I'm The Top In Everything

  • 2 days ago
#animatedstories #lifeexperiences #personaldrama #emotionalanimation #inspirationaltales #teenstruggles #familyconflicts #relationshipissues #comingofage #highschooldrama #friendshipstories #lifelessons #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #uniquestories #animatedlife #reallifeevents #motivationalstories #lovestories #betrayaltales #overcomingchallenges #animatedconfessions #familydynamics #socialissues #mentalhealth #identitycrisis #animatednarratives #dramafilledstories #relatablecontent #animatedvlogs #viewersubmissions

MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00I stomped my feet on the floor, pounded the walls with my fists, and let out my most glass-shattering scream.
00:06There she goes again, throwing another temper tantrum.
00:08That was my dad. And that's me, rolling around like a pig in mud.
00:12My dad was about to leave for another business trip, and I didn't want him to go.
00:16He was a wealthy, highly successful businessman, and was constantly traveling the world to meet with new clients.
00:22But dad, do you have to go?
00:24Yes. Someone has to pay for this mansion and all of your expensive things.
00:27Now get up off the floor. You don't see your sister throwing a tantrum, do you?
00:30Yeah, Jenny. You look like one of those filthy goats we saw at the petting zoo.
00:34Aw, those goats were so cute.
00:36My big sister Clara gave me a disgusted look.
00:39She was a year older and always trying to make me look bad.
00:42And okay, maybe being on the floor wasn't helping my case.
00:46Hi everyone, I'm Jenny, aka the Jockey Barbie.
00:49But before I tell you how I got that nickname, please like and subscribe.
00:52Growing up, my sister had always overshadowed me.
00:55When I was six and learned how to play the ukulele, Clara taught herself to play the violin.
01:00When I put on a puppet show for my parents with stuffed animals,
01:03Clara directed a whole play with actors and fancy sets and everything.
01:07One time when I was 12, the President and the First Lady came to visit our house for dinner.
01:12It was a big deal.
01:13There were a bunch of reporters, and the staff prepared the house for weeks.
01:17My dad was so nervous that he started yelling at a servant.
01:20This is gold cutlery. I told you to use silver. The First Lady hates gold.
01:24Fix it now.
01:25Yeah, everybody knows that. Are you stupid?
01:28When they walked away, I sneaked over to the servant, who was in tears.
01:31You're doing a great job.
01:33And then I slipped her a huge tip.
01:35I put on my best dress for dinner.
01:37I thought I looked cute, at least until I saw Clara.
01:40She looked like an absolute princess.
01:42At first it made me feel invisible, but then I decided to be brave.
01:45When it came time to serve the soup, I jumped up.
01:48I got this.
01:50I was thrilled. Finally, a chance to make Mom and Dad proud.
01:53I walked gingerly to the First Lady, being extra careful,
01:56when suddenly a foot stuck out and tripped me.
01:58The soup went flying all over the First Lady and the President.
02:02Then a bunch of Secret Service guys tackled me like I was an assassin or something.
02:06That's when I noticed Clara pull her foot back under the table.
02:09She'd done it on purpose.
02:11Go to your room.
02:12It wasn't my fault. It was Clara.
02:14You're such an embarrassment.
02:16The news was on TV by midnight,
02:18and the next day my parents sent me off to a boarding school on the other side of the country.
02:22It was lonely at first.
02:24My family was treating me like a black sheep,
02:26even though I'd done nothing wrong.
02:28My dad made sure my bank account was full,
02:30but he never had time to visit or even talk.
02:33I decided I couldn't spend all my time being homesick.
02:36I was going to make something of myself here.
02:38I signed up for all the top activities,
02:40like horseback riding, water polo, and ballet.
02:43By the time I was 16, I was number one in all of them.
02:46I even ran for school president and won!
02:49Even though I was thriving, I didn't want to leave anything to chance,
02:52so I was always complimenting people and buying them gifts,
02:55even the teachers.
02:56I wanted people to like me, and it seemed to be working,
02:59with one exception, this boy Josh.
03:02Josh worked in the stables taking care of the horses
03:04and seemed immune to my compliments.
