Hollyoaks 23rd August 2024

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#hollyoaks #hollyoaksspoilers #e4hollyoaks #hollyoaksomnibus #hollyoaksfavourites #channel4hollyoaks #hollyoaks2023 #hollyoakskiss


00:00The girl that I got pregnant was Lizzie Chen-Williams and she gave our baby up.
00:05There's a family now.
00:06Ches, can I ask you a question about our mum?
00:09And when she was at absolute rock bottom, he was there 24-7.
00:15Weren't you?
00:17Me and you trying for a baby, we could start our own amazing family.
00:23I'm just gonna go to the lake.
00:26Oh, whoa.
00:27Cleo, Cleo, Cleo!
01:00Here, babe, drink some water, yeah?
01:14She should see a doctor.
01:17I'm fine, honestly.
01:18Please stop worrying.
01:19It's hot and she's dehydrated.
01:21And if we went to the hospital, we'd just been waiting ages,
01:23because they'd be dealing with more important people like Zoe and her baby.
01:27Have you eaten today?
01:30Babe, you've probably just worked out too hard, haven't you?
01:33Come on, let's get you back in and get some food inside you, yeah?
01:36There's all the food you can eat here.
01:38I think she needs some healthy food to keep her blood sugars up,
01:41not deep-fried tapas, no offense.
01:49Oh, I hope she's gonna be okay.
01:52Yeah, she'll be fine.
01:54She's in good hands.
02:04Plenty of time as usual, I see.
02:13You don't have a right to talk about my relationship with Anna.
02:17Oh, did you really think I was gonna sit and let those three girls hail you as a saint,
02:22when we both know what a corrosive and dangerous person you really are?
02:26Whose fault is that?
02:27Don't try and blame me for how you've turned out.
02:31You made all the choices yourself.
02:33And a chance, from the moment I was born.
02:35A twin brother who hated me, a father who despised me, and a mother who didn't.
02:39That didn't what?
02:41You didn't love me.
02:42Oh, please, stop the self-pity.
02:45I did everything I could for you in those years.
02:47That's a lie.
02:48Oh, have you conveniently forgotten
02:51that I took you in when they kicked you out of the army?
02:54Any mother would do that for a son.
02:56But would any son make his own mother's life a misery?
03:01All the time I locked myself in the bedroom
03:04and I could hear you smashing up the living room in a rage.
03:09All the time I cried myself to sleep not knowing where you were
03:14and thinking you could have been arrested again
03:17if you were lying dead in the ditch somewhere.
03:20Stop exaggerating.
03:21I'm not exaggerating.
03:23And then I got you out and sent you to boarding school.
03:26With Patrick.
03:27With no one there to protect me.
03:28That was even worse.
03:30I got you a psychiatrist to help you.
03:33But you were beyond repair.
03:35No, he did help me.
03:37He helped me understand that all my problems,
03:40my lack of self-esteem, my self-destructive behaviour,
03:43all led back to one person.
03:50Are you making all this up?
03:51No, I'm not.
03:53Because all I ever really wanted
03:56was for my mother to tell me that she loved me.
03:58But you couldn't bring yourself to do that, could you?
04:03So if I really am damaged beyond repair like you say I am,
04:07you have to take responsibility for that.
04:09Because it's your fault.
04:16Seriously, Mum.
04:18There's nothing any of us can do right now.
04:20There's no point in flying back to the UK.
04:22I'll keep you updated.
04:25Love you.
04:30I brought you some proper food.
04:36Was that your mother on the phone?
04:39I told her not to worry.
04:41I'm here to look after you and the baby.
04:46I wasn't sure you'd want to after I lied about you to Daddy's.
04:49Not exactly the most Christian behaviour on my part.
04:56Finding out Hunter wasn't the father,
04:58God rest his soul,
05:01it came as a shock.
05:03And then to learn his brother is.
05:05Everyone's gonna hate me, aren't they?
05:07I'm a terrible person.
05:09Hey, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
05:14You and Prince did what you did, mistake or otherwise.
05:20Out of that, a beautiful miracle was born.
05:26And all our prayers need to be directed towards his health and stability.
05:36And yours...
05:39I shouldn't have been so quick to judge.
05:43Sorry, I'm so sorry.
