Too Close - Season 01 Episode 01

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00:30The blinding light
00:34Don't they know
00:37It's the end of the world
00:41It ended when you said goodbye
00:48Why does my heart go on bleeding?
00:55Why do these eyes of mine cry?
01:02Don't they know
01:05It's the end of the world
01:09It ended when you said goodbye
01:55Why do these eyes of mine cry?
02:26Hello, love.
02:29Oh, hi. Just tried you.
02:32Did you? My volume was down.
02:35You at home?
02:37I went to early yoga. Just finished.
02:40Are you smoking?
02:45What time do you want to leave this evening?
02:48Listen, Phil rang. I've got to go in.
02:52They want me to take on the Mortensen case.
02:55What? I thought you... we'd agreed.
02:59I've said yes.
03:01Have you?
03:03Let's talk later.
03:06Bye, love.
03:22Have you got any comments on the Connie Mortensen case?
03:48She's faking.
03:50You've got to have a chat with her for a minute.
03:52You reckon it was premeditated?
03:54She's faking the amnesia.
04:19You are up for this, aren't you?
04:21Everyone's breathing down my neck for a report.
04:33You got your alarm, yeah?
04:35She took a hefty bite out of security.
05:03Good morning, Constance.
05:05I'm Emma Robertson. I'm your new forensic psychiatrist.
05:11Well, don't you sound pleased with yourself?
05:33Go on.
05:35Have a good look.
05:37I would.
05:39How on earth did her life go so wrong?
05:44Quite easily, as it happens.
05:49So you better watch out with your swishy bag and your sensible shoes.
05:58You could be next.
06:06It's my job to keep you safe.
06:09To treat you.
06:12And the court have asked for my opinion of your mental state on the night of the offence.
06:17We need to find out why you are unable to recall the events of that night.
06:26I'm going to be recording our sessions, if that's all right.
06:30Just means I don't need to take too many notes.
06:35You like poetry, do you?
06:38Yes, I do.
06:42Now, why don't you tell me what happened that night?
06:49You're the expert. Why don't you tell me?
06:52You drove your car into the river, Constance. You're lucky to be alive.
07:01There were children in the back.
07:13I'm going to help you remember. How does that sound?
07:20Well, here we are, in some fancy part of North London where, rumour has it, there are more therapists than nut jobs.
07:30So when you look at it that way, I think you'll find I'm the one helping you.
07:37Oh, no phones in here, Doc.
07:43He's going to be late home, is he? That old chestnut.
07:49I think betrayal probably just begins with disenchantment.
07:54Is that what happened to you?
07:58I'd like to see Josh and Annie now.
08:00That's not going to be possible. Don't you have kids?
08:04The more you remember about that night, Constance, the better your chances.
08:07Or have they flown the nest? You're no spring chicken.
08:11In fact, I haven't even seen your qualifications yet. The other one showed me yours.
08:14Avoidance tactics won't work with me, Constance.
08:18Connie, please.
08:23So this is her, is it? The yummy mummy monster?
08:26Tabloid's a fair fortune for this.
08:28How long do you think she's realistically looking at?
08:31She pled not guilty, didn't she?
08:34Attempted murder, level one, which could be looking at 30 years.
08:38Or a lifetime hospitalised.
08:41Oh, that's down to you, my darling.
08:43Temporary insanity, she could soon be buzzing around a waitrose near you.
08:49That's her and the poor neighbour, Vanessa Jones, mother of the other little girl in the car.
08:55I must say, I prefer a modicum of sanity in my ladies.
09:03Sir, I have got files to read.
09:10Is this really such a good idea?
09:41My husband was meant to come. Where is he?
09:46And my mum.
09:49When is my mum coming?
09:51Not exactly queuing up, are they, Tufty?
09:55It's not really vocational for you, is it? The caring profession.
10:00You might be fooling all that lot with your little lost posh girl thing, but you ain't fooling me.
10:06You know exactly what you did.
10:15It's just a paracetamol.
10:19Hello, Dr Robertson.
10:22You be a good girl, Constance.
10:24Thank you, Addie.
