The Possibilities Institute of International Education- #10 - A Walkthrough with Creator

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AltspaceVR Critic - #10 -I The Possibilities
00:00:00Okay guys, this is where we at right now. I was here the other day, but it did not look
00:00:09like this buddy. I thought I was here. This is a school. Where's this thing at? Right
00:00:18We at IIE Technical Center Institute of Intern. Hosted by Jose Ferrer. F-E-R-R-E-R.
00:00:32Entry code L-G-N-7-6-4. Bang. Bang. Can't say this to favorites, huh? Always have trouble
00:00:41with that sometimes. Anyway, if I can't say it with the favorites, I'm going to walk all
00:00:46around here. Alright, check this spot out man. Look at this young man. All professional.
00:00:53What you doing behind there buddy? Looks like a printer. It's not a computer. Oh, look at
00:00:58this. Full body over here. Excellent. Let me get some faxes out. Ryan has his class
00:01:05here. Yeah, if I remember correctly, Ryan's class is upstairs. Look at this man. Beautiful.
00:01:14Jose Ferrer. Technical Center. Wow. I wonder if we can go outside. I'm not even thinking
00:01:27about flying. I know where I can fly now and where I can't fly. I can't fly in here. This
00:01:33is school. Alright, so go like this. Your first day at school. You're a little bit nervous.
00:01:40You get here. You look around and go, wow, this is beautiful man. Maybe I can work here
00:01:44too after I get through a class. Then you look and say, wow, look at that sofa. Look
00:01:50at that man. Beautiful. It's like royalty. Look at that man. Wow, the table is beautiful.
00:02:02So already you haven't even seen the class yet, but you've seen the environment. You're
00:02:07glad you got an ID and the ID says IIE Technical Center. Student. Different color IDs. When
00:02:19you become an employee, they change the color. Look, nice and beautiful. Look at this man.
00:02:28One window is blue and one window is green. You have the plants and roses over here. You
00:02:38don't see too many roses these days. Then you go upstairs. Look at this. Institute of
00:02:45International Education, man. They getting ready to do something here, buddy. This isn't
00:02:53even the classroom, my friend. Only up here. Up here. Look up here. Look around. So I'm
00:03:06going to get good in geographics. I'm going to find out. When I see some of these sky
00:03:16boxes, it's like, where are they? What country are we in? I want to know right away, man.
00:03:24This one throws me off because of that big building. I don't see any landmarks. But you
00:03:30know what? This is a perfect place for a school. So you come all the way up here. They're not
00:03:36taking the classrooms. What? What? Dude, look. You know I'm getting in here. Don't even do
00:03:46it to yourself. Come on. I can't. What happened? Dude, how come I couldn't get over there?
00:03:53I couldn't get over there. Look at this, man. This is like the Geek Squad at Best Buy. Look
00:03:59at this, man. Dude, this might be something. This might be something big in the future.
00:04:08The Institute of International Education. I'll be the first to record it right here,
00:04:13man. Look. This is how you fix your disk. Well, that's how much disk space is in there.
00:04:22You can clean your disk. They're cleaning their disk right now, I think. Wow. Look,
00:04:28U.S. Department of Homeland Security. They do all kinds of work here. Check computer
00:04:35at 8.45 p.m. And the C-Bone. Look at that. It's how, what do you call that? One of those
00:04:43worksheets. Work tickets. Look, dude. Dude. Mr. Pleasure has been here? Dude. I remember
00:05:04Mr. Pleasure. He was hanging out with Batty Creations. And look, Bill Gates. Dude, I was
00:05:12working for one of these certificates before. I stopped working for it, man. I did the Network
00:05:18Plus and the A Plus and a little bit of Cisco. So, these are what the certifications look
00:05:25like. I never got a chance to see what they look like because I never got one. I know
00:05:29how to do the work. I got paid for doing some of the work. Look at the tassel. Mr. Pleasure.
00:05:36Mr. Pleasure. I wonder how Mr. Pleasure managed to get his name in here, man. Look, Network
00:05:43Administration. How? Because maybe this is a real certificate. Let's look at the date.
00:05:49July 2020. What school is that? From here. Maybe he actually went here, man. All right,
00:06:01dude. This is what we're going to do. Look, Welcome Class of 2023. Dude, I want to take
00:06:12some classes. Look, the Tutoring Center. Dude, that's kind of different to have the name,
00:06:25the clock. You got the numbers and then you put a name in it. Huh. Something to think
00:06:33about, buddy. When it comes to computers, always something to think about. Beautiful.
00:06:40Beautiful. What can I say, man? Beautiful. Uh-oh. What'd I just do? Oh, go down. I had
00:06:48trouble before getting in here. I don't know why. I stick my hand in there. Boom. Oh, dude.
00:06:55Did I take a big jump? No, I didn't even see this. This is the classroom. These are classrooms
00:07:01right here, man. Look. Beautiful. You got your own table. I wonder how you would interact.
00:07:11Beautiful. It didn't look like this before when I was in here. Institute of International
00:07:21Education, man. I think it's actually a school called IIE, man. It looks familiar. On my
00:07:30journey to searching for the perfect computer school. Right here, man. So the teacher will
00:07:44be right here. One monitor, he can see your monitor. The other monitor, he can do the
00:07:49work and maybe put it on the screen over here so he can see what's going on. But you have
00:07:55your own screen at your desk. Look at this. Let's take a look at everything, man. This
00:08:03is what it feels like to be in school and nobody's there because it's Sunday. Now, let's
00:08:09see if we can get the contact information. Look at the little lockers. Do we go upstairs?
00:08:34Wow. See how big this place is? And different colors mean different things, I think. They
00:08:40wouldn't just put that there for anything. Look at this, man. Dude, what's that? It's
00:08:44not the Bible, is it? Yes, I think. Wow. It looks like a computer book. Look at this.
00:08:56Beautiful, especially over here, man. I like this area right here. Yeah, look at this.
00:09:08Look at that view. I want something done for me, man. I'm going to find one of the greatest
00:09:28creators in here. I already know him by name. I'm going to get something done. Yeah, what's
00:09:40this button for? The temperature in here? Wow, they thought of everything. But I really
00:09:51like this area here, man. When I was younger, this was my thing. Now, at this age, I'm into
00:09:57virtual reality, so I got like the VR stuff. So none of this stuff really, really is going
00:10:03to do it for me. Dude, look at the Unity certificate. I never had a Unity packet, man. Is this really
00:10:15a school? An accredited... No. I don't know. This guy got his diploma July, man. So next
00:10:23time I see Mr. Pledge, I'm going to ask him about this institute. Dude, I think so, man.
00:10:33He got a B+. What's the name of the instructor there? Jose Ferraro. Did he sign this guy's
00:10:45thing? Does that look like a Jose Ferraro signature? Wow. Tassel. Wow, it's good to
00:11:06have accomplishments, man. Microsoft Certified Solution Expert. People names are on there.
00:11:19But that's incredible. Congratulations, Mr. Pledge. They named those people off. Network
00:11:27Administration. I'm going to definitely have to ask them. Yeah. It used to be the big thing,
00:11:39Microsoft Network Administration. Now, the big thing is Cisco. I still like that network
00:11:48thing, though. I never finished it, so it's always stuck in my mind. Sometimes I think
00:11:53to myself, man, you got to go up to come out? Incredible, right? I think. So many things
00:12:04look familiar over here, man. It brings back so many memories when I was really going heavy
00:12:10for the computer stuff. I knew I wanted to do computers. I didn't know what I wanted
00:12:15to do, man. So I said, what do you want to do? I said, computers. So guess what, man?
00:12:20I got a job lifting computers out of the building into a truck. You got to be careful
00:12:24what you ask for. Oh, look at this, man. Dude. Are you here? You can hear me? That's Mr.
00:12:39Pledge right there. You know, you're going to see this video somewhere down the line,
00:12:48congratulations on your certificate, man. I was wondering if it was real or not. When
00:12:52you get a chance, you can tell me, because I was going to school for that Certified Network
00:12:56Administration thing, and I was taking that test. I forgot what you call it on the computer.
00:13:00You had to pay like $100, $125. They keep sending you the questions randomly, and maybe
00:13:05get a voucher. So when you get a chance, let me know, man. What you doing in school so
00:13:10late anyway in the corner, buddy? In here, what you doing? Trying to get some extra classes
00:13:16in? Trying to graduate early? I do the same thing. Are you watching the view? Yeah, where
00:13:24are we, man? I don't recognize this place. You don't have to talk. You just hang out
00:13:31over there. I'll talk. All right, buddy. I'm really trying to figure out what this place
00:13:38is. Let me just tell you, nice job. Excuse me. I know you didn't make it, but your certificate's
00:13:47over here, and you're part of this, man. So that's good. Nice job, buddy. All right, here
00:13:53we go. Dude, what is this? Did I see all this? No. How did I miss this? So this is another
00:14:07classroom. And what's that? Yo, did I tell you the other day I was walking down the street
00:14:14and I saw a portal, man. In the real world, I saw a portal. So, you know, everybody else,
00:14:22they didn't know what to do, but I know because I'm in alt space. So I said, dude, what's
00:14:28the odds on planet Earth I'm going to find a portal, man. Oh, there he goes. I'm going
00:14:48to tell you the rest of the story later. I'm going to talk to Mr. Pleasure right now, though.
00:15:02What's up, partner? How you doing, man? I'm doing good. Who that? Can you see me? What
00:15:10do you mean, who that? That's who I am. That guy right there. Yeah, I saw your certificate.