05:48Are you feeling better?
05:52No, I don't want anything anyway.
05:54I booked us in for lunch for half an hour.
05:58Should we not just go back to the flat and chill?
06:00I don't really want to go for lunch.
06:02No, because when I turned up to Castle McQueen earlier,
06:05I had you a little present.
06:09What is it?
06:10Open it.
06:13What do you think?
06:15Sexy, right?
06:16Um, it's quite revealing.
06:20It's not very me.
06:21Well, you know, because you've been working so hard on your exercises,
06:24I thought you might as well show it off.
06:26And I was going to suggest that you wear it to lunch later.
06:28And then we can go back to the flat for some serious baby making.
06:31Abe, I'm not really feeling very good at the minute.
06:33You know, I'm having issues with my body and food.
06:35No, I was just trying to make you feel special.
06:37Get me and you in the mood.
06:38It's not family, but whatever.
06:41Go on, you've only just thrown this idea on me today.
06:43Are you saying that you don't want to have a kid with me?
06:45Is that it?
06:49Abe, I'm not...
06:53You know, Jeremy, my life wasn't a bed of roses either.
06:58Being married to your father was a living hell.
07:01So why didn't you leave him?
07:02Because you didn't do things like that in those days.
07:05You couldn't talk to anybody.
07:06My mother used to say to me,
07:07oh, put up and shut up.
07:10And all those bruises all over me.
07:12I couldn't tell anybody where I got them from.
07:18He hit you too?
07:24You know, I remember when I was about six or seven,
07:27my father took Patrick to the cricket.
07:31He said he could only get two tickets, but only really.
07:34He just didn't want me there.
07:36I doubt you remember this, but you saw how upset I was.
07:39So you made us both a packed lunch.
07:42And we got on a train and we went to the beach.
07:46I can picture that whole day like it was yesterday.
07:49The sandcastle I built, your screen with a jellyfish all over your foot.
07:54And then ditching the packed lunch, getting fish and chips,
07:57and taking it to the pier, eating it while the sun went down.
08:02It had been the best day of my life.
08:05So on the way back to the train station,
08:07I told you I loved you.
08:10But when you didn't say it back, it was like a...
08:17a door in my heart had closed.
08:22And it never opened again.
08:27You know, when we were at the train station waiting to go home,
08:32I thought,
08:34waiting to go home,
08:36I thought I could end all this now by getting on a different train.
08:42But just going...
08:45And go where?
08:50But I couldn't.
08:52We couldn't.
08:54I had to go back home and play the dutiful wife.
08:59So you see,
09:00both our nightmares continued.
09:04I'm sorry how things turned out for you, Mother, I really am.
09:08But I've been given a chance to end my nightmare.
09:12Look, all I've ever known is hate and anger and resentment.
09:17All I've ever really wanted is to be loved and to love someone.
09:20But now, for the first time in my life, I have a chance to have that with Sienna.
09:25But only if you let me.
09:27But only if you let me.
09:38You're just gonna give me the silent treatment all afternoon, then?
09:41Abe, it's not like I even said that I wanted to have a baby.
09:43Nice. Thanks for that.
09:45Look, you're starting your business.
09:47I've only just got promoted.
09:48Abe, look, we are not in the right place to have a child, are we?
09:51And Prince and Zoe are making it work, and they're not even in a relationship.
09:54Abe, I'm not being funny,
09:55but the thought of being pregnant and carrying a baby,
09:58it scares the living daylights out of me.
10:00My body changing or losing control.
10:04I'm not in the right headspace.
10:05Surely you can see that, or what, you just don't want to?
10:08You constantly let me build my hopes up and then just pull the rug from beneath me.
10:13I've always, always wanted to be a dad,
10:15and I've finally found someone that I love enough to have that with.
10:18I'm not saying never, all right?
10:19I'm just saying not right now.
10:22Come on, let's go home and we'll talk.
10:23I've planned the perfect afternoon.
10:25You're determined to ruin it.
10:27Do you know what? I'm going to be at the pub, as planned,
10:29and you can come or don't come.
10:31It's up to you.
10:43Sorry, I didn't realise you had company.
10:46You all right, Bill?
10:47I told Sharon I'll send her photos of baby Theo.
10:52I'll come back later.
10:54It's good to see that you two are talking again.