03:06Hey Josh, is that a new shirt? Looks nice.
03:09It's old and covered in dirt.
03:10You don't have to try so hard to be liked, you know.
03:12It was just a compliment, jeez.
03:14It was a fake compliment.
03:15You might have everyone else here fooled, but not me.
03:17What was his problem?
03:19He did have gorgeous eyes, though.
03:21As he handed me the horse's reins, our hands touched.
03:24It was electric, an instant spark.
03:26But then he pulled away.
03:27How about I take you out for lunch at La Rosa?
03:29It's the fancy place by...
03:31No, I don't need your bribes. Happy riding.
03:33It wasn't a bribe, it was an invitation!
03:35But Josh had already walked away.
03:37With race day only a week away, I needed to focus on training.
03:40But as hard as I tried, my mind kept wandering back to Josh.
03:43Maybe the right gift would win him over.
03:45Hey Josh, I saw these boots and thought of you.
03:47Told you I don't want your bribes.
03:49Do you even know what a bribe is?
03:51I'm not asking for anything in return.
03:53Yeah, you are. You're asking me to like you.
03:55So you admit you don't like me.
03:57What did I do to you?
03:58I didn't say I didn't like you.
03:59I just don't know the real you.
04:01At that moment, he leaned in close to me.
04:03Oh, my heart fluttered.
04:04Was he about to kiss me?
04:05But then he stretched past me to adjust the saddle.
04:07I totally knew that's what he was doing.
04:09Why would I even want Josh to like me?
04:12He was always dirty, smelled like a farm,
04:14and he was the least friendly person I knew besides my sister Clara.
04:18Maybe that's why.
04:19For all the success I'd had at this school,
04:21Josh was a reminder that back home I was no one special.
04:24On the day of the race, I was feeling nervous.
04:26But I stayed focused and came in first place.
04:29My parents hadn't visited me since I'd arrived,
04:31but part of me was still hoping to see them in the stands cheering me on.
04:35Of course, they weren't there.
04:37But to my surprise, Josh was.
04:40I can't believe you came to support me.
04:41You do like me.
04:43I was already here.
04:44It had nothing to do with you.
04:46Josh smiled at me and butterflies danced in my stomach.
04:49As he walked away, I patted my horse Nessa on the neck.
04:52You hear that, girl?
04:53I think he likes us.
04:54The next day, me and Nessa were on the front page of a national newspaper.
04:58Not long after that, I got a FaceTime call from my dad.
05:01I was shocked.
05:02He normally just sent me emails.
05:03Hey, honey.
05:04I wanted to let you know we're very proud of you.
05:06Feel free to mention my business the next time you talk to reporters.
05:08Thanks, Dad.
05:09I will.
05:10Do you think you'll be able to come visit soon?
05:11I'm afraid not.
05:12We're in Japan with your sister right now.
05:15Sorry, honey, but we'll definitely come when you try out for the Olympics team.
05:17That's the big one.
05:18Just then, Clara's face appeared.
05:20Yeah, anyone can win a national race.
05:23An international race is the real challenge.
05:26That's not fair.
05:27I worked really hard.
05:28You've never won a national race.
05:29We have to go, honey.
05:30We just got to the Hello Kitty store.
05:32Then he hung up without even saying goodbye.
05:34I couldn't help it.
05:35I started to cry.
05:36And that's when Josh found me.
05:38Go ahead.
05:39Make fun of me.
05:40You know you want to.
05:41I never wanted to put you down.
05:42I just wanted you to be real.
05:43And it looks like you finally are.
05:46Real tears and snot here.
05:47As real as it gets.
05:48Come on.
05:49I want to show you something.
05:50Josh held out his hand.
05:51I felt a rush of warmth as I took it.
05:53Josh took me to the fields behind the school and showed me the foals running around.
05:57It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.
05:59I approached the mom slowly so I wouldn't spook her.
06:02Whoa, whoa.
06:03She doesn't like most people.
06:04Be careful.
06:05Just then, the mom nuzzled her nose against my hand.
