Celebrity Race Across the World S02E01 (2024)

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00:00This is something that we will never, ever forget.
00:07It's like we're on the edge of the world!
00:14This makes you fall in love with life again.
00:18I wouldn't have wanted to have done anything else with anyone else.
00:23We're literally going from the Amazon to the Andes.
00:27This looks like happiness.
00:30Unbelievable how big and beautiful that is.
00:33It's a journey that I'll remember for my whole life.
00:36I will never take a bed for granted ever again.
00:39I've got a wedgie, my mouth is dry.
00:42The views are just something else.
00:44I wasn't expecting it to be this hard.
00:47I'm going to eat, pray, love the hell out of this.
00:56The Amazon
01:06Spanning eight countries in South America.
01:11The largest rainforest in the world.
01:14A dense tropical wilderness.
01:17A network of waterways home to more wildlife than anywhere on Earth.
01:24And today, they have company.
01:27Oh, wow, Fred.
01:29Serious, wow, wow.
01:32Father and son, living it up in the Amazon.
01:35Define living it up.
01:38Making their way to the race start line.
01:40It's just amazing, really.
01:42It's beautiful.
01:43Slightly different sweeping forest.
01:46Broadcaster and author Jeff Brazier and his 19-year-old son, Freddie.
01:52Well, piranhas, apparently.
01:57Fred likes living with his dad still, which is really cute and endearing in one respect.
02:01And on the other, there needs to be a bit of an...
02:04I think it's an escape plan.
02:05Oh, look. Hey!
02:08I might be mining, but I still need my dad.
02:11And there, I've admitted that.
02:14Are they Amazonians? I don't really know.
02:16Like the Amazon people.
02:17Amazonians, I think you're right.
02:20I've seen my son struggle.
02:22I know that what he needs is a greater sense of purpose, self-worth, confidence.
02:27Here we go, Fred.
02:29We're racing.
02:30Adventurers, we're adventurers.
02:32So something like this, of course, we're going to grab that with both hands.
02:37Looks like we're going over to the city.
02:39Out of the rainforest and over to Belém.
02:42That is where it all begins.
02:50In the far north of Brazil...
02:54..the port city of Belém.
02:58Once the indigenous region of Maire,
03:01in 1616, the Portuguese founded a colonial settlement.
03:07Across the centuries, it grew into a strategic trading hub,
03:11exporting rubber and sugar.
03:14Oh, my giddy-giddy-gosh.
03:16It is hot.
03:17This place is mental.
03:19I've never seen anything like this before.
03:21Next to join the race, multi-award-winning Ted Lasso series star
03:26Cola Bikini and his cousin Mary Ellen.
03:29I don't know what that dinosaur-looking thing is.
03:31That's a vulture.
03:33Don't touch it.
03:34Oh, I love this.
03:36It stinks.
03:37My nose is getting vibrated, man.
03:41I don't think Cola is very prepared for this race.
03:44He's just said, yeah, what?
03:46Travelling around the world, yeah?
03:48I'm on that.
03:50Who's that, chief?
03:51It's the Pope, can't you tell?
03:53It's a Catholic country.
03:55Oh, yeah.
03:57There's moments I think, how the hell did I get here?
04:00How many steps has this thing got?
04:02I've got two managers, two agents and a publicist.
04:07I feel like if you buy into the whole, like, fame thing,
04:10it changes you.
04:12Maybe I'll lose a bit of myself and I'll lose the kid from Peckham.
04:17Look, those are kind of pink.
04:19What are they, flamingos?
04:21Flamingos, you donut, they're pink.
04:23It's been a hectic few years.
04:25There's been a lot of pressure.
04:26So it's a good time for me to do the race,
04:28find out what I'm actually made of
04:30and also spend a really quality time with my family.
04:35Hola. Hola.
04:37Hello. Hello.
04:38Welcome to Berlin, the gateway of the Amazon.
