Coronation Street 6th September 2024

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00:00Here you go, Ken.
00:25One soft-boiled egg.
00:26I'll get your soldiers for you.
00:28Talk about the life of Riley.
00:29Don't be expecting this when you're mended.
00:30Do you want me to lob the scalp off for you?
00:31Would you?
00:33A, that was some barney you had with the footballer's wife yesterday.
00:34A, my wife.
00:35B, private call.
00:36Private call.
00:37The way you were shouting.
00:38Surprised the whole street didn't hear you.
00:39There you go.
00:40More fighting.
00:41I'm sorry, Ken.
00:42I know she's your daughter, but she's got some brass neck on her, that one.
00:43Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:44It's all right.
00:45It's all right.
00:46It's all right.
00:47It's all right.
00:48It's all right.
00:49It's all right.
00:50It's all right.
00:51It's all right.
00:52It's all right.
00:58It's all right.
00:59It's all right.
01:00It's all right.
01:01It's all right.
01:02It's all right.
01:03It's all right.
01:04It's all right.
01:05It's all right.
01:06It's all right.
01:07It's all right.
01:08It's all right.
01:09It's all right.
01:10It's all right.
01:11It's all right.
01:12It's all right.
01:13It's all right.
01:14It's all right.
01:15It's all right.
01:16It's all right.
01:17It's all right.
01:18It's all right.
01:19It's all right.
01:20It's all right.
01:21It's all right.
01:22It's all right.
01:23It's all right.
01:24It's all right.
01:25It's all right.
01:26When you're getting all this, you're going to get a five-star review off him for your
01:29Carers Are Us app.
01:31Very grateful.
01:33Anyway, I'm off.
01:34I'll try and take you for a pint after work, Kenneth, if I can manage it.
01:40I'm sure you'll need it after all the, er, hard graft you've been doing this morning.
01:47I've enjoyed it all as well, Ken, but let's be honest, you're well on the men now.
01:55You don't really need me any more.
01:57My case in point, I don't want to be a burden to Steve or Amy.
02:01I think you're going to have to squeeze me in for something as trivial as a drink or a walk.
02:07Or what you're saying?
02:08Well, my body may have healed itself, but it needs a much stronger cure for loneliness.
02:16How would you feel about extending our arrangement?
02:21Oh, hiya.
02:24Hi, Miss Connor.
02:26How do you manage to make even that sound so OK?
02:30What are you two gossiping about?
02:32Just having a coffee with my mum, if that's OK with you.
02:35Coffee at your age?
02:37What were you drinking at my age?
02:39Let's draw a veil over that, shall we?
02:41Bye, boomers.
02:42Hey, you, I'm Gen X, me.
02:45Sorry about that.
02:47I'm sorry, I'm used to it.
02:50Me too, unfortunately.
02:54Listen, thanks again for talking to her yesterday.
02:57Oh, well, here we go.
03:00Who is it?
03:02A college.
03:05Just keep it to yourselves, yeah?
03:06Well, I'm not comfortable lying.
03:08Do you have a laugh?
03:09You tell everybody you wear size five shoes?
03:13Shut up, David, it's not funny.
03:15I had Leanne crying on my shoulder yesterday.
03:17OK, look, we just want Sam to hear from us,
03:19not tittle-tattle on the street.
03:20I don't tittle-tattle.
03:22Again, another lie.
03:23Oh, shut up.
03:24Make yourself useful, take that to Carla.
03:26She hadn't ordered one.
03:27No, it's for my sake, not hers.
03:29Go on, off you go.
03:32And what about Lily?
03:33You know she's got a right gob on her.
03:35Yeah, but they don't knock around together, do they?
03:37Oh, they walk home from school sometimes, don't they?
03:39There's a coffee there.
03:41Do you work here now?
03:43No, I'm a day off, but, you know, I help out where I can.
03:46Bit like that one.
03:47Hey, have you put something dodgy in this?
03:50No, I wish I hadn't bothered.
03:52Yeah, I'll talk to her, thanks for letting me know.
03:54Right, bye.
03:57She hasn't been going in.
03:59What, at all?
04:02I mean, I even dropped her off there yesterday.
04:04What has she been doing?
04:05Well, the odd thing about her coming to the factory
04:07is that she's working round her free period.
04:09Yeah, well, from the sounds of it,
04:11she's been on a free period since term started.
04:16No answer.
04:17You're not going to leave her a message?
04:20This is one conversation that needs to be had face-to-face.
04:24So when you see a traffic stop and a US cop show,
04:27the copper will touch the back of the car or the side.
04:30You see, it leaves fingerprints, see?