06:08Aw, you're just a big sweetie, aren't you, girl?
06:11I noticed Josh looking at me funny.
06:14I just never realized how gentle you are.
06:16After that day, Josh and I started hanging out more.
06:18He was strange and funny, and I loved how kind he was to animals.
06:22I was surprised to learn that he didn't actually go to our school.
06:25No way my parents could ever afford that.
06:27They've been struggling with money, so I took this job to help out.
06:29Josh, I'm so sorry.
06:32We're happy.
06:33I love working with horses.
06:34Sure, times are tough, but money isn't everything.
06:37They're amazing parents.
06:38You're lucky.
06:39I mean, don't get me wrong.
06:40My parents are great.
06:41They're just not around much.
06:42But as the months went by, I started hearing from my parents more and more often.
06:46They even came to visit.
06:48I was winning races left and right, and the media nicknamed me the Jackie Barbie.
06:52I was on TV, magazine covers.
06:54My life was a whirlwind.
06:55Honey, I thought you were going to mention my business during your interview today.
06:58I did, didn't I?
06:59Yes, but only once.
07:00We agreed on four times.
07:02Repetition sells.
07:03Okay, I'll try harder next time.
07:05My favorite moments were the quiet ones.
07:07Just me and Nessa, going for rides before sunsets.
07:10And my long talks with Josh in the stables.
07:12One day, our hands touched, and I felt that same charge I did before.
07:15But this time, Josh didn't pull away.
07:17He took my hand in his and leaned in, our lips nearly touching.
07:22Are you seriously about to kiss the stable boy?
07:25Clara's timing was the worst!
07:27I have a name.
07:28It's Josh.
07:29Oh, whatever you say, Josh.
07:30What are you doing here, Clara?
07:32Just wanted to remind you that you may think you're hot stuff now,
07:35but you're still the same old loser you've always been.
07:38Sounds like you're jealous that Jenny's finally getting the spotlight instead of you.
07:41Josh, that's not nice.
07:43Are you seriously taking her side?
07:45I just want everyone to get along.
07:46Is that so wrong?
07:47Clara rolled her eyes in disgust and left.
07:50I was hoping Josh might try to kiss me again, but he left too.
07:53At least Nessa was still on my side.
07:55You still like me, don't you, girl?
07:57Don't give me that look!
07:59Thankfully, Josh didn't stay mad at me for long.
08:01He even invited me over for dinner to meet his parents.
08:04Their house was tiny and chilly from a broken heater,
08:07but his parents were the sweetest.
08:09His mom made the best dumplings for dinner.
08:11Later that night, Josh showed me the hill where he loved to lay out and look at the stars.
08:15One day, I'm going to have enough money to open stables of my own.
08:18I'll buy my parents a ranch, and it will be filled with horses and happy animals roaming free.
08:22Sorry, I'm rambling.
08:24Not at all.
08:25I think it's a beautiful dream.
08:26Josh gazed into my eyes, and in that moment, we had our first kiss.
08:30I wish I could have stayed with him on that hill forever,
08:33but I had a race to win.
08:35Unfortunately, Nessa wasn't feeling well, and we only came in third.
08:39Third place?
08:40You won't get into the Olympics with a record like that.
08:42Winning isn't everything, Dad.
08:44I'll have to take a break for a little while so Nessa can recover.
08:47A break? Nonsense.
08:48She's just a dumb horse.
08:49You can replace her.
08:50This one looks healthy.
08:51My dad patted another horse on the rump,
08:53and the horse made angrily and kicked her stall.
08:56My dad was so startled that he fell back into a pile of poop.
08:59I couldn't stop laughing.
09:01Stupid animals.
09:02I'm leaving.
09:03Honey, we just want what's best for you,
09:04and the Olympics are a golden opportunity.
09:06I hope you do what's right.
09:07I didn't like the idea of riding another horse,
09:09but I didn't want to let my parents down either,
09:11so I started training again with a new horse named Clyde.
09:15Clyde wasn't the friendliest, but boy was he fast.
09:18There was no way I'd lose now.
09:20One day after training, my parents took me to a fancy restaurant for dinner.
