• last year
It’s something we ask every year and 2024 is no different.

We hit the streets of Manchester to find people with pups to try and establish whether they would rather a romantic date night or an evening on the sofa with their pooch.


00:00This is my dog Cooper and I can honestly say she's one of my favourite beings in
00:04the entire world and given a perfect evening there's nothing I'd rather do
00:08than cuddle up on the sofa with her. And that's exactly the question that I'm
00:11asking people on the streets of Manchester today. Whether they'd rather
00:14cuddle up on the sofa with their dog, maybe go for a walk or have a perfect
00:18date night with their partner. So here's what they had to say.
00:21Run to and from work out with the dog.
00:23Cuddle up with the dog on the sofa.
00:25Where would you go? What would you do?
00:27The best run they accepted. So possibly the Wharf of Castlefield or Beardshack, a fabulous place in
00:32Northern Porter. A lot of places in Northern Porter take doggies, so yeah.
00:37Well yeah, partly I've got kids so like it'd be, I'm just exhausted all the time but yeah
00:41no it's staying in and chilling with the dog, she loves cuddles, super friendly.
00:45Dogs need exercise, dogs need mental stimulation like, come here, come here, come here.
00:53He's only 16 weeks old as well, so yeah, he's got a lot of tenacity about him, but yeah.
