Nia Sharma embraced her inner "Govinda" to celebrate Janmashtami by breaking dahi handi on the set of Laughter Chef Fun Unlimited. She shared a video on Instagram showing her atop a human pyramid breaking the dahi handi, a festive tradition involving curd or milk.
#Janmashtami #NiaSahrma #NiaSharmaNews #Nia #trending
#Janmashtami #NiaSahrma #NiaSharmaNews #Nia #trending
00:00Nia Sharma embraced her inner Govinda to celebrate Janmashtami by breaking dahi handi on the
00:06set of Laughter Chef Fun Unlimited.
00:09She shared a video on Instagram showing her atop a human pyramid breaking the dahi handi,
00:14a festive tradition involving curd or milk.
00:18She captioned this clip,
00:19Iss se zyada maza nahi aaya kabhi.
00:22The team had more confidence in me that I could have.
00:27Janmashtami special tonight on Laughter Chef.
00:30Nia also posted a BTS video where her phone was humorously taken away by the production
00:35team before shooting.
00:37The show airs on Colors, features stars like Krishna Abhishek and Karan Kundra.
00:42Nia is also starring as a witch in a fantasy thriller Suhagan Chudayal.