09:23I insisted on bringing Josh with me,
09:25even though my parents looked down on him for not being rich.
09:28They were polite enough not to say that out loud,
09:31but Clara was another story.
09:33Pass me the salt, stable boy.
09:34Get it yourself, rich girl.
09:36I'll grab it.
09:37Here you go, Clara.
09:38All evening went like that,
09:39with Clara and Josh arguing,
09:41my parents looking awkward,
09:42and me trying to keep the peace.
09:44At one point, Clara accidentally spilled her drink all over Josh.
09:48Honestly, you might actually be cleaner now.
09:50I don't have to take this.
09:51I'm leaving.
09:52Jenny, are you coming with me or staying?
09:54My heart sank.
09:55I didn't know what to do.
09:57If I left, my family might stop talking to me again.
09:59But if I stayed, I could lose Josh.
10:01I'll make the decision easier for you.
10:03I'm done.
10:04Have a nice life, Jenny.
10:05Hope someday you learn to stick up for yourself.
10:07And then he left.
10:08Geez, what was his problem?
10:10Shut up, Clara.
10:11You got what you want.
10:12The next day, I went to the stables to apologize to Josh.
10:15I'm sorry my family were all such jerks to you.
10:18Don't you think it's a little weird
10:19they only started showing up now that you're famous and successful?
10:22It's not like that.
10:23You don't know them.
10:24It's complicated.
10:25They're using you, Jenny.
10:26At least Clara is honest enough to be a jerk to your face.
10:28She's not a jerk.
10:29She's my sister.
10:30You deserve better than them.
10:31I wish you could see that.
10:32Well, maybe you should stick to horses
10:34because you obviously don't have a clue about people.
10:37Like you're some expert?
10:38You're so afraid of people disliking you
10:40that you buy them off with gifts.
10:41It's sad.
10:42And with that, Josh walked away.
10:44Ugh, he was so judgmental.
10:46For a moment, I almost threw a temper tantrum
10:48like I used to when I was five.
10:50But then Nessa nuzzled her nose against my shoulder,
10:53calming me down.
10:54I was frustrated with Josh.
10:55But maybe he had a point.
10:57I decided it was time to make some changes.
10:59I stopped mentioning my dad's business and interviews.
11:02I still complimented people,
11:04but I made sure the compliments were sincere,
11:06not empty words to make them like me.
11:08I stopped buying everyone expensive gifts, too.
11:11Well, almost.
11:12There was still one gift left to give.
11:14It's true I lost some friends when I stopped being so generous.
11:18But the ones who stayed were amazing.
11:20And the best part was I knew they liked me for me.
11:23On the morning of the race, I knew what I had to do.
11:25I was at the starting line with the other racers,
11:28waiting for the starter pistol to go off.
11:30My parents and Clara were in the stands.
11:32The shot went off,
11:33and I turned around and raced in the other direction.
11:36Jenny, where are you going?
11:37You're going to lose.
11:38All your hard work will be for nothing.
11:40Sorry, Dad.
11:41Guess I just don't care about winning as much as you do.
11:44You're embarrassing this family.
11:46You do that just fine on your own.
11:48My dad turned beet red.
11:50Clara started laughing.
11:52Look who grew a backbone.
11:54Go get him, sis.
11:55And with that, I spurred Nessa forward,
11:57and we raced for the stables.
11:59I just hoped Josh would be there.
12:01I looked around everywhere and couldn't find him.
12:03Then I heard a voice.
12:05Did you pay to fix the heater at my family's house?
12:08Look, I wanted to ask permission first,
12:10but I knew you'd just say no.
12:12It's not a bribe.
12:13You don't have to talk to me or even like me.
12:15Your parents were kind to me,
12:16and I wanted to return the favor, that's all.
12:18And I finally stood up to my parents.
12:20I'm done being a people pleaser.
12:22Good for you.
12:23So tell me, what does Jenny the Jockey Barbie want to do first?
12:28I kissed Josh, and he held me in his arms.
12:30Nessa whinnied behind us.
12:32I think she approves.