Стани Богат 5 Епизод 39 (2024)

  • last month


00:00Let's go.
00:25Hello, passengers, welcome to the ship's boarding.
00:28Get rich!
00:29We are starting the best journey in the ocean of knowledge and interesting questions.
00:34Here we are with the lady who runs the sea business in a neighboring sea, Silvia Matern.
00:40Good evening, Silvia.
00:42Hello again.
00:43Greetings to your friend Antoaneta.
00:46What is your name, my dear?
00:49Ah, Tony. Ok, Tony.
00:51How are you, Tony?
00:53How was last night? What analysis did you do?
00:56Did you buy something for promotion?
00:58No, but we were surprised that this word in Bulgarian has a different meaning.
01:03Yes, yes, but we know that you know many languages. How many languages do you know?
01:11We speak about three.
01:13Which are they?
01:14Which are they? Bulgarian, French, English.
01:18Otherwise, I understand German quite well.
01:20At the moment I am learning Greek.
01:22I know a little Spanish and Italian.
01:25We said last time that you are the first Bulgarian civil servant of NATO.
01:30What does this mean? When did this happen?
01:32What did you do?
01:33Something like an undercover agent or not?
01:36No, not at all.
01:37I worked there as a civil servant, as an IT specialist for 10 years, from 2006 to 2016,
01:45when I left quite voluntarily to return with my children and my partner to Bulgaria.
01:52You decided to return to Bulgaria. Why? This is an interesting question.
01:55Because I want my children to grow up here and not to be separated from their roots.
02:01And this project, which I am talking about tonight, will be built in a place where is my root.
02:09Aha. Do you want to make a shelter for children who leave their homes until the age of 18?
02:19Great. Everything is magical.
02:23Dear viewers, Silvia Mattern continues her show Stay Rich.
02:33The next question will be for 1500 leva.
02:36Are we going to conclude it as money?
02:42No, we are not going to conclude it yet.
02:45Okay. Let's play.
02:50What is Callisto in ancient Greek mythology?
02:56Is she a nymph, a goddess, a queen or a priestess?
03:09Very good question.
03:12When I was choosing the name of our yacht, I read a lot of names of Greek goddesses.
03:20And this name definitely passed through my choice, Callisto.
03:31But I am not 100% sure if it was a nymph or a goddess.
03:41And I need to think a bit.
03:43So, the Greek goddesses...
03:49No, I don't think she is a goddess.
03:52I know most of the main ones.
03:56Nike, the goddess of victory.
03:58Athena, the goddess of war.
04:01I think Callisto was a nymph.
04:04And she is a goddess of the underworld.
04:12Let's use a joker 50-50.
04:14I just have doubts.
04:16Why do you have doubts? Use a joker.
04:19Let the computer help Silvia Mattern now.
04:27A nymph versus a queen.
04:32A nymph.
04:33We mark the correct answer.
04:35A nymph.
04:36Let's see.
04:39Callisto of Ancient Greek, the most beautiful.
04:43She is a nymph.
04:44The correct answer.
04:45Keep going up.
04:56Maybe you need a bit more courage, I don't know.
05:03The question for 2,000 leva.
05:05Are we going to finish it?
05:07Let's finish it.
05:12Let's see the question for 2,000 leva.
05:16And the second safe amount.
05:19In which desert is the Valley of Death?
05:27In Mojave?
05:35Or Kalahari?
05:40Very interesting question.
05:42Thank you for it.
05:43What do you call an interesting question?
05:45The one you know or...
05:47The one you're asking me right now.
05:49I mean what do you mean by interesting question?
05:52It's interesting to me because a person who knows the answer
05:56should know where these deserts are.
05:59Yes, of course.
06:00And so on.
06:04You should tell them where the Valley of Death is
06:07and where it is located.
06:09You should tell them where the Valley of Death is
06:12and where it is located.
06:15The Valley of Death is located in America.
06:18In the desert.