10:25Off you trot, fatso.
10:29Good morning, Constance.
10:35I think I'd like one of your cigarettes.
10:39Is it menthol, or did you pop a mint in?
10:42You can't smoke in here.
10:44Oh, I don't smoke.
10:46I always think smoking is a sign of terrible weakness.
10:52Have you remembered anything about the night?
10:56How long have you been keeping little secrets from Psy Hubby, then?
11:03Why don't we begin with your relationship with Vanessa Jones?
11:10I don't know.
11:14Why don't we begin with your relationship with Vanessa Jones?
11:22It's Ness.
11:25Not Vanessa.
11:26I'm sorry, Ness.
11:34I wish it was before again.
11:38Before what, Connie?
11:42Before I was skinned, boned and filleted.
11:53Connie, they're mine.
11:55Give them back.
11:56Connie, give them back to the little girl.
11:57I'm not little.
11:58Oh, I am so sorry.
12:00What's your name?
12:02Give them back to Annie.
12:03Annie, stop shouting.
12:05Look, I might have some sweat.
12:06And don't swear.
12:07Jesus Christ.
12:08I'm really sorry.
12:09Please don't worry.
12:10No, honestly, Polly, she's such a biffer.
12:12Give them back to me.
12:14We've bought so many.
12:15Be nice.
12:16Who am I saying?
12:17Show them with the little girl.
12:19Follow me.
12:20All right, now they're both for us.
12:23Simple as that.
12:24She's such a flirt.
12:27Can I?
12:28Of course.
12:29Are you local?
12:30Yes, are you?
12:31We've just moved to the area.
12:32Oh, I thought I hadn't seen you before.
12:34Well, welcome.
12:36Polly starts at Meadowside next week.
12:39Oh, right.
12:40It's a great school.
12:43You don't know if the first train in the morning is reliable, do you?
12:46I'm not the best person to ask, I'm afraid.
12:48I work from home.
12:50Mm, have one.
12:52They taste better than they look.
13:00What do you do?
13:01Nothing spectacular.
13:03I write.
13:04I mean, copy editing, articles, journals, stuff, you know.
13:07I've got some...
13:18Oh, God, you smell fantastic.
13:20Oh, thank you.
13:21What is that?
13:22It's Joe Malone, the pomegranate one.
13:27It's good, right?
13:31It's my partner that has to be in early.
13:33And what does he do?
13:35She, actually.
13:42So, now that the school's got an outstanding,
13:45all the bankers are moving in.
13:47You'll see their wives at the school gate.
13:50They have flicky hair, little dogs that don't moult or shit.
13:54There's a lot of yoga.
13:56Oh, I love your tattoos.
13:58Oh, do you?
14:00I've never dared get one.
14:01Oh, thank you.
14:02Hello, Daddy.
14:03Hey, darling, how are you?
14:05This is us.
14:06Hi, Carl.
14:07That's my husband, Carl.
14:08Oh, and that's us, just here.
14:11Yeah, you must come meet Leah sometime.
14:13We're so close.
14:15Come on, Folly.
14:16Say goodbye.
14:22See you, Mum.
14:28I think my body was trying to tell me something,
14:31even back then.
14:32I felt a little tug, as if from the wings.
14:39Like a warning, perhaps.
14:43Did it make you uncomfortable,
14:45the fact that she was attracted to women?
14:56I like cock, Dr. Robertson.
15:00Dr. Robertson.
15:02I like men.
15:06Does it make you uncomfortable?
15:13So, back to you and Psy Hubby.
15:18A professional couple.
15:20Lifted a bit late.
15:22Just the one kid, I presume.
15:25Little Emmalina.
15:27And Pony Club.
15:28Extra Mandarin.
15:33Oh, you'll find everything's locked in here, Doctor.
15:37Windows, doors, cupboards, mines.
15:40Do you know what I think, Connie?
15:44I think that you are seriously underestimating
15:47the gravity of the situation that you're in.
15:50Attempted murder carries a long sentence.
15:53You can come across as a little headmistressy.
15:56You ought to watch that.
