BSDE Raup Laba Bersih Rp2,3 Triliun di Semester I-2024

  • last month
PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) mencatat kinerja positif pada semester I-2024. Pengembang properti bagian dari Sinar Mas Group itu mencetak laba bersih Rp2,3 triliun, tumbuh hingga 94 persen.


00:00We move on to the information of EMITEN, and this time it is still related to the release of the first semester of work in 2024, which this time comes from the EMITEN property inspection,
00:14where PT Bumi Serpong Damai, ITBK or BSD, reported positive work in the first semester in 2024, where the budget recorded a clean increase of up to 94.28% annually at Rp 2.33 trillion.
00:30According to the information released by Bursa Efek Indonesia, PT Bumi Serpong Damai, ITBK managed to record a clean increase of Rp 2.33 trillion in the first semester of work in 2024.
00:44This time it jumped up to 94.28% annually from the achievement of the first semester of 2023, which reached Rp 1.2 trillion.
00:54The clean increase of BSD was pushed by an income of Rp 7.34 trillion, growing 46.99% year-on-year compared to the same period last year at Rp 4.99 trillion.
01:09The income of the business was supported by the land sales, construction and title sector at Rp 6.44 trillion, contributing about 87.7% of the total income, increasing 54.9% annually.
01:25The second largest contributor is the housing sector, which recorded Rp 468.71 billion, growing 0.91% year-on-year.
01:34The housing sector also recorded an income of Rp 231.09 billion.
01:41Meanwhile, the burden of housing sales also increased 36.37% to Rp 2.48 trillion.
01:49This made the clean increase of the housing sector to Rp 4.86 trillion, increasing 53.07% annually.
01:57On the financial side, BSD recorded a total asset at Rp 67.86 trillion or up 1.55% year-on-year.
02:07The total liability fell 5.13% year-on-year to Rp 24.31 trillion, while equity Rp 43.55 trillion or grew 5.71% year-on-year.
02:19There was also a cash inflow of Rp 9.42 trillion, down 10.06% year-on-year from a position of Rp 10.48 trillion.
02:49Meanwhile, the housing sector also recorded an increase of Rp 7.5 trillion,
02:54where the BSD stock experienced significant strength, although at the end of the second day, the strength was more limited.
03:02You can see the graph on your TV screen.
03:05In August 22, the BSD stock closed at Rp 1,150, then opened at Rp 1,170.
03:16At 9.05 am, the strength was more limited.
03:19At 9.10 am, the BSD stock increased rapidly and reached its highest intraday level during the day, at Rp 1,195.
03:32At 10.30 am, the strength was more limited, at Rp 1,180, then Rp 1,185.
03:37Then it tried again at Rp 1,190 at the opening of the second session.
03:41The current strength is more limited at 2.17%, at Rp 1,175.
03:48Let's move on to the next graph.
03:50We will see how the BSD stock moved in the last few months.
03:55You can see the graph on your TV screen.
03:58In the trading of Merit Pemirsa, the BSD stock's position is still traded at Rp 1,035.
04:05In April, the BSD stock was pushed deep enough to leave the Rp 1,000 level, at Rp 870 per share.
04:11In May, June, and July, the BSD stock tried to rise, even back to above the Rp 1,000 level.
04:18And on 9 August, at Rp 1,190, while in today's trading, the BSD stock touched Rp 1,195.
04:27And it looks like the highest intraday in the last six months, even at the opening of the second session.
04:33The BSD stock's strength is more limited at Rp 1,190.
04:37Let's move on to the next graph.
04:38We will look at the valuation of Merit Pemirsa.
04:44We will look at the price-to-earning ratio.
04:49It is at 5.38x, the PSR is at 1.71x, and the PPV is at 0.65x.
04:56While the PCFR is at 17.41x.
04:59A combination of fundamental, technical, and valuation.
05:02And hopefully it can be a reference for you.