06:21Where in America?
06:22Which part of America?
06:24In the Southwest.
06:28Las Vegas.
06:29In the United States?
06:32In the United States.
06:33From America and Canada?
06:36I had a preview of the United States, yes.
06:40The Gobi Desert is not there.
06:42And Atacama is not there either.
06:46Kalahari is also not there.
06:48But you know the correct answer.
06:50I think the correct answer is A.
06:55And the Valley of Death is located in the Mojave Desert
06:59which is in Nevada, in the United States.
07:05In Las Vegas?
07:07Yes, in Las Vegas.
07:09In the middle of the desert.
07:11Let's mark the answer A.
07:14Let's see.
07:24Everything you said is an exception to a mistake.
07:28I hope it won't be fatal.
07:31The desert is not in Nevada.
07:33It's in East California.
07:35Yes, in East California.
07:37Otherwise, Vera Nordlund, you're still up.
07:50Now you're breathing easier.
07:52Here's a question for 3,000 levs.
08:00In the paintings and sculptures of which famous artist
08:04do the ballerinas appear?
08:10Leonardo da Vinci?
08:13Pablo Picasso?
08:17Edgar Degas?
08:19Or Rembrandt?
08:25I like this question a lot.
08:28You obviously know the correct answer.
08:30No, I like it because
08:32each of the names I was asked to answer
08:36tells me something.
08:41Share it.
08:42I'm a big fan of Da Vinci.
08:45Of all the inventions he made.
08:48Give us an example.
08:51One of the things he did all the time
08:54was to write with his left hand upside down.
08:57And they thought it was some kind of a code.
09:00I found out that I could write like that.
09:03And that was very interesting.
09:05For me, too.
09:07But it turns out that this is a brain function.
09:10And the left-handed people,
09:12the two halves of the brain
09:14are connected with slightly denser lines
09:17through which more information flows.
09:21Leonardo da Vinci and his most famous work
09:24I saw for the first time two years ago.
09:27And that's where I raised my daughter
09:29to see the portrait of Mona Lisa
09:31in the Louvre in Paris.
09:36And Pablo Picasso,
09:38who is also an exceptional artist,
09:42a creator,
09:44to whom, quite recently,
09:46by some accident,
09:48we were on a trip
09:50and we ended up in his hometown, Malaga, Spain.
09:55Yes, from there.
09:56From there.
09:57We saw his hometown and the statue
09:59with a dove in front of the house.
10:01Was there a ballerina?
10:05Rembrandt is another era.
10:09And the right answer here is Edgar Degas.
10:13He is famous with...
10:17Or Degas, I'm not sure about the hit,
10:19but this is the right answer.
10:21The French mother.
10:22Yes, this is the right answer.
10:24I even think that we have a reproduction at home
10:27which represents a...
10:29Well, he's something like a ballerina,
10:31but he's a ballerina.
10:33He draws them in all kinds of forms.
10:37Great, let's play.
10:38Let's play.
10:40This is your final answer.
10:41Absolutely, yes.
10:42Let's see.
10:48You said a lot of things.
10:50I'm sure they are true.
10:51I can't even think of so much information.
10:53You have a lot of information,
10:55but here we have pictures and sculptures.
10:58In two things.
11:01Pablo Picasso
11:04fell in love with Olga Khokhlova,
11:06a ballerina,
11:07a part of Diaghilev's ballet,
11:10very popular in Paris,
11:14and he also drew.
11:16But you gave the right answer.
11:22I can't believe it.
11:27Degas goes from pictures to sculptures
11:30because his eyesight gets worse
11:35and he continues to work with his hands
11:37and to draw the sculptures.
11:39I understand.
11:40You did a great job here, Silvia.
11:42Now we have a unique amount of 5000 levs.
11:45Two ways to help each other.
11:47If necessary, let's play.
11:55For how many years did Mozart
11:57perform his first concerto
11:59in front of the Austrian empress,
12:01Maria Therese?