15:58I bet Psy Hubby is sick to death of it.
16:01Have you done this? Have you done that?
16:04At some stage, we all take responsibility for our actions.
16:09And a little smug, if you don't mind me saying.
16:13You're at it again.
16:15Avoidance tactics.
16:17Avoidance tactics.
16:23Would you say your life's pretty good,
16:26little Miss Mary Poppins?
16:33I mean, what could possibly go wrong in your perfect world?
16:37With your important job
16:40and your expensive but deathly dull clothes?
16:44And admit it, Doctor.
16:47You have let yourself go.
16:50You come home after a busy day
16:52saving people to your lovely terraced house.
16:56The white slatted blinds, the island kitchen,
17:00your poulet fumé cooling in the fridge.
17:03The cheek.
17:04And lovely Psy Hubby,
17:08your nice but dim husband,
17:11has cleaned up all the kid mess.
17:16But it's all such a jam, isn't it?
17:20Answer this.
17:45For how long can you realistically avoid it
17:49when it's all part of the unspoken contract of a couple?
17:56Tonight might have to be the night.
18:00The once a month duty fuck.
18:06And don't get me wrong, you're a good wife.
18:09You love Psy Hubby and all that.
18:11Blah, blah, blah.
18:13But it's such a monumental effort, isn't it?
18:17Come bedtime perhaps you could stall for a bit downstairs
18:22or pretend to be asleep.
18:25Working in bed?
18:28You didn't hear me come in.
18:30What are you listening to?
18:31Nothing, it's work.
18:38So you've got some catching up to do.
18:41So how was it?
18:43No biting, altercations?
18:45I've only had a glass or two.
18:51Oh, so tell me.
18:53What was Adrian's new girlfriend like?
18:55Far too good for him.
19:04They're coming round Thursday, by the way.
19:06I asked Hattie to.
19:08I'll do it.
19:09Please tell me your sisters dumped that dreadful boyfriend.
19:15Sarah, come on.
19:18How was the yummy mummy monster?
19:21Monstrously arrogant, actually.
19:24And don't be tabloid, Psy.
19:27Is she faking the amnesia?
19:31Can we not talk shop?
19:34I was thinking that maybe we should try and get away for the weekend.
19:39I've got orchestra Saturday afternoon.
19:41No way.
19:43It's just we never really do anything spontaneous.
19:57I missed something.
19:59It's my birthday.
20:01Did I win the lottery?
20:04Let's not bother.
20:33It's not so bad once you get going, is it?
20:54Although, let's be honest, it'd be nice if he'd hurry up and come.
21:02But fucking is easy, isn't it, Doctor?
21:06It's kissing that you can't fake.
21:09It's kissing that is the unbearable intimacy.
21:21Think about it.
21:23That mouth of his.
21:25The disgusting way it eats.
21:28The stupid things it says, the idiotic expressions it pulls.
21:36That mouse you're stuck with for the next 30 years.
22:05Oh, I think all of us use avoidance tactics, don't you, Doctor Robertson?
23:06I don't think so.
23:48What are you meant to do with all the love that's left over after someone's gone?
23:56Must go somewhere.
23:59I honestly don't know.
24:03You're not much help.
24:09It's kind of an unreliable.
24:12I wasn't talking about him.
24:24So good.
24:48OK, you're done, darling.
24:51Jade, I'll be back in just a sec.
25:01Mom, what are you doing?
25:02She's feral enough as it is.
25:04She was desperate.
25:06You're the dark leaf, darling.
25:08Polly, maybe don't watch, darling.
25:09Come here.
25:11Oh, come on.
25:12Look, it's that lesbian who reads the news.
25:14That's Polly's mum, Mum.
25:17Right, I've got to get back to it.
25:19Can you two look after them?
25:20You need a break, Colin.
25:22You haven't stopped.
25:23Let me go and get you some wine.
25:25All right, I'm gagging for some, but I warn you, it's five pounds of plastic glass.
25:28Oh, don't be fucking ridiculous.
25:30Happy language with the children.
25:32Granddad, shoot me with a machine gun in the face.
25:35Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
25:37Be careful.