00:15:20There's only one person in here. It's me, Mr. Pleasure. Look. Me. That's who that is
00:15:25right here, right in front of you. Blue 2, man. Oh, I'm on peace. I'm still working on
00:15:33stuff. I'm in two places at one time. Oh, got you, man. Yeah, congratulations on your
00:15:38certificate. Is that a real certificate down there for that network administration? Yeah.
00:15:45Did you get it here or you got it someplace else? You mean a certificate? Yeah. We give
00:15:52those out when we finish, when the students have finished the school. You teaching here
00:15:58too now, man? Yes, I built it for me to teach. I'm a network administrator. Oh, that's good,
00:16:10man. I was going for that. And then I went a little bit for the Cisco. Congratulations
00:16:14on that, man. I saw a certificate down there. Really? Yeah, I was going for Cisco, man.
00:16:18It's pretty deep, though, man. Cisco was no joke, man. That's when you had to use the
00:16:23Cisco already. This is Cisco. What? Yeah, let me tell you, man. Your name throws people
00:16:31off, man. When they see Mr. Pleasure, they don't be thinking about Mr. Technical. That's
00:16:35what I wanted to do. Exactly what I wanted to do. Oh, yeah. I remember when I first saw
00:16:40you, man. I saw you when you was with Batty Creations. Actually, I think you're on a video,
00:16:46man. She had just created some place for somebody else. You seen that video? I didn't
00:16:52see it yet. You're on that one, man. Briefly, you was talking to Batty while I was looking
00:16:58around the area. I didn't want to disturb you guys. Then once you left, then we did
00:17:02an interview with Batty. This is nice, man. Are you doing computers now? No, I'm strictly
00:17:11doing the YouTube, man. Once I found out you can hit six and seven digits, I said that's
00:17:17equivalent to somebody going to school for four years waiting for a check. Each time
00:17:21that I'm doing something every day, I can see progression, man. I can see if I tweet
00:17:25this, this happens. If I do this, this happens. It's different from a regular job. I get satisfaction
00:17:31out of my own ideas, and I can see the productivity right away, man, within days. I can say,
00:17:36yeah, that was a good idea you did, and pat myself on the back. If you're working for
00:17:39somebody on a job, they're not going to tell you that, man. You're working for them.
00:17:42You'll never get as much as them because they give you a check. I'm actually looking
00:17:46for a teacher for Windows 101. For what, Cisco or networking? Just regular Windows. Dude.
00:17:59Dude, I got my way. You're talking about Microsoft Office, right? The whole packets,
00:18:04right? Microsoft Windows, Windows 11. Oh, just the Windows. Oh, the system itself.
00:18:10That's what you're talking about, the system itself, right? Yeah. Boy, that's so deep,
00:18:13man. You know why? Because once I hit this virtual reality, I can look around. I can
00:18:19look around. But it's like once I got into the virtual reality, all the Microsoft stuff
00:18:25just kind of like disappeared because there was no way for me to connect the Microsoft
00:18:30Windows with the virtual reality. So now I'm just sticking to it.
00:18:36Going to that room back there?
00:18:38Hmm? Which one?
00:18:39Going to that room back there?
00:18:41No, I haven't. We can take a look if you want. You mean this one here, right? This one
00:18:46over here?
00:18:47The big old door.
00:18:48Yeah, I was about to do that before you came in here, man. Then I started looking
00:18:51around. I was about to do that. Wow, buddy. Yeah, you did a good job over here, man. I
00:19:02don't see Ryan's office, though. Is Ryan here? Is Ryan here?
00:19:10I work on every day for years.
00:19:13That's what I do.
00:19:15Dude, that's what I always wanted to do, man. Any network administrator wants to see the
00:19:19servers, man?
00:19:21Yeah, we got to have them in our life.
00:19:23Definitely, man.
00:19:25This is a Dell PowerEdge server. One, two, three bays. One terabyte of hard drive space.
00:19:38We got like three, six, nine, 12 terabyte space.
00:19:43So let me ask you this question.
00:19:4512 on there, 12 on there, 12 on there.
00:19:47Quick question, man. How do you teach people how to work the machinery in VR when they can't
00:19:52actually touch anything?
00:19:53They log into it. I give them my IP address. They log into my virtual machine. And then
00:19:58they, my virtual machine, this is moving and blinking and everything. You know what I'm
00:20:04Got you, man. How much are the classes?
00:20:07And then they go in and it's like they log into this right here. I just didn't want to
00:20:13put it in all space because anybody can come up here and see how all space people are.
00:20:17Yeah, start messing with it. So how much is the classes, man? Because don't forget, you're
00:20:22being recorded. This will be on YouTube. So in case everybody else or somebody else wants
00:20:26to join this class, the Institute of International Education, you want to give any information?
00:20:31I was looking around.
00:20:32This is free.
00:20:33It's free? So it's overloaded then, right? Do you have too many people in here already?
00:20:38Are you backlogged?
00:20:40No, I don't. I schedule. No, I don't. I schedule. It's actually like maybe from 10 to 15 in
00:20:46the class. I have 21 worlds. So that means that I double up on my classrooms.
00:20:53Dude, let me tell you, man. I'm glad I met you. I'm glad I met you, man, because I would
00:20:57have never, ever, ever, ever thought from Mr. Pleasure and Embedded Creation when we
00:21:03was at the club that you was doing this, man. It's good to see somebody that's a little
00:21:06bit sharper than me.
00:21:07See, actually the campus is really big. What you should do is go experience the campus
00:21:11because you're just in one part of it.
00:21:14Well, I was out yesterday. Yesterday I went to a part that had four buildings, man, going
00:21:20around and I was outside.
00:21:22Yeah, that's the campus. That's the main campus.
00:21:25Yeah, I did that yesterday.
00:21:26The four buildings is actually class in each building, but there's like eight buildings
00:21:31because there's another building in another world.
00:21:34Oh, yeah?
00:21:38Oh, that's how I've been able to take care of the demand of all the students that's coming
00:21:41in. Plus, there's students that's coming in from different countries.
00:21:45Dude, I like the sign up for a class, man. How would I go by sign up for a class?
00:21:49I have international classes, too.
00:21:51Yeah, I like the sign up for a class.
00:21:52And I also have a law school.
00:21:54What? Dude, you don't think you should change your name? You don't want people to get the
00:21:59wrong idea, man. You like Mr. Something Bigger Than Pleasure. You know what I'm saying?
00:22:05Mr. Future?
00:22:06Yes, sir. I got my name, Mr. Pleasure, from I was a DJ. So it was DJ Pleasure. I just
00:22:13changed it to Mr. Pleasure.
00:22:14Wow, man. You got a lot of talents there, buddy. So this is what I wanted to do. If
00:22:19people wanted to join the class, what would they do? You can tell them right now so they
00:22:22can watch the video. How would they go by joining the class?
00:22:26I'll tell you, no problem. Go to Log into our website. Pick your course that
00:22:37you want to, class that you want to join. All right. And then all you have to do from
00:22:43there is just send us a letter that you want to join the class or send us an email that
00:22:49you want to join the class. And then we'll send you a temporary password and the user's
00:22:56name. And then you can join our portal, our school portal. Remember, I told you, in order
00:23:02to get into the server, you have to be a part of the school.
00:23:07We have a student portal where you can actually talk to your teacher and everything else.
00:23:11And after that, you go to orientation. And after orientation, you know what you got to
00:23:17do after that? Just come on in the class.
00:23:20Got you. So what's the hours? New York time.
00:23:24The class is an hour long. And we have different hours. We have different classes and different
00:23:28hours, different time zones. We have an international class that will probably start like, you know,
00:23:35around 9 o'clock at night. And then we got one that's about 3 o'clock in the morning.
00:23:39But that's on Saturday. Then we got luminosity class starts on Saturday at 10 o'clock.
00:23:45We got different times and different classes and different times with different classes.
00:23:50Is Ryan in a luminosity class?
00:23:53No, Ryan is teaching a class. He's teaching a unity class.
00:23:59That's how I got in here, you know, by the way.
00:24:02Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.
00:24:05Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Got you, man.
00:24:08So anything else somebody should know?
00:24:10We didn't go into that room he was talking about, right? The men in black room?
00:24:16We didn't get a chance to go into the room behind you. He was about to take me there before we stopped.
00:24:21Did we come out of that room? No, we didn't go in that room.
00:24:23This is the room. Oh, yeah.
00:24:25I don't remember seeing the men in black and a guy pressing a button in this room over here.
00:24:30You mean that room? That's that's that's Ryan.
00:24:33Oh, that's Ryan's room. That's his thing.
00:24:36That's what that's where he takes the students for projects.
00:24:41When he actually teaches them, you know, he teaches them how to build in unity.
00:24:46So, you know, is they is their personal projects?
00:24:51God, when we want to take you there, this should be one of the students or gotcha.
00:24:56Gotcha, man. Gotcha. Gotcha.
00:25:00So anything else you want anybody to know?
00:25:05Yeah, I do want somebody to know.
00:25:08OK, I want people to know, man, just just to be happy, bro.
00:25:11Just be happy with your life and, you know, enjoy every moment.
00:25:18Don't waste it. Treat everybody right.
00:25:20Every moment, every step that you take. Enjoy.
00:25:24Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
00:25:27So you just came out and just wanted to record the college?
00:25:32No. Well, what happened, man, is I'm the alt space for our critic.
00:25:35Most everybody knows me. I got like about 300 videos in all space.
00:25:39So what I do is I go to the different worlds. I take a look at it's got to be recorded somewhere in history.