04:42For the next month,
04:43teams are stripped of the trappings of modern-day life.
04:46Please hand over your mobile phones, cash and bank cards.
04:51Oh, Jesus.
04:52In return, they receive their essential race kit...
04:55For you.
04:56..a world map, travel guide, money belts...
04:59I feel cast money.
05:00..and for their safety, a GPS tracker.
05:03Does this have Uber?
05:06Oh, my God.
05:08We're in trouble here, mate.
05:11Look at all of this.
05:12Yeah, it's so amazing.
05:13Oh, my God.
05:15Oh, my God.
05:16Also ready to race...
05:17That's it, babe, we're going full jungle.
05:19..broadcaster Kelly Brooke
05:21with husband, judo champion Jeremy.
05:24I always liked the idea of a waterside property.
05:27I was thinking more Richmond, but we can do this.
05:31Jeremy and I were really ready for an adventure.
05:33I mean, the most difficult conversation we have
05:35is, like, who's going to walk the dog,
05:37what are we going to have for dinner?
05:39I think that can become a little bit boring.
05:42Gosh, look, that's the city.
05:44I'm going to want to go to Bossa Nova bars.
05:46Oh, my God.
05:47I'm going to want to learn samba.
05:49We need to be competition-focused.
05:53At this point, it's really important for us
05:55to have something a little bit dangerous.
05:57Wow, look at the views.
05:58Oh, my God.
06:00I've got an insatiable appetite
06:02for just eating everything and seeing everything,
06:05and that might slow us down a little bit.
06:08But when you've got an athlete on your side,
06:10it's a different mentality.
06:11Do you want to learn some Portuguese?
06:13I need to go to this destination.
06:15I need to go to this place.
06:17I need to go to this place.
06:19Very good.
06:20All years, I didn't fight for anything.
06:22I didn't fight for anything.
06:24Very good.
06:25All years, I didn't fight.
06:27It helped me to be very competitive for this race.
06:30We need to win.
06:33Oh, my gosh.
06:36It's the maddest market.
06:38So many smells.
06:39Completing the line-up.
06:41I'm getting the impression no-one speaks English here.
06:45Is that what you say? Hola.
06:47Radio 2 host Scott Mills and his fiancée, Sam.
06:52So we're getting married later this year.
06:54This is our honeymoon, but in reverse.
06:57This is not going to be my idea of a honeymoon at all.
07:00I want a hammock and a glass of cava, please.
07:04Oh, my God.
07:05It's actually a live chicken.
07:06Just hope they don't attack.
07:08For our holidays, Scott will look in his magazine
07:10and go, well, these are the nice places to go to,
07:12so we'll go there, because he's read about them.
07:15In my travel magazine.
07:16Yeah, we play it safe.
07:18This is not what I expected Brazil to be.
07:20I've packed one essential, a pack of custard creams.
07:23And why is that?
07:24Because you never know, wherever you're going,
07:26they might not have custard creams,
07:27and even if they've got the custard creams,
07:28they're not the same as back home.
07:31Is this where we hand everything over?
07:33Yeah, wallet and cell phone.
07:36Scott's got a very busy life.
07:37You're always immersed in work, even when we're on holiday.
07:40So to have that time with you, undivided,
07:43that's the thing I'm going to take from this.
07:45And then we get married,
07:46and then it's just a decline from there, isn't it?
07:50Thank you so much.
07:51Look after that phone. Obrigada.
07:56Armed with the essentials...
07:58Bloody hell.
07:59This is big.
08:00..time for the teams to find out where the race will take them.
08:05Open it, open it, open it.
08:07Ready, Freddy?
08:08All right.
08:09Your final destination is...
08:13No clue.
08:17This is bonkers.
08:19I'm good with the map I know.
08:21It's not the South American map.
08:23It's here, I found it.
08:24It's Chile.
08:25How did you see that?
08:27I spy with my little eyes.
08:30We wanted an epic adventure.