12:06That's six years.
12:14Or 34?
12:17This brilliant child
12:19learned to play the piano
12:21at the age of four.
12:24And for me,
12:25the right answer here is six.
12:28We mark the right answer as A.
12:31Let's see.
12:35So far, the concert for one man
12:37and an orchestra of questions.
12:39Silvia, the truth will come
12:41right after the commercials on BTV.
12:56Hello, dear viewers of BTV.
12:58This is Become Rich.
13:00We can always learn something.
13:02Silvia Mattern is here.
13:04We asked her for how many years
13:06Mozart performed his first concerto
13:08in front of the Austrian empress,
13:10Maria Therese.
13:11That's six years.
13:14Or 34?
13:16We have a term now,
13:17a child prodigy.
13:18A miracle.
13:19He is probably one of the first
13:21children of miracles in the world.
13:23Absolutely right answer.
13:34We can make it harder for you.
13:36To have answers 9, 12.
13:41You won this amount.
13:43We are playing for 10,000 leva.
13:45Attention is not safe.
13:49They are concreting, as they say.
13:51Is that all?
13:53That's right.
13:54That calms you down.
13:55You have a question for 10,000 leva.
13:57Ladies and gentlemen, let's see it.
14:02In which sphere of life
14:04appears in the 16th century
14:06the fartingale?
14:14It appears in gardening.
14:17In cooking.
14:19In clothing.
14:22Or in the arrangement of the house.
14:29That's not...
14:32Nightingale means
14:38That is...
14:39There is a high probability
14:41that it is some...
14:43some bird.
14:45But a sphere of life
14:47appears in that sphere
14:49of life appears
14:51in the 16th century
14:53the fartingale.
14:59Art in...
15:05So, there is art here.
15:07Art in something.
15:10For me it's a term.
15:12I've never heard this term.
15:14I don't know what it means.
15:18Yes, but it's possible
15:20that it's also some
15:23trend in the clothing
15:27of the kings of the 16th century.
15:29It's possible.
15:30The arrangement of the house.
15:32Why not?
15:33Why not?
15:34For something to come from
15:36far away.
15:37From some faraway land.
15:40I think it was
15:42the colonies.
15:45Maybe it was brought
15:48from the British
15:50or the Spaniards
15:52to Europe.
15:55But since I don't know
15:57the answer to this question
15:59I think I will ask
16:01for help from
16:03a friend.
16:06We will call the respected
16:10Or we will call
16:12your friends.
16:21Art in Gale.
16:23Art in Gale.
16:24We should call our friends
16:29Let's see your friends.
16:31And where are they?
16:33We will call them exactly.
16:38Mr. Dimitar Simeonov from Sofia.
16:40Our beloved Sonja Momchilova.
16:43The boss of SEM.
16:44We should pay attention to what we say.
16:46Petio Petkov from Sofia.
16:52Where will your choice
16:53of whom we will call fall?
16:54We will call Petio Petkov from Sofia.
16:56Let's call Petio Petkov.
16:58A friend or?
17:00Yes, a friend.
17:01A relative.
17:21Mr. Petkov, hello.
17:24Nice to meet you.
17:25Niki Kanchev from SOTO.
17:26Stay rich.
17:27Likewise, Mr. Kanchev.
17:30Now, are you ready?
17:32Are you alone?
17:33You sound like
17:35someone is knocking.
17:37Are you OK?
17:38Can you hear us well?
17:39I can hear you well.
17:40I don't know about you.
17:41Can you hear us?
17:42We can hear you perfectly.
17:44It means that there is no problem.
17:45I press my fingers.
17:47Silvia and Petio,
17:49now it's just you
17:51for these 30 seconds.
17:54You start now.
17:56Petio, hello.
17:57In which sphere of life
17:59appears in the 16th century
18:01the Fartingale?
18:04The expression.
18:05What gale?
18:06Fartingale with F.
18:09Yes, Fartingale.
