• 2 months ago
Benzinga's PreMarket Prep is the #1 go-to source for everything you need to know before the market opens! Join our expert hosts as they break down the latest market trends, analyze key indicators, and provide actionable insights to help you navigate the trading day ahead.


00:00All right, Mr. Jay Woods, CMT Capital Markets. How are you doing this morning?
00:05I'm doing great. Thanks for having me back.
00:08Of course, we love having you on here, Jay. A lot has happened since last time we spoke.
00:14Of course, you go back a couple of Mondays ago, it was our version of the Black Monday. It was
00:20the Japanese yen carry trade that lasted all of about 24 hours. Walk me through what your thought
00:26process was while this was going on, and where do you think we sit now?
00:30Yeah, we're kind of back to where we were before that even happened. When I see the VIX spike
00:36above 60, yeah, that was crazy. Put that in perspective. It was the third highest reading
00:44we've ever had in the VIX, and then it was bigger than 9.11. Are we serious right now?
00:50I know we shut down for four days, maybe that calmed the VIX down a little bit,
00:54but my God, there is panic, there is fear in this market. People are jittery. To think that
01:00we've gotten you all clear with this nice rally, which, hey, I think we overreacted clearly on
01:06August 5th, but we got a lot of things we're going to focus on and see some headlines that
01:11may come up. We'll talk Jackson Hole in a second. We'll talk about that September 18th meeting,
01:17we can talk election, but I don't think this is an all clear. You may hear a lot of technicians
01:22come on and say double top in the next few sessions here with you guys. I don't look at
01:29it as a double top. I look at it as consolidation, and we'll hit some resistance levels. Maybe we
01:34will make a new all-time high. If Powell says something we don't expect, that would shock me,
01:40to be honest with you. But yeah, that August 5th moment, there were a lot of factors in play,
01:45geopolitical concerns over that weekend, Harris getting even with Trump in the polls, and then
01:50we had that unemployment number on the Friday beforehand that kind of basically affirmed that
01:55the Fed screwed up at their last meeting. They should have cut rates when they didn't. The
01:59minutes basically told us that yesterday. It was a point flip. They could have cut rates last time,
02:04they didn't. Now we know they're going to cut. The question is, when he telegraphs this tomorrow,
02:11is it going to be 50? Because I think the market's anticipating more than a quarter point cut as
02:17early as September, and I don't think they're going to get it. What are the odds again,
02:22AB? Bring up that chart while I'll ask Jay just to further on that. It's like a third,
02:26two thirds. A third for 50 as of yesterday. I mean, that thing changes like the wind.
02:34If he comes in dovish and starts hitting about 50, we could get a rip-roaring rally on that. So maybe
02:39that is what we're looking at for tomorrow, is really the commentary. Are we getting 25 or 50?
02:45Because here, AB just brought up the current odds. It's 28.5% for a 50, 71.5% for a 25. It's
02:52zero for nothing. So we've already completely baked in at least a quarter of a point, and
02:57there's still 28.5% of people who are holding out for a half. So let's just take away from the
03:05recent rally. Are we now like green light for stocks overall, like going into next year,
03:12we're really going into an interest rate environment that's going to be more accommodating
03:15for stocks? Well, long-term, yeah, I think we are. Take off the short-term rally, yeah.
03:23Yeah, exactly. You take off the short-term rally, I think everything technically has played out the
03:29way it should in an election year cycle, in a seasonal cycle. August is up slightly right now.
03:35We haven't had an up August-September stretch in over three years. We'll see if we can break
03:39that string. I don't think we will by the end of September. Most markets bottom in October,
03:44and then you talked about the VIX. I went back and I looked at 2016, 2020. 2020 was COVID,
03:49so it's a little skewed. But the VIX had spikes in both those years early on, and then September,
03:57and as we got close to the election, we had another spike. So I think these headlines are
04:00going to cause a little angst, and I don't think it's all clear right now. But once that election
04:04is settled, go back to 2016. Controversial election. Trump was involved. 2020, controversial
04:10election. Trump was involved. Didn't matter what the outcome was, we rallied from Election Day
04:16into the end of the year, and I think the setup is there. And then you look at the earnings growth
04:20story. I mean, when Walmart and Target are doing what they're doing right now, the consumer is
04:25doing okay. It's not the ideal leadership. What we're seeing is a pause in those MAC7 names,
04:32and I know next week, I have a feeling you're going to talk about NVIDIA a little bit.
04:36I don't know why I have this premonition. Yeah, but let's see what they do. Last August,
04:42NVIDIA was the tell-to-me that the market was changing. It had its best quarter ever. It gapped,
04:49and watch Friday in the market, just like I watched NVIDIA on that August of 2023. It gapped on the
04:56open, and the gap filled. It closed up a dime, and then it went down from, it was trading at $400,
05:03so it would be $40 now, from $480 down to $400. It chopped sideways, worked its way up, and broke
05:09out in January. We're seeing consolidation in those MAC7 names right now. Will this be enough
05:15to break it out? We saw that happen in Walmart. I don't think it's going to happen in NVIDIA next
05:20week. I hope I'm wrong, but yeah, it's an interesting time where the leadership staples
05:27utilities. The equal weighted S&P 500 is outperforming the Magnificent 7 for the first
05:33time in a long time, so this is healthy, but it's not sexy. VIX, you get more clicks and sexy sells
05:42too. We may not get sexy until the end of the year, so. I've never heard of that. VIX,
05:49the more you've never heard that, that's as old as...