08:32I think that is epic.
08:34A journey of 12,500km from the Amazon
08:39to the finish line in the almighty Andes.
08:44To get there, they must pass through five checkpoints.
08:47Only when they reach one will they learn where the next will be.
08:51And they'll have to do it all for £1,100 per team member,
08:55the equivalent cost of flying there.
09:00It's going to go pretty quickly.
09:01Brazilian race.
09:03And dollars.
09:04A budget of around £36 each per day.
09:07Do you think this is going to last us?
09:09We'll just have to make do.
09:10I'm kind of worried.
09:11I thought it would be a lot more.
09:13Oh, yeah.
09:15I think Dad should be in charge of the money.
09:18And the map.
09:19The maps as well.
09:21Oh, I need to have something.
09:23You do need to have something.
09:25Maybe we do the unexpected and I look after all the money.
09:28Yeah, there's something about me that's just screaming no.
09:34Right, where's the first checkpoint?
09:43Do we think that's in Brazil?
09:45The sheer size of Brazil is spinning me out a bit.
09:48It's ridiculously big.
09:50Is it a big city or is it a small town?
09:52I don't know, mate.
09:53We're going to have to ask some people.
09:55Get that folded quickly and let's get off.
09:57It's dishing out orders.
09:58I like it, Fred, I like it.
10:01With the race about to begin,
10:03the teams head to the start line in downtown Belém.
10:06Oh, well, there's no-one here. We're the first here.
10:08This is what it's going to be like at every checkpoint.
10:12Is that Kenny Brooke?
10:13Hello. Hello.
10:15How are you?
10:16Jeremy, nice to meet you.
10:17How are you?
10:18Good, thank you.
10:19Isn't this insane?
10:20Stay positive.
10:21You know, positive mindset.
10:22I can see a rucksack coming.
10:24I can see a hat.
10:25Jeremy looks fit.
10:26You've got some competition.
10:28I think he can carry all our rucksacks.
10:35It's Jess.
10:37How's it all going?
10:38It's all right.
10:39You've packed a lot, mate.
10:40We've bought a tent, so...
10:42Good tactic.
10:43Is anyone else really nervous?
10:46We haven't found any of the locations.
10:48We've found the end point, yes.
10:52All the best, team, all the best.
11:02I love being an underdog,
11:04and in this situation, I am 100% an underdog.
11:07I can assure you I'm coming to win the race.
11:10Yeah, good luck.
11:11You're going to need it.
11:12You're going down.
11:14I'm tougher than people give me credit for.
11:16I was kind of written off as a bimbo,
11:18and then I think as the years went on,
11:20they were like, oh, God, she's here to stay.
11:22But that's my resilience.
11:25I might not look like a natural-born winner.
11:27When I was a kid, I was like the last one to be born.
11:30I was like the last one to be picked at games.
11:32I was never sporty.
11:33But I do have determination.
11:37I am definitely the risk-taker.
11:40That is your middle name.
11:41It's exciting till it all goes wrong.
11:54Yeah! Let's go!
11:56Let's go, let's go, let's go.
11:59Hold on, Fred.
12:00He's left me for dust.
12:01Come on.
12:04I'll make a plan, yeah?
12:05OK, yeah.
12:06Just go towards the water.
12:07It's a bit more breezy there.
12:09Come on, babe.
12:11Babe, babe, babe.
12:13Where did that come from?
12:14It was on the floor.
12:15I can't be losing my lipstick already.
12:18Oh, God.
12:20Have you ever been anywhere this long in your life?
12:22It's ridiculous.
12:25Whilst battling the tropical heat...
12:27Oh, thanks.
12:28Let's find out where we're going.
12:30Yeah, no, thank you.
12:32..teams need to locate the first checkpoint.
12:34Fred, do you want to ask some people?
12:36Oh, my goodness.
12:39It's so much already.
12:42..in a country where the main language is Portuguese...