00:25:44You can't you can't have a long run of something and nobody ever recorded anything.
00:25:48So this is like a little bit of history, a little bit of documentary.
00:25:52I get a chance to talk to a bunch of creators that I met.
00:25:55I can't even tell you how many creators I already spoke to.
00:25:57And I get a chance to see where they're coming from, their perspective, you know, how they see life.
00:26:01And what the next project is. And that way, when people get a chance to watch.
00:26:05Let me ask you a question. What do you think about my world, college?
00:26:08Fantastic, man. Oh, you'll see it on the video, buddy. It's fantastic, man.
00:26:12First of all, I'm wondering if this is an actual and real world, the Institute of Education.
00:26:17Because I remember seeing IIE somewhere. I'm in New York City.
00:26:20It is, right? I thought so, man.
00:26:23We created it. We created it to be real world.
00:26:29So what happened was we do have online schools.
00:26:33I thought we had people that can't make it.
00:26:36And we have we have people that can't make it was in wheelchairs.
00:26:40I can't say that. So we do we create online for them.
00:26:44We created the multiverse for the people who wants to come in and go to school for free because of the pandemic.
00:26:51And we figured that, you know, you want to learn something other than trying to, you know, get the COVID thing.
00:26:58Yeah. So let me ask you this, man. So the people that are in the wheelchair that come here and they learn,
00:27:02do they get a certificate after they finish the class or certification?
00:27:06They get not just certificates. We give out badges and Kumlau certificates and everything else.
00:27:12So we actually have a graduation spot. You want to see it?
00:27:16Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because I can't see Ryan's room right now. We'll see that spot.
00:27:21And then the thing is this, man, when they get the certificate or whatever the certification that they have,
00:27:25can they use that in the real world? Yes, you can, because we made it where you can.
00:27:31It's accredited. It looks like it just regular certificate with a number on it and everything.
00:27:37Yeah, I saw yours down there. Yeah, I couldn't believe it, man.
00:27:41That's how detail orientated I am. I read the whole board, man. I read that and I saw Bill Gates.
00:27:45And when I saw Bill Gates right next to yours, then I had the question, buddy. Is that really?
00:27:50You know what I'm saying? Then I looked at the signature. Then I looked at the signature on it.
00:27:55Right. And when I looked at the signature, I saw Jose Ferrer. He's he created this world.
00:28:00But his name wasn't on the his name wasn't on the on the certificate downstairs as signature.
00:28:08To whoever graduated. He has nothing to do with the education part of it.
00:28:13Oh, gotcha. OK, guys, here we go. We're going to take a journey to the graduation spot.
00:28:31Wow, this has been an adventure, buddy. I got information here, man.
00:28:36One o'clock, two o'clock in the morning. That's the time to get your information.
00:28:57I don't know why this takes a while, but it's not just me. It took a while one time, like about a minute.
00:29:03I got there and a couple of seconds later, the other person got there, even if they hit it first.
00:29:12OK, here we go. Wow. Wow, man. Let me get my thing off of here.
00:29:20Look at this spot, dude. Look at this. I would have never saw this.
00:29:29It looked like this when I was here, man. When I was here last night.
00:29:33Yeah. Well, yeah, buddy. Yeah. Let me tell you, man, when I was here, it looked nothing like this, man.
00:29:41Oh, I just saw the four buildings and it was black or gray or something.
00:29:46We upgraded. We upgrade and do security to it all the time.
00:29:50You know, we try to make it better. Come on in. Come on in the building.
00:29:54Gotcha, man. This is spectacular, man. Wow.
00:29:58It's only for graduation, though. Gotcha.
00:30:02When's the next graduation? Six weeks.
00:30:09Gotcha, man. So how long is the class last? Eight weeks?
00:30:15Six weeks. Six weeks. Oh. So you just had a graduation.
00:30:23Somebody just graduated. He has two classes.
00:30:28Wow. Wow. It's nothing like a graduation in the blender class.
00:30:38Wow, man, this is really spectacular, man.
00:30:41This gives a person the feeling that they accomplished something, that they graduated standing up here on the stage looking like this in the spotlight.
00:30:49It's their moment to make their speech.
00:30:53I want to thank all my friends and all the people that supported me.
00:30:56I want to thank my mother and father for paying my college tuition.
00:31:00Thank you guys so much. Look at this.
00:31:04This is beautiful, man. Yeah.
00:31:09This is great. You got to check out. I posted the video today, man.
00:31:15It says Ryan's Apocalyptic Cinema. I posted a video that showed a little bit of the campus.
00:31:21It's called Ryan's Apocalyptic Cinema Bowl. And something has changed.
00:31:25So we went to Ryan's place, where it's kind of like destitute it now.
00:31:29But then we saw the portal and then I hit the portal. The portal took me to IE over here.
00:31:35And that's how I got. But I didn't get here. Ryan is a teacher over here.
00:31:41He teaches unity. I know. I remember when he started.
00:31:46And usually he takes the students out on a field trip and they do projects.
00:31:53Oh, yeah. Grade them by their projects that they do hands on. Oh, that's great.
00:31:58That sounds exciting. So all my teachers the same way. We have teachers from the UK.
00:32:03We have the teachers from our teachers from Germany and as well as the United States.
00:32:10Wow. So I got so I have another question.
00:32:14Even though Jose created this place, you're really the host.
00:32:18Your name should really be on here, right? You don't have to put the creators.
00:32:23You put the person on it. So it should be your name over there instead of Jose's name.
00:32:29They don't really recognize for me. I don't look for recognition for this because doing something to help other people.
00:32:38You know what I'm saying? So my name is not really important.
00:32:41And I mean, but a lot of people know me as helping.
00:32:45But, you know, I'm the one who's paying all the expenses for all of this stuff.
00:32:49Got you, man. To make it free. Gotcha. Yeah. Thanks for that, too.
00:32:54What it feels like. You know what it feels like to see person graduate, man, when they start crying and saying that they accomplish something.
00:33:03It touches you in the heart. You know what I mean? You've seen it already.
00:33:07Have you seen it since you've been here? And again, have you experienced that since you've been here?
00:33:14Yeah, a lot. All the time. Oh, yeah. Wow, man.
00:33:20We even got you see that building down the street, that blue building on your on your left.
00:33:27Right down there. Yeah, that's a wellness center for drugs.
00:33:32That comes in three times a week. Oh, yeah. A real doctor.
00:33:36So if you real doctor 13 years, so if you have problems in your life or whatever, you need somebody to talk to.
00:33:43There's doctors in there you can talk to. Wow, man, it's incredible.
00:33:48Yeah, I'm glad I came out this late, man. And it came over here.
00:33:52Do you see this building over here? The one in front of us.
00:33:59Or the big one, the one in front of us, right? You see that monument over there?
00:34:08Yeah, the rock, right? Back in the monument, there's a building.
00:34:14That building is actually a junior campus for the kids, for 13 year olds.
00:34:20This is no joke over here, man. This is the real deal here.
00:34:24How much time do you spend? How much time do you spend thinking about it?
00:34:28A year in here. A year in here doing this. Wow, man.
00:34:33Congratulations, man. I'm glad I got a chance to interview you.
00:34:37You know, somebody like you needs to be seen, man. It's not a whole lot of people.
00:34:41I just do my thing. So I don't really I don't really get out like, you know, to be seen or take recognition for anything.
00:34:48I just do my thing. A lot of this has been inside my portal or inside the college portal where all space don't see.
00:34:56So what I try to do is take people out of all space and put them in the college space.
00:35:02And then inside the college portal, it's a whole new world. It's a whole different type of experience.
00:35:10Oh, yeah. The college portal is not connected to all space.
00:35:14I mean, it's not like. No. How did they do that? How did they do it?
00:35:19Because we run it on a certain what it is. You got to log in a lot when you log in to your class.
00:35:28When you're inside the class, you are actually inside the portal.
00:35:32So that means that you connect it to your teacher. You connect it to other students.
00:35:35You connect it to your homework. You connect it to like we have like the syllabus that they teach from and everything else.
00:35:42So what I want to do is make sure that no one in all space can come in and try to, you know, wreck the school.
00:35:49Yeah, because now we inside the portal.
00:35:53You know that right there you're talking about. I have to actually experience that myself.
00:35:58I'm trying to get a vision of it. But as soon as you said it's not connected to all space, it's completely different.
00:36:03I can't even fathom that because I never really experienced it.
00:36:06Because now because now I can deal with people from different parts of the world.
00:36:12Yeah, man, log in and they can rather they can rather come into the classroom or you can come in.
00:36:20So with the international, there's no language problem.
00:36:24Yes, it is. And my only problem is trying to get that universal translator.
00:36:30Or find an instructor that also speaks the language that you have the class to like if it's Spanish.
00:36:36Yeah, but you know what? I don't want it that way. I want to get the universal translator.
00:36:41So everybody can understand everything from you can talk to each other.
00:36:44And I did find it. So somebody is actually making it for me and it's going to be put in this world.
00:36:49Oh, yeah, that's incredible, man, because I'm also a part of Engage and Engage was talking about working on getting a translator.
00:36:56I got most of my videos. I had like maybe like 400 videos and Engage, but maybe like close to 300 in all space.
00:37:02Yeah. So imagine this. Imagine imagine that your next door neighbor is somebody from Germany.
00:37:09And yeah, I can just sit back on a park bench and just talk.
00:37:13Zang and no barriers. And that's what I wanted for the school because it's called it's called the international.
00:37:21It's international. You know, I'm saying I can imagine it.