04:32So if you decide to drive off or change the plates,
04:34the fingerprints will still be on the back of the car
04:36to identify the vehicle.
04:38I know.
04:39I try and do it and all, just pretend I'm on the wire.
04:45He loves your police stories.
04:47I mean, it's all these reruns of the bill that he's watching.
04:52Ha. Ha.
04:54Sounds dead sarky on that vocoder thing.
04:57It's a voice synthesiser.
04:59A vocoder's what Cher uses.
05:06I'll take it.
05:08It's good of you to pop round.
05:12Well, the joys of shift work.
05:14I wondered if you needed anything.
05:16No, we're all right, aren't we?
05:19Although he could do with a haircut.
05:22You are looking a bit shaggy, Apollo.
05:24It's funny, all the boring little things that you take for granted.
05:28Dentists, haircuts.
05:32All seems pretty impossible when you're confined to barracks.
05:38Someone managed to get Billy out for a walk yesterday,
05:40but he's pretty reluctant.
05:42Oh, could you get her to come here and take him out for a walk?
05:45Why? What have I done?
05:46Same thing as you do whenever you've got a day off.
05:48You hang around here getting on my wick.
05:50Actually, I was meant to go out for a few drinks with Billy,
05:53but it never materialised. Shall I text him?
05:55Yeah, that'd be great. Yeah.
05:56Doing my world of good.
05:58Look, let me know how you get on and I'll tag along.
06:00Yeah, yeah, sure.
06:01Thanks, David. Yeah.
06:02See you. See you later, love.
06:05That's my good deed for the day.
06:07You haven't done anything yet.
06:09What's the difference between a raisin and a sultana?
06:12I'm not in the mood for jokes.
06:14No, I'm not joking.
06:15I actually want to know more about Eccles case.
06:17Forgive me for taking an interest in your work.
06:22You all right?
06:23No, not really.
06:24Stayed in a hotel last night.
06:26Didn't get a wink of sleep.
06:27What a waste of money, that was.
06:28Well, if it's any consolation, Nick's really upset.
06:31Yeah, well, at least he got to stay in his own bed.
06:33David, can I have a word?
06:34Oh, please, take him. Lock him up, I beg you.
06:37Yeah, sure.
06:40Nick was in earlier.
06:42Team what?
06:43Asking us to keep it on the DL about him and Toyah.
06:46He's more concerned about his good-guy image than he is about me.
06:49Hey, I'm team you, but in fairness, I do think he's just trying to protect Sam.
06:53Yeah, well, maybe he should have thought about that
06:55before he dropped his wife once.
06:58You know, I don't understand why it's you who has to stay in some poxy room.
07:02You've done nothing wrong.
07:03If this was me, I wouldn't be going into hiding.
07:06I'd be plotting my revenge.
07:10There you are. What are you thinking of?
07:15You made it.
07:19That's really kind of you. Thanks, David.
07:22Wow, Kit's idea.
07:24Well, you did all the work.
07:26OK, I'll pay you something.
07:27Don't be daft.
07:28I'll tell you what, though.
07:30Why don't we have those jars that we arranged, you remember, ages ago?
07:33You can get me a pint or two.
07:35No, I can't.
07:38You can.
07:40See? And I've nothing else planned today
07:42except bugging Shona for a bit.
07:44I fancy a bit of a laugh.
07:46Well, Bernie's working this afternoon.
07:48He shouldn't finish till six.
07:49Well, I can hang on till then, mate.
07:52I can't. It just... It wouldn't feel right.
07:56Go. You big wuss.
07:59See? Do as your husband says.
08:02Listen, I'll tell you what.
08:03Why don't you sort yourself out here
08:05and then meet me over at the bistro.
08:06We can kick off there.
08:08Plus I get free olives, cos I'm family.
08:11I'll see you.
08:12See you.
08:16I must say, this is a first.
08:19What, lunch at the bistro?
08:21No, you paying me.
08:24What's the catch?
08:25There's no catch.
08:27I just thought it'd be a nice chance to have a chat about work and stuff.
08:31What do you mean, work and stuff?
08:34Oh, good old-fashioned chimwhack.
08:37I mean, the big boys in the news ages ago
08:39might call it a performance review.
08:42A performance review?
08:44A performance review?
08:46Who do they think I am, Elaine Page?
08:53Sorry. Sorry.
08:55Lunch for two, is it?
08:57Actually, it's a performance review.
09:00All right, well, in that case, I'd better get you a couple of menus.
09:02Oh, we've got a great deal on the shabbily today.
09:04Bring the bottle. I'll be drinking.
09:08Do you need a hand with anything?