10:59Not sure she's going to forgive me any time soon, though.
11:03She'll come around.
11:10How is he?
11:12Nothing's changed, which is good, I guess.
11:20You go.
11:24When I kissed you earlier,
11:27I don't know where it came from.
11:30Hormones, fear.
11:35Whatever it was, it shouldn't have happened.
11:39So can we just pretend like it didn't
11:43and move forward without any awkwardness?
11:46Of course.
11:47I was going to say the same thing.
11:49I mean, there's nothing more important than our little boy
11:53getting fighting fit.
11:54And I'm going to be there through every step of the way.
11:58You haven't been to meet him yet, have you?
12:03I think you should, Zoe.
12:06He needs us.
12:08Look, why don't we go down to an ICU together?
12:22Hey, you want a drink?
12:24I'm not sticking around just waiting for a mate.
12:27What mate?
12:28You don't know him, so it doesn't matter.
12:31Wait, are you picking up?
12:33You are, aren't you?
12:34Did you not listen to a word that I said to you?
12:36Can you keep your voice down, please?
12:38You can't keep getting off your nut on her and it's going to kill you.
12:41Life hasn't exactly been a barrel of laughs recently, has it?
12:44Look, I just need something to keep me going.
12:45It's the last hit, I promise.
12:48You didn't drink any whiskey this time, anyway.
12:51It's clear.
12:52Her food problems are back.
12:55Oh, a bulimia relapse?
12:57Oh, is she okay?
12:58I mean, that nearly killed her last time.
12:59Yeah, we're on top of it.
13:00I'm helping her with her recovery.
13:04I see.
13:05Look, I made plenty of mistakes too, right?
13:07But Cleo's at war with her own body.
13:09Be gentle with her.
13:11What was that about Cleo?
13:13You just said her eating disorder's back.
13:16And you didn't tell me?
13:18I'm going to tell the family.
13:20Theresa, Theresa, Theresa.
13:21Look, Cleo's head's a mess right now.
13:24Okay, let's just tread carefully, yeah?
13:26Yeah, he's got a point.
13:27Look, we'll tell them together.
13:31So you're going to spend your perfect afternoon with her, then, yeah?
13:40Oh, sorry, I can't stop.
13:42Tony's had a day fixing all sorts of the dog this morning,
13:44so go home, be a good wife,
13:46go and have a lovely lunch while the queens are.
13:48I need to speak to him about Lizzie and her baby.
13:51Look, Kate, I know you mean well,
13:53you were really good friends,
13:55but there's no point in raking up the past.
13:57Dave's trying to move on.
14:00I was the one that got her pregnant.
14:06Oh, come on, Cleo, what's wrong with you?
14:08How many times do I need to tell you nothing's happened?
14:10Yeah, only because I got here and I did.
14:11No, please, tell them the truth.
14:14Babe, I wouldn't.
14:16I'm just really worried about you.
14:18It's your eating disorder, come back.
14:20Do you know this family just love gossip, don't they?
14:22I'm fine, leave it.
14:24No, it's fine, I'll sort it out.
14:26You sure?
14:27Yeah, just take it easy, yeah?
14:36Look, I love you, Cleo, all right?
14:38I wouldn't do anything to risk what we have, you know?
14:40I know that.
14:42Please, can we just...
14:43Can we just put this aside and have a nice afternoon?
14:49You look great in the dress.
14:52I'm really happy that you wore it.
14:54It's a bit tight.
14:55Come here.
14:57You are the most beautiful woman in the room.
15:00The most beautiful woman in all rooms.
15:04And that won't last if you keep abusing your body like you are.
15:07Now, eat.
15:10No, I'm not hungry.
15:13I'm just gonna get a towel.
15:17You're never gonna embarrass me in public ever again.
15:21Now, eat.
15:49It's not that bad, is it?
15:51Now, you're not going anywhere until this entire plat is clear.
16:07Is he, um...
16:09Is he gonna be much longer, or...?
16:10Oh, Dave likes to take his time in the bath.
16:13I don't know clearly what he does in there.
16:16Sorry for the wait.
16:17I hope you didn't start without me.
16:20Oh, hey.
16:23I wasn't expecting you to be joining us.
16:25She's not.
16:27Dave's at Dan.