18:15Or the order of the word.
18:25I think it's the order...
18:31I think I heard what he said.
18:34According to him, it's the order of the word.
18:36Exactly what I assumed,
18:39but of course I'm not sure.
18:46But maybe
18:48we are thinking in the right direction,
18:50that this style was brought
18:53from outside
18:54in Europe
18:55and probably it was brought
18:57to the royal family and so on.
18:59Many things were brought from there.
19:02Let's trust Petio.
19:05And let's mark the correct answer
19:07according to the order of the word.
19:09The answer is D.
19:11You're playing.
19:13Let's see.
19:21Antonieta, you heard everything
19:23that happened here.
19:25What do you think about the question?
19:27I think it's Fartingale
19:29according to the order of the word.
19:31It comes from the East.
19:33I didn't hear this word.
19:35I tried to translate it,
19:37but I couldn't.
19:39How would you play if you were her?
19:41I'm hesitating.
19:43Say yes.
19:45Maybe something in fashion,
19:48because I think there is
19:50some part of art
19:52and the introduction of art
19:54in fashion.
19:55Yes, art.
19:56Art, yes.
19:57A part of art,
19:58somewhere in fashion.
19:59Fartingale appeared for the first time
20:01with you, the women, in Spain.
20:03And a series of images
20:05that raise the hands
20:07of the dressed.
20:09The correct answer.
20:13Unfortunately, the question
20:15was interesting.
20:17Maybe you should really
20:19use the last joker.
20:24It was very nice
20:26to be a guest.
20:27Greetings to your family.
20:30To the little daughter
20:32that motivated you
20:34to come here.
20:36And success with your noble cause
20:38to build a home
20:40for children
20:42who are already entering life.
20:442000 leva.
20:45This is a wonderful start.
20:46It was a pleasure.
20:51All the best.
21:01He sells software.
21:03And as a student,
21:05he was a vice-champion
21:07and played the piano.
21:09He became very famous
21:11on January 1, this year,
21:13when his son was born.
21:15The first baby in 2024
21:17in Veliko Tarnovo.
21:18He was on a safari in the desert
21:20and, thank God,
21:21everything ended well.
21:22Let's see, however,
21:24if there will be a lion
21:26to give him the right answers.
21:28The lion is here.
21:29Todor Curanov.
21:42Todor, how is the baby?
21:43Tell us right away.
21:44Thank you very much.
21:45As far as I know,
21:46he is sleeping at the moment.
21:47This is very good news.
21:49How is the mother?
21:50Is everything fine?
21:51Oh yes, thank God.
21:52Everything is fine.
21:53The children are fine.
21:54I am very happy.
21:56This is the most beautiful gift
21:58I could ever imagine.
22:00That's right.
22:02Who are you with in the show?
22:04Who is this gentleman?
22:05This is my brother, Georgi.
22:07Hi, George.
22:09Guys, I hope we will make
22:11a great game.
22:12Before you, there is also a game,
22:14as they say,
22:15a land from the north,
22:18born in Porden.
22:19So, here we are.
22:20We are everywhere.
22:21The northerners.
22:22We are unstoppable.
22:25Here are the rules.
22:26Todor, there are 15 questions
22:28worth 100,000 levs.
22:29Two safe sums.
22:30The first is 500 levs,
22:31the second is up to you.
22:32You will estimate
22:33three jokers,
22:34help from your brother,
22:36and get to know your friend.
22:38It starts now.
22:46If you are going to expose yourself,
22:47now is the time.
22:48First question.
22:49Let's start.
22:50Go ahead.
22:52What should athletes do
22:54before training?
23:05or warm-up?
23:07I find the four answers
23:08very interesting,
23:09especially three of them.
23:11But I think the right answer
23:13is to warm up.
23:14The right answer is A.
23:17You get the right answer
23:18only up there.
23:22Second question.
23:25Let's see.
23:27What is the most important app
23:28we can find
23:29on our mobile phones?