09:09Er, no, I've got everything sorted, Tom.
09:15You could say that.
09:17You could say that.
09:20I've not been here before.
09:22Have you not?
09:23I usually avoid it in the mornings.
09:25It's got all the people here, you know, on the laptops
09:27with those earbuddy things, just chatting away, drinking water.
09:31I don't know how she turns over a profit.
09:33My locals are saying it looks more like a call centre
09:35than it does a wine bar.
09:37And people are weird, aren't they?
09:39Aren't they just?
09:41Oh, we've spent so much time gassing,
09:44I've not even shown you our price list.
09:49Can I show you some samples?
09:51Or shall we just keep slagging people off?
09:54Let's do both.
10:03Do you feel this process has been a two-way street?
10:06Yes. Next.
10:10Do you feel like your gender identity
10:12is respected by your co-workers?
10:14My what?
10:16Your gender identity.
10:18I haven't time for gender identity.
10:20I'm up for five-foot papers.
10:22Who writes these questions?
10:24It's just a form I downloaded.
10:25I mean, it's supposed to be very witty.
10:27Well, I don't understand the questions,
10:29let alone the answers.
10:34Where do you see yourself in ten years' time?
10:40Ah, Nick.
10:42I'm glad you texted.
10:45Well, what's that?
10:51Do you like what I've done with the place?
10:59Oh, I had no idea.
11:01Poor Leon.
11:03Yeah, go on. Tear them all down.
11:05I'll just stick more up.
11:07Oh, dear.
11:09Fly on the wall and turn next before it was revealed.
11:11Right, everyone.
11:13We're going to close early, OK?
11:15Your bills are on us for the inconvenience.
11:17It's a result.
11:19No, it isn't.
11:21I didn't say it was a result.
11:23It's a result.
11:25It's a result.
11:27No, it isn't.
11:29I didn't get my food.
11:31So, come on, we're going somewhere else.
11:33Because you haven't heard
11:35my performance review of you.
11:45Oh, hi.
11:47Is this a bad time to book a table?
11:58You sure you're all sorted?
12:00Yeah, he's asleep.
12:02And Bernie will be here in a bit, so...
12:04David's just texted.
12:06He said that the bistro's closed,
12:08so they've been trying to find somewhere else.
12:10Tom's going to come on off.
12:12Right, cool. Let me know where you are.
12:16Billy, I've seen enough situations like these
12:19to know what a strain it can be for the carers.
12:22You need to let off some steam.
12:24You know, you'd be more used to part once you have done.
12:27Go. That's an order.
12:29Oh, thanks, Kit.
12:31This really means so much.
12:34I really do need a drink.
12:45Look, I know you're upset.
12:47Do you? Really?
12:49My sister, Nick.
12:51My sister.
12:54What's this? Reinforcements?
12:56Oh, Lee. I didn't call her.
12:58I did.
12:59Felt it on your face, seeing as how it's her face that's sposhed everyone.
13:02You can do one and all.
13:03I don't even know what you're hanging around for.
13:05You can have the kitchen knives. You're all right. I've got it for me.
13:07Look, just sort it out, all right? All of you.
13:10I mean, stuff happens, but it's how you deal with it that matters.
13:18Can we talk about this properly? Just go away.
13:20Lee, please. I said go away!
13:22Either way, you're sacked.
13:28How can I make this right?
13:31You're so deluded.
13:33It's not just us, is it?
13:35Sam, the flat, this business.
13:38I know you want to burn it all down right now.
13:41Oh, don't tempt me.
13:43I'm going to go to the flat. I need to pick up some stuff.
13:47I'm so sorry.
13:49Yeah, so am I.
13:53You're naughty. You shouldn't have got that, you know.
13:56Oh, it's a pleasure.
13:58Much more fun than my usual business meetings.
14:03Well, I'll be in touch about the order, all right?
14:06Are you coming?
14:08No, I think I'm just going to sit here on my phone,
14:11talking really loudly to everybody in my business.
14:14See you.
14:16See you.
14:23Hi, Joel.
14:25Ah, Carla.
14:27Are you a client of his?
14:30What? What's going on, is it?
14:32Is it rape, murder?
14:34Cos he does both.
14:36He's very multifaceted.
14:40Ignore her. Grudges are pretty commonplace in my line of work.
14:43No, he's good at his job.
14:45I mean, he's actually been off of GBH himself, you know,
14:48so he can kind of see the perspective from both sides.
14:51Lauren, Bolton.
14:53You must have read about it in the papers.
14:55It was all over the place.
14:57I'll call you. Excuse me.
14:59Yeah, and that's just one of the girls we know about.