00:37:25I can say I can imagine on a park bench because you can do that right now.
00:37:28All I have to do is hand somebody a cell phone and then they can see it says translate.
00:37:33And it may become a system. Put it. Put their language in there.
00:37:36Whatever they want to say. But I want to do that. We want to. Gotcha.
00:37:39We want the universal translator here. So if you walking past somebody from Sweden, still understand what they're talking about.
00:37:47You can hold a conversation right there on the street. I'm saying, do you know that technology can be used in a real world, man?
00:37:54If you can get that out in the real world, then you can cross.
00:37:58Right. For right now, my focus is on the students here.
00:38:02I'm trying to educate people, not just just just school educate, but life too.
00:38:10But I'm saying that that idea right there that you take a small here would be expanded to billions of dollars in the real world, man.
00:38:18Billions of dollars. So somebody could take a look at what you're doing.
00:38:21I just I don't capitalize on it. I don't know what I got.
00:38:25But you know what? It ain't really about the money because I know people started.
00:38:31One of the people wanted to buy this place and make a really junior college out of it.
00:38:37Oh, yeah. Charge, but I don't want to charge.
00:38:40If I charge any money is going to be for the students, it's going to be for the teachers.
00:38:45And if it is any charge, it's going to be like a twenty five dollars a month or something like that for classes.
00:38:51There'll be nothing to kill. So you had some offers here.
00:38:54Teachers get offers to actually buy this place from real corporations.
00:38:59Yeah, yeah. It's a big salary.
00:39:03Was it a bit was it tempting? Because this is not a joke.
00:39:08It was tempting, but but it wasn't tempting enough.
00:39:13It wasn't tempting enough to give him this. It wasn't tempting enough to give him this and create another one just like this.
00:39:19It wasn't that tempting. I mean, I could I could. But this one this one is actually one that is functional.
00:39:28Got you, man. People graduate. They're doing stuff in here.
00:39:32We got we got you see over there. If you look on to your left.
00:39:36Yeah. They're called the quads. We got the Capra's, the fraternities, the Capra's, Phi Beta Sigma, the Alpha's and all that.
00:39:45Except in the quads. Incredible.
00:39:48Heritage Hall over there. I was I was Alpha Beta Gamma and high in college for two semesters.
00:39:55Yeah. Oh, over there is the Heritage Hall where we have the fraternities and stuff like that.
00:40:03They are like have the pictures and stuff in the Heritage Hall.
00:40:09So do you have the quads right here? Do you have a student body here too?
00:40:14Yes. This is a campus and this is a.
00:40:19Have you been to the main campus?
00:40:22I don't know. I haven't been here, so I don't think I've been any place really.
00:40:26Yeah, I haven't been here. You've been here. No, I haven't been here.
00:40:30Graduation. I haven't been to you. It's just a graduate to me.
00:40:35It's another spot that spectacular that I haven't seen. This is spectacular.
00:40:40But you haven't been to the main campus. Then you just know this is just this is this is a hub of the main campus.
00:40:47But we only gutted it out so we can have this a place just for the students to graduate.
00:40:53All right. Let's take a look. So everybody can see what they're getting into already.
00:40:57I think you have their attention. When you say free and it's a class thing, I got the attention now for this one.
00:41:12Wow, this is an experience. OK.
00:41:21Dude, this is beautiful, man. I need to go back to school to anyway.
00:41:27I would have never known, man.
00:41:33So in the real world, he would be like in charge of a whole campus.
00:41:37And that's the big guy on the campus. The big guy on the campus.
00:41:45And he want to educate the people for free, man. So, you know, I'm joining that class.
00:41:59There's so much to learn here, man.
00:42:02It's so much to learn over here. So many people got so many different ideas you're doing.
00:42:17OK, here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Zero.
00:42:35Ready? Whoa, look. Wow.
00:42:48At the main campus now. OK, let me take my. This is incredible.
00:42:53I would have never I would have never got here if I didn't run into you. Right.
00:42:59Come on in. Let me show you. Got you, man. Wow. Right off the back. It looks spectacular, man.
00:43:05Look at the board directory. I'm telling you, you know, all the classes that we have, as you see, is really big.
00:43:12We have a lot of stuff going on. And this is your place, man.
00:43:18Come on in. Teachers office, conference room, registration.
00:43:23Look at this, man. Wow. This is registration.
00:43:31Oh, wow. Administration. The teacher's offices over here.
00:43:40And the administration. And let me show you our boardroom. Got you, man. Wow.
00:43:47I would have never saw any of this, man. I thought I was here yesterday. No, no.
00:43:53You're right, man. I wasn't. I told you it was big. It's gigantic, man.
00:44:00Look at that boardroom. It's like the Knights at a round table.
00:44:06My office. Oh, yeah. Wow, man.
00:44:12Use it as a. That's my map.
00:44:17That's my goal right here. Thought from this side of the map, the other side of the map to gather all the people from different places in the world.
00:44:26Remember, I told you I need that universal translator. Yeah, yeah.
00:44:32Oh, it tells me all the time zones and everything that I need. My partner's in China.
00:44:38It's my partner. He's in China. He's in real China. He's in China.
00:44:43There's another school in China physically. He's in China physically.
00:44:48We have another school like this. It was copied and put it in China. Oh, yeah.
00:44:52We have another school in China. And right here is where we try to.
00:44:58The school for the people in the UK.
00:45:02Oh, man. And you're talking about everybody's going to do it for trying to do is.
00:45:07It's just.
00:45:10We talk in the negative one line and then we just keep going on.
00:45:16So what's the numbers for the arm, the negative three to one is the time zones that you add negative one.
00:45:24For instance, if you if you over here in the United States and.
00:45:30Let's say say Canada and they say Canada is negative one.
00:45:36Every you live here, you just you just.
00:45:40You go off six hours as the time is over there.
00:45:45Wow. So let me ask you this question. Sort of free classes. Are you talking about giving free classes to the world?
00:45:51I'm giving free classes to everybody, the whole world. And if you're trying to search, if you're going to translate, you're talking about giving free class to the whole world.
00:45:58Right. That's a big, heavy load right now. Everybody, like I said, if I charge is going to be charging just for the teachers.
00:46:06I'm time and patience and it will be only like twenty five hours a month or something.
00:46:11You know what I'm saying? Yeah, man. Wow, man. I'm definitely taking one of those classes like that.
00:46:18My student right there. That's not my student. Well, he might want to hear what you have to say to.
00:46:27I think he probably already know how to get in here, man. You put me in here. How did he get in here?
00:46:35It's probably on a popular list. Everybody already know to come to the main campus. You probably just don't know.
00:46:42I got all those videos. I didn't know you see out there.
00:46:47There's a there's a garden out there where the students study at.
00:46:54Oh, yeah. First of all, man, let me just tell you this, man.
00:46:59First of all, congratulations, man. I don't met people doing big things, buddy.
00:47:04Right. But this one is like educationally big, man. You know what I'm saying? So congratulations.
00:47:09You want to say something to you? You look like you might want to say something to you.
00:47:12Yeah. I'm going to look at the garden while he's talking to you, sir.
00:47:17He probably be on mute. Sometimes people forget about that mute button.
00:47:27You go out there. I thought that was the skybox.
00:47:34What? Look at this, man.
00:47:41This is gigantic, buddy. This is bigger than any college campus I ever saw in real life.
00:47:49And I've seen some big ones, man. I'm in New York City.
00:47:52Look at this. And he put people to disguise it. I ran into some people, buddy.
00:48:01In my life. Look at this. This is a real campus, man.
00:48:17Incredible, buddy. Look. Words can't express.
00:48:26When I come into Lehman College, it looks like this a little bit.
00:48:29Look at this, man. Look at this.
00:48:34Look like a graduation person over there.
00:48:38Oh, that's just a sign. Look at this, man.
00:48:44Dude. Dude. Between yesterday and today, I've seen some amazing things.
00:48:54Amazing things. Let me tell you. It's a pleasure.
00:49:01Look at this, man. Look at this room.
00:49:11Where's this gentleman at?
00:49:17Incredible. Look, the dean's list. People's names are actually on the dean's list.
00:49:33Look at this, man. Beautiful. Beautiful.
00:49:41This is what I saw the other day. Right here.
00:49:52All right, guys.
00:49:53Over here?
00:49:55Oh, yeah, buddy.
00:49:59Cool. Mountain Street. One down the street.
00:50:13What? Someone's over down here.
00:50:16I'm down here by the quads. The big tall buildings.
00:50:21B building, C building.
00:50:23Gotcha, man.
00:50:25Boy, I can hear you.
00:50:28Oh, gotcha. I see the quad now. Gotcha.
00:50:33It's like a real big, gigantic campus, man. Oh, I see you.
00:50:38That's why I want to show you to you. I can only show it to you on the street.
00:50:43Down the street. See me?
00:50:45Yeah, I'm right behind you, man.
00:50:48Oh, you are? Okay.
00:50:51So let me start by these four buildings over here.
00:50:55This is A building, B building, C building, D building.
00:50:58These are the classes.
00:51:00There's two for each world.
00:51:03There's two worlds for these buildings.
00:51:06So there's two A buildings. There's W1 and W2.
00:51:09Only way I can show you, if you come to the class schedule board right over here.
00:51:15In college, what was your major, man?
00:51:22Yeah. Well, this is business to a high level.
00:51:25You should have a business class too, man.
00:51:28This is unbelievable, man.
00:51:30This feels like I'm actually...
00:51:32You see that building over there?
00:51:35That's the entrepreneur building.