23:33A toothbrush,
23:35a toothbrush,
23:38a hairdryer,
23:40or a self-shaving cream?
23:44those four things
23:45would be very useful,
23:46especially for traveling.
23:49But I think
23:50the right answer
23:51should be a hairdryer.
23:52Let's see.
23:54The right answer is A.
24:00But I think
24:01you can also
24:02use your phone
24:03to shave.
24:04I asked this morning,
24:05but it doesn't work.
24:07Third question.
24:11What do you play with chips?
24:17sea chess,
24:20domino chess,
24:22guards and apaches?
24:27I think the right answer
24:28should be A,
24:31because there are chips
24:32that actually
24:33represent money.
24:35So the right answer is A.
24:37Let's see.
24:45Fourth question.
24:48What phrase
24:49do we use
24:50when we want
24:51written proof
24:52of something?
24:56Green on white,
24:59red on black,
25:02gray on white dots,
25:05black on white?
25:09I think the right answer
25:10is D,
25:11black on white.
25:14We've often encountered
25:15this phrase
25:16when we need
25:17to write something.
25:18The right answer is D.
25:24And the last
25:25fifth question
25:26from the audience.
25:29What is the date
25:30when the memory
25:31of those who died
25:32for the freedom of Bulgaria
25:33is read
25:34with a two-minute siren?
25:36This happens
25:38on May 24th.
25:40On June 2nd.
25:43September 9th.
25:46November 10th.
25:49the four dates
25:50are quite
25:52for Bulgarian history.
25:54May 24th
25:55is the wonderful
25:56day of Bulgarian literacy,
25:58I think
25:59the right answer
26:00is B,
26:01June 2nd.
26:02Let's see.
26:04That's right,
26:05the right answer.
26:16This tradition
26:17dates back
26:18to 1948.
26:19It also dates
26:20to the day of Botev
26:21and the dead
26:22for the freedom
26:23of our country.
26:24We have to respect them
26:25and preserve
26:26their names.
26:27Of course.
26:30tell us a little
26:31about London.
26:33What did you do there?
26:35I studied higher education there.
26:36I graduated with a bachelor's degree
26:37in law and international relations.
26:41I felt that something
26:42was dragging me
26:43towards Bulgaria.
26:44I didn't feel
26:45really happy
26:46and I decided
26:47to give myself
26:48some time
26:49to go back
26:50to my family
26:51to see
26:52if I would have
26:53better opportunities
26:56little by little
26:57I built my life.
26:58I started
26:59to work
27:00not as a specialist,
27:01then as a specialist
27:02and the most
27:03different things
27:04happened to me
27:05since then.
27:07Something like this
27:08will happen to you
27:09and you will suffer a lot
27:12these are
27:15and even more
27:18The Grossmeister
27:20let's see
27:21if we can reach
27:27By the way,
27:28you have
27:29a great
27:32You are good
27:33at recording
27:36Maybe this is
27:37a new challenge
27:38that I can
27:40these days.
27:41Say something
27:42to the audience.
27:44I confirm it.
27:48Here is
27:49the first question
27:50with my sub-question.
27:51Are we going to
27:52finish these
27:531,000 leva?
27:54Let's try
27:55not to finish them.
27:56You are overestimating
27:58but it's okay.
27:59We will ask
28:00our brother.
28:01He is on the line.
28:03Let's play.
28:04Let's see the question.
28:07Which of the fish
28:08can't be caught
28:09in the sea
28:10or ocean?
28:28I have been
28:29fishing as a hobby
28:30for a long time.
28:31I am quite an amateur,
28:34I try to steal
28:35some time
28:36and go
28:37to some water
28:38when I have a chance.
28:39Where are you going?
28:40I am going
28:41to the beach.
28:42I like the beach
28:43the most
28:45But I also love
28:46sea fishing
28:47in Greece
28:48when I go there.
28:49This is my favorite.
28:55we all know
28:56is a great
28:57sea predator.