15:02He's a dark horse, really.
15:04Aren't you, Joel?
15:06Don't mess with me, Carla.
15:10I think your manager's dead.
15:12He just sat there,
15:14like the cowardly little nobody you really are.
15:18I'm warning you.
15:20You're warning me what?
15:22What do you mean?
15:24What are you going to do?
15:26Beat me after death with a chair leg like you did Lauren?
15:28Don't mean what would be best, please.
15:30She's just had the place refurbished.
15:32Excuse me, waiter.
15:34Get the check for this woman-beater.
15:36How are you staying for coffee?
15:38No, thanks. I'm all set.
15:40Yeah, playing hard to get, are we?
15:42That's all right. I'm a hard worker.
15:44I don't mind a challenge.
15:46Let me just...
15:48You all right, bro?
15:52OK, you OK? Yeah.
15:54Don't panic.
15:58White mouth.
16:00White mouth.
16:02White mouth.
16:04White mouth.
16:06White mouth.
16:08White mouth.
16:10See, I was paying attention when Bernie did this before.
16:14No blockages.
16:28Right, OK, mate.
16:30I'll be with you in a second.
16:42Mask over the mouth.
16:46Strap over the head.
16:50Let's get these tied up.
16:54Put that on there.
16:56All right, mate.
16:58Let's get that on there.
17:04Deep breaths, mate.
17:20All right? Well, I was.
17:22Been shopping?
17:24It's food for your dad's tea.
17:26I can see you're far too busy.
17:28Well, it's what you paid for, isn't it?
17:30Amongst other things, yeah.
17:32Yeah, I imagine Steve's enjoying
17:34all the little extras.
17:36Sorry, can I just get in there a minute?
17:42I'd offer you one, but
17:44I know you've had your
17:46various problems.
17:48I don't care what
17:50you think about me. I'm here for your dad.
17:52Where is he now?
17:54He's at the Rovers next door with Steve.
17:56I nipped back to do his tea for him.
17:58Bet that was a bit awkward
18:00with my dad there,
18:02playing third wheel.
18:04I popped in to ask him what he wanted for his tea,
18:06if that's all right with you.
18:08I've seen the way you look at Steve.
18:10I bet you can't wait to get your claws into him.
18:12Or has that happened already?
18:14You couldn't be more wrong.
18:16Business owner, bit of cash in the bank,
18:18somewhere to live.
18:20It'd be like winning the lottery for you, that, wouldn't it?
18:22If you're so worried about Steve,
18:24why don't you try talking to him, eh?
18:26Rather than being snide with me.
18:28Oh, you've got it bad,
18:30coming to the defence of my husband.
18:32I see what I see.
18:36I'm only going to say this once.
18:38There is nothing
18:40going on between me and Steve,
18:42apart from the fact that
18:44we both care for your dad.
18:46It's a completely professional relationship,
18:48and I would never cross that line.
18:50Now, just as a common courtesy,
18:52your dad and I have had a little chat,
18:54and we're talking about
18:56me staying on after he's better.
18:58To do what?
19:00To keep house for him,
19:02to keep him company, to walk with him.
19:04You might not like me,
19:06but your dad does.
19:08Tracy, I'm not your enemy.
19:10I'm your best friend.
19:12Because I'm doing all the things
19:14that you should be doing,
19:16while you do all the things that you want.
19:18Hi, lads.
19:20Everything OK?
19:24Do you need an hand?
19:26No, no, you're all right.
19:28Roy gave me an early dart.
19:30Bless him.
19:32And a load of leftovers from the car.
19:34The man is a saint.
19:36He knows Billy don't have much time
19:38for food shopping.
19:40Hey, do you fancy a pasty kit?
19:42No, you're all right.
19:44I'm going to go and get a sandwich.
19:46No, you're all right.
19:48I'm going to go and have a pint with the lads later.
19:52Hey, Apollo, do you fancy a funny film tonight?
20:02Because Dev's off on his
20:04Mallorcan golf extravaganza thingy,
20:06so I am all yours!
20:10Don't mention coughing.
20:12I should say something, shouldn't I?
20:14In case it happens again.
20:24Are you worried she'll tell Billy
20:26and he'll come home?
20:34You're the boss.
20:36You're the boss.
20:42Well, it was good spending this afternoon
20:44with you, bro.
20:46And I do
20:50wish I met you sooner.
20:52You and Gemma.
20:58Won't be long now.
21:06Well, erm...
21:08How about I spend
21:10as much time with you as I can?
21:12Make up for
21:14what we lost.
21:18Double mint.
21:24See you tomorrow, bro.