00:51:39To the left or the right? To the left, right? I see it.
00:51:43So what happens in that building?
00:51:45Yeah, right here.
00:51:47That's the entrepreneur building.
00:51:49That's where we have classes to teach people how to start their own businesses, banking, everything.
00:51:55What? And who's teaching that class?
00:51:57This building over here?
00:52:00The law building.
00:52:01The school of law. I remember you said that, man.
00:52:03The law.
00:52:04And we teach law over here.
00:52:07So do you actually have lawyers teaching that class?
00:52:11Yes, we actually have lawyers and they teach.
00:52:14They come in and they teach our event class.
00:52:19And usually we'll have... I don't want to take up their life, so it's like one class a week or two classes a week.
00:52:27Brian has three classes a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.
00:52:30So it really depends on the class.
00:52:32It determines how long you're going to be in there.
00:52:36So they're doing pro bono then?
00:52:39They're doing pro bono?
00:52:40Because they're not getting paid, so they're volunteering, right?
00:52:44Yeah, they're doing it because they want people to learn.
00:52:47They want to know about law.
00:52:49Corporate law.
00:52:50Incredible, man.
00:52:51Criminal law, stuff like that.
00:52:53Then see this building over here?
00:52:55The A building.
00:52:56The buildings where we teach Unity, Blender, Advanced Blender.
00:53:01We got people from Japan, Yang, teaching Advanced Blender.
00:53:06How to build PlayStation games, how to build Xbox games, and stuff like that.
00:53:11Oh, that's what Blender does.
00:53:12It builds games, right?
00:53:13I heard of Blender before.
00:53:17And this over here, the quads, where you had the quads.
00:53:22See that black building over there?
00:53:26That's a building in front of me?
00:53:29Yeah, I see it.
00:53:31That's where the fraternities hang out, like A Phi A, Phi Beta Sigma.
00:53:35We put in the history of the fraternities and the sororities in that building.
00:53:40So how do you get into a sorority over here?
00:53:43Depending on what your grade is?
00:53:45I'll show you.
00:53:47No, no.
00:53:48You're already a sorority in the real world.
00:53:50You got the A Phi A and the Kappas.
00:53:53Yeah, like I said, I'm Alpha Beta Gamma.
00:53:55I'm Alpha Beta Gamma.
00:53:56Yeah, we want to show the history of the fraternities and the school that they came from
00:54:01and the significance role that they play on a college campus and what they do for the community.
00:54:09So we put all the history in that building.
00:54:14So you have stuff in the building that I can see now that shows a little bit of history?
00:54:18Come on, because we just finished building it.
00:54:22Come on.
00:54:25Now let me tell you, when I came here last night, it was just four buildings, man,
00:54:30and they were like skeletons.
00:54:31Only Ryan had a class.
00:54:33I think it was Ryan's class.
00:54:34You behind me?
00:54:35What are you doing?
00:54:36Yeah, because you went to something different.
00:54:39Yeah, I went to his old portal that he had.
00:54:45You know what this reminds me of?
00:54:46This reminds me of the West.
00:54:47Go to the front.
00:54:49To the front.
00:54:52I can't move as fast.
00:54:54Put my hand over there, all right?
00:54:55Put my hand on the scanner?
00:54:59Does that really work?
00:55:00Let me get it over there first.
00:55:03I'm right where the blue entrance is.
00:55:06Yeah, you got to just point and click inside the blue.
00:55:11Oh, gotcha.
00:55:12You at the door?
00:55:13Yeah, I'm at the door.
00:55:15Oh, don't go to the door.
00:55:19You sure you want a black box outside of the door?
00:55:21The hand.
00:55:23The hand print?
00:55:24No, no, outside.
00:55:25No, the little box that's outside.
00:55:29Come on outside.
00:55:30Okay, I'm outside now.
00:55:33I'm outside the Heritage Hall.
00:55:36Is that the building?
00:55:37Right here.
00:55:39This little black thing that's in the front of the place here.
00:55:45Oh, right here.
00:55:46Yeah, I didn't see that.
00:55:47Because that came at a different angle.
00:55:48Click that and it'll take you inside the building.
00:55:52You going in there with me?
00:55:55Okay, gotcha.
00:55:57Another portal.
00:56:18This place doesn't end, huh?
00:56:23Look at this, man.
00:56:24The view is different from outside because I don't remember being out there.
00:56:34Look at this, man.
00:56:40I've never seen so many sororities in real life.
00:56:45Gamma, Sigma, University of Arkansas, Kappa Beta.
00:56:51Oh, this is two levels.
00:56:54Wow, man.
00:56:56And we want to teach the history of forefathers is over here.
00:57:01We want to teach the history of the fraternities.
00:57:05We just said we didn't want just one man on the wall, but he put himself on the wall.
00:57:12So all of these guys were in fraternities, man.
00:57:15Look at that.
00:57:16I've never seen anybody tell me all the people that were famous in history.
00:57:21You won't believe the people that are of Kappas, Cedric the Entertainer.
00:57:25Dude, that's Cedric the Entertainer.
00:57:27He's talking on mute.
00:57:32You're right, man.
00:57:33All that talking I did was wasted.
00:57:35Thanks for telling me.
00:57:36That's Cedric the Entertainer, man.
00:57:38Cedric's up there.
00:57:40Right there, Cedric.
00:57:41He's a Kappa.
00:57:44Not to him.
00:57:45Look at the rest of the people.
00:57:46But, dude, I would have never thought Cedric would have been up there.
00:57:49You know what I'm saying?
00:57:50You know what that says?
00:57:52If the glove don't fit, you must quit.
00:57:57Look at this guy.
00:57:59So we want to show the history of that.
00:58:02Oh, come on to the next slide.
00:58:04Got you.
00:58:05Starting to do this one.
00:58:13Martin Luther King.
00:58:15I never would have thought about he was in a fraternity.
00:58:17But that's quite – I said Frederick Douglass.
00:58:20There's a lot of people that you never thought was going to be on this wall.
00:58:23You should have had to come back.
00:58:25That's a Duke.
00:58:26Duke Ellington?
00:58:29I never would have thought these guys would have been there
00:58:31because they didn't do anything like – it was entertainment.
00:58:35I know.
00:58:36It wasn't like – and that's the Alpha.
00:58:38Especially the Alpha Angels.
00:58:40Alicia Rashad that was in the Build Off.
00:58:43Bill Cosby.
00:58:45You never thought her or anybody else.
00:58:47I would have thought Build Off and Temple.
00:58:50Bill Cosby.
00:58:52This is where we show people who's in fraternities
00:58:56and what they did for the community.
00:58:58Wow, man.
00:59:00How about the Alpha, Beta, Gamma?
00:59:01Come back in another month, it'll be filled up.
00:59:03Upstairs and downstairs.
00:59:05Well, hopefully it'll be filled up with me on that picture somewhere.
00:59:09I mean, I would like your fraternity too.
00:59:11I mean, if you have some pictures of your fraternity and everything,
00:59:15I would love to put it on the wall.
00:59:17Got you, man.
00:59:18I do have pictures.
00:59:19It's hanging up in my college right now.
00:59:20It's a pleasure to walk to the college, and every time I walk there –
00:59:23I'm in New York, so I'm in the Bronx.
00:59:26I did Bronx Community College, man.
00:59:28So it's good to know that –
00:59:29Me too.
00:59:31You too what?
00:59:33Yeah, Bronx Community College.
00:59:34I went there for two months.
00:59:36Actually, I was a teacher's assistant, and then I went to Hofstra University.
00:59:40You got to be kidding, man.
00:59:41I know.
00:59:42I went to Hofstra, and I did a little bit of class at Lehman too, man,
00:59:45because usually when people get out of Bronx Community College,
00:59:47they go straight to Lehman.
00:59:48Everybody goes in a pack.
00:59:49The Spanish people seem like everybody goes in a pack over there.
00:59:53I lived in Long Island.
00:59:55I went to Nassau Community College first.
00:59:57From Nassau Community College, I went to C.W. Post.
00:59:59From C.W. Post, I went to Hofstra University.
01:00:02From Hofstra University, I went to Ethical.
01:00:05You probably know that.
01:00:07Cornell University.
01:00:08Yeah, especially through Cornell.
01:00:09Come on.
01:00:10That's top-notch, man.
01:00:11I was born in Long Island, man.
01:00:12I was born in Hempstead, lived in Freeport and Long Beach.
01:00:16I was born in Hempstead.
01:00:18Dude, I was born in Hempstead Hospital.
01:00:20What do you call that hospital that's over there?
01:00:23I was born in Hempstead Hospital.
01:00:26I lived in Hempstead.
01:00:28What's the odds of that, man?
01:00:31You know what?
01:00:32I lived on Rose Avenue right by the next street over is Uniondale.
01:00:41But when I was living there, I was still under my mom's care,
01:00:44probably in a baby carrier or something like that.
01:00:46So I don't even know exactly where I was living at, man.
01:00:48But that's something else.
01:00:49So check this out.
01:00:51So where do you live at now?
01:00:54North Carolina.
01:00:55I lived in the Bahamas for a while.
01:00:58Oh, yeah.
01:00:59I moved from New York to Florida, from Florida to the Bahamas,
01:01:02to the Bahamas to North Carolina because the jobs were better here
01:01:07because now I work for the IRS.
01:01:09I'm a network administrator.
01:01:11Oh, yeah?
01:01:13Wow, man.
01:01:15Dude, you got so many different skills, man.
01:01:17It's a pleasure to really meet you.
01:01:18It's a pleasure.