12:49..and less than 5% speak English.
12:55Like a...
12:59We've just got to ask everybody.
13:03How are we going to do this?
13:04I need to speak Italian.
13:09Do you want to ask in the pharmacy?
13:14That was a good shout, babe.
13:17It's here.
13:20Oh, it's quite far, babe.
13:23Teams will be navigating the fifth-largest country in the world,
13:26starting in the north in one of Brazil's least populated regions
13:30and travelling 1,750km through four states
13:35to the first checkpoint, Canoa Quebrada.
13:39A quintessential Brazilian beach town,
13:42famed for its red cliffs and white sands,
13:45known locally as the Pearl of the East Coast.
13:49Have I got the map? You've got the map.
13:51That's the one responsibility you've got.
13:53Let's map out where we're going.
13:56To get there, they could hug the spectacular Atlantic coast,
14:00encountering what Brazil is famous for,
14:02wildlife and world-class beaches,
14:05but also budget-busting tourist prices.
14:11Or the cash conscious can head inland,
14:13taking fast highways deep into the interior,
14:17a longer way to the checkpoint through rural backcountry,
14:20where even less English is spoken,
14:22but offering the chance to explore traditional Brazil.
14:27See, I always would prefer the coast,
14:30but all of our holidays, we usually go to a beach resort.
14:34I think that we try and do something different.
14:38You think any beach town, how much they put their money up.
14:42So if we go inland, not on the main tourist route,
14:46it'll be cheaper, which means we save money. True.
14:49Sam is one of the tightest people I've ever met in my life.
14:53And I say that with love.
14:55I just like to make sure that I'm getting the best value for everything,
14:59so I'll set the dishwasher and washing machine at midnight
15:02because it's a cheaper rate.
15:04There's no point just splashing all the cash out on that first leg.
15:07To make it to the finish line, teams must work to top up their budgets
15:11and have been provided with a directory of local jobs.
15:14Oh, candy. It's the Brazilian Mary Berry.
15:17She makes sweets. Right, that's right up your street.
15:20We will get there on board and save money. Let's do it, then.
15:24Braving the road less travelled,
15:26Scott and Sam are heading 800km south to work in the town of Carolina.
15:32So, taxi. I'm not going to taxi to the bus station.
15:36Bus! Oh! Whoa!
15:40Is this the right one? Bus terminal?
15:45Squeeze through. Push through.
15:48Wow. Cheaper than a taxi. Yeah.
15:54Ah! It's bird shit! I've been shit on already.
15:57Plotting their path... Oh, that is rank. Anyway.
16:00..Kelly and Jeremy... We need to win the race. OK.
16:03So we'll have to do night bus direct.
16:06You... No!
16:08Not tonight. It's too much.
16:11I wouldn't like for us to travel all through the night
16:14and then miss so many beautiful opportunities.
16:17I think if we travel along the coast
16:19and just do something connected to the Amazon.
16:22Let's go here. Let's go Braganca.
16:25It's coastal. They'll probably have the mangroves.
16:28This could be, like, the closest we get to seeing some of the wildlife.
16:32Unless there's something you want to do, babe, I don't want to take over.
16:38If we... Because now it's...
16:40If there was something that I thought,
16:42if there was something that I thought,
16:44oh, Jeremy would love that, then I'd do something else.
16:47OK, we are focused on this one, right?
16:49I do what the best thing is, we agree.
16:51We always agree, Jeremy!
16:54Kelly's plan, travel all the way to the checkpoint via the coast.
16:58But first, a short 200km hop to a nature reserve in Braganca.
17:04Not going to get us really close to the checkpoint,
17:08but it's easing us into the race really gently.
17:11We'll see tomorrow. OK.
17:14Let's get into the bus station, buy our tickets.
17:17What if there's no bus now? There'll be a bus.
17:21Terminal Rodoviário de Belém.
17:24With only two intercity train lines serving the entire country,
17:28teams are at the mercy of Brazil's network of long-haul buses.