21:46Leanne, my key won't work.
21:52Leanne, this is silly.
21:54Come on.
21:58Leanne, let me in.
22:18Are you for real?
22:20Er, yeah.
22:22Last time I looked, I thought I was human
22:24and I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now, so yeah, I'd say so.
22:26Oh, I get it, I get it, I get it.
22:28Oh, do you?
22:30Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're angry.
22:32Oh! Well, aren't you miserable?
22:34Oh! Oh, I'm sorry,
22:36this is your son's home now, is it?
22:38Well, it's not mine, is it? Cos I couldn't get through the flaming door!
22:40Oh, oh, hang on a minute, hang on. I'll just, er...
22:42I'll just try and find the tiniest violin in the world.
22:44I've got one here somewhere.
22:46Oh, I should have known better than to try and rationalise with the Queen the sarcasm.
22:48Oh, well, whose fault's that, eh?
22:50I tell you what, shall I give you some pointers? Lovely Leanne.
22:52Actually, look in the mirror and you'll find your answer.
22:54Actually, look in the mirror and you'll probably see
22:56our toyer behind you with all the bits hanging out.
22:58But it wasn't that sleazy. Well, it was a bit.
23:00Well, it's not readers' wives, is it?
23:02What you two get up to in the privacy of your own home is up to...
23:04Oh, no, sorry.
23:06It's not your own home, is it?
23:08It's our home. Wow!
23:10Do you know what? Things are really confusing right now.
23:12You seem incorrigible. Incorrigible, but I'm not wrong, am I?
23:14I never said you were. Didn't you?
23:16OK, OK, fine. I'm sorry.
23:22So what am I supposed to do? Just let it roll
23:24and let you and Toyer live happily ever after?
23:26Yeah, we would do if you weren't kicking off 24-7.
23:30Oh, right. OK, then. Well, I'll tell you what,
23:32I'll tell you what. Let's get a schedule that suits you, eh?
23:34What about weekdays?
23:36Five till seven?
23:38Yeah, yeah! Would you just drop it? Drop it!
23:40Yeah, I will. Consider it, like me, dropped.
23:42I only came to tell you you can have the flat.
23:46What do you want? A big clock?
23:48OK, right, until I find somewhere else.
23:50And do you know what? Do you know what?
23:52I take full responsibility
23:54for what happened with me and Toyer.
23:56Oh. Oh, right.
23:58She was the unwilling participant.
24:00Oh, poor girl. You know, she really should put a complaint in.
24:02I can't talk to you when you're like this.
24:06Why did you do it, Nick?
24:10I know you said that we drifted apart when...
24:12You know what?
24:14This was just...
24:16way before the Institute, if I'm honest.
24:18Before Rowan.
24:24When was the last time we got on?
24:28I don't know who you are anymore.
24:34Who are you?
24:40I've just sat here like chopped liver.
24:42Who's he texting?
24:44Bernie. Again.
24:46Oh, right. She's going to be sick of you sticking your neck out.
24:48I've only sent her three messages.
24:50You're meant to be on a date night with me and him.
24:52And we feel totally ghosted.
24:54Totally. Shut up.
24:56Look, come on. Get one of these down your neck.
25:00I'm a bit boring, aren't I?
25:02Self-awareness is a wonderful thing.
25:04No, it's just because it's been ages
25:06since, you know, I haven't spent 24-7 with Paul.
25:08It's like we've been conjoined twins.
25:10Conjoined in the what, though?
25:12I don't know.
25:14I'm a bit boring, though, aren't I?
25:18I'm a bit boring. No, no, no. I heard you, yeah.
25:20I was just watching some paint drying behind you.
25:22Look, come on. Down the hatch. Let's go.
25:24Pick a soldier.
25:26I think I should go home. One shot.
25:28See how you feel.
25:30Paul's not going to want you slobbing back early on you one night off, is he?
25:32Come on.
25:38All right.
25:42Night, ladies.
25:44She'll join the way out, please.
25:58Just one sec.
26:08You seen something you like there?
26:14If it isn't the little midnight mass.
26:18Listing all my misdemeanours like that.
26:20You were enjoying that, weren't you?
26:22Yes, Joel. It was one of the top ten moments of my life.
26:26Well, do you know what slander means, Carla?
26:30I can see you know what patronising means, Joel.
26:34Because, just so we're clear, I'm going to sue you for it.
26:38You really are living your best life, aren't you?
26:40Hey, I'm as innocent as your great pal Cropper.
26:44Although, that being said,
26:46I wouldn't be surprised if you did have the hots for that jailbait, Lauren.
26:48Get out, Joel.
