bethel on the west and Haiyan on the east. And there he built an altar unto the
34:53Lord and called upon the name of the Lord. So this is, he's not saved by works. He's saved because
35:00he called on the name of the Lord. And Abram journeyed going on still toward the south.
35:06That's what we saw in Hebrews 11. Go down to chapter 13, verse 14.
35:15Genesis 13, 14. The Lord said unto Abram, after that lot was separated from him, lift up now
35:21thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward and southward and eastward and westward
35:26for all the land which thou seeth to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever. And I will make
35:34thy seed as a dust of the earth so that if a man can number the dust of the earth,
35:39then shall thy seed also be numbered. So you got to understand at this time, Abram has no kids.
35:46So when God's telling him this, that's his faith. He doesn't think, okay, well, God, do you not
35:54realize that I don't have any kids? So how can my seed be the ones that you're giving all this
35:59promise to? Well, by faith, he just believes that what God is telling him. I mean, he's an old man.
36:07He's 75 years old. And you go on to, let's see, go to Genesis 18.
36:23Wait, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Go to verse 11. Go to Hebrews 11, 11.
36:30And keep your finger in Genesis 18. I got ahead of myself.
36:34So verse 10 said he's looking for a city where who's builder and maker is God. Well, if you go
36:39to Revelations 21, you'll see that he's talking about the building in heaven. That's what he's
36:45looking for. Look at verse 11. Through faith, again, all this is, this is the faith chapter.
36:50Also, Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered a child when she was past
36:58age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. Now go to Genesis 18. It's probably
37:10the last one we get to this week. Verse nine. And they said unto him, where is Sarah thy wife?
37:17And he said, behold, in the tent. And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the
37:22time of life. And lo, Sarah, thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent, which was
37:28behind him. And Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age, and it ceased to be with
37:35Sarah after the manner of women. But therefore Sarah laughed within herself. I want you to
37:42understand that she didn't laugh out loud. She's laughing in herself, saying, after this is what
37:50she's saying in her own mind. So next time you say something in your own mind, just think.
37:55After I'm wax old, shall I pleasure my Lord being also old? So she's saying, you know, how can I have
38:02a child when she's probably already reached the point of where she can't have children? I mean,
38:08she's 90 something. He's 99. I think, no, I'm sorry. I think he's 100. And the Lord said unto
38:15Abraham, wherefore did Sarah laugh? So the Lord is Jesus. So this is tells you that even if you
38:24say stuff in your head, you may not say it verbally. God hears it. And he may hold you
38:31accountable for it. Because he's holding Sarah accountable. He's asking Abraham.
38:35Saying shall I have sure to the very child which I'm old is anything and then is anything too hard
38:42for the Lord? And the answer is no, is nothing is too hard for the Lord. At the time appointed our
38:48tournament to return unto the according to all the time of life, and Sarah should have a son.
38:55Then Sarah denied saying I laugh not for she was afraid. And he said nay without his laugh. So
39:02and he said nay without his laugh. So first of all, she's laughing in her own mind.
39:07And then she lies about it to the Lord. That's pretty bad. And the Lord calls her on it.
39:18Let's see if we have time for one more.
39:20So Sarah, you know, most people when they get to a certain age, they don't believe they're
39:25going to have children. And this is a good example. And I want to tell you that every
39:29single person that wanted a child and God told them they're going to have a child had a child.
39:34That's just he's betting 1000 on telling people stuff like that.
39:40We'll just stop right there. For the next one. So I want you to see that in 11 verses right now is
39:46what we're in the Hebrews 11. We see many, many examples of faith of where God is showing his
39:54faith, and that people are proving their faith and to other people. And God is showing his faith.
40:00And God is showing his faith. And God is showing his faith. And God is showing his faith. And God
40:07is showing his faith. And God is showing his faith. And God is showing his faith. And
40:13God is showing his faith. And God is showing his faith right now. So we see that people are proving
40:20their faith and to other people. And that's what we see, by looking in the Bible, let's
40:24bow our head and have a word of prayer, Lord, just thank you for the faith. Yeah, we just thank you.