Busca en tu mente las cosas que te perdiste. Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy veremos easter eggs, referencias, callbacks y otros pequeños detalles de la película conocida como “Intensamente 2” en Latinoamérica y "Del revés 2" en España.
00:00Oh my gosh, I am just such a huge fan of yours, and now here I am meeting you face-to-face.
00:22My super high-tech Riley protection system.
00:26Don't look, it's fine.
00:30Riley's rainbow t-shirt. Riley's rainbow t-shirt reappears at the beginning of the movie, although it is already small.
00:37This reflects not only that it is growing physically, but also inside, because it has to make room for new emotions.
00:52In addition to yellow, blue, red, purple and green, orange is among the colors.
00:58As if the creators of the original movie were already foretelling that anxiety would be the next emotion that would leave a significant mark.
01:06Riley's t-shirt also tells a story, since its number is 28.
01:10It is no coincidence that it is the 28th Pixar feature film, although it was initially planned that Helios would premiere first.
01:18After these two films exchanged premieres, Riley's jersey number changed from 29 to 28.
01:28Sadness is in the house!
01:30Number 24. My hat.
01:32While the repressed emotions organize a leak from Riley's memory vault, the video game galant Lance Slashblade begins a chain reaction that ends all the guards and one of them loses his hat.
01:45Inside there is a label that says My Hat.
01:48For those who do not remember, this refers to a fight between the guards Frank and Dave in the first movie.
01:54Is that your hat?
01:55Yeah, it's my hat.
01:56Yeah, it's my hat.
01:57Are you sure?
01:58I don't know, look in the label.
01:59Frank tried to distinguish his hat from Dave's by writing My Hat, which is not very useful since Dave had the same idea.
02:06In this scene it is evident that they have not improved much in their work.
02:09The clumsy guards have not realized that writing their names on the hat would be more useful.
02:16Wait, it says My Hat?
02:17My Hat it says.
02:18That's what I wrote in My Hat.
02:19What are you talking about?
02:20You've got My Hat on.
02:21Okay, but it's My Hat.
02:22Number 23. Pre-school Pixar.
02:24Along with Lance Slashblade, the emotions meet a purple dog named Bluffy in Riley's vault.
02:30The star of his favorite childhood show has the habit of breaking the fourth wall,
02:35leaving long and uncomfortable pauses for young viewers to answer their questions.
02:40The 2D Beagle takes some ideas from Blue's tracks and adores the Explorer.
02:45What was that?
02:46A ball.
02:47Oh, you see another toy.
02:50His friend Pouchy also reminds us of Dora's backpack,
02:53although these characters not only imitate those of Nickelodeon.
02:56Disney's Mickey Mouse's house had a similar interactive element.
03:00The way in which the characters invoke Pouchy reminds us of how Mickey invoked Tootles,
03:06or Toodles, who always had a solution to his problems.
03:10Also, although the name and design of Bluffy are purple, they give us a little deja vu.
03:17Wow, that was a weird dream.
03:19Number 22. Linguistic references.
03:22Is Riley of French descent, or the sense of boredom of the whole world, similar to Delexapulos?
03:28In any case, you have to overcome a small linguistic barrier with Inui,
03:32which is not the warmest emotion.
03:34Alegria strives to pronounce her name well, and in the original version it says Onward in her first attempt.
03:40Am I saying it right?
03:48I'm gonna call you Weewee.
03:50The carnage of joy with the French language alludes to another Pixar movie, Onward of 2020.
03:54It's a nice wink to the fantastic adventure,
03:56although they missed the opportunity for a giant figurine to float through Riley's flow of consciousness.
04:02Careful how much boat you're eating there, man.
04:04We still gotta make it to the end of the tunnel.
04:06Speaking of that...
04:08Number 21. Broccoli and pizza.
04:10It may not be a cheese pizza,
04:12but another delight helps the emotions to navigate through the flow of consciousness.
04:16Hey, I saw a pizza place down the street.
04:18Maybe we could try that.
04:20The pizza is in Riley's mind and gives the emotions a delicious mobile.
04:24Unfortunately, they must change from one boat to another,
04:26as they get on a floating piece of broccoli.
04:29It's not the first time these foods cross paths.
04:31When moving to San Francisco in the first movie,
04:34the emotions get angry when they discover that the locals ruined the Italian cuisine with a particular dressing.
04:40That's it. I'm done.
