My BFF is a Fake (English)

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00:00There I was caught in my own game outwitted and destroyed my heart raced with the painful realization that I've been a complete fool
00:08Hi, I'm Ella Holmes the world's best detective. No, wait, I'm Ella Stone and technically
00:13I'm not a detective more of a detective enthusiast and this is my story
00:17Don't forget to Like and subscribe ever since I was little I was fascinated by mysteries
00:22I'd read detective stories under the blanket with a flashlight on when I was 7
00:26I was convinced that my teacher was a criminal. She had these beady eyes in this creepy old face
00:32So I followed her and caught her stealing money from the school bake sale
00:36The principal gave me an award and everyone cheered. I was on top of the world. But of course, I couldn't stop there
00:42I sought out more
00:43mysteries to solve like who wrote bad words on the bathroom stalls left their stinky gym socks on the floor had a secret crush or
00:50Farted in the library to me. Everyone at school was a suspect and had something to hide. I know you did it
00:56Don't you lie to me, but I'm innocent. Wait, what are we even talking about?
00:59Eventually things got out of hand kids ran away when they saw me. I didn't do whatever you think I did. Leave me alone
01:06They got really mad when they caught me searching through their stuff for evidence
01:09So I didn't have many friends
01:11But that was okay because I had Jenny Jenny was my neighbor and we've been best friends since I saw her playing in her front
01:17Yard, and this mean girl walked up and pulled her hair. Ouch. That hurts. Oh, look at the big baby
01:22Is she gonna cry leave her alone you dirty scoundrel you shameless knave what the heck is a knave
01:29Who's a dictionary then?
01:30I throw my dictionary in her face kick her in her big butt punched her nose and started
01:35Screaming like a maniac after that Jenny and I were inseparable and she always made sure I had the best shoes
01:41You see Jenny's dad was the biggest shoe manufacturer in the country and Jenny was a spoiled princess
01:46She had the most outrageous birthday parties and they always had a theme when she was turning 15
01:51Her theme was awesome magical princesses, but I wouldn't wear a pink glittery dress not for her or for anyone Ella
01:58Who are you supposed to be?
01:59Hercule Poirot, uh, you were supposed to be an awesome magical princess if you're not a princess and the party won't work
02:05It'll be too confusing. My birthday will be ruined the pictures. Oh my god the pictures. What am I gonna do?
02:11This is terrible. This is a disaster just as Jenny was about to have a meltdown. I got an idea
02:16I snatched a tiara off a pinata and put it on my head. Hey, look Jenny. I'm princess Poirot
02:22Jenny gave me a hug and the party was going fine until I saw this shady looking clown hanging around Jenny's gifts
02:28I crept over to get a closer look, but he spotted me and he started running. Hey, stop that clown
02:33I chased him down
02:35He tossed a balloon at me
02:36But I jumped over it and accidentally bumped the gift table which fell into the pool
02:40Then I tackled the clown and we smashed into the cake Ella
02:44I looked up to see Jenny crying and all the guests glaring at me come to find out the clown was Jenny's
02:50Harmless grandpa after that I was kicked out of the party and Jenny stopped talking to me completely
02:55But things changed a couple years later when I heard Jenny sobbing in her backyard one day. Hey, are you okay?