26:50Why do you think people are so convinced he's a pervert?
26:52It's cos if it looks like a perv...
26:54You really are hoping for a smack in the face, aren't you?
26:56Whoa, calm down, Carla.
26:58Don't do anything you'll live to regret.
27:00I'll regret it if I don't smack him.
27:02Did you see that?
27:04Did you? Her regression?
27:06It's off the scale.
27:08You really aren't used to women standing up to you, are you, Joel?
27:10Just get out.
27:12Go on, leave.
27:14Go on, leave.
27:16You all right?
27:20So you don't know who I am anymore.
27:22Well, maybe I've changed.
27:24You didn't need to rip my sister's clothes off
27:26just because I was on some journey
27:28to discovering myself.
27:30Is that what the Institute was?
27:32A journey?
27:36Yeah, that was part of it.
27:38Highway to Hellmore.
27:40Like, you've been pushing me away for months and you know it.
27:42Have I?
27:46You sure about that?
27:48Or was I running away, Nick?
27:50Running away?
27:54From you, Nick.
27:56The suits, the snarls, the way you look at everybody
27:58like we all stink.
28:00Yeah, things haven't been right for months,
28:04well, maybe that's why
28:06I was drawn to the Institute in the first place.
28:08But do you know what's really funny?
28:12Actually, it's not even funny at all.
28:16I never stopped loving you.
28:20That's not funny.
28:22It's tragic.
28:24You've got a weird way of showing it.
28:26Shall I tell you something else?
28:30And this really is the killer punchline.
28:34I still do.
28:36Why are you telling me that?
28:38Why would you do that?
28:40What, are you trying to make me feel guilty?
28:42No, I'm not. I'm saying it because it's true.
28:44Why do you have to overanalyse everything?
28:46Oh, well, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
28:48Oh, go on, have a laugh. Have a laugh.
28:50I'm here all week.
28:56All right.
28:58Well, I've got to go and pick Sam up from chess.
29:00Oh, great.
29:02Well, I just drown in my own self-pity.
29:08What shall we tell him?
29:10Don't tell him anything.
29:12We'll tell him together when you get back.
29:34I just can't believe I let him get in my head.
29:36I can't stand to see him get away
29:38with what he did to Roy and Lauren.
29:40Well, there might still be a way of bringing him to justice.
29:42I just hate feeling like this, you know.
29:44I run this place, and I run it well.
29:46But everything I do, it has to be in control.
29:48I have to be in control of it,
29:50and nothing is at the moment.
29:52What with Peter beggaring off,
29:54Stephen running rampage, Roy being banged up,
29:56Jenny stealing my...
29:58Actually, scratch that, it's just everything.
30:00It's just blooming everything.
30:02I feel so out of control, honestly.
30:06Oh, great!
30:10What's up with her?
30:16Old ones are the best, aren't they?
30:18And Rhys Witherspoon, she's wicked in it.
30:20And Jennifer Watsett? Coolidge?
30:22Right, let's get your teeth cleaned,
30:24get you ready for bed.
30:26Ash is going to bob over in a bit
30:28and help me with the hoist.
30:30You writing a message to Billa?
30:32Hey, Paul.
30:34Hey, Paul.
30:36You do the bend,
30:38and snap!
30:44Let's get you all
30:46fresh and beautiful for bed, honey bun.
30:50Oh, come on.
30:52Read us a message
30:54you've written to Billa.
30:58Hope you're having a good night,
31:02I'm off to bed,
31:04so sweet dreams.
31:06Don't rush home.
31:08Keep painting the town pink for me.
31:10Love you.
31:14You sent it?
31:20Well, that's just gorgeous, that.
31:24You guys.
31:26What a bond.
31:28Proper true love, is that?
31:30And all the way through,
31:32Billy has been unwavering.
31:34You know, some folk,
31:36they live 100 years
31:38and they never get out like that.
31:44Let's get those gnashes nice and clean.
31:50Do you want me to put the heating on?
31:52It's kind of a bit fresh, isn't it?
31:54No, I don't care either way.
31:56Well, I was talking to Sam, actually.
31:58Yeah, well, I'm really sorry about that.
32:00Are you two going to tell me what's wrong?
32:02Wrong? There's nothing wrong.
32:04He's not stupid, love.
32:06Don't love me.
32:08Sam, do you want to sit down?
32:22You hardly said a word in the car.
32:24You didn't use your door keys.
32:26And the atmosphere in here is very frosty.
32:30Yeah, well, there's a...
32:32There's a good reason for that.
32:34Look, everything's going to be fine, Sam.
32:36I'm so sorry, Sam.