16:28She's here to talk about Lizzie and the baby.
16:35Sorry to interrupt your meal.
16:36I just...
16:38I needed to tell you something, and I can't really wait.
16:42Well, go on.
16:44When I was younger, I, um...
16:46I was a bit of a...
16:48I was a bit of a...
16:50I was a bit of a...
16:52I was a bit of a...
16:54I was a bit of a...
16:56I was a bit of a...
16:59Before I transitioned...
17:02Me and Lizzie had a brief relationship.
17:09And the product of that relationship was your grandchild.
17:17So you're saying...
17:19What you're telling me...
17:22Is that you're the father of Lizzie's baby?
17:29I hate myself for abandoning them, all right?
17:32I just...
17:33I was having a really tough time at home, and I know that's not an excuse.
17:37So I want to try and make amends by helping you find them.
17:41And I'll do everything in my power to help you gain guardianship if that's...
17:46If that's what you want.
17:49I just...
17:50I might not be around.
18:04For letting me know.
18:12We, um...
18:14I doubt...
18:15Sure, I'll...
18:17I'll leave it to you, then.
18:28So what?
18:39This is your answer now, is it?
18:41I just want to be alone.
18:42Cleo, I'm worried about you, all right?
18:43You're behaving erratically.
18:45Running out the pub to Purge.
18:46Flying off the handle at me and Teresa.
18:48Is it any wonder that I feel triggered when I see you touching her?
18:50I mean, you slept with her in our bed.
18:52Cleo, you pushed us into an open relationship.
18:55You never said that Teresa was out of bounds.
18:58I thought, look, that we were in a better place since Barcelona.
19:02Yeah, we are.
19:06Our relationship now, it just feels uneven and off balance.
19:11I just honestly don't think we're ever gonna make things right again.
19:14Hey, look, we'll...
19:15We'll figure it out, yeah?
19:18Don't worry.
19:28Hey, little man.
19:32I'm your mummy.
19:36We've made you by his side.
19:38He'll be able to take on anything that life rolls at him.
19:45You promise?
19:55I promise.
20:06Why haven't you been?
20:08We're just catching up, aren't we?
20:12Martha Blake.
20:13Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
20:15I'll be with you in two minutes, all right?
20:17Where are you going?
20:19Well, I just think it's best for all of us
20:22that I go back to the care home for the foreseeable future.
20:26Wait, why this sudden change of heart?
20:29Well, because of my condition.
20:32I just think it's fair on all of you.
20:35I wouldn't mind taking care of my own grandmother.
20:37But I do.
20:38So no fussing, my mind's made up.
20:41Barbara, where's Chloe?
20:45You don't really have dementia.
20:46I know.
20:47I'm going to the house.
20:49You hate it there.
20:50If you're going to be the father that Sienna needs,
20:54the last thing you need is me around.
20:57You don't have to do this.
20:58Oh, but I do.
21:00You have to promise me one thing.
21:04That you will do a better job of being a parent than I ever did.
21:13Bye, girlies.
21:14Oh, I'm going to miss you.
21:16I'm going to miss you, too.
21:17But you know, this is for the best.
21:25By the way, Jeremy,
21:28when we were having fish and chips on the pier,
21:32you never mentioned the mushy peas.
21:35You really do remember.
21:36Oh, but of course I do.
21:45Where to, love?
21:48Um, oh, sorry.
21:51I can't think where I live.
21:53Is that your family?
21:53Do you want me to get them?
21:54Oh, hang on a minute.
21:55Here we are.
21:55Oh, this is it.
21:56Look, thank you.
21:57Um, yeah, just take me there.
22:01Are you sure you're all right?
22:02Yeah, yeah, no, I'm just having a senior moment.
22:14Hey, can we talk?
22:17This whole open stuff is my problem.
22:19It's not yours.
22:22Oh, you didn't have to go to all this effort.
22:26Oh, no, I didn't.
22:29Yeah, he did.
22:32Look, I've been thinking about what you said earlier,
22:34us not being on an even keel,
22:36and, well, this should straighten things up,
22:39make us equal again.
22:41I've hired you an escort for the night.
23:16Theresa, what the devil's the matter?
23:18Things are really bad here.
23:20We need to get the whole family together.
23:22Tell me everything.