BI Pertahankan Suku Bunga di Level 6,25%

  • last month
Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, mengatakan keputusan BI untuk mempertahankan suku bunga acuan sebesar 6,25% sebagai langkah pre-emptive dan forward looking untuk menjaga inflasi tetap berada dalam sasaran.


00:00Indonesia's Bank of Indonesia, Periwar Jio, stated that the BI's decision to maintain 6.25% of the Bunga Acuan tribe as a pre-emptive and forward-looking step to maintain inflation is still within the target.
00:18Indonesia's Bank of Indonesia also decided to maintain the Bunga Deposit Facility tribe at 5.5% and the Bunga Landing Facility tribe at 7%.
00:28The decision is still consistent with the focus of monetary policy that is pro-stability, namely to further strengthen the stabilization of the exchange rate and pre-emptive and forward-looking steps to ensure that inflation is still under control in the target of 2.5% plus minus 1% in 2024 and 2025.
00:48Peri stated that the macro-prudential policy and the pro-growth payment system to support sustainable economic growth.
00:56The macro-prudential policy continues to push for credit or banking financing to the business world and households while still paying attention to the principle of caution.
01:06As for the payment system policy, it is directed to strengthen the reliability of the infrastructure and structure of the payment system industry as well as expand the acceptance of the digitalization of the payment system.
01:19On 20-21-2024, the Indonesian Government decided to maintain the BIR rate at 6.25%.
01:41The Bunga Deposit Facility tribe at 5.5% and the Bunga Landing Facility tribe at 7%.