25:43I'd like to welcome some new members to our meadowside family.
25:48I think Leah Worthington needs no introduction.
25:52And her lovely partner, Vanessa.
26:18So what's a girl got to do to get her face painted round here?
26:21Well, she has to turn up one time for one thing.
26:25Only joking.
26:28Let's see what I can do.
26:41You're copying my perfume.
26:53Did you go home and fuck after our little chat yesterday?
27:03How did it make you feel, the fact that she'd copied your perfume?
27:11You did.
27:16Look at you in your elasticated sports bra, hoping to get fit by fabric osmosis.
27:23What are you so angry about, Connie?
27:25I want to see Ness.
27:28What is it that you want to say to her?
27:31Perhaps we need to work that out first.
27:36You could pretend I'm her, talk to me if you like.
27:39Oh, a little role play.
27:42Did you do a weekend course in it?
27:44We could begin where you left off.
27:46Let's pretend we're at the face painting store.
27:58Are you all right?
28:10There's no need to be scared of me, Doctor.
28:12I'm not scared of you.
28:22You copied my tattoo.
28:27You copied my perfume.
28:29I did.
28:32How's that made you feel?
28:36A bit robbed, to be honest.
28:42Robbed and...
28:56What stunning eyes you've got.
29:19What did you do, my lovely?
29:25Why are you so full of pain?
29:32What happened?
29:43You're going to be late for your tea.
30:13Oh, I'm so sorry, I just...
30:15Don't worry, it's fine.
30:17I think I should warn you that the prosecution might show some evidence that's going to be disturbing.
30:23I mean, obviously we'll try to exclude it on grounds of relevance.
30:27But I think it's best you see these photographs now.
30:45Oh, Annie.
30:54Oh, sorry.
31:03It's okay, Doc.
31:05It's just a thing Annie does.
31:08It's a game.
31:10She's always play-acting.
31:14It's just a game.
31:17That is not a game, Constance.
31:22I know it's...
31:52It's okay, Connie.
32:00I want to see my baby.
32:04I want to see my baby.
32:07It's okay.
32:09I want to see my babies.
32:12Where are my babies?
32:14Where are my babies?
32:18Give me my babies!
32:26Give me my babies!
32:28Give me my babies!
32:30You need to get on a ramp.
32:31I'm going to raise the power now.
32:39That's it, Connie.
32:40Take a breath, Connie.
33:10He was horrible, Savannah.
33:24His room was disgusting.
33:25He never did any work.
33:26He never got up before three.
33:28I can never get up in the mornings.
33:30That's what she said.
33:38I want to hear about this hitchhiking trip around the south of France.
33:41Can you tell me anything?
33:45No, no, no.
33:47Don't you dare start.
33:48Let's get some more wine.
33:49More wine.
33:50I'll be back.
33:53Anyway, you changed the subject.
33:55I wanted to ask Emma about the case.
33:59What's she like?
34:08The yummy mummy monster.
34:10Did the kids die?
34:11The kids survived.
34:13Well, the baby's got it wrong, doesn't it?
34:15Um, Leo Worthington wrote a beautiful piece about him, didn't he?
34:18I did, yes.
34:19So, um, I know someone who used to do the park run with the yummy monster's husband.
34:25He's really cool about it.
34:27That's what it said on the news.
34:28Anyway, that's right, isn't it?
34:30Mind you, I'd kill my bloody kids giving the hell for Charles.
34:35Have you read what they're saying about it on Twitter, Emma?
34:38Shit storm.
34:40Christ almighty.
34:42What is going to happen to her?
34:44She should fry, man.
34:46Oh, shut up, Blair.
34:50Seriously, though, she is a monster, isn't she?
34:53Patient confidentiality.
34:55Emma can't talk about it.
35:00That's it, Emma can't talk about it.
35:05Excuse me.
35:15Seriously, though, can you imagine that phone call?
35:18No, no, no, they've had a great sleepover.
35:21Yeah, there's just one tiny, weeny little thing.
35:27Em, it's me.
35:29You all right?
35:49Bloody hell.
