• 2 months ago
A 17th century British legend has it that the Tower of London will collapse if the 900-year-old fortress's ravens ever leave, taking the kingdom with it. It's up to the Yeoman Warders, who guard the Tower and its Crown Jewels, to ensure that never happens.
00:00We're going to catch this, you all right?
00:29I love the Ravens, I love working with them, I love everything about them. I also love
00:40the fact that they are here to work. Yeah, and they are here, they are serving his majesty
00:45as much as we in the bodyguard do. So it's very important and we're told that his majesty
00:50does check up on them regularly, as did his mother.
00:57There you go, that's Gary coming for the famous whistle. You have one mating pair within about
01:10two kilometres. We're just doing a morning preen, a bit husbandry. Ravens are similar
01:30to us in many senses, but more so they're individuals, they're characters, just like
01:37us. And for me that's part of the draw to the job. Yeah, they're so interesting and
01:42they're extremely clever. Some say they have the same intelligence as a seven-year-old
01:47human child, which also makes them just as interesting.
02:01The Ravens at the tower, they are not locked up permanently. We put them to bed of an evening
02:07for their own protection, but they're let out at first light in the morning. They'll
02:11do their stuff, they just go. We monitor them, but we don't control them in any way.