32:38Me and Leanne,
32:40we're separating.
32:42We've just drifted apart.
32:46Nothing major's happened.
32:48It's just something that we need to do.
32:50That's not strictly true, is it?
32:54I've got feelings for Toya.
32:56Nick. What?
32:58He doesn't need to know all the ins and outs.
33:00Better he's it for most than someone else.
33:04we just drifted apart.
33:06Has Toya got feelings for you?
33:08Now look what you've started.
33:10Yeah, yes, she does.
33:12Do you love each other?
33:18Yes, we do.
33:22Are you going to move out?
33:26Please don't move out.
33:28Sam, he can't stay here. I'm sorry.
33:30Look, you can live with Leanne.
33:32Nick, we haven't even talked about this.
33:34Until we find somewhere permanent for us to live.
33:38Oh, Sam, come here.
33:42I'm sorry.
33:44I'm sorry.
34:02Must be her.
34:04Shall I go to my room?
34:06No, you stay here. Don't be daft.
34:08I think I will.
34:18I take it you've changed the locks.
34:20No, it gets past you, does it?
34:22Especially not the men.
34:24Look, I'm glad you're here, actually.
34:26I know things.
34:30How are you feeling?
34:32Now that the dust's settled a bit.
34:34And why the sudden interest in my well-being?
34:36Oh, that's a bit...
34:38You know, it's a shame you didn't have such a moral barometer
34:40when you were slipping between the sheets with my fella.
34:42Of course I care about you, Lee.
34:44Oh, well, aren't I the lucky one? Hashtag blessed.
34:46And I know that this has ruined everything between us.
34:48And the award for stating the obvious goes, too.
34:50And that kills me.
34:52But what kills me more is the thought
34:54that this might make you lean even more
34:56into the Institute for support.
34:58Yeah, well, that's none of your business, actually, is it?
35:00It was really hard seeing you take their side over mine.
35:02So hard that you threw yourself at Nick for comfort.
35:04I've just found all this.
35:06It's just such a struggle, and...
35:08You know, it's really funny.
35:10You come round here to check if I'm doing OK,
35:12but you've actually made this all about you.
35:14Oh, I changed the habit of a lifetime, eh?
35:16Yeah, you must have really sucked at being a counsellor.
35:18It would have been all about you, wouldn't it?
35:20Me, me, me, me, me.
35:22You must see now
35:24that it was the Institute who told the police
35:26about me burying Rose.
35:28Yeah, I am sorry about that.
35:30I was bang out of order.
35:36Is she staring at you?
35:38Well, I know what they're thinking.
35:40Look, fly have let themselves go.
35:42Which cheers us to karaoke.
35:44You don't mind me taking a long beer, do you?
35:46No, no, of course not.
35:48It's just David insisted.
35:50Well, I have had more than
35:52an elegant sufficiency to drink.
35:54All yours if you don't want it.
35:56Yeah, how was he when you left him?
35:58You don't need to worry about it tonight, OK, mate?
36:00You're not just saying that.
36:02Of course you're just saying it.
36:04What do you want him to do, sing it?
36:06No, I'm sorry, it's just...
36:08No need to apologise.
36:10Right, this is going to sound awful.
36:12Just say it.
36:14We're all mates.
36:16I really do feel like I'm on
36:18some sort of countdown
36:20with Paul.
36:22There's this
36:24big ticking clock.
36:26I'm even dreaming about clocks.
36:28Like I'm in some thriller and
36:30I've got all these mad tasks
36:32that I need to be doing and if I don't get them done then...
36:36Who knows how long
36:38he's got left.
36:42These next few months are going to be
36:44really precious.
36:46Every time I wheel him to the window
36:48I feel like I'm taunting him,
36:50you know, like showing him his past.
36:54What's ahead?
36:56Well, no one knows, mate.
36:58I meant to. Paradise.
37:02Billy, you're doing a brilliant job with him.
37:04And if I can see it, anyone can.
37:08Joe, he's made a list
37:10of all the things he wants me to do after he's gone.
37:12Need he get?
37:14I'm a control freak,
37:16am I?
37:18He wants me to find love.
37:20In a hopeless place?
37:22With her, aren't we?
37:26I am glad I came out tonight.
37:28Just call us Prozac
37:30and human for her.
37:32I'll drink to that.
37:34To mates.
37:36To McFly.
37:42I do appreciate you acknowledging
37:44how much the Institute have hurt me.
37:50And I just want to say...
37:52Well, come on, get on with it.
37:54I'm going to need an haircut at this rate.
37:56That I am really sorry
37:58for the pain that I've inflicted on you two.
