friday night live with huhnkie lee 170

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to Friday Nalabi Hunkily episode, um, 170. Okay. Happy Friday.
00:00:16Let's do high side kick. We'll do side kick as high as possible. Okay. Okay. Focusing
00:00:24on height. Okay. Yeah. Let's go. Okay. Good. Good. Five minutes break please. Thank you.
00:00:43Whoo. Nice. Good exercise there. Whoo. Okay.
00:01:01Yeah. Nice kettlebell there.
00:09:23okay let's take a break from mathematics uh we did a lot we made a lot of progress so time to
00:09:30take a break from it uh let's talk politics after work i watched uh the speech by uh
00:09:40uh former president obama and um presidential candidate kamala harris yeah it was entertaining
00:09:51and they'll have good sense of humor and also very moving touching stories yeah some tears not
00:09:58too much but a little bit of tears it was out made it was out of my eyes okay so yeah they're
00:10:05good okay yeah good orators both of them yeah in the dnc 2024 august yeah it was nice
00:10:16also i saw some clips they invited this african-american hip-hop artist gentleman uh
00:10:23bill john and uh turned down for what yeah just nice yeah
00:10:29yeah yeah i like that song yeah good choice yeah
00:10:40okay let's switch this out
00:10:44uh and this one too
00:10:57happy friday
00:11:07but look uh kamala harris yeah very charming very good-looking good sense of humor and good speaker
00:11:15uh but um that does not mean uh
00:11:22she's best candidate for the country that's why i'm running for US president
00:11:26hunkily kamala harris and donald trump why because uh i
00:11:34uh because i'm more knowledgeable than kamala harris or donald trump okay uh the
00:11:41the biggest weakness of kamala harris she's bound by her party agenda party platform democratic
00:11:48party okay uh i don't think she's capable of venturing too much out of that democratic
00:11:54party platform because she's younger than trump but still she is not too too like younger generation
00:12:03but that's me hunkily okay
00:12:07uh yeah fruit fly did not get it yeah
00:12:16how about ronald fk jr i appreciate him running as an independent that was cool
00:12:21okay but other than that yeah i don't think he has any merit whatsoever okay yeah
00:12:28now he's joining trump campaign to get washington dc job right because trump he promised him okay
00:12:35but i don't think when it comes to votes i don't think it will make that much difference
00:12:40okay because rfk the voters supporters rfk jr that the ones who are known as double haters
00:12:49they hate biden they hate trump so that's the only reason that why they supported rfk jr who
00:12:57has absolute no merit whatsoever other than the fact that he's in he ran as independent okay
00:13:03so like dropping a dead bear in the central park in manhattan going to korea and eating a dog and
00:13:12then denying it and having some parasite in his brain that's what he's famous for get some
00:13:22funny stories okay and so yeah double haters they hate biden they hate trump
00:13:31that's the only reason they supported rfk jr okay now biden is no longer running
00:13:39kamala harris is running okay so most likely well i'm not sure
00:13:45but but uh it's possible it's somewhat even plausible that rfk jr supporter will now vote
00:13:53for harris because they don't like trump that's why they supported rfk jr now the rfk jr is
00:13:59supporting endorsing trump but did supporters rfk jr that trump haters in the first place
00:14:09so why would they vote for trump now
00:14:15it made logical sense they would vote for harris okay
00:14:21and um yeah
00:14:25so rfk jr is not independent okay he says he's independent no but no he first asked
00:14:32kamala harris hey would you give me cabinet position then i'll join you i endorse you and
00:14:38drop our areas kamala harris said no we don't want you here okay and then then he went to
00:14:46donald trump next and donald trump said oh yeah actually before that before that after rfk jr was
00:14:53rejected by kamala harris donald trump invited him hey come join us then we'll give you cabinet
00:15:02position and that's why rfk jr went to trump okay kind of like spineless very dependent upon
00:15:12bigger party candle that's not independence at all no i'm not too independent okay because uh
00:15:22i'm not dropping out okay to me winning or losing an election uh that's not important
00:15:36me running as u.s presidential candidates that's what's important
00:15:44i'm okay with getting one vote because i'm gonna vote for myself i'm okay with that