01:01:19Get it?
01:01:20It's a pleasure.
01:01:21A little play on the words there.
01:01:23Yo, man, thank you so much.
01:01:26I don't want to hold up all your time, man,
01:01:28because I want to cherish this moment, man.
01:01:30But, yo, I can't tell you enough, man.
01:01:32To say congratulations, to say it's like it's a small word for you, man.
01:01:38It's supposed to be a bigger word,
01:01:40but I got to get in the dictionary a little bit more.
01:01:42It's like I'm so happy for you, man.
01:01:44I'm so happy to know that somebody accomplished so much.
01:01:48You know what it is?
01:01:50What's that?
01:01:51When you start looking at people differently
01:01:55and you start helping them out and they appreciate it,
01:01:57the ones that really appreciate it, you know what I'm saying,
01:02:00it's a heartfelt type of thing.
01:02:02Definitely, man.
01:02:05I know it, man.
01:02:07See, I'm hitting it on a global level now.
01:02:10You know what I'm saying?
01:02:11I want the whole world.
01:02:13I'm greedy.
01:02:16Yo, you know what's funny, man?
01:02:18I want the whole world.
01:02:20I can't compare myself to you in any kind of way at all, buddy.
01:02:23However, since I did the Altspace VR,
01:02:26I've been able to hit parts of the world I never hit.
01:02:29I done hit Sudan.
01:02:30I done hit Egypt.
01:02:31I done hit Germany.
01:02:33I got a chance to talk to people.
01:02:34I'm grateful for the people that can kind of understand my language.
01:02:37I might have to have somebody who can do bilingual,
01:02:40and somebody only speaks their language and they speak mine.
01:02:42There's a translator there.
01:02:45I understand what you're saying, but I'm not even really.
01:02:47I'm kind of helping.
01:02:48Not helping like you.
01:02:49You know the bottom line?
01:02:50Here's the bottom line.
01:02:52The bottom line is we all go through the same thing together.
01:02:57No matter where you at in the world.
01:02:59You know what I'm saying?
01:03:01Only difference that separates us is language barrier.
01:03:06We all get up.
01:03:07We all work.
01:03:08We all do the same thing.
01:03:09We all try to.
01:03:11You all get lonely, depressed, disabled, handicapped, stuff, everything.
01:03:18Congratulations, man.
01:03:19We all get ready to be all the same.
01:03:20You know what I'm saying?
01:03:21We all the same no matter where you at.
01:03:23And being at the college, I experienced that and talked to a lot of people.
01:03:27That's just, you know, we all get up and put our shoes on the same way,
01:03:33tie our shoes, go to work and come home and take care of family and,
01:03:37you know, do our thing.
01:03:39Definitely, man.
01:03:40Yo, let me tell you something, man.
01:03:42If this was America Got Talent, right now,
01:03:45the only way to express the way I feel is that I would have to hit the golden
01:03:51I would have to hit the golden button.
01:03:54And all this stuff would come down right on you, man.
01:03:56You know what I'm saying?
01:03:57I don't even want the recognition, man.
01:03:58I just give it to you.
01:04:00That's what makes you really.
01:04:01That's what I'm talking about, man.
01:04:02That's what people like you deserve the golden button, man.
01:04:05So I'm glad that we had this interview, man.
01:04:08Especially meeting a person like you.
01:04:10I didn't even know it was an interview.
01:04:11We were just talking, bro.
01:04:12Yeah, it was.
01:04:13You know what I'm saying?
01:04:15Well, this is how you do an interview.
01:04:17It's just talking.
01:04:18Nobody's playing instruments.
01:04:21You ever go into a class?
01:04:23Yeah, I want to go into the class, man.
01:04:25But you know what I'm glad about?
01:04:26I'm glad this, man, that I heard everything you had to say,
01:04:29the way you said it,
01:04:31and that everybody else would hear everything that you say.
01:04:35Because that's my main objective, man.
01:04:37Yeah, my main objective when I'm doing the alt space thing.
01:04:40First, it started off like this, man.
01:04:41Let me tell you how my things.
01:04:42I went around.
01:04:43I looked around.
01:04:44I said, wow, this is nice, man.
01:04:46Nobody I knew had virtual reality.
01:04:48I just decided to get it myself before it really came big.
01:04:51So I did the little Google box thing.
01:04:54I did the thing where you stick the cell phone in.
01:04:56I did it until I got to this, to the heavy-duty stuff, man.
01:04:59So after I saw it, I said, you know how many people don't see stuff like this?
01:05:03Some people don't care, man.
01:05:05People will go through their whole life and miss out on opportunities
01:05:08that was right there in front of their face
01:05:10because they didn't take any advice.
01:05:12Somebody said, yo, just check this out.
01:05:14No, that's okay.
01:05:15And if you would have went through that door,
01:05:17it would have been so many other doors.
01:05:18It would have changed people's lives, man.
01:05:20So you have to listen to what people say, man.
01:05:22People went to school.
01:05:24You know what I was listening to the other day, man?
01:05:25Because I listen to motivational tapes all the day, every day.
01:05:28So I was listening to this thing, and this guy said, let me see.
01:05:33It was Billy Armstrong, something like that.
01:05:36He said that, man, I just forgot that.
01:05:39I remember another one, man.
01:05:41He said he's going to make your haters beg you for a job.
01:05:43That's what he said.
01:05:44But that wasn't the one I was going to use, but I like that one.
01:05:47He said he's going to do so good that he's going to make the haters say,
01:05:49yo, you hiring, man?
01:05:51Because we might not get along, but I see you going somewhere.
01:05:54You're going somewhere, man.
01:05:55I've seen a couple of people that I've seen with my own eyes
01:05:58before they hit any place really big that I saw them before they went someplace, man.
01:06:02You're going to be in the papers or something, man.
01:06:04Actually, it's not hard to recognize it.
01:06:07And that's one of my good qualities that I got about people,
01:06:10especially when I'm registering them for school.
01:06:13They don't really know what they want to do.
01:06:15But I can see it in their eyes, man, that they're hungry for something.
01:06:19So I'm going to tell you what a lot of people do.
01:06:23I'm going to take you over there real quick, and then I got to leave you, okay?
01:06:26Got you, man.
01:06:27And then I got to find out.
01:06:28I'm going to show you.
01:06:29Got you.
01:06:30Show you something.
01:06:31Got you.
01:06:32And at the same time, remember what you want me to call this video, man.
01:06:34You want me to call it your school?
01:06:36Oh, I know.
01:06:37I can call it your school and an interview with the creator.
01:06:39That's what I normally do.
01:06:40No, you don't have to do that.
01:06:41Call it, too, the international education.
01:06:46But usually, oh, you've never seen any of my videos yet, right?
01:06:50Did I make you my friend already?
01:06:51I never have.
01:06:53Because usually what I do is, well, I'm an all-space VR critic.
01:06:57I'll put just what you say there.
01:07:01You're making a portal, right?
01:07:02I mean, please, I don't want you to twist my words.
01:07:05Got you, man.
01:07:06Well, it's unrecorded.
01:07:08I can't twist your words because it's coming out of your mouth.
01:07:10And I don't add nothing extra.
01:07:18You ready?
01:07:20Been ready.
01:07:22I've been.
01:07:28I mean, we could sit here for days.
01:07:30There's a portal into different places in this college.
01:07:33Oh, you know what I was going to ask you, man, before we go?
01:07:35I didn't hit the portal, man.
01:07:40Dude, I didn't hit the portal.
01:07:42I've got to find him.
01:07:44Where's he at?
01:07:46I hit it, but it went too quick.
01:07:50All right, let me see.
01:07:51I didn't hit that portal, buddy.
01:07:54Thank God you can do it like this.
01:08:01What an experience, buddy.
01:08:03I got more than I'm bonging for tonight.
01:08:18Okay, I'm here.
01:08:19I miss your portal, you know.
01:08:22I miss your portal.
01:08:23I had to find your name.
01:08:24You didn't hit the garden.
01:08:25You didn't hit the coffee shop.
01:08:28So, let me ask you this, man.
01:08:30So, let's say.
01:08:34Thanks, man.
01:08:35It's amazing.
01:08:36Every time I talk, you tell me I'm a mute.
01:08:37Everybody tells me that.
01:08:38So, let me see that.
01:08:39Let's say somebody wanted to get in contact with you, man.
01:08:41How can they contact you?
01:08:44Oh, it's easy.
01:08:46It's easy.
01:08:47Just go to edu.iieschools.
01:08:52That's it?
01:08:54Come to the school.
01:08:56I mean, I got a registration team.
01:08:57I got administration team.
01:08:58I got board of directors, all that stuff.
01:09:03So, how many people do you have working?
01:09:04You don't have to get in contact with me.
01:09:05You just come to class.
01:09:08How many people do you have working with you or under you or connected with you?
01:09:12I got a lot of people, man.
01:09:14I handpick my people.
01:09:16So, when I get them to work for me, it's somebody I met that feels the same way I feel.
01:09:23Got you, man.
01:09:24They have the same passion.
01:09:25You know what I'm saying?
01:09:28You know what's funny about that?
01:09:29Now, I remember one thing.
01:09:30I remember what the motivational speaker said that Kobe Bryant, right?
01:09:34They used to ask Kobe when he was playing the basketball at the game, right?
01:09:42How come you don't pass the ball to other people?
01:09:44He said, why would I pass the ball to somebody that comes to class late?
01:09:48They leave early and they don't have the same passion I have.
01:09:51I'm only going to pass the ball to the person that feels the same way I feel and they care about the game.