38:00So does that make us quits?
38:02Of course not. Well, then.
38:06Oh, just give me half an hour, I'll pack a bag and get out of your way.
38:08Oh, what, so you and Nick can go off
38:10to a little love nest together? No, I don't think so.
38:12It just happened, Lee.
38:14You'd gone AWOL,
38:16I was vulnerable,
38:18he was lonely and...
38:20And they all lived happily ever after.
38:22I'll just get me bag.
38:24You're going nowhere.
38:26I'm sorry
38:28that I turned my back on you when you needed me the most.
38:30But that doesn't mean
38:32I'm going to forgive you as a result.
38:34I've already lost my fella.
38:36I'm sure as hell not going to lose my sister as well.
38:40I might hate your guts,
38:42but you're going nowhere.
38:44I don't want you to.
38:58Oh, nice one,
39:00mother, it's only taken you 15 hours
39:02to find me.
39:04I'm not buying into your immaturity, Betsy.
39:06Being a drama queen
39:08doesn't hide the fact that, yet again,
39:10you didn't go to college.
39:12Mum's not even been there, what,
39:14three years?
39:16Look, I don't know what you think
39:18you saw earlier, but...
39:20Are you blushing?
39:22I had my hand on Carla's arm,
39:24it was a comforting hand.
39:26Yeah, it was a cramp in your style.
39:28What are you talking about?
39:30Carla is straight.
39:32Yeah, I'll serve spaghetti till you boil it.
39:34Right, that is enough, OK?
39:36You have got this all wrong.
39:38Carla had just had a running with Joel,
39:40and I was... Did you really want to replace
39:42Mum with that half-faced cow
39:44who knocked a kid off his bike
39:46and then drove off her? Do you?
39:52Oh, Trace.
39:54You OK, hun?
39:56I'm fine, hun.
39:58You know, you've got lovely teeth.
40:00You want to show them off more when you smile.
40:02I hope you don't mind me saying, babes.
40:04There's nothing wrong with my smile.
40:08Steve, just before I go... Yeah?
40:10You don't fancy a pint before the
40:12Weather County game, do you?
40:14Sounds like a plan. Sound.
40:16It's green, their kit, isn't it?
40:18You know it is. Fab.
40:20I've got these amazing leggings I'm going to wear.
40:22Emerald green.
40:24Like a second skin, Trace. Can't wait.
40:26Right, Ali,
40:28catch you later, babes. See you later.
40:32Is it her?
40:34It's what, her? The woman you fancy.
40:36Is it the jolly green giant?
40:38Don't be daft.
40:40Well, she can deny it all she likes, Steve,
40:42but she's got the hots for you.
40:44Look, we are just very good
40:46friends and, you know,
40:48Ken likes her, so...
40:52What? I'm saying nothing.
40:54Pfft. That'll be a first.
41:08Hey, honey bun.
41:10You had a good night, yeah? Oh, yeah.
41:12It was wicked.
41:16It's another one of them boys.
41:18I like the bro moans.
41:22How is he?
41:24Yeah, he's out like a light, bless him.
41:28Right, I'm gonna just go and check on him,
41:30just make sure... No, no, Billy, don't, don't.
41:32Not in that state.
41:34Right, I've made you up a bed here
41:36so he can get a good night's sleep
41:38and Summer's in a room. If you're up, I'll need her.
41:40Oh, baby.
41:46Does it help, does it?
41:48Reading stuff like that?
41:50No, we all
41:52have our different books and beliefs to see us
41:54through, eh, Billy? Yeah, it's true.
41:58Oh, I really can't
42:00thank you enough for tonight, Bernie.
42:02I very much appreciate it.
42:04You don't be daft.
42:06Here's my boy.
42:08You both are.
42:14I love you, Bernie.
42:16I do. Like
42:20Sleep it off.
42:22That's an order.
42:24Night, night.
42:42How's Sam?
42:44Erm, I don't know. He's in his room, so...
42:48I told him about me and you.
42:52There's too much dishonesty in our lives.
42:54It's not good for anyone, is it?
42:56Those that
42:58need to know, know now.
43:00I can't believe you actually told Sam.
43:04I want to be with you.
43:06And I was hoping you felt
43:08the same.
43:12You do feel the same.
43:18Come on.
43:20Come on.
43:22We love each other.
43:24I can't do this. I'm sorry.
43:26Can't do what?
43:28Any of it. I can't do any of it.
43:30But you love me.
43:34I do.
43:38I love Lee-Anne more.
43:40And I can't
43:42do this to her.
43:44I'm sorry.
43:54I'm sorry.
44:24I'm sorry.