05:54Jay, Philip, you mentioned here in the chat that we are coming into an election,
06:00and the Fed is supposed to be just focused on its dual mandate, and maybe me and Phil are
06:09the only ones thinking this, that no rate cut at all. There's zero chance of no cut. He's going
06:17to cut, and he should have cut last time, and yes, people will say you can't do this during an
06:22election year, because whatever happens, one side of the aisle is going to condemn him for not
06:28cutting. The other side is going to condemn him for cutting. You're making this party look good
06:33right now because the market's getting that tailwind. Well, guess what? It's already baked in,
06:38and I hope I'm wrong, but I think we've already bought the rumor, and what's the other side of
06:44that old adage? Sell the news, and I have a feeling we're going to get a sell the news event at first,
06:51but I think you look at the data. When we cut rates in a non-recessionary time, and this is not
07:00a recession right now, I'm sorry, but it is not, the market will rally three months later,
07:06six months later, 12 months later, and what is the one sector that does really well? Small caps,
07:12and I've been early to this party. I know I've touted small caps, and I'm getting my head kicked
07:17in by a few people. It deservedly so, but small caps have yet to make that all-time high. They
07:23got a little way over, I think 10%, but when they move, as we saw in the beginning of July,
07:29when we had the rotation, they move quickly. It happened October 27th to December 23rd last year.
07:35They were up 27%, so the setup is there for small caps to finally catapult, and people just rush
07:43into that trade, and I still think there's a leg there, and historically, when you do start to cut
07:48rates, and he's not going to cut 50. I'd be shocked, especially in an election year. Now,
07:55you want to add fuel to this political narrative? Cut 50 points. People on the right-hand side of
08:02the aisle are going to be like, what are you doing? You mentioned it. You mentioned he was
08:07late. He was late when we started raising rates. He is late now because we should have had a
08:12quarter-point cut, and I go back to July of 23. That last quarter-point hike was so unnecessary.
08:19He could have eased off on that and kept it at 5% and see where we go, but the Mr. Data-dependent
08:27Jerome Powell, he is probably just going to test the waters with 25, see where we go,
08:32and I would be shocked if we got maybe one more at the end of the year. I'm not in this camp that
08:40they're going to cut, cut, cut. I don't see the need for that right now. 25, and then maybe another
08:4525, and done, because some people are calling for like 50, 50, 50. I've seen, like, I'm like,
08:51are you crazy? There's no way that's happening. These are the same people that called for six
08:56in the beginning of the year, and that's when the rustle took off. Emergency rate cuts.
09:02That was the other thing. Now, emergency rate cuts because we had one bad day. That lasted all
09:09of 24 hours, as you mentioned, and cooler heads have prevailed. Thank goodness the Fed did not
09:16jump to do something, because if you have an emergency cut, when did we have an emergency cut?
09:20COVID. Guess what? That was an emergency at the time. If you remember, people were dying. We had
09:26no idea what was going on. The Japanese yen carry trade? No, I'm sorry. I mean, I'm not too astute
09:34in exactly what could be the ramifications of that. I think there could be another, you know,
09:40shoe to drop there that didn't resolve itself in one day. I don't think so, but we may see more
09:44headlines there, and the market is still jittery, going back to my original point, but let's look
09:50at some charts. I see you got some fun charts up there. We can talk economic policy. So speaking
09:56of the chart, Jay, I mean, it looks like as we're running up on this Fed decision on the 18th of
10:02September, the S&P 500, the overall market, we could be at this inflection point where we're
10:07kind of creeping back toward all-time highs. It could, you know, some people with a bearish
10:11outlook might say it looks a little double-toppy. Other people might say we're prone to breakout.
10:16Which side of the aisle would you find yourself on? In the near term, I'm in the camp. If you
10:23were smart enough, which most of your audience probably was, to buy stock on that dip on August
10:295th, you got to lighten up a little bit because we are at an inflection point. I think we could
10:36have a near-term double-top and a chop, and we go sideways. We could have a 5% correction. That
10:41brings us down to, what, 5,200. That's not out of the realm of possibility. We got there in three
10:46days before. So I don't expect us to explode upward immediately on that initial rate cut on the 18th.
10:54I don't think he's going to say anything at Jackson Hole tomorrow that's going to cause the
10:59market to explode. Watch how we close. If we do get a pop, see if we can hold it into a Friday close
11:06coming into the end of August the following week. I'd be surprised, but we'll see.
11:14The one stock, and I hate to put it on one stock, but NVIDIA. Let's see if that can get
11:18back to that 140 level as we go into earnings and eclipse it and hold it. I don't see it happening,
11:28but it very well could. But if it does, then, oh my God, the leadership is there, and it will
11:36take a lot of boats with it, and the boats that are important because they're the largest market
11:41cap stocks. But right now, no, I think we're near-term. Let's take a little off the table,
11:48see how this shakes out. And if I miss the initial move out on a breakout in the S&P 500,
11:53I'm not afraid to chase with stops in place because you'll have that risk reward set up
11:58where if it's a failed breakout, you want to get out quickly.
