• 2 months ago
Statements by Freddy Náñez, Sectoral Vice-President for Communication, Culture and Tourism, after the final declarations of the Venezuelan Supreme Court on the July 28 presidential elections. teleSUR


00:00An act of the highest institutionality that ratifies the republican character of our processes,
00:11of our institutions, I insist, and besides, it has ratified that everything that has been
00:20the contentious appeal has been duly informed and it has been a public fact, a transparent
00:28fact, and it's being strengthened, the Venezuelan institutionality, and it's crystal clear that
00:36all answers to the political contingency in our country are already written and in the
00:44constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which are abided by the Venezuelan
00:54Our institutions are strengthened and are in compliance with what's happening on the
01:01It's a spirit of peace, of normality, and the Venezuelan accord and political resolution,
01:11any conflicts being held here, and so right now, let's make a great effort to communicate,
01:20to disseminate in a truthful character this event, this unprecedented event, which will
01:29be recalled in the history as an event of the highest democratic level.
01:37All Venezuelans, we hope this ship that arrives at its port within the framework, within the
01:50framework of laws and democracy, with this final judgment so clear and steadfast, it
01:57is strengthened our electoral power because it has been an electoral power that despite
02:05the cyber attacks that continue suffering, provided the information, the tally sheets,
02:13the unique electoral system guaranteed despite the ongoing cyber coup d'etat, guaranteed
02:23the will of the Venezuelan people, which was safeguarded by institutionality, I am very
02:30pleased about these results.
02:32And with this final judgment, it is ratified the institutionality of Venezuela, and it
02:38is an example for the world that the Venezuelans are responsible and have the capacity to sort
02:44out its own problems without any intervention, and that's the big message that we could highlight
02:52at the international arena.
02:55Definitely there's the importance of being, of attending this event, the diplomatic accredited
03:02corps, and that diplomatic corps have been witnessing how institutions work, and how
03:10this principle of sovereignty, of self-determination of the peoples work here, which guarantee
03:18that we have an international right.
03:21And besides these events, it's part of a precedent that have occurred in several countries of
03:28the world, in which when there is an electoral controversy, the Supreme Court of Justice
03:35decides and is part of the problem.
03:40But all powers are part of the system of the Republic, and we have to highlight that the
03:49President of the Republic, which is a constituent, one of the Venezuelans that were able to write
03:59chapters of this constitution when it was the time he appealed to constitution and search
04:06a democratic resolution, a political resolution, a republican resolution, and there it is the
04:16highest, the goodness of the head of state, in which he prevailed the sovereignty of the
04:29country and the peace of Venezuela, and so as a result, this is a thorough process.
04:38Till today, the Supreme Court of Justice have given information about all moments of this
04:46process, of this auditing process, and all Venezuelans have been very invested, and so
04:54as Ministry of Communications, this what have been happening could be disseminated in the
05:04international media outlets, and we could break, we could disrupt the communications
05:12blockade which have tried to mitigate this electoral process.
05:19So it is a call for all media outlets to disseminate the actual events in this, to take the truth
05:30of Venezuela, to tell the truth of Venezuela, and it is going to be an example for the whole world.
