Panayam kay Dir. Gina Nilo ng Bureau of Soils and Water Management tungkol sa paglunsad ang FertRight mobile app;

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Panayam kay Dir. Gina Nilo ng Bureau of Soils and Water Management tungkol sa paglunsad ang FertRight mobile app;

FertRight app ng BSWM, malaking tulong sa pagtukoy ng tamang sukat at uri ng fertilizer
00:00Fertilizer Recommendation Mobile App of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management.
00:05Our guest today is the Director of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Dr. Gina Nino.
00:12Dr. Gina, good afternoon.
00:14Good afternoon, Ma'am Nina and our guest, Ms. Queng Hidalgo.
00:21Doc, first of all, please explain what is this BSWM, Fertilizer Recommendation Mobile App?
00:30Thank you very much, Ma'am Nina.
00:32The BSWM Fertilizer Recommendation Mobile App is an innovation of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management
00:40to facilitate the provision of fertilizer recommendations.
00:44This, as the name implies, is a mobile app.
00:47It is downloadable in our Google Play Store.
00:51It is free and it can be used even offline.
00:58We created this application to facilitate the provision of recommendations.
01:08At the Bureau of Soils and Water Management, our front-line service is laboratory analysis.
01:16We provide soil tests.
01:19But the soil test needs to show the soil health.
01:27And that soil health is addressed by providing fertilizer recommendations
01:33that are included in our mobile application.
01:39How important is this in the sector of agriculture?
01:43Wait, what are they now?
01:44Are they techies?
01:45Ah, there are many.
01:46Our farmers.
01:48Our farmers are very techies.
01:51This mobile application is very important because here,
01:57we can ensure the provision of the proper type of fertilizer.
02:03It cannot be measured.
02:05We can also ensure the correct amount.
02:09So, the correct type, the correct amount, and even timing.
02:14That is why we call it Fert-Rite.
02:16The right kind of fertilizer, the right amount, and the right timing.
02:21That is what Fert-Rite has.
02:24So, ma'am, how fast can this app generate crop and site-specific fertilizer recommendations?
02:31Within one minute, ma'am.
02:33Wow, that's fast.
02:35I'm very proud to say that we can do it in one minute.
02:39And the recommendations that are included here are for almost all the different
02:50important agricultural crops that we want to plant.
02:54So, while Manong will be harvesting first, what he will do that day,
03:00in one minute, when he searches, he will see it right away.
03:03Yes, ma'am.
03:04The use of this, first of all, we show to Fert-Rite how to get a soil sample.
03:13Because it is very important that our collection of soil samples is correct.
03:19Garbage in, garbage out.
03:22We have developed a soil test kit that is colorimetric.
03:30That is why Fert-Rite shows the results of the analysis using a soil test kit that is
03:40And this will give the level of soil fertility.
03:48What is the pH level?
03:50What is the level of nitrogen?
03:52What is the level of phosphorus?
03:54What is the level of potassium?
03:56And that is where we base the soil tests on the recommendations that are included in Fert-Rite.
04:06However, there are also conventional tests that we do in the laboratory.
04:11We can just enter what is the numerical value that was obtained in the laboratory test.
04:19And this will also give the correct recommendation of our Fert-Rite.
04:24So, you need a test kit.
04:27You need a kit, not just a phone or a computer, right?
04:31You need to have that kit from the Bureau of Soils.
04:34Yes, the soil test kit also provides a quick test for soil pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
04:46These are the major nutrients that crops need, agricultural crops.
04:51And the test can also be done from the laboratory analysis.
04:56They can input that into Fert-Rite, and it will also give the correct recommendation.
05:02Where can we get that soil test kit?
05:06Can we get the ordinary plant-based test kits?
05:08Yes, we really like that.
05:10Thank you very much for opening that topic.
05:14We give the soil test kit for free.
05:18That is our commitment to implement our National Soil Health Program.
05:25This is a priority of our beloved President Ferdinand Marcos and our beloved Secretary Francisco Chulaurel.
05:36In every municipality, we give a soil test kit.
05:39We also provide training to technicians and farmers on how to use these kits.
05:51We also provide training on how to implement the recommendation that is included in our Fert-Rite.
06:00It doesn't come with a gadget.
06:02Or a cell phone.
06:04It doesn't come with a cell phone.
06:06But that question is correct.
06:09Actually, I said, let's consider that it should come with a cell phone.
06:14By God's grace, it should also come with a gadget.
06:17Because Fert-Rite is available on our Android phones.
06:22At least 4.4 version operating system.
06:26So, a simple cell phone can also be used with our Fert-Rite.
06:33Can you tell us the key benefits of using the Fert-Rite app for fertilizer management?
06:43And how much does it help to make our fertilizer management practices more efficient?
06:50What are the mistakes that we often make?
06:55The number one benefit of using Fert-Rite
06:59is that it is correct to put fertilizer in our crops.
07:06If there is too much fertilizer, it can contribute to climate change.
07:13It can damage our environment.
07:16It can go to groundwater.
07:18So, it doesn't affect our drinks.
07:21It can also affect our atmosphere.
07:24If there is too much fertilizer, we can have greenhouse gases that we should mitigate.
07:34The second benefit is that it is not a waste.
07:40Fertilizer is very expensive.
07:43If we don't put it in the right place, the farmer's money will be wasted.