01:09:56They care about losing or winning.
01:09:59So, that's what I got from that, man.
01:10:00So, where you at right now?
01:10:02Entrepreneur class.
01:10:04Got you, man.
01:10:05This is where we teach people how to start their own businesses.
01:10:07This is where we teach them how to do banking.
01:10:11This is where we teach them how to basically just think.
01:10:15You know what I'm saying?
01:10:17And the qualifications?
01:10:18The qualifications for this teacher is what?
01:10:21The entrepreneur teacher is what?
01:10:23He has his own business already or he got a certificate in business or what?
01:10:29Let me tell you something.
01:10:31This teacher has been on real estate for a long time and he's from the streets.
01:10:39Got you.
01:10:40Two versions.
01:10:41Coming up.
01:10:42He went to Berkeley.
01:10:47Barely went to Berkeley.
01:10:48You know what I'm saying?
01:10:49But he came up from the streets the hard way and that's how he's teaching the students.
01:10:53Same way he came up.
01:10:55You know what I'm saying?
01:10:56This is what they face with in the streets.
01:10:58This is how you get out the streets.
01:11:00You know what I'm saying?
01:11:01This is how you stand on your own two feet.
01:11:03So, he understands the mentality of most of the students.
01:11:08And that's the people you want working for you.
01:11:10You want people like that working for you.
01:11:13Where you at right now is this little table right here as we teach them how to conduct meetings.
01:11:21He's got my boy Kevin Hart up there too.
01:11:23He's on the Entrepreneur Magazine, huh?
01:11:27Come on upstairs.
01:11:28Got you, man.
01:11:31Surprised I don't see Steve Harvey on there, man.
01:11:33Because you see him on every show.
01:11:38Now, is this where I was?
01:11:40Let me see.
01:11:45Okay, this is where I was, man.
01:11:47I was here and I saw the fountain out there, I think.
01:11:50And I saw the four buildings.
01:11:52But I didn't go in the campus.
01:11:54This is another classroom.
01:11:56This is not the Unity class.
01:11:59This is another classroom.
01:12:01So, all of them, if you look outside, all of them are connected together.
01:12:07Yeah, I was checking that out, man.
01:12:09And you can take a shortcut by just going right on the ramp from here, right?
01:12:13You can go right outside the window to the ramp and go to the next building instead of going downstairs.
01:12:17There's a ramp underneath it that you can walk through to another building.
01:12:21But what we did was we made it different worlds.
01:12:26Oh, gotcha.
01:12:28Another portal then, right?
01:12:29You have to use a portal to get there, right?
01:12:31That's why you go through a whole lot of portals because now you're in another world.
01:12:35And the only reason why we did it like that is because one class go on and another class go on and we don't have to interrupt each other.
01:12:43Gotcha, man.
01:12:45Yeah, I don't know what to say, man.
01:12:47Thank you for coming by.
01:12:49Oh, thank you, man.
01:12:50You know, walk around the campus and check out our coffee shop, our flower little thing over there and everything else.
01:12:57But because I got to run because I got a meeting soon.
01:12:59No problem.
01:13:00You already spent close to an hour, man.
01:13:02But before you leave, let me just tell you this, man.
01:13:04I don't have enough words to tell you about your accomplishments, man, because it would take somebody who already has something that's bigger than me to tell you because a small guy really couldn't tell you, man.
01:13:13But no matter who you are, thanks a lot for the education.
01:13:16Thanks for the free education.
01:13:17Thanks for being humble, man.
01:13:19Thanks for even having this idea.
01:13:21Thanks for taking all those times and that you went to school to learn the struggle, everything to come over here to bring it to people so they don't have to go through everything else, man.
01:13:30I really appreciate it.
01:13:31I feel like you did something for me personally.
01:13:33I appreciate that, bro.
01:13:37So, Mr. Pleasure, I know you got to go.
01:13:38I'm not going to hold you up any longer.
01:13:40I'm the alt space.
01:13:41Be our critic.
01:13:42This video will be on maybe within about seven hours on YouTube.
01:13:45OK, what is it called?
01:13:49Well, I'm the alt space.
01:13:51Be our critic.
01:13:52Mostly everybody knows me, man, where I go different places.
01:13:54They don't.
01:13:55The good thing about it when they see the video, they don't see me.
01:13:57So when I get in the environment, they don't know I'm there until I tell them on the alt space.
01:14:01Be our critic.
01:14:02I got 300 videos on alt space, man.
01:14:03I've been to 300 different worlds.
01:14:05You know what kind of experience that is, man?
01:14:08So, yeah, then I got stuff and engage and walking dead and other stuff.
01:14:12But the big thing that I'm working on is to engage in alt space.
01:14:15But take that, man.
01:14:16You said you had to go.
01:14:17I don't want to hold you up because I definitely want to speak to you later on.
01:14:20I want to say, yo, that's the guy that keeps talking.
01:14:22So I remember what Felix Unger said on our couple.
01:14:25He said, never overstay your welcome or you may never be welcome to overstay.
01:14:29Thanks a lot for everything.
01:14:31So you don't have to worry about leaving me.
01:14:33I'm going to try.
01:14:34I don't want to leave now.
01:14:35But I know you got to go.
01:14:36So out of courtesy, I got to go now.
01:14:37But so I got to let you go.
01:14:39I got to meet you.
01:14:40I got to jump to.
01:14:41Yo, congratulations, man.
01:14:42I'm going to keep my eyes on you.
01:14:43And I want to take a class.
01:14:45So I'm going to find a way to take a class and you'll see me in the school.
01:14:48Anytime you want to.
01:14:49Just let me know.
01:14:50Hey, personally, I'll put you in personally myself.
01:14:52Yo, that would be great, man, because when you get big, this video is going to be explosive.
01:14:58I'm already big.
01:14:59Oh, sorry about that, man.
01:15:01Sorry about that.
01:15:02I don't even know what to say, man.
01:15:04Anyway, the video will be valuable somewhere down the line.
01:15:07Okay, how about that one?
01:15:08You're right, man.
01:15:09You're not big.
01:15:10You're gigantic.
01:15:11You're humble, gigantic.
01:15:12As long as you can come.
01:15:13As long as you can come and learn something that'll take your life to another level.
01:15:18And I don't know nothing about Unity, man.
01:15:20I got 300 videos.
01:15:21I've seen everything.
01:15:22That's why it's Unity 101.
01:15:24You learn from step one to step ten.
01:15:28So, seven hours it'll be on, and I'll speak to you a little bit later.
01:15:31Thanks a lot for everything.
01:15:33Good luck with your day, and the business you got to take care of.
01:15:39And I'll walk around.
01:15:47This was an excellent adventure, buddy.
01:15:52So much information to absorb.
01:15:56And so much that I have to do with my life.
01:15:59And you guys probably have to do with your life, too.
01:16:02See what people are doing, man?
01:16:04They're not sitting on the corner smoking blunts, drinking 40s.
01:16:11People are not even going to just karaoke clubs and meeting people.
01:16:16People are doing big things, man.
01:16:18Like this gentleman is doing.
01:16:21Look at this, man.
01:16:22Look at this.
01:16:23The same time we have in a day.
01:16:25The same 24 hours.
01:16:27This is what Mr. Pleasure does with his 24 hours.
01:16:31And let me tell you, buddy.
01:16:32I've been to a bunch of different colleges and schools.
01:16:35I didn't want to tell him I got a bunch of certificates, too.
01:16:37Maybe like 17, because I'm not trying to compare my stuff to him.
01:16:40Especially when you got a world like this, man.
01:16:43He's not going to say, I got 15 certificates.
01:16:46I got 17.
01:16:47And what?
01:16:48Do you have this?
01:16:49Look at this, man.
01:16:51Look at this.
01:16:53Look at this, man.
01:16:54And he want to do it free.
01:16:56And if he even charges.
01:16:59He's talking about $25 a month.
01:17:04$1 a day is not even $25 a month.
01:17:11And look down here.
01:17:12I wouldn't go to this class, because this is Ryan's class right here.
01:17:15I'm not going to go on without him in here.
01:17:19But I'm going to step outside, though.
01:17:25I thought I saw.
01:17:26And I still haven't seen everything.
01:17:30Now, let me tell you, buddy.
01:17:35This is the real deal.
01:17:41I got an application that I use.
01:17:43And they have a campus.
01:17:45But you don't actually have any people on that campus.
01:17:48Going to school.
01:17:49Going to classes.
01:17:52A doctor on the campus, man.
01:17:55And I told you before.
01:17:56I think I've seen this.
01:17:57I knew I saw this before.
01:17:59I'm in New York City, man.
01:18:05I won't touch that class.
01:18:06That's my partner's class.
01:18:08I'm not going to touch that class.
01:18:09I'm not going to touch that class.
01:18:10I won't touch that class.
01:18:11That's my partner's class.
01:18:14I really want to take the Unity class, too.
01:18:16With Ryan.
01:18:22Alright, guys.
01:18:24You see what time it is now?
01:18:25It's 3 o'clock in the morning.
01:18:27I got on this at 1230.
01:18:30I've been.
01:18:31I've seen the other creators, man.
01:18:40Look at this.
01:18:45Dude, some places I go.
01:18:47I don't have the words.
01:18:50I don't have the words to tell you.
01:18:53This is one of them.
01:18:57I always have trouble with this thing, man.
01:19:02Alright, so this is what we're going to do.
01:19:04I really wanted to get that computer lab.
01:19:07Oh, how about here, man?
01:19:08Right here.