17:35Let's see how far towards Carolina we can go.
17:38So we go there.
17:40Imperativo, we've got three hours until we get onto that bus.
17:46OK, discount.
17:51Oh, thank you. Obrigada.
17:53So that's three pence, but it's savings.
17:57Get your money out, Martin Lewis.
18:02So just the three hours to kill now in Belém Bus Station.
18:07In Belém Bus Station.
18:11Also at the terminal...
18:13OK, so Fred, we've got a decision to make.
18:15..Geoff and Freddie are pinning down a plan.
18:18So either the authentic rural Brazilian live-in,
18:22and that's further inland, or we can go and stick to the coast.
18:26Oh, I don't know.
18:28I love the idea of going inland. How about you?
18:33Yeah, I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
18:36I am not the greatest decision-maker.
18:38I don't really think very hard before doing much.
18:42One of those moments where you didn't think much was last night
18:45when you should have been packing your bags for our trip,
18:48but you instead travelled to go and see a girl in Birmingham.
18:52Yeah. Classic. Yeah. Classic, Fred.
18:57We could work in someone's farm that's off-grid.
19:00I feel like this would be a really authentic learning experience.
19:05Well, it's so hard. Actually quite stressful as well.
19:08I want you to sort of step into making decisions for yourself
19:12instead of just going with the flow like you usually do.
19:15Right, let's make a decision then on you.
19:18Three, two, one...
19:21Let's do the farm job and stay off-grid.
19:24Yeah, let's do it. We agree. OK.
19:27Father and son are heading to a rural homestay
19:30close to the border with Tocantins State.
19:33One of the most sparsely populated parts of Brazil.
19:36Right, let's go and book a bus. Yeah, let's do it.
19:39This is an adventure. I am an adventurer.
19:42I'm not a lazy bum like I was back home.
19:45And I'm going to really step into this new person.
19:48Freddie the adventurer.
19:50Freddie the explorer. I don't know what sounds better.
19:53I could smash an ice-cream. Yeah.
19:58Let's go. Hitting the road to Bragança.
20:01Oh, it's air-con. This is good.
20:04Kelly and Jeremy are the first team to leave Belém.
20:07The seat even reclines.
20:11But less than a kilometre from the start line...
20:14Mary, we've been in this area for, like, hours.
20:16..Kola and Mary-Ellen.
20:18Maybe we should ask someone where the bus station is.
20:20You know what, in there was great,
20:22because there was English-speaking people in that restaurant.
20:25I'm going to go in there. English? A little. A little.
20:28Is there a bus to the bus station?
20:30Yeah, there's a bus. Yeah?
20:32I can help you, because I take a bus to go... Yeah? ..front.
20:36Oh, you're amazing.
20:38Our game plan is basically to be very driven
20:42and we're very charming.
20:44I can pay your bus, because I have a free ticket.
20:47Oh, free ticket, so we can save money.
20:50We're very lucky, if I'm being honest.
20:53Luck is on our side. Oh, my God.
20:55Jeremy dodges. First bus in Brazil.
20:58What a touch.
21:00We needed some luck. We did.
21:02When we were younger, we broke.
21:04Getting on a plane and going on holiday, people didn't.
21:07It's a luxury.
21:08So backpacking was kind of like a far-fetched dream.
21:11What is that noise? Is that birds?
21:14Wow. Wow.
21:16That's why I'm going to eat, pray, love the hell out of this.
21:19You better.
21:21Canoa Quebrada.
21:23So how are we going to get there?
21:25I like the idea of some of Brazil's best beach spots.
21:28Let's go to a coastal one, then.
21:30On the beach, you know what I mean, pina colada.
21:32That'll be nice.
21:33My biggest worry about us is getting carried away
21:36and us getting lost in the sewers.
21:39Salve, Louise. Salve, Louise.
21:41Tonight is just 20 minutes.