03:01Do I look like I'm okay? My heart is shattered. I'll always be alone
03:06I'll never find love again want to talk about it to my surprise Jenny spilled the beans
03:12She told me she met a boy, but she lost his number. Okay, what's his name Alex Jenny shook her head in despair
03:18She only knew his first name. Don't worry. I'll find him for you. I kept my promise to Jenny
03:23We spent the whole night combing the internet and we finally found Jenny's crush
03:27We sent him a message and he asked Jenny out on a date. Jenny was over the moon
03:31You're the most awesome friend in the entire world and the best detective
03:35I know it felt good to have my BFF back a couple weeks later Jenny threw one of her famous slumber parties
03:42She invited me and the most popular girls in school
03:45We were having fun playing games and asking ask brain to to tell us our future when nature called Jenny's bathroom was already taken
03:52So I had to go to the one in the hallway
03:54I went past Jenny's dad's office the door was open and there was enough light for me to see his huge library with wall-to-wall
04:01Bookshelves, I couldn't help myself. I had to look around then I noticed a slightly crooked book
04:06It messed with my OCD and I pushed it so it was symmetrical with the rest of them
04:10Suddenly the shelves started moving and a door opened behind them
04:14There was a room with stacks and stacks of documents. I picked up a file and read it
04:19I was shocked to discover that Jenny's dad's factories were a complete scam and that the shoes that were
04:26Supposedly made in the US were made in a foreign country in sweatshops
04:30I took one of the folders and ran out of there. I knew this wasn't right
04:33I stashed it in my bag and ran back to Jenny's room to tell her about it. Your dad has a secret
04:38We need to talk not now Ella, but it's really important. How many times must I tell you? This is not a mystery party
04:45It's a tick-tock party
04:46So, please shut up and dance the next day Jenny left town with her family before we could have a conversation
04:51I tried calling her but she didn't answer her phone after a few days. I started getting squirrely
04:56I couldn't sit on the secret for another minute. I'd solved the crime of the century
05:00Okay, maybe it wasn't that big but it was the biggest crime my city had ever seen
05:04I went to the police. I had to do the right thing. It was my duty as a detective
05:09I took the evidence to the police and the next day when Jenny and her family got back to town
05:13Jenny's dad was arrested. My face was in the paper for cracking open the case
05:17I was suddenly famous and people started hiring me for my detective skills
05:21But soon after Jenny's dad's company was shut down and he was sent to prison
05:24Her mom had to sell their house and move into a small apartment on the bad side of town
05:29Jenny's mom hadn't worked a day in her life. So she struggled to find a job
05:33Things were so bad. I even saw Jenny and her mom waiting in line at the soup kitchen
05:37I felt so bad that I tried to apologize get out of my face you traitor. I'm sorry, Jenny
05:43I didn't realize that this would be so painful for you
05:46Are you some kind of idiot you sent my dad to jail and destroyed our lives?
05:50What part about this did you think would be fun for me?
05:53I started leaving money for my detective jobs in Jenny's mailbox to help Jenny and her mom out though
05:58It wasn't much my biggest job was finding principal Bynum's lost cat Pookie and my math teachers missing golf clubs
06:04Then one day I got a DM for a job and the client wanted to pay me
06:09$50,000 I met my potential client at a coffee shop downtown
06:12His name was Vance and he was a couple of years older than me
06:16He was dressed in a Versace suit and a Rolex watch and he smelled like heaven
06:20Something was stolen from me and I need you to get it back
06:23I'm good at finding things, but shouldn't you go to the police a couple from another table glanced in our direction Vance leaned toward me
06:30I think we may need to speak somewhere a little more private
06:33He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside
06:35When his fingers touched mine my heart raced an evil man tricked my grandmother into giving him a priceless heirloom
06:41Vance showed me a picture of a golden Faberge egg lined with emeralds and rubies
06:46It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen it's worth 1 million dollars
06:51But I'll give you a finder's fee all you have to do is break into this evil man's house and get it Vance took off
06:56His sunglasses and looked up at me with the most beautiful sapphire eyes and I almost melted into a puddle
07:02I never felt like this about a boy before I shook the feeling off and regained my focus. I was a professional. Sorry
07:08I'm not a thief. I'm a detective what you're asking me to do is a crime
07:12Vance stared at me for a moment, then he leaned against the wall and sighed you're right. That would be wrong
07:18I was just so sad. I didn't know where to turn or what to do
07:21I read about how you took down that corrupt businessman
07:24I thought you could help me that egg means so much to me, but I see now that I was wrong
07:29I hope you can forgive me Vance stepped toward me
07:31He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear my heart turned a dozen flips. It's okay
07:37I understand we all make mistakes Thank You Ella
07:40My granny would have liked you Vance kissed me on the cheek then walked away
07:43I could barely sleep that night because I kept dreaming of Vance and his pretty eyes a couple of days later
07:49The strangest thing happened. I went to Jenny's house to drop off some money in the mailbox and I heard Jenny
07:55Screaming like a banshee I ran inside and saw Jenny's house in shambles
07:59Furniture was knocked over and glass was shattered everywhere like there had been some kind of struggle. My mom's been kidnapped
08:06I started to call the police, but Jenny snatched my phone and threw it out the window
08:10What did you do that for the kidnappers left a note?