00:15:50then why am i running it's the right thing to do because i'm smarter than harris i'm smarter than
00:15:57trump of course i should run okay as a principle it makes perfect sense okay yeah welcome to human
00:16:06energy friday night computer yeah weekend edition okay i get the full flight later later okay yeah
00:16:12okay yeah five minutes bro okay thank you happy friday
00:16:20okay yeah i have to give you an independent in name only
00:16:31in my opinion okay
00:16:42thank you
00:20:20so that care is quite aggressive meaning like they can want to come to enter my house because i
00:20:26guess somehow kind neighbors invite them to their houses and maybe feed them i guess yeah quite
00:20:35spoiled because i give months of spam it and it did not would not eat it finally they ate it but
00:20:41i guess it's too cheap with a higher taste that can has and yeah and also not shy at all very
00:20:50so i i'm guessing it's a man cat okay but not shy at all okay
00:20:56friendliness uh well i never owned a cat but i guess female cat could be friendly too
00:21:04i've never owned a cat so okay
00:21:29i ran uh this afternoon and it was nice
00:21:35yep ronnie
00:21:44yeah my feet was sore a little bit after running but i did some i massaged my feet with my hands
00:21:54and it got a lot better so yeah to promote blood circulation foot massage self foot massage
00:22:02it worked yeah so my feet are not sore anymore okay yeah
00:22:16also there are many other reasons i'm running for u.s president first it's the right thing to do
00:22:22okay i'm doing something about it as opposed to just complaining about it yeah it's the right
00:22:28thing to do make me sleep better at night also it creates this forum educational forum in the
00:22:33social media okay because i'm running for u.s president because i'm u.s president candidate
00:22:38yeah i get to meet people in the social media and we use mutual education they teach me i teach
00:22:44them okay yeah educational forum okay because i'm running for u.s president okay so it's fantastic
00:22:51okay okay time check
00:23:06okay it's been less than 30 minutes so let's just go to this i'm like oh sure we can do that
00:23:20yeah my right shoulder i did i do like stretching like daily basis so it's
00:23:27still healing but it's healing well okay yeah
00:23:56yeah we're taking a break from mathematics which is good we made a lot of progress now so yeah
00:24:12we earned our right to party
00:24:20i mean these people they say fight for your right to party
00:24:24i disagree on your right to party how about that that's a lot better
00:24:42let me get my hair
00:25:03oh no wash my hands
00:25:27beer yeah and also during the speech yes speech acceptance speech camera
00:25:35something like yeah america's best country well i would never say such a thing okay this this is
00:25:41respectful that's american arrogance i do not like that attitude okay what okay what i'll say
00:25:49well i'm not gonna have party so there won't be like nomination because i'm independent okay
00:25:55but hypothetically if i'm u.s president in all generations speech what i'm gonna say is
00:26:01yeah i love america that's why i'm here yeah but i would never say america is the best country in
00:26:07the world okay i don't think that's a good attitude i don't think that kind of american
00:26:12arrogance of america at all okay you make america less popular among other countries
00:26:18okay what what i saw is that instead to americans is this okay and they should humble themselves and
00:26:24learn from other countries okay because other countries are doing better than america in many
00:26:29different ways for example north korea they have no gun violence like america does they don't have
00:26:40drug addiction problem like america does
00:26:44okay yeah north korea is doing way better than america in many different ways
00:26:48america should learn from north korea okay
00:27:04let's go to instagram live okay i love all countries okay
00:27:08so yesterday uh vietnam is culinary arts
00:27:16yeah in festival lab you know youtube yeah upload to youtube as well okay yeah like festival lab i
00:27:23film and upload to youtube okay so yeah vietnam is culinary arts vietnam is vietnam street food
00:27:28okay oh oh amazing god bless vietnam
00:27:36god bless america too okay
00:27:41sure i love all countries including america okay how about that
00:27:57it sounds like america not america first but america last it sounds like that but
00:28:02this sense of humor is a joke okay so hello friends yeah welcome to uh
00:28:08friday and i love hopefully uh instagram live edition yeah happy friday good evening yeah