01:19:09Right here.
01:19:10We can end it right here.
01:19:16Don't forget.
01:19:17This is where we are.
01:19:18In case you want to take a class.
01:19:20This is the IIE Quad B2 Classroom.
01:19:28But you know I'm going to just call it, right?
01:19:29I'm just going to call it the International.
01:19:33Let me see.
01:19:39This is what we're going to.
01:19:40This is where we are.
01:19:41I'm sorry.
01:19:44Right here.
01:19:46Technical Center.
01:19:47The Institute of International.
01:19:51What's that E stand for?
01:19:54This is what we're going to do.
01:19:55Right here, buddy.
01:19:58I should have did this in the beginning.
01:20:00But I wasn't in this building.
01:20:02This is the Institute of International Education, man.
01:20:05If you saw what I saw, you know the classes are free.
01:20:08And let me tell you.
01:20:09I pay for most of my classes.
01:20:11Out of my pocket, man.
01:20:14$200, $300, man.
01:20:16And a little bit more sometimes.
01:20:19This is free.
01:20:21You got to get it while it's here, man.
01:20:23You can't wait.
01:20:24Nobody's offering you free stuff that's valuable.
01:20:27That's going to help you in your life.
01:20:28In your career.
01:20:29Your job.
01:20:30And being an entrepreneur, man.
01:20:31Because the one thing about computers is when you learn computers.
01:20:35You can work for yourself.
01:20:36You can teach and train.
01:20:38You know?
01:20:39That's what I used to do.
01:20:40I used to teach Excel for $25 an hour as a tutor.
01:20:45You know?
01:20:46So thanks a lot, God, for everything.
01:20:50I'm going to bring that Alpha, Beta, Gamma picture.
01:20:53That I saw at Bronx Community College over here.
01:20:56And get my picture on this wall, buddy.
01:20:58Before this guy blows up.
01:21:00I'm going to get banged, man.
01:21:05You know the thing about when I tell him when he gets big.
01:21:07He's already gigantic.
01:21:08All right?
01:21:10I meant that when you step.
01:21:12When you get.
01:21:13I don't know what I meant, buddy.
01:21:15What I really meant was when you step outside of this virtual reality.
01:21:18But he's probably already outside the virtual reality.
01:21:20Look at that, man.
01:21:22One point.
01:21:24One point.
01:21:25Look at that, man.
01:21:27One person idea.
01:21:29All right.
01:21:30Let me tell you this, too, man.
01:21:31I never had.
01:21:34Somebody show me the empire.
01:21:36There's an empire he showed me, man.
01:21:40I seen people show worlds.
01:21:42You know?
01:21:44But not an empire.
01:21:47The whole mechanics of it.
01:21:51That's a lot of people I try to follow.
01:21:53I couldn't even get close to.
01:21:56To this gentleman here.
01:22:08It shows you the power.
01:22:10Somebody invented alt space.
01:22:13I bet they never thought it can go this far.
01:22:15All right, this is it, guys.
01:22:17The Institute of International Education.
01:22:20I'm going to put the Institute of International Education.
01:22:26He don't want to put his name over there.
01:22:28Because he don't want his name to probably.
01:22:34So this is what I do, man.
01:22:39I'm going to put Institute of International Education.
01:22:43Some kind of way, I got to put that.
01:22:49Oh, you know what I do, man?
01:22:51This is what I do.
01:22:53I'm going to put Institute of International Education.
01:22:57I'm going to Google it.
01:22:59In the description box.
01:23:01I'm going to write down all the information.
01:23:04That he might want you to know.
01:23:07In order to be able to contact him.
01:23:09Assign the classes.
01:23:12But then I got to put down.
01:23:14Institute of International Education.
01:23:19I want to put something where he walked me through this whole thing, man.
01:23:21Because I don't want people to see International Institute of Education.
01:23:24They just go, oh, it's just a school.
01:23:26No, it's not just a school, buddy.
01:23:30It's like, you know, if you can't get out the house.
01:23:32And you can't go to school.
01:23:34You can't go to college, anything like that.
01:23:36And you can't go to a technical school.
01:23:38There's a school right there in your own home.
01:23:40That you can get into.
01:23:42With a cup of coffee.
01:23:44And you can wear your bathrobe.
01:23:46And you can come in here.
01:23:48And graduate, man.
01:23:49And graduate.
01:23:51Look, Michelle Obama.
01:23:55Who is this guy again?
01:24:00I recognize.
01:24:02I don't recognize the name, though.
01:24:04Look at this, man.
01:24:06Look at this.
01:24:08Look, that's Russell Simmons.
01:24:15Dude, you know why?
01:24:17I know people because.
01:24:20I don't spend time.
01:24:22With average people anymore, man.
01:24:26Time is important, buddy.
01:24:28I don't have like this regular conversation with people.
01:24:31If you're not talking business.
01:24:33Or how to get ahead in life.
01:24:35Or what to do to solve problems.
01:24:37Or stuff like that.
01:24:39We don't really have conversations, man.
01:24:41So most of the stuff that I do.
01:24:43Look at this, man.
01:24:45Most of the stuff that I do is with computers.
01:24:47And computers are the top notch.
01:24:49If you don't go out with computers.
01:24:51You're going to think like computers.
01:24:53You have to set goals.
01:24:55That are almost out of reach.
01:24:57If you set a goal.
01:24:59That is attainable.
01:25:01Without much work or thought.
01:25:03You are stuck with something.
01:25:05Below your true talent.
01:25:07And potential.
01:25:09Steve Garvey.
01:25:14Let me tell you, man.
01:25:16I came from a place.
01:25:17From another creator.
01:25:19That's the master of his art.
01:25:21That made a skybox.
01:25:24Just like this.
01:25:28It was called the Magic Workshop.
01:25:30Right here. I just came from there a little while ago, man.
01:25:32Look at the campus.
01:25:34This is what it's like to be.
01:25:36At school when nobody's there.
01:25:42Wow, Ryan. That's something else, buddy.
01:25:45I can't come in a classroom.
01:25:47And do that in Ryan's classroom.
01:25:49You know what I was thinking about?
01:25:51Because sometimes I think of my daughter.
01:25:53I was like I came to Ryan's classroom.
01:25:55And I was going to do some recording.
01:25:57But good thing.
01:25:59I recorded something.
01:26:01But I didn't post it.
01:26:03Because in the back of my mind.
01:26:05It was too quick.
01:26:07And I didn't get a chance to talk to Ryan.
01:26:09And I didn't see him since then.
01:26:11I don't even think I have it anymore, man.
01:26:12I don't think I accidentally got deleted, man.
01:26:14But I wouldn't show it anyway.
01:26:17So here it is, man. He left me here.
01:26:20On the college campus.
01:26:23I like environments that have energy.
01:26:26On it, man.
01:26:28I can pick up on the energy.
01:26:30People going to school, trying to study, passing the test.
01:26:34Okay. What am I going to do?
01:26:38I'm going to.
01:26:43The reason I'm smiling, man, is because.
01:26:46I was getting ready to jump off this ramp.
01:26:48I don't know if I can do it.
01:26:50And go down there.
01:26:52Can I?
01:26:54Dude, I'm there.
01:26:56I didn't have to hit a portal.
01:26:58I was here the other day, man.
01:27:00When I was here.
01:27:02This is what it looked like, buddy.
01:27:04Oh, you get it?
01:27:07He got to hit the portal.
01:27:10He didn't hit the portal.
01:27:12You know, it's ironic, though.
01:27:14Is that.
01:27:16I did it yesterday.
01:27:18And it got showed today.
01:27:21It got an event list today.
01:27:24All right, here we go.
01:27:26Welcome to the quad, buddy.
01:27:35And that was a classroom right up there.
01:27:38I remember that.
01:27:40Right, that's the B building.
01:27:43They don't have letters on all the buildings over here.
01:27:47Because this is not the same area.
01:27:50Yeah, it's different when you come down like that.
01:27:53I wonder if it stays the same if I shot back up.
01:27:56But I see everything down here.
01:27:58I can't get up there anyway.
01:28:00And there's no flying on the campus.
01:28:02All right, guys, so here it goes.
01:28:04I'm going to end it right here.
01:28:06Right next to the water.
01:28:07And I'm going to thank Mr. Pleasure.
01:28:09For the interview.
01:28:13I mean, wow.
01:28:18Thanks a lot, man.
01:28:19I really appreciate that.
01:28:22And Ryan, good luck, man.
01:28:25You always had a good future ahead of you.
01:28:29This will be here for a long time.
01:28:32That's why I want to go here, graduate, get my picture up here
01:28:35and put pictures up here, too.
01:28:37I want to be a part of this.
01:28:40And guess what, guys?
01:28:41I might see you in class.
01:28:43And you might say, yo, I wouldn't be in class
01:28:45if it wasn't for that YouTube video.
01:28:47So try to join, man.
01:28:49Once again, this is where we're at.
01:28:56You can't say this around here.
01:28:59But try to get to the Institute.
01:29:01The Institute.
01:29:06The Institute of International Education.
01:29:10He's hitting the world.
01:29:15Take care now.
01:29:16God bless and have a great day.
01:29:18Oh, don't forget to put a like,
01:29:20make a comment,
01:29:23hit the notification bell.
01:29:26There's a lot of stuff I got to do today, man.
01:29:27I'm supposed to go to church.
01:29:28We'll find out
01:29:30tonight when I come back.
01:29:32All right, take care, guys.
01:29:34And don't forget to subscribe, too.
01:29:39People like to hear they're doing a good job.