08:12They said they'd hurt her if I called the police the detective in me leapt into action
08:17I snatched the note out of Jenny's hand and read it the kidnapper said they'd trade Jenny's mom for
08:23$100,000 in the next 24 hours, but if we called the police we could kiss Jenny's mom. Goodbye
08:28I don't know what to do. I couldn't let Jenny lose both her parents because of me
08:33We'll have to give them the cash. Are you delusional? I don't have that kind of money
08:37My mom and I are flat broke. Thanks to you. Remember then something inside me clicked. I think I can get the money
08:44How don't worry about it. Just sit tight. I'll be back soon
08:47I raced out of Jenny's house and called Vance is your job still on the table?
08:50Yes, but I thought you weren't interested make it a hundred thousand dollars in cash and I'm in deal
08:55Vance gave me the evil man's address and told me where to find the Fabergé egg
09:00I rode my bike to the evil man's house. I saw an open window on the first floor
09:04There were a few cameras outside the house. So I put a mask on then climbed through the window
09:08I tiptoed through the house
09:09I found the egg and put it in my backpack and just as I was about to leave I tripped over Pookie the principal's cat
09:16Pookie jumped up and thrust her claws into my chest
09:19Screamed and then all the lights in the house turned on principal Bynum ran down the stairs in his nightgown and a bat thief
09:26Let go of my sweet cat principal Bynum chased me around the room and Pookie got so scared. She started scratching me
09:32I finally pulled Pookie off me set her on the floor and rushed out the door
09:36I climbed on my bike and raced home as fast as I could as soon as I walked through the door
09:40I got a call from Jenny the kidnappers want their money now. I thought we had 24 hours. They changed the timeline
09:47I hung up with Jenny and called Vance. We met at a park near my house. Do you have the egg?
09:51Yes, it's here. I gave Vance the egg. What about the money Vance gave me a duffel bag. It's all there
09:57I must get going now
09:58I have a flight to catch Vance kissed me on the cheek and then got into his fancy car and drove off
10:03I hopped onto my bike and headed straight to Jenny's but as I was riding down the road the cops appeared out of nowhere
10:09They'd received an anonymous tip that I'd stolen the egg
10:12The police hauled me off to jail principal Bynum and my parents were so disappointed mom dad the principal's evil
10:19He stole that egg from someone and I had to steal it back because I had to pay off the kidnappers because Jenny's mom's life
10:26Was in danger. I had to do it. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy Ella. You must be mistaken
10:31I bought the egg in an auction. I have the receipt and Jenny's mom was never kidnapped
10:36She's probably safe at home fast asleep and that money in your bag is fake
10:40The officer opened the duffel bag and when I looked inside my blood ran cold. All the money was monopoly money
10:47I've been tricked
10:48I felt like such an idiot
10:49But what happened next totally rocked my world the police told me that Vance was Jenny's cousin and he was a thief
10:56Wanted in connection to a dozen robberies around the world. The police had been monitoring him for years
11:01We tapped Vance's phone and overheard his plans with Jenny to frame you for stealing the egg
11:06Then he would leave the country sell the egg and transfer half the money to Jenny
11:10But if we know anything about Vance, he's gonna double-cross Jenny too and not give her a dime for it
11:15It turned out the police officer was right because when they went to arrest Jenny and her mom
11:19They confessed to the crime and said Vance hadn't been answering any of their calls. Thanks to the tracker
11:24He was soon caught at an airport and taken to jail for his crimes as Jenny's trial was about to start
11:29I spoke to the principal. I'm sorry. Mr. Bynum what I did was wrong, but please don't be so hard on Jenny and her family
11:35It's my fault. She did what she did
11:37I set out to find the truth
11:39But I hurt her more than I could ever know because of me her dad is in jail and she's lost the life
11:44She knew on the day the judge was set to sentence Jenny principal Bynum asked him for leniency instead of going to Juvenile Hall
11:51She had to do community service picking up trash on the road for six months and one day I joined her
11:56I heard what you said to principal Bynum. Why would you want to help me after I framed you?
12:01You're my friend and I regret what I did to you. Even if what I did was right
12:05I'm sorry for what I did and I think we're way past even now
12:08Maybe we could start with a clean slate. Really? I miss my best friend. Me too