35:58It wasn't Connie's fault.
36:02That's ABH.
36:05The way they talk.
36:08The vitriol.
36:10It's disgusting.
36:14That Blair bloke, he's the bloody monster.
36:16Careful what you say, he might end up my brother-in-law.
36:18I'm always careful what I say, it's my job.
36:20You've had too much to drink, love, I'll get them to go.
36:23And I'm going to have loads more, it's a day off tomorrow.
36:26No, love, it's Friday tomorrow.
36:55She was shown a photograph today.
37:09Her daughter lying there on a white sheet.
37:14Her little body.
37:16Tubes everywhere.
37:20Do you know what she did?
37:24She laughed.
37:26She just laughed.
37:28She's not of sound mind, darling.
37:34Do I nag?
37:35You do.
37:36I don't mind.
37:39Oh, God, listen to them.
37:41Is she dead?
37:42Is she in a coma?
37:43What do they care?
37:44A dead child's just a dead child.
37:46Don't be cruel, Emma.
37:48Me, cruel?
37:50You don't even say her name.
37:54Say it, Si, say our daughter's name.
38:20You look like shit.
38:29You don't look so great yourself.
38:42Do you hate me?
38:53Shall we talk about Carl?
39:10Do you think the pills are still working, Con?
39:14Are you happy?
39:16Life is not all about being happy, Carl.
39:20Were you happy?
39:25Why, exactly.
39:27It's just how it is once you have kids.
39:31I don't even recognise myself half the time.
39:33Now, don't be so dramatic.
39:35You're just going through a rough patch.
39:38Work will come in.
39:41I thought you had an order.
39:48Were you just numb?
39:52Wasn't there anything making you feel alive?
40:05She made me feel alive.
40:09At this age, when you really connect with someone,
40:16it's a bit like falling in love.
40:21Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there.
40:24But just remember, there's a lot of bad.
40:27And beware.
40:28Oh, I know this, I know this, I know this.
40:31I know this.
40:33Oh, I know this.
40:36Too slow.
40:37I know this.
40:44I don't know this version.
40:46It's a black version, that's why.
41:08Ignore him.
41:10It's Carl.
41:11I can't, you'll worry.
41:13It's Carl.
41:17Tell me more about that other guy.
41:20The big one, before Carl.
41:22Oh, it was so complicated.
41:27He was my professor at uni.
41:31He was married.
41:36I bet the sex was good, though.
41:46Have you always been with women?
41:49No, Lee was my first.
41:57Do you have a good sex life?
41:59Me and Lee, yeah.
42:01Do you?
42:14I really should make more of an effort.
42:16Oh, me too.
42:18I'd chuck out the granny pants.
42:20But they're so comfortable.
42:23Well, I suppose I could dig out the old French maid's outfit.
42:30You dress up?
42:33I'm serious, do you?
42:35Well, many centuries ago.
42:38No way!
42:41I'd feel like Saint-Troblanco.
42:44Tell me.
42:47Things like what?
42:49OK, well, I do have a nun's outfit somewhere.
42:58It's because Carl is a Catholic.
43:01They love that shit.
43:05Sex tip number one, Vanessa.
43:08When getting it from behind, one must never, ever turn around
43:13and try to look sexy, because it just doesn't work.
43:32Can I ask you something?
43:35Of course.
43:40How does everyone else function?
43:49I just don't understand.
43:53Why aren't the streets full of wrecked people?
44:14Oh, God.
44:16I'm sorry, this is inexcusable.
44:23No, it's OK.
44:26Get it all out.
44:28It happens to the rest of us.
44:34I'm just... I apologise.
44:42Oh, God, it's OK.
44:48I'm really...
44:52I apologise.
44:54Oh, red wine, poor you.
44:58It's all right.
45:20You're wearing my jacket.
45:31Hi, I'm Carl Mortensen.
45:33You're here to see Constance Mortensen.
45:39You're not on the list.
45:41You've got to give a 24-hours notice to the social worker.
45:44That's just how it is.
45:48I brought a cake.
46:11That was quick.
46:13Yeah, my fault. You have to book ahead.