00:28:17oh yeah
00:28:22welcome yeah
00:28:27you made some chaga vodka
00:28:31it's gonna leak
00:28:35welcome yeah yeah sure you wanna join us sure sure give me a second here
00:28:41oh chaga vodka
00:28:56cheers happy friday
00:29:02oh that's good yeah yeah yeah let's see a few internals okay
00:29:16well welcome yeah
00:29:37yeah good evening
00:29:41let's try one more time okay uh
00:29:52it's still not working internet issue okay why don't you de-join and then rejoin
00:30:00okay they may work okay yeah de-join and rejoin okay it works sometimes okay yeah
00:30:09it's just yeah de-join and rejoin okay then it may work okay yeah sorry about that yeah okay
00:30:20okay let's try one more time okay
00:30:27good evening yeah welcome
00:30:28um hello what's up hunky yeah good evening welcome
00:30:38what's been on your mind recently um politics and mathematics
00:30:47oh yeah are you still running for the 2025 election yeah president yeah
00:30:54all right that's a good thing i'm gonna vote for you thank you
00:30:59no interracial marriage learn martial arts stay in school well interracial marriage
00:31:05is like i think one percent of the time is fine like kamala harris interracial and
00:31:11she's half jamaican half indian so she's like blade young that's kamala harris
00:31:18and barack obama is half white half black so he's like a um
00:31:23um half black half white through uh maybe
00:31:34who cares kian cook kook a kian i guess i i don't know how to say it but so yeah one person
00:31:41on time international marriage fine but 99 yeah same race marriage that would be my recommendation
00:31:48yeah so what are your thoughts on the mexican people yeah i've been to mexico many times yeah
00:31:56yeah they're cool yeah yeah what part of mexico uh i've been to tijuana northern mexico yeah
00:32:03oh yeah i see i see it's fun what'd you do in tijuana
00:32:08do you wanna uh i went to restaurants and
00:32:17this the real mexican taco yeah and also the seafood cocktail with like octopus and
00:32:31uh ceviche that's what it's called okay okay
00:32:35okay and how long were you in the military for uh four years active duty
00:32:43yeah well how old were you i'm 46 no but when you were in the military when you joined how old were
00:32:49you i was 31 i see how long have you been living in um alaska uh nine years i see
00:33:03i see where are you originally from like in the states uh i was born in
00:33:09new york but i grew up in south south korea until i turned 19 yep
00:33:16and when did you move here like when you were young or like an adult uh i grew up in korea
00:33:23until i was 19 and then i came back yep all right well i have to go now so okay
00:33:31that was nice talking to you yes sir future leader
00:33:34have a good day thank you future leaders you're amazing
00:33:42thank you thank you future leaders mighty proud of you yeah
00:33:50okay let's take five minutes break okay and uh
00:33:55yeah thank you welcome we'll take five minutes break and we'll invite our next guest okay yeah
00:34:00good evening future leaders happy friday yep five minutes thank you
00:34:06amazing people right yeah very cool mighty proud
00:34:13oh yeah
00:36:30okay thank you for your patience
00:36:33yeah welcome back we are back and uh yeah let me have some more vodka
00:36:56how about this
00:37:04you look too bad vodka yeah very cool stuff okay
00:37:12wow interesting account photos nice very artistic
00:37:32okay i mean
00:37:36i'm independent okay i'm running for his president but
00:37:42it's fun to talk about other candidates like harris trump okay yeah oh you're a journalist
00:37:50yeah welcome yeah let's see if internet works okay yeah thank you for your patience
00:38:03okay welcome welcome yeah good morning yeah good evening yeah you're running for press
00:38:12you're running for press yes sir you got my vote thank you thank you
00:38:19yeah you want to check something out sure
00:38:25nice canada i love canada yeah
00:38:32nice yeah thank you for sharing yeah i love canada yeah yeah yeah of course it was nice you
00:38:51know oh yeah bar get something to drink
00:39:01i was drinking mojitos okay
00:39:05kicked out mojitos yeah
00:39:10okay are you voting for
00:39:14huh who are you voting for oh yeah i'm gonna vote for myself yeah
00:39:20oh of course of course yeah it's independent yeah yeah democrat
00:39:28independent independent yeah independent yeah independent out of canada yeah yeah thank you
00:39:37all right man enjoy yourself you too yeah thank you thank you keep practicing karate
00:39:44yes sir i will yeah yeah yes sir future leaders future leaders thank you thank you yeah
