Season 8 | show | 2024| S8 | Official Trailer

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Season 8 | show | 2024| S8 | Official Trailer | dHNzX1B0M25qZFBZWXNj


00:00What was that?
00:12There are these times when you see something or hear something.
00:17What the f*** was that?
00:21You know that nobody's there and in those moments when you don't have an explanation.
00:26What did we just find?
00:27When the hair is standing up on the back of your neck, that's when things get really
00:32What just happened?
00:33Something just touched my face.
00:34Something fell off from the ceiling in here.
00:38That's swinging.
00:39Can I have made this thing move?
00:42That looks like...
00:43A shadow person.
00:44It looks like the shadow of a person.
00:46Someone cleaned up all the evidence.
00:48Is there anyone here with us right now?
00:51That's the craziest thing I have ever seen.