04:41Congratulations, San Francisco.
04:43You've ruined pizza.
04:44First the Hawaiians, and now you.
04:47It may not be our first menu choice,
04:49but when you're in a pizza-free flow, broccoli is an adequate alternative.
04:53Number 20. Mrs. Nesbitt.
04:55Sadness manages to return to headquarters,
04:57but anxiety doesn't take long to realize her presence.
05:00Just don't look down and keep moving.
05:04She'll be okay, right?
05:06While anxiety faces sadness in her room,
05:09we see a teapot with a familiar design.
05:11You may have to look in your memory bank,
05:13but in the end you'll notice a resemblance to Buzz Lightyear's apron
05:17when he put himself in Mrs. Nesbitt's character.
05:20If he came with a cup of tea, the set would be complete.
05:24Don't you get it?
05:25You see the hat?
05:27I am Mrs. Nesbitt.
05:29Number 19. Elio is near.
05:32Taking a look at future movies is an old Pixar tradition.
05:35Elio was already referenced in Elements
05:38when it was supposed to be the next Pixar feature film.
05:41I think there's been a mistake.
05:43You're not the leader of Art Earth.
05:45Sorry for the mix-up.
05:46Commence memory wipe.
05:48When the premiere calendar was changed,
05:50Intensamente also made room for a mention of Elio.
05:53Sadness returns to headquarters and has several memories with her.
05:57In one of the orbs there is a child who looks like Elio.
06:00Let's suppose that means Riley knows him personally
06:04or that she just saw a trailer of the movie.
06:07In any case, the Pixar movie is still going on.
06:18Number 18. NVIDIA's fingers.
06:21NVIDIA has one of the most ingenious designs of the movie.
06:24She picked me.
06:25Sometimes it's really high.
06:26Very good.
06:27Sometimes it's very low.
06:28Oh, we are so cool right now.
06:30It's the lowest emotion and sees everyone with big eyes and admiration.
06:35In a small touch especially ingenious, NVIDIA only has 8 fingers.
06:40This is not rare in animated characters like Mickey Mouse.
06:43However, in the Inside Out universe, all other emotions have 10.
06:48NVIDIA does not mention that it has one finger less in each hand,
06:51but inside maybe it longs to have the same as the others.
06:58Number 17. The cup of coffee of fear.
07:01In the first installment, joy and sadness enter a film studio inside Riley's mind.
07:06The place does not appear intensely two,
07:09which means that we will have to wait even more for a sequel of I can fly.
07:13But the creators did not completely forget this place.
07:22We can see fear with a cup of coffee with the brand of Dream Productions,
07:26the English name of that place.
07:28Since he was in charge of the dreams in the last movie,
07:31it makes sense that I have a cup like that.
07:33I wish I had not had to endure any other nightmare with a giant clown.
07:42Number 16. The return of John Ratzenberger.
07:45John Ratzenberger had a small but crucial role in the original movie like Fritz.
07:50A worker who helps install Riley's improved console.
07:53In the sequel we can hear it again when the emotions ask for help.
07:58Unfortunately, they are separated by a sarcasm.
08:12The presence of Ratzenberger in a Pixar movie is not a surprise,
08:16since it was considered a lucky amulet when it was the original voice of Ham in Toy Story.
08:21Surprisingly, his last accredited role in a Pixar movie was Fenwick, the Cyclops in Onward.
08:27Supposedly we can also hear it as a name in the underground in Soul.
08:31Excluding his roles in the television series Monsters at Work,
08:35Ratzenberger was absent from at least four Pixar movies until this installment.
08:47Number 15. Luxury Ball.
08:49Any true fan of Pixar knows that he must look for the luxury ball in each new installment,
08:54but that does not mean that it is easy to find.
09:05Pixar has become increasingly cunning with its placement,
09:08and it is practically necessary to pause the movie to find it.
09:12It is easy not to see it during Riley's race parade,
09:15because the audience is so distracted by the Supreme Court judge's balloon
09:19that it tends to pass over the ball with stars and stripes in the background.
09:23Not far away, you may also have missed a nod to Pigment
09:27from Disney's attraction Journey into Imagination.
09:37Number 14. Triple Dance.
09:39Eight years later, the song from Mascot Triple Dance is still stuck in Riley's head,
09:44and in ours too. She never knows when it will repeat.
09:55It reappears inevitably while Anxiety searches among everything Riley knows about music.