00:39:52yeah future leaders fantastic
00:39:57thank you thank you for joining us yeah our wonderful friends from canada nice
00:40:03nice yeah i'm a huge fan of canada by the way yeah great country yeah
00:40:13you see other candidates they don't say this right like harris trump
00:40:18they're all about oh america is the best country i would never say such a thing okay
00:40:25i i love america that's why i'm here but i am a huge fan of other countries too yeah
00:40:33they were great countries
00:40:37so that's the difference between other candidates and me
00:40:41trump harris they want to flatter american voters i don't do that
00:40:47uh no
00:40:56what i would say is this okay my fellow americans let us humble ourselves
00:41:06let's appreciate other countries and let's learn from them because other countries
00:41:13they are doing better than america in many different perspectives right yeah
00:41:37with the truth
00:41:48welcome yeah
00:41:58so that's my attitude as a political candidate okay i do not like bow down to voters
00:42:04flatter them i'm not i'm not that you know that's kevin harris that's donald trump
00:42:15not me
00:42:30yeah welcome good evening yeah happy friday
00:42:40yeah so
00:42:45so i i listened to kevin harris speech dnc in the youtube okay pre-recorded
00:42:51after all this evening and uh it was i liked it yeah it was cool but uh again she is not
00:43:00very knowledgeable person she's very good speaker good sense of humor beautiful smile
00:43:07and she's beautiful lady yeah come on harris right yeah
00:43:15she has no idea how to create jobs okay i have many ideas
00:43:30why because i'm very knowledgeable and very creative person
00:43:35for example generalized farming we can farm elephants we can farm tigers we can farm
00:43:44lions we can farm exotic animals like pangola right
00:43:56let me look look up is it pangola
00:44:17as u.s president if i'm u.s president okay hypothetically yeah i would recommend americans
00:44:25to farm pangolin it's an animal scally animal okay memo
00:44:32okay because they're very exotic they look very strange so if you farm pangolin
00:44:43we can sell them as pets they behave they're well-behaving animals pangolin okay yeah
00:44:52send them as pets also pangolin scale is very popular in china
00:45:01they use it as a medicine chinese medicine okay yeah let's sell pangolin scales to china
00:45:10and make some money and create jobs
00:45:13okay yeah elephants yeah let's farm elephants and harvest ivories and sell them
00:45:28yeah cheers
00:45:34what do we feed elephants hey h-a-y hey hey stack
00:45:43elephants is the exact same thing that ox is yeah dry grass
00:45:52it's that simple
00:46:01so that's the difference between camilla harris and me
00:46:05i can create real jobs okay brand new jobs camilla harris uh she's clueless
00:46:14i'm running against camilla harris okay yeah trump well i'm running against him too what yeah
00:46:24welcome good evening yeah
00:46:28happy friday uh i need some vocal rest okay yeah let's take five minutes break
00:46:33please okay thank you and welcome future leaders mighty proud of you
00:46:36yeah five minutes break please thank you vocal rest okay thank you yeah
00:46:41okay very cool mighty proud of you which are leaders
00:49:42hey welcome welcome good evening happy friday yeah so yeah welcome welcome good evening
00:49:52so the it's fun to talk about other politicians i don't know if you're a president myself but
00:49:58it is fun to talk about other politicians okay yeah uh so uh between harris and trump
00:50:07very sharp contrast there because uh i did not watch trump's rnc speech but i heard
00:50:19it was very long and very boring okay
00:50:22okay yeah cheers and cheers okay
00:50:34i mean i'm glad trump survived that attack on him okay i am very glad he survived because i like
00:50:41him he's funny okay uh do although i don't always agree with trump okay actually to be honest i
00:50:49agree more with trump than harris because i'm center right i used to be republican i'm independent
00:50:55now okay i tend to be more conservative than liberal okay just a little bit okay
00:51:03but uh between harris and trump where harris she's younger and trump uh
00:51:13uh i mean some democrats talk about this oversized bandage well jokes are jokes okay
00:51:21so no offense intended maybe it was intended but i'm glad he survived okay uh what i want to see
00:51:28is uh i want trump to lose this election fair and square by democratic process uh to either
00:51:36hunkily or camera harris that's what i like to see i want i want to see trump lose this election