07:49So, with Fert-Rite, we can save on the right application,
07:54the right timing, the right nutrients, and the right kind of fertilizer.
08:02This is a one-minute result.
08:06It is simple and friendly.
08:08Fert-Rite does not end just now.
08:12We are continuously improving.
08:14So, if you explore our Fert-Rite and other crops that are not included,
08:23we are continuously updating them.
08:26So, we are still adding other crops.
08:29As much as possible, we will include the interests of our plantitos and plantitas.
08:36So, ma'am, in general, how user-friendly is it?
08:39You said earlier that it is user-friendly.
08:41But for those farmers who do not use their phones,
08:46who do not look at any apps,
08:49how can they benefit from this?
08:51What are the added features of this, aside from the ones you mentioned?
08:55Because there are those who believe that they have already practiced,
09:00their grandparents, before this app came out, right?
09:03That's true.
09:04How will you address that?
09:06There are many farmers who have traditions that you can't tell them about.
09:13This is the science behind what we're doing.
09:16Like what I mentioned earlier, we are not just sharing.
09:21So, we give training so that our farmers can appreciate the importance of the right fertilizer recommendation.
09:31We also provide training on how to use the soil test kit.
09:36And we also provide training on how to use the fertilizer.
09:42It's really very simple.
09:45And we are just texting each other every day.
09:52Where can we download this app?
09:56And this is free, right?
09:57This is free and downloadable on our Google Play Store.
10:02This is a commitment by BSWM to expand the users of FertRite.
10:09What is it called?
10:10You can see it here.
10:11You type in search FertRite.
10:13Yes, search BSWM FertRite.
10:16I just have to hold my Android.
10:19It's very simple to use.
10:21But we showed it earlier.
10:23Yes, we showed it earlier.
10:26There, you can see it on the screen.
10:28If we click on it, then that will lead you to the FertRite page.
10:33And even if there is no internet?
10:35If we download FertRite, we need internet.
10:40Once we have downloaded the FertRite, it's already available for use even offline.
10:49So, is that where you can see the type of fertilizer that we have already used?
10:56As they say, hair can be used as a fertilizer.
10:59Yes, there is a specific recommendation on what kind of fertilizer to use.
11:05We also offer different options.
11:07For example, we have different types of fertilizers.
11:12There's wool, right?
11:14Yes, but they can have a combination.
11:17So, we have several options that are offered on FertRite.
11:21And there's no reason why we can't follow the recommendations for our farmers.
11:29This is not for farmers, but for in general, I just want to know, what about composting?
11:36Have you thought of giving advice to ordinary citizens like us who want to contribute to the environment?
11:45Ah, yes.
11:47I tried the right way of composting, but it turned out I did it wrong.
11:52So, I need advice from the Bureau of Soils.
11:54Yes, thank you.
11:56FertRite also includes our recommendation for the right amount of compost and organic fertilizer.
12:05This is a big program of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management.
12:10We have an Adaptive Balance Fertilization Strategy.
12:14The combination of organic fertilizer or compost and chemical fertilizer is important.
12:26The use of compost reduces the requirement of chemical fertilizer.
12:36And the good thing about composting is that it improves the soil structure.
12:42It has a storage capacity for our nutrients and water.
12:48So, even if it's hot, it can store nutrients, so it's tolerant for drought.
12:56Our program for composting is wide.
12:59We distribute machines.
13:02We call it CFBW or Compost Fertilizer for Biodegradable Waste.
13:11We give this to our farmers' associations and LGUs because we encourage every farmer to use compost.
13:26The good thing about this is that we teach farmers how to make compost.
13:32And we also buy the compost that they produce.
13:38There are also worms and things like that.
13:41Those are different.
13:42Those are different.
13:43This is vermicomposting, but it's part of our program.
13:49We also give shredders and things like that so that they can establish their own vermicomposting farms.
14:03And this is also an excellent organic fertilizer or soil amendment.
14:09So, there are two types.
14:11We can produce 1 ton of CFBW.
14:18So, it's big.
14:19That's why we offer it to our farmers' associations.
14:23In a week, we can produce 800 kilograms of compost.
14:29It's easy.
14:30We collect all the agricultural waste available in the area.
14:35So, there's no reason for our areas to be scattered.
14:40We can collect all the agricultural waste, rice straw, sugarcane, corn, even the branches of trees,
14:51even grass, because all of that contains nutrients.
14:58We just return it.
15:00Of course, we also add manure because manure is rich in nitrogen.
15:07So, we also add microorganisms to speed up the rotting.
15:13If it rots at the right time, this can also be used as fertilizer.
15:22Okay, ma'am.
15:22Please tell our fellow countrymen who are watching us right now, especially those who will be farming in remote areas.
15:29First of all, thank you very much for this opportunity to promote by the Bureau of Soils and Water Management
15:38the innovations that we have, such as Fert-Rite and our implementation of the Adaptive Balance Fertilization Strategy.
15:49I believe that we have a new Philippines.
15:54We just need to follow and be updated on all the technologies that are being promoted by the agencies
16:04under the Department of Agriculture, together with the Bureau of Soils and Water Management.
16:10A prosperous new Philippines for all of us.
16:14God is good all the time.
16:18Okay, thank you very much for your time.
16:20Bureau of Soils and Water Management Director, Dr. Gina Milo.
16:24Thank you very much.
16:25Thank you for asking.