10:00His knowledge is limited mainly to youth music groups
10:04and to a certain song that he will never forget.
10:06The reference flies by, but we can remember the lyrics just by hearing the first note.
10:10Who says a good oldie can't be refreshing?
10:23Number 13. DMR.
10:25Riley and her hockey teammates wear a shirt that says DMR.
10:30It is not a product placement, since the brand does not exist,
10:33but it is a tribute to one of the production members of the film.
10:43Jason Demer brings Pixar from Monsters, Inc.,
10:46where he worked as a production artist and was a production designer in Intensamente 2.
10:51In animation, this not only involves creating the environments in which the characters live,
10:55but also helping to give body to the designs.
10:58Demer left his signature in more than one way.
11:03We're making a film here, so the more you think about...
11:06You know, you're not just doing a drawing to make a pretty drawing,
11:09you're drawing something that's going to be built.
11:24We all finally came up to headquarters.
11:28That was like 30 seconds ago nostalgia.
11:31Those were the days.
11:33When memories are seen from nostalgia,
11:35everything looks more pink than it probably really was.
11:39It is logical that the character literally wears pink glasses,
11:42which accentuates his antique look and his tendency to idealize the past.
11:48When I saw the picture with the rose-colored glasses,
11:53oh, that told me everything, too.
11:55It tells you so much.
11:57The drawings, the animation.
12:18Coles is better known for playing Gonzo,
12:21while Oz's curriculum in the Muppets ranges from Miss Piggy to the Fuzzy Bear.
12:34They are not the only puppeteers who left their mark on the film.
12:37Carl Spinney was the man behind Big Bird and Oscar,
12:41making a perfect transition between a cheerful character and another angry one.
12:45The director of Intensamente 2, Kelsey Mann,
12:48had the honor of meeting him before his death in 2019.
12:52Although Mann could not make a cameo of his voice in Off,
12:55the director paid tribute to him through a restaurant called Spinney's Pizza.
13:06Bad memory.
13:07Some will say that Intensamente 2 is about life and how to face anxiety.
13:12Although it is a key theme, the film is more about how to face bad memories.
13:25To get to the center, emotions must also recover several bad memories.
13:29There are too many to count, but one highlights Riley in her most regrettable moment.
13:34Oh, here's when she forgot that girl's name.
13:37Oh yeah, that was super awkward.
13:38What was her name?
13:39I don't know, Janet or something, whatever, let's just get rid of it.
13:41It goes back to the first movie,
13:43when Riley used her mother's credit card to buy a ticket and leave San Francisco.
13:49During the second installment,
13:50Joy tries to instill the belief that Riley is a good person,
13:54and although she is in general, we all make mistakes.
13:57Instead of ignoring them, it is better not to learn and grow from them.
14:02Number 9. Orange Invasion.
14:13After anxiety mutates, the orange color begins to dominate the film inside and out.
14:19In addition to Riley's mind, she takes over her physical environment in the hockey championships,
14:23from the changing rooms to the chairs that surround the ice rink.
14:27Even the hockey uniforms are orange.
14:30Wherever she goes, anxiety is looking her in the face.
14:33Despite occupying a prominent place,
14:35it is a subtle touch that makes the audience stress more without realizing it.
14:45Number 8. Brank.
14:46Riley's family moved from Minnesota to San Francisco for their father's work.
14:51We don't know what he does exactly,
14:53except that he works at a startup called Brank.
14:56When the family arrives at their new home,
14:58we see Mr. Anderson with a T-shirt of the brand.
15:07The T-shirt reappears in the sequel,
15:09but now Riley wears it when she goes to bed.
15:12It may seem like an unimportant reference,
15:15but it actually shows the emotional growth of the character.
15:19At first he hated San Francisco,
15:21and therefore he hated his father's work for forcing them to move.
15:25The fact that now he sleeps with a T-shirt of Brank
15:28shows that he has already accepted his new life.
15:30Although, what does the brand do exactly?
15:47Number 7. Mount of his crush.
15:49Making his way through Imaginlandia,
15:51the emotions meet the Mount of his crush.
15:54Which changes four presidents of the United States for Riley's crush.
15:58Displeased, he points out that one of them is Lan Slashblade,
16:01and we understand why.
16:03Who didn't fantasize with an RPG character in their adolescence?
16:15We are not sure who are supposed to be the two in the center,
16:19but there is no doubt that the teenager on the far left is Jordan,
16:23whom Riley met at the end of the first movie.