28:59is probably
29:00the most exclusive fish
29:01that can be caught
29:02in the Black Sea.
29:04is probably
29:05the most common
29:06fish in the Black Sea.
29:07What is left
29:08is the freshwater
29:10The question is
29:11sea or ocean.
29:12I think
29:13the answer
29:14is B.
29:16Which is in
29:17the river.
29:18In the freshwater
29:20Yes, yes.
29:21You can trust her.
29:22Okay, I trust her.
29:26correct answer.
29:34What will we call
29:35the Karakuda?
29:36Do you remember?
29:38in our region.
29:39What is the name
29:40of the family?
29:41I guess
29:43You know everything.
29:45You are in
29:46the dangerous waters.
29:47Do we conclude?
29:48Let's try
29:49not to conclude
29:50this question.
29:52Let's see the question.
30:01In which
30:04young people
30:05from different
30:11of the
30:13This happens
30:20or in
30:21Star Wars
30:22or in
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31:57Star Wars
31:58or in
31:59Star Wars
32:00or in
32:01Star Wars
32:02or in
32:03Star Wars
32:05A great, great novel by Susan Collins
32:08exactly in the traditions of Orwell
32:10and all the others before that
32:19District 12 is the poorest
32:25Should we conclude?
32:28Let's give ourselves a little security and try to conclude
32:33Todor, let's see the questions
32:39Who, in 1994, became the first goalkeeper to receive a red card in a match of the World Cup Finals?
32:51This is
32:52Fabien Barthez
32:54This is
32:55Peter Schmeichel
32:58Gianluca Pagliuca
33:00or Oliver Kahn
33:07This is
33:08Fabien Barthez
33:09the most famous French goalkeeper
33:10from 1998
33:11when the French became world champions
33:14if I'm not mistaken
33:17Peter Schmeichel
33:20famous goalkeeper
33:21Gianluca Pagliuca from Italy
33:23as far as I remember
33:25Oliver Kahn
33:27in the German team
33:29That's right
33:31In 1994
33:33a memorable match for our Bulgarian national team
33:38How old were you then?
33:39Only 4 years old
33:41I can't say that I remember
33:43but in 1996 I remember the European matches
33:47and after 1998
33:50I watched them regularly
33:52but this is a question
33:55that I can't give an exact answer to
33:59I don't know
34:00I think that Fabien Barthez became famous in 1998
34:03and maybe he wasn't in 1994
34:05and maybe I'm trying to exclude him
34:08Oliver Kahn
34:11a long-standing goalkeeper in Germany
34:15I don't remember if he kept against Bulgaria
34:19when he played the 1994 match
34:23I'll be honest with you
34:25I don't remember
34:28Peter Schmeichel and Gianluca Pagliuca
34:31I mean Peter Schmeichel
34:33although he's a genius
34:34I think that in the Netherlands
34:36he was a goalkeeper
34:40and the four sides are definitely playing in the World Cup
34:44so based on this logic
34:46I can't
34:47become the first goalkeeper to get a red card in a match
34:51in the World Cup Finals
34:58So no one has ever got a red card
35:00in the World Cup Finals
35:03Yes, you can say that
35:05You can say that
35:09Yes, the first goalkeeper
35:12Maybe I should ask my friend
35:19I think I have the right joker for the phone
35:24I think...
35:25We'll call
35:26I think we should call
35:27I can't do it alone at the moment
35:30That's your decision
35:34Let's call your friend
35:35Let's see what opportunities you have prepared
35:43Stefan Choranov
35:47Jordanka Choranova
35:50That's my brother's wife
35:55Divide and conquer
35:56We'll figure it out at the end
35:58Divide and conquer
36:00Valentin Rajchev is the first goalkeeper
36:03or what?
36:05Valentin Rajchev is an old friend of mine
36:08I think he has good football knowledge
36:11I'll look for Valio
36:13Yes, I think we should look for Valio
36:20Mr. Rajchev, we're looking for you
36:22Yes, hello
36:23Valio, hello, Niki Kanchev, stay rich
36:27Are you ready to help?