21:44Skin of our teeth, mate. Skin of our teeth.
21:47Tempted by the allure of the beach life,
21:50the cousins are jumping on the first bus out
21:53to the coastal city of Salve, Louise.
21:55We're cutting it so, so fine, but we're getting away with it.
22:01That's how we go team last minute.
22:03We get there, but we'll make it hard for ourselves.
22:09Just having a bath.
22:12This is grim, isn't it?
22:14The best we're going to get.
22:16As day one draws to a close...
22:18Thank you, thank you, obrigado.
22:20And we're off. Let's go.
22:22..three teams bed down on long-distance buses,
22:25but in Braganza...
22:27Oh, this is heaven.
22:29It's like our own little Amazon jungle paradise.
22:32..Kelly and Jeremy are getting an early night.
22:35This is a lot nicer than sleeping on a night bus.
22:39A lot nicer.
22:41I'll put the alarm at seven, OK?
22:43I'll wake up tomorrow not regretting my decision
22:45because we're just going to have a day
22:47where we're not thinking too much about the race
22:49and we're just going to enjoy where we are.
22:52There's lots of bugs in the bed, babe.
22:54Really? Yeah. OK.
22:56Oh, God! Where's the mosquito net?
23:04Freddie, are you a little bit worried
23:06that we've put ourselves in the middle of nowhere?
23:09I didn't even think about that. Yeah.
23:12After 14 hours on an overnight bus,
23:16father and son are deep in the state of Maranhao.
23:22Oh, my goodness.
23:24Live off grid, they said.
23:37Oh, my God. There's meat on the roof.
23:42Why is there meat on the roof?
23:45Why is there meat on the roof?
23:47Hanging it to dry. Nice.
23:49Known as chacras,
23:51smallholding farms like this are a way of life.
23:55I can hear it crackling.
23:57Preserving all resources, including carne de sol,
24:01sun-dried salt beef used for cooking.
24:07Owners Maria Eudene and her husband Jose...
24:11..are providing Geoff and Freddie with bed and board tonight...
24:15Wonder where she's leading us with her big knife?
24:18..in exchange for getting their hands dirty.
24:21No, no, no, no.
24:23Oh, no!
24:24I feel like we're about to watch a chicken get killed.
24:28What? Oh, no, it's sweetcorn.
24:31He thought we were killing a chicken.
24:36He's not fast.
24:40Hold it.
24:42OK, OK.
24:45Is he going to bite me?
24:52Oh, take it, take it!
25:03My heart is beating so fast.
25:06So fast.
25:11OK, all right.
25:14Right now, I am figuring out what I want to do with my life.
25:19I think that's quite tough.
25:21Who is Freddie Brazier? I don't know.
25:23I don't know, but I hope that the race...
25:27..helps me to find who I am.
25:29I'm going to tell me dad.
25:31What was you doing, Fred? I could hear you.
25:33I just... I held a chicken.
25:36I reckon I faced the fear there.
25:38Yeah, I enjoyed it.
25:39What's really lovely to see is you just throwing yourself in.
25:46There's one in my shoe, there's one in my shoe.
25:48There, there, there. Right.
25:53Do you know what I'm most looking forward to about this trip
25:56is that I feel like I'm about to learn a lot about my son.
25:59Oh, wow.
26:02Some interesting stuff in this kitchen that I don't want Fred to see.
26:06That being probably the most interesting.
26:10Someone's legs that have been chopped off.
26:12Obrigado. Yeah.
26:14He isn't at home loads and, as a result, I don't see loads of him.
26:20But the beauty of this trip is he's with me and he can't shake me off.
26:25I feel good having an authentic Brazilian meal
26:29and I feel like we're really plugged into a family.
26:32I don't really sit down and eat with you or the family at all.
26:36This is... This is nice.
26:39To be fair, there is a lot of parts of a cow on my plate.
26:52I feel so far away from home.