16:25This plays a more important role in the short film Riley's first date.
16:35It is not clear if Riley's relationship with Jordan was beyond.
16:39Whatever the future brings us,
16:41he will always be the girl's first love.
16:43Well, the first love that is not a strangely sexy video game character.
16:47Number 6. Where is Lenny?
16:49During Riley's adolescence,
16:51the island of friendship naturally rises over the island of family.
16:55You can still see the latter, but it is much smaller.
16:58And sadly, they give him binoculars so he can see her.
17:02With a mixture of blue, red and orange,
17:05this accessory reminds us of a Toy Story character.
17:12It's Lenny, Andy's toy binoculars with unspoken papers
17:16in the next two Toy Story movies.
17:19In Inside Out 2, it is the first time we see him in more than a decade,
17:23although he is only in Riley's mind.
17:25Still, this may mean that he recognizes him from somewhere.
17:29Hmm, when Andy started giving away his toys,
17:32do you think Riley's parents bought Lenny and gave him to his daughter?
17:45Number 5. Artist 87.
17:47With anxiety in command, all the workers of the strong Almohaddon
17:51must now imagine the worst scenarios.
17:54Hanging on a drawing sheet,
17:56it can be said that the Pixar employees are shamelessly referring to themselves.
18:01In fact, they refer to one in particular.
18:05Memories can be recalled and replayed and changed within headquarters.
18:10So what the majority of the mind consists of are those memories.
18:35Number 4. A-113.
18:37The A-113 easter egg is not exclusive to Pixar,
18:40but this animation studio is the one that has made the most references to the Call Arts classroom.
19:05Inside Out 2 continues the tradition, but with a slight change.
19:09When the five emotions are caught, they end up locked in the vault.
19:13Above this place, there is a sign that says ACXIII, the Roman numbers for A-113.
19:20As smart as it is, this is only the second Pixar movie that presents the classroom with Roman numbers.
19:26In Brave, when the witch pushes Merida out of her house,
19:29the classroom number is seen on the door.
19:35What are you doing?
19:37You never conjure where you carve. Very important.
19:41This made a lot of sense given the setting of the medieval Scotland of Brave.
19:46As for Riley, we suppose he has been seeing Roman numbers at school.
19:50Number 3. 1984.
19:52Pixar shares an interesting connection with George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984.
19:59Perhaps better known than the book, it is the announcement of Apple's Super Bowl that inspired...
20:10Of course, Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder, would become one of the main fireworks of Pixar's success.
20:17In Intensely 2, the circle is closed when they present Anxiety on a large screen giving orders to the workers below.
20:24Joy returns power to the people and although it does not destroy the screen with a blow, it manages to silence Anxiety.
20:31This reference arrives just in time for the 40th anniversary of the announcement.
20:42Since we are talking about timeless images, did you see the meme of the distracted boyfriend on one of the smallest screens?
20:48Number 2. 4Town Forever.
20:55Riley is ashamed to tell her new friends that her favorite group is Danza y Resplandor.
21:02At the beginning of the movie you can see a poster of this band on her bed, but it is not the only one that adorns Riley's room.
21:09It also has a 4Town poster from the movie Turning Red.
21:12While this movie is set in 2002, Inside Out's happen in a more modern setting.
21:28That means that Robert, Jesse, Aaron T, Aaron C and Ty Junk are no longer teenagers, but their music managed to transcend.
21:37We can officially count Riley as a 4Townie, although she does not admit it in front of Val.
21:54Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
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22:04Surely you will like them.
22:06Now, let's go to the end.
22:08Number 1. Pink Punk.
22:10When this sequel was announced, we feared that Pixar would omit what was probably the saddest moment of the first installment.
22:17Luckily, they did not forget the sacrifice of Pink Punk.
22:21Go! Go save Riley!
22:26Take her to the moon for me.
22:28However, as Alegria remembers Pink Punk and is part of Riley, the imaginary friend can never be completely forgotten.
22:35Although it seems that there is no turning back, Alegria tries to keep a bit of Pink Punk with an origami figure next to her bed.
22:43But it is not the only surprise element in the room.
22:46On a table, there is a family truck with a rocket on top.
22:49Riley has not yet gone to the moon, but Pizza Planet is a start.
23:00Did we forget any other deep and dark secret?
23:08And do you agree with our choices?
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