• 2 months ago
AccuWeather's Joe Lundberg breaks down the weather patterns you can expect across the U.S. throughout the last week of August.
00:00Joining me right now is Accuweather long-range expert. You know who he is the crystal ball meteorologist Joe Lumberg
00:05Joe lots of discussed next week last week last week of August we have September coming up
00:11But last week we were trying to figure out where is that upper-level high night?
00:16I think you and the long-range department pretty much showed us exactly where it was going to be
00:22Now there it is big upper-level ridge of high pressure centered over
00:26Colorado and New Mexico and that's going to keep the heat dome in place day after day after day of triple-digit heat
00:34It's been a hot week in Texas
00:36I mean a hundred and seven degrees on Monday in Dallas and even as we goes into this weekend
00:43Temperatures near a hundred degrees and as you correctly predicted it was just relentless
00:48Relentless heat it really has been Bernie and that heat is not going away
00:52It's just going to migrate and we expect that heat to kind of migrate north and east and affect part to the Midwest
00:59So places like Chicago, you're gonna have two maybe three days of some brutal heat with some very high humidity
01:05That'll be spreading into Cincinnati as well. It is also going to be a couple of severe weather threats across the Midwest
01:10I think one of them is early in the week
01:11But then as a frontal system moves across the northern plains that could trigger another outbreak of severe weather
01:16The tropical lull continues is just not much going on in the Atlantic Basin right now, you know, Joe
01:21we were looking at some of the water temperatures in the
01:24Southern Atlantic Southeastern Atlantic some cooler air or cooler water and when that happens the ITC Z gets a little farther south
01:32But the big story has been the dust that has been so relentless
01:36It really has been this has been very persistent Bernie across the Atlantic Basin
01:40So as these waves come off the coast of Africa, they try to develop but they ingest this dry air
01:45So that just inhibits their development and that looks like it's going to persist for another week or so before that
01:51Begins to break down which means very little concerns for tropical development in the next seven to ten days. All right, Joe. There's that upper high
01:58Migrating into the Midwest next week. Yeah, there's a lot going on right now with that high here
02:03The heat is going to be spreading really from Texas north and east underneath it
02:07You're gonna see some shower activity probably not tropical development getting into southeast, Texas after a cool start the next week
02:13It warms up, but there's another shot of cool air
02:15That'll be coming southeastward and with a frontal system
02:18There's probably going to be an outbreak of severe weather ahead of that front. Here's that front on Wednesday
02:22It's working its way through Montana Thursday
02:25It's coming into Minnesota and working its way down toward Nebraska as it comes south and east it will weaken which means as it comes
02:31Into the east the incident severe weather may be somewhat reduced and also the power of the cooler air behind it is also reduced
02:37Which means for Labor Day itself, it may be pretty comfortable in the mid-atlantic states in the north
02:42All right Accuweather long-range expert Joe Lumberg Joe. Thanks for joining us