00:51:42okay why is it because i want to see what what happened next not really i just don't think he
00:51:55should win okay he's too dishonest trump okay yeah
00:52:08and but will january 6th happen again i doubt it okay
00:52:17because america learned the lesson okay so there will be heavy
00:52:21law enforcement presence in january 6th 2025
00:52:30okay yeah welcome good evening happy friday yeah future leaders mighty proud of you
00:52:38well cheers
00:52:41so january 6th 2025 no matter who gets elected there'll be heavy law enforcement presence there
00:52:55okay uh will trump win the election in 2024 it's possible but i don't think it's likely
00:53:08to be honest okay i may be wrong okay but i don't think it's likely that trump would
00:53:15win again i doubt it okay so again hypothetically
00:53:23if trump loses the election 2024 there will not be another january 6th riot
00:53:33why because america learned the lesson there'll be heavy law enforcement
00:53:39presence around the capitol hill
00:53:45maybe national guards too okay yeah they'll make sure
00:53:52there will not another there will not be another january 6th okay yeah they'll make sure of that
00:54:02if you learn the lesson okay okay cheers okay
00:54:11will there be like civil war
00:54:14i don't think so why americans know better okay yeah good evening welcome yeah
00:54:22happy friday future leaders mighty proud of you oh yeah
00:54:27yeah okay so i'm not worried yeah welcome friends my proud future leaders five is great please thank
00:54:53happy friday
00:57:14okay welcome back birthday
00:57:21yes let's talk about more future jobs okay so uh i'm all about outsourcing international trade
00:57:32like ricardo what's his first name is like british economist let me look him up
00:57:54economist what's his first name
00:57:59david ricardo yeah british economist david ricardo okay
00:58:06okay yeah the comparative advantage right yeah i know that stuff so
00:58:13yeah so i'm all about international trade okay i do not like tariffs trump biden they like
00:58:20trap tariff i don't know about harris okay but i do not like tariff at all okay yeah
00:58:30yeah i think it's a bad idea
00:58:35cheers yeah
00:58:43yeah and um so one of the biggest mistakes he made many trump okay but one of the biggest
00:58:54mistakes that trump made during his four years presidency is to bring back american
00:59:00car manufacturing job uh from mexico to back to america there was a big mistake okay yeah
00:59:10uh if i'm u.s president okay i will send back american manufacturing job back to mexico
00:59:18and other countries maybe in china too okay international trade is a very good thing
00:59:25okay yeah how about american job where i create new ones for them
00:59:34like flying cars manned drones yeah there's some security a safety issue right okay yeah we'll come
00:59:43up with like safety feature like let's say manned drone is kind of like flying car right
00:59:54it's kind of like helicopter with drone so it's uh more lighter than helicopters and
01:00:04multiple propellers they're in youtube okay yeah manned drones yeah it's already out there okay
01:00:12yeah cheers
01:00:17so now we are talking about engineering mechanical engineering sure
01:00:21sure so manned drone the problem is the safety issue what if engine fails
01:00:32right yeah
01:00:37so we need to come up with some safety measure okay uh drone is not flying very high manned
01:00:42drone okay so yeah that's just over the ground right so uh let's come up with invention idea i
01:00:50have talked about this before in human knowledge series okay many times okay yeah like
01:00:57in a car we have this airbag that pops up instantly in case of accident right yeah
01:01:05we can have multiple of those okay in manned drones so that this person can land safely
01:01:16in case engine fails okay welcome good evening yeah happy friday yeah yeah so cheers
01:01:35so this i i've seen the youtube videos okay they fly this manned drone over the lake so that even
01:01:41over the lake so that even if engine fails water soft landing okay yeah but manned drone okay
01:01:52or woman drone gender drone whatever person drone okay yeah uh if engine fails let this uh
01:02:03airbag pop up underneath or from all sides so that this pilot can land very safely when engine
01:02:13fails that's not difficult at all it's that technology already exists
01:02:22oh yeah airbag in a car okay we just need multiple of them in manned drone okay
01:02:28yeah yeah to the side front back bottom on top sure sure
01:02:39welcome good evening yeah happy friday yeah
01:02:50yeah so
