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00:00This try not to laugh is extremely hard. You get three hearts and every time you laugh you lose a heart. Good luck.
00:12It's over, baby! It's over! First place in the book! And that's the bottom line!
00:18Because gold holds that soul! Somebody give me a hurl, yeah!
00:30This song is called a world on fire.
00:42Peach! Peach! Peach! Peach!
00:49Who's that? Who's that guy?
01:03Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh!
01:08Burning is usually the part that you remember anyways.
01:20I want to feel like it's raining on me, okay?
01:32Okay, ready?
01:43Stay safe, my boy. And be back before five, you heard?
01:46Oh, shit! They're shooting! Damn, they got a switch! Run! Run!
01:49I'm thirsty!
01:56Hey, what happened to your window? What happened to your, like, ordering screen?
02:00Somebody got McMad.
02:01Somebody got McMad?
02:04Very manly that women don't understand. What don't women understand about men?
02:20Don't be feeling me, bro. You got your rapist, homo, thug, black boy over there.
02:25What the hell are you talking about?
02:28Illegal drugs you do in your garage.
02:30Oh, there's no illegal drugs in my garage.
02:31Oh, yes, there is. There's evidence of it.
02:33Hello, there. Hello, darling.
02:35No illegal drugs.
02:52Popular filter on TikTok, and if it zooms in on your face, you're eliminated.
02:56Three, two, one, turn!
03:01Screaming in public restrooms prank.
03:04I'm thirsty.
03:08You're thirsty.
03:11You're getting home, do you know what I mean?
03:12You got left, right, center?
03:13Come on, do this!
03:14You got one.
03:22What the?
03:23The giant horse cock weighs over 11 pounds.
03:34The fucking what?
03:38You better make my shit straight, bitch-ass nigga.
03:40I cannot believe my eyes.
03:44I cannot believe my eyes.
03:46Bro, I gave these geese ducks a piece of bread. They keep fucking following me, bro. Look at this shit.
03:51I gave y'all my last cracker, man. Get out of here, leave!
04:12My name is Lisa, and this is my first drink of wine this evening.
04:18My name is Lisa, and this is my last drink.
04:22Screaming in public restrooms prank.
04:44It's only three o'clock, you have to wait until dinner time.
04:48What y'all got going on right here?
04:50What we got going on?
04:51Depends, what are you trying to get into?
04:53I don't know, I see the camera.
04:54I'm trying to fuck.
04:55I'm trying to fuck.
05:11Y'all ain't never seen a motherfucker older than y'all mean off the ex-Beezy.
05:18Older than a motherfucker off the ex-Jigglyfuckly.
05:22He's on a Jigglyfuckly.
05:25Hi, guys.
05:29Hi, guys.
05:32Hi, guys.
05:45What happened?
05:46I need to see your receipt.
05:47I need to see your receipt.
05:48I appreciate it. Thank you.
05:52Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, antisemitism.
05:58All right, Milo, today we have for you cheesy enchilada hamburger helper.
06:08Big fan.
06:21You want this one?
06:28This one?
06:29This one?
06:30Get out.
06:31Which one do you want?
06:32Get out.
06:44You can't park that there, mate.
06:46Fuck off.
06:47Hold the right trigger down.
06:48Blue 42.
06:49Blue 42.
06:50Blue 42.
06:51You got to hold it.
06:52Keep it held down.
06:53And then.
06:57I'm going to be shouting, what the sigma, out front of my door.
07:01Bye bye.
07:02One, two, three.
07:04Did you get some good pictures out here today?
07:06There's some hot girls over there, too, if you want to take pictures.
07:11Thankfully, my wife doesn't understand what you say.
07:16I hope you slip on this.
07:18Oh, you think she's going to slip on it?
07:28The second time was like a misdirect.
07:30I thought he was going to.
07:31Are you not going to slip on it?
07:32I'm good.
07:34What the hell did he eat?
07:36That's tall, bro.
07:37I hear sharing bricks.
07:40Oh, hell no.
07:41That boy compensated.
07:43Yo, yo.
07:45I did not hate you.
07:46Yo, yo.
07:47Some scammers, bro.
07:48I got the whole shit on camera.
07:53What is your vision?
07:56Please talk.
07:58I have a confession.
07:59I am a Christian, but I'm gay.
08:16So who are you cosplaying?
08:19Yakuya Togami.
08:20He is mostly the richy rich guy who is pretty much a douchebag to everyone during the game,
08:24and actually is the main in- well, not main antagonist, but side antagonist.
08:28He usually would ruin the trials.
08:31You know what's crazy about that?
08:33I don't give a shit.
08:37And there we go.
08:39The obvious answer that I have known.
08:41You've proven me right.
08:45Look at you.
08:46Thinking you have all the power in the world, thinking you could trick me.
08:50I've fallen for your illusion.
08:52How disappointing.
08:53So, you're gonna longingly gaze at me-