36:30I'm ready, I hope I can help
36:3330 seconds, Todor
36:35You are both, I have no right to interfere
36:38Let's start
36:41Who is the first goalkeeper to get a red card?
36:46Who is the first goalkeeper to get a red card
36:49in a World Cup match?
36:52Fabien Barthez, Peter Schmeichel, Gianluca Palliluca or Oliver Kahn?
36:57Who is the first goalkeeper to get a red card
36:59in a World Cup match?
37:06What's the answer?
37:08Barthez, Schmeichel, Palliluca, Kahn
37:2030 seconds
37:23Let's try 50-50
37:26Let the computer enter Todor's show and help him
37:33Barthez against Palliluca
37:37In principle, the more scandalous goalkeeper was definitely Barthez
37:40He liked to go out and play a little further
37:43I think with his hands
37:45But I don't remember him from 1998, I don't remember him from 1994
37:53Gianluca Palliluca
37:54Take a decision
38:03Let's try Gianluca Palliluca as the answer
38:11As we watch him, Todor is everywhere, he is on our tail
38:15Will he keep his door dry of wrong answers?
38:18We are waiting for the second half to understand everything
38:21Advertisements and we are back
38:38Hello, this is Stani Bogat on BTV
38:40I won't get tired of saying that the show is unique
38:44Two cool guys, Bulgarians
38:46Our guests are the Choranovi brothers
38:49Cool question
38:51The first goalkeeper to get a red card in a World Cup match
38:55And finals
38:56For the wider audience to say that the World Cup is 4 years old
39:00That before that you have to qualify, to go
39:03In a certain country
39:05Very cool
39:07A great feeling that we haven't experienced for years
39:13Since 1998
39:14With Petr Janoslav, the European in 2004
39:20Gianluca Palliluca against Fabien Barthez
39:23I want to tell you that I would bet on Fabien Barthez
39:27He was almost headless
39:32In the finals
39:33In 1998, if you remember, he jumped like Sumbul
39:36Yes, I admire him
39:37Such performances are very typical for him
39:41But a Bulgarian
39:43Interferes in the game
39:44Yes, Bulgarian
39:47God is Bulgarian
39:48Emil Kostadinov
39:49Deprives France
39:51Of participation in 1994
39:55Fabien Barthez has no place here
39:57You give the right answer
40:03My initial logic is that he doesn't participate in 1994
40:06It's correct
40:07And he joins in 1998
40:11Why didn't he continue?
40:12The French don't have them
40:14There, we are there
40:17We beat them
40:20Your brother knows a lot about football
40:21He looks like
40:23He looks like
40:24He's glad I didn't call him, in my opinion
40:26He's waiting for the big questions
40:28What's your job, Joro?
40:30Where are your favorites?
40:32I'm a master in the kitchen
40:34Let's see
40:36Good, a culinary question
40:37Please, a culinary question
40:38I'm a little hungry
40:40Now, a question
40:42For 3,000 leva
40:43When you breathe more calmly
40:46Let's see
40:47Because the 2,000 are safe
40:53The representatives of which dynasty
40:55Are known as
40:57The Long-Braided King
41:02The Carolingians
41:04The Romans
41:07The Asenians
41:10The Merovingians
41:16The Asenians
41:17I haven't heard anything about them
41:20I live quite close to Veliko Tarnovo
41:22I often visit the city
41:27I've been to Tsarevice a few times
41:28And maybe they will be mentioned
41:30So let's leave them aside for now
41:33The Romans in Russia
41:36The Merovingians
41:37To be honest
41:38I don't know where the Carolingians are from
41:41Because my brother
41:44Has finished law
41:46He has such interests in history
41:48I think I should call him
41:49And discuss a little together
41:53Let's invite Joro now
42:01Good evening, Joro
42:03Good evening
42:04Kill me already, Ranovi
42:08Let the other brother
42:09To answer for the Long-Braided King
42:11There is not a single hair on his head
42:13Veliki, you are nothing
42:16If that was the criteria
42:19Do you have any ideas?