01:02:56there we go welcome cheers happy friday
01:03:09yeah okay future leaders mighty proud of you let's take five minutes break i need some more
01:03:15okay thank you for joining us happy friday thank you my proud of you future leaders
01:03:23yeah five minutes thank you okay
01:05:40okay welcome back we're back
01:05:51so unlike kamala harris or darla trump uh i'm more knowledgeable okay yeah
01:06:02yeah i made different background as a performer dancer martial artist
01:06:07actor filmmaker musician i'm the background and also i background as a scientist
01:06:14engineer okay yeah
01:06:20that's why i'm running for u.s president okay yeah
01:06:26cheers yeah
01:06:30so this flying car man's drone person's drone okay so yeah the safety feature yeah it's just
01:06:37that airbag you know car everywhere top side front back bottom yeah multiple airbags
01:06:49instantly deployed in case engine failure
01:06:55oh yeah because helicopter is very difficult to learn how to fly helicopter right
01:07:03but drone is like joystick in a video game it's very easy to learn
01:07:10man's drone okay it is very easy to fly and there are youtube videos about that okay so yeah okay
01:07:23also flying person get jetpack uh invented by british gentleman okay yeah
01:07:32jetpack flying person like iron man okay so yeah it's in youtube too okay so
01:07:41yeah it's already there
01:07:47very futuristic like a iron man superman wonder woman okay those technologies already exist
01:07:56okay we just uh need to advertise it and commercialize it and enhance safety feature
01:08:15welcome good evening happy friday yeah future leaders mighty proud of you oh yeah
01:08:21yeah yeah
01:08:26mighty proud
01:08:31yeah so
01:08:42so car manufacturing jobs yeah we'll outsource it okay we'll take old industry okay but
01:08:49brand new industry like flying car person the drones
01:08:57generalized farming concept yeah we'll start from america sure it's very brand new you know
01:09:08yeah welcome good evening future leaders mighty proud of you cheers happy friday
01:09:22so that's my vision for america and i sharing this business idea invention ideas with you
01:09:29for free go ahead invent develop those concepts you don't owe me anything okay i give it
01:09:37to you for free okay yeah you don't have to pay any money okay
01:09:41okay no i don't want you to give me money okay no keep the money to yourself okay and
01:09:52maybe help out some poor people when you make a lot of money okay yeah i'm not poor
01:10:00i have a job okay uh camilla harris yeah she's vice president right but donald trump
01:10:07he doesn't have a job
01:10:11okay that's why he asked for donation money but camera harris although she has a job she
01:10:18still asked for money donation money okay i don't do that stuff okay
01:10:27yeah keep the money to yourself okay yeah
01:10:31i have a job as a lawyer in alaska okay i make enough money okay
01:10:34yeah keep the money to yourself okay yeah cheers
01:10:46what other politician would say this right no donation money okay yeah keep the money to yourself
01:10:53okay yeah some like different brand of politician okay
01:11:04welcome to humanology okay yeah we're very creative people but time check okay okay
01:11:12kind of getting drunk
01:11:19okay it's been more than one hour okay okay okay okay let's have fun as well okay yeah
01:11:26i'm kind of losing my voice so we'll have to wrap it up real soon okay and
01:11:30yeah well five minutes okay thank you okay
01:11:45oh yeah very cool
01:15:33okay welcome back we're back and uh uh maybe it's good time to make transition to
01:15:41facebook live okay uh because i'm kind of drunk just a little bit and i need to save some voice
01:15:49for facebook live okay maybe check out some youtube videos and make some video commentaries
01:15:54okay what do i want to check out uh yeah i want to check out the lil john's performance in dnc
01:16:05a couple days ago yeah turned down for a while okay yeah what a good choice of music right yeah
01:16:12nice uh facebook live is sensitive about like copyright violations so most likely it may be
01:16:21blocked but well i just want to watch it okay so that's okay okay uh i'll see you tomorrow okay
01:16:30yeah future leaders mighty proud of you love martial arts focus on education current development
01:16:35okay yeah thank you mighty proud of you future leaders yeah thank you yeah see you tomorrow
01:16:42thank you
01:17:08yeah so uh i'll see you tomorrow friends in the emotion yeah mighty proud of you and uh
01:17:14uh yeah future leaders thank you yeah let's make transition to facebook live okay thank you