Upaya Memitigasi Guncangan Ekonomi Global

  • last month
Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) menyatakan Pemerintahan Prabowo-Gibran harus memitigasi guncangan perekonomian global. Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani, menilai postur APBN yang dinamis mampu meredam tantangan tersebut.


00:00We will review the sentiment of the politicians in the next segment of Market Buster about the impact to the market and what will be the response.
00:13We turn to the Ministry of Finance, which states that the government of Prabowo Gibran must mitigate the global economic crisis.
00:20The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, evaluated the dynamic APBN posture, which is able to reduce the challenge.
00:30The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, evaluated the dynamic APBN posture, which is able to reduce the challenge.
00:36The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, evaluated the dynamic APBN posture, which is able to reduce the challenge.
00:43Sri Mulyani pointed out that during the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, the role of the APBN has become very crucial through social protection assistance,
00:50although it has caused the APBN deficit to plummet.
00:55However, during the high-income period, the APBN posture must remain maintained by ensuring that the deficit can return to a healthy level.
01:02This will result in fiscal consolidation policies that will be very much needed by the future government.
01:09That's why fiscal consolidation, if we look at the top right,
01:14from the time when the COVID-19 situation was very bad,
01:19we had to use all reserves, with a running deficit of up to 6%.
01:28As soon as there is a boom in commodity and economic recovery, we must immediately restore the APBN.
01:34Because we know that there will definitely be another shock that will happen and shake the economy.
01:43In addition, Menkyu emphasized the importance of fiscal coordination, the monetary sector and the financial sector in facing rising global challenges.
01:51The government also ensured that the future management of the APBN will remain credible.