42:21For sure
42:23I would exclude the Asenians and the Romans
42:26I don't think that
42:28In the Romans
42:31There are some
42:33That have
42:35Long hair
42:37Except for the bad fate
42:46The Roman Empire
42:51Comes first
42:56But why the long hair?
42:57Why the long hair?
42:59On the one hand
43:00There can be long hair
43:01And on the other hand
43:02It can be related to the mane
43:05I don't have
43:07The one who said
43:08Everything went well
43:12Either one or the other
43:13But at the moment
43:14I can't think of
43:15No, I can't think of
43:21Either one or the other
43:23Either one or the other
43:24It doesn't help
43:25Let's go back
43:27Ok, we excluded two
43:28But we are on the same page
43:32I'm very interested
43:33Where would they come from
43:43Ah, Lingians
43:47They are
43:49For a long time
43:51They are Carolingians
43:53They are Lingians
43:56So Lingians
43:57For a long time
43:59In English
44:01But Lingians
44:05Shooting in the dark
44:07To be honest
44:08I didn't find
44:09A better logic
44:10Until now
44:12And then
44:14Maybe it's related
44:15To the hair
44:18Maybe long
44:20Maybe they are tall
44:28The question is
44:29Is your logic
44:30Related to
44:31The hair
44:34To be honest
44:35I have no knowledge
44:36Neither about Carolingians
44:37Nor about Merovingians
44:39We excluded two
44:40Who we think
44:41Are more
44:44And Carolingians
44:45We found a logic
44:46I think
44:47We can
44:50Who would say
44:52We have a conclusion
44:54This is
44:55A risk of 100%
44:58I mean
45:00Since we don't have
45:01A better logic
45:02Let's say
45:04Let's see
45:14I think
45:17You did very well
45:19You excluded
45:20Two answers
45:21A very good start
45:26You are looking
45:27For the name
45:28Of the dynasty
45:29In the end
45:31These are
45:32Some Middle Ages
45:35The leading name
45:36Was more likely
45:42Or whoever
45:44In this case
45:46The correct answer
45:51It is believed
45:52In the hair
45:53There is a symbol
45:54Of power
45:55Magical power
45:57It was consecrated for them
45:59Change Merovingians
46:00All this happens
46:01In today's France
46:03With Fabien Barthez
46:04Who was like Joris
46:08Was it interesting?
46:09A lot
46:10A lot
46:12Thank you
46:13Sorry that
46:14You are going down
46:16Thank you Joris
46:17Thank you
46:18Now let's applaud
46:22Thank you
46:23Thank you
46:24Thank you
46:25Thank you
46:26Thank you
46:27Thank you
46:28Thank you
46:29Thank you
46:30Thank you
46:31Thank you
46:32Thank you
46:33Thank you
46:34Thank you
46:35Thank you
46:36Thank you
46:37Thank you
46:38Thank you
46:39Thank you
46:40Thank you
46:41Thank you
46:42Thank you
46:43Thank you
46:44Thank you
46:45Thank you
46:46Thank you
46:47Thank you
46:48Thank you
46:49Thank you
46:50Thank you
46:51Thank you
46:52Thank you
46:53Thank you
46:54Thank you
46:55Thank you
46:56Thank you
46:57Thank you
46:58Thank you
46:59Thank you
47:00Thank you
47:01Thank you
47:02Thank you
47:03Thank you
47:04Thank you
47:05Thank you
47:06Thank you
47:07Thank you
47:08Thank you
47:09Thank you
47:10Thank you
47:11Thank you
47:12Thank you
47:13Thank you
47:14Thank you
47:15Thank you
47:16Thank you
47:17Thank you
47:18Thank you
47:19Thank you