26:55Having clocked up 600km overnight,
26:58Scott and Sam are making a pit stop...
27:01One coffee con leche.
27:09..before another four hours south to Carolina.
27:13I can't believe I mooed at her.
27:17You were snoring in my ear all night
27:19and you woke yourself up multiple times.
27:22Like that.
27:24Arriving at the airport,
27:27arriving in São Luís, the capital of Maranhão.
27:32I like the idea of the sand dunes in Santo Amaro.
27:36Cola and Mary Ellen have their sights set
27:38on one of the region's tourist hotspots.
27:41Do you guys know where we get tickets to...
27:43Santo Amaro? Amaro? Amaro?
27:45That's the bus we're on.
27:47Really? What time?
27:51I'm wicked.
27:52Again? We're so lucky.
27:54So lucky.
27:57Have you ever seen, like, a sand dune? No.
27:59You've never seen one? No.
28:01650km behind, just south of the equator line...
28:09..one of the wettest parts of Brazil.
28:13I've got my socks all wet.
28:14No such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.
28:17I think I look good, no?
28:21Kelly and Jeremy are in one of the world's
28:23largest mangrove conservation belts.
28:28These are all the mangroves. Look at all the roots.
28:32Brazil has over a million hectares of this vital ecosystem,
28:36teeming with biodiversity.
28:38Oh, look at them all growing.
28:40It's a mangrove nursery.
28:42They're so beautiful.
28:44In return for last night's accommodation,
28:46husband and wife are helping plant new saplings.
28:51Oh, it's quite hard to get them out, actually.
28:54A job that's done painstakingly by hand.
28:57Oh, my God, there's crabs everywhere.
28:59Get right from the bottom.
29:01I'm trying.
29:03I think that was a crab.
29:04You need help? Got it.
29:06Here we go, my first one.
29:09There we go.
29:11My happy place is in my garden, in my wellies,
29:14like, no make-up, hair up.
29:16That is a mangrove going where it needs to go.
29:20To think that I was like a pin-up and I do calendars,
29:23it's just all an illusion.
29:25Like, it's not who I am at all.
29:27Kellybrook doesn't actually exist.
29:30It's not even a real name.
29:32It's never even been on my passport or anything.
29:34In my mind, I'm Mrs Parisi, Jeremy's wife.
29:37That'll be forever a mangrove.
29:39Good. Shall we do this one now?
29:42This will be amazing for Jeremy and I,
29:44to just not do the same thing every single day.
29:46So it's every two metres, huh?
29:49Right, right, right. Two metres.
29:50So you need to go here, two metres.
29:52We definitely have a very structured routine.
29:55He loves, like, schedule.
29:57When I get home from the radio, my dinner is on the table.
30:00I mean, it's literally ready.
30:02I'm like, OK, I guess I'm eating my dinner right now.
30:05On the race, that is going to go out the window
30:07and I don't know how you're going to be.
30:08Two steps. Un, deux.
30:10Oh, OK. Perfect.
30:13Thinking about the race, I feel we are a little bit behind.
30:16Maybe even last.
30:17I mean, I think people are ahead of us in the race,
30:20but it's like the hare and the tortoise.
30:24Jeremy is getting a little bit twitchy,
30:27but I feel like it's a good way to start the race.
30:30If I'm kind to Brazil, Brazil's going to be kind to me.
30:34It's good karma.
30:35Snakes and ticks over there, so you should be fine.
30:39Over 800km south...
30:43You can't see a house for miles.
30:45..Scott and Sam have passed the invisible boundary
30:48between Brazil's two major biomes.
30:50It almost feels like it's turned into a semi-desert.
30:54It's so different.
30:58Leaving the rainforests of Amazonia behind
31:01and entering the savannah lands, known as the Cerrado.
31:04Looks busy.
31:05We are in the absolute middle of nowhere.
31:13As part of Sam's inland economy drive...
31:18Nice to meet you.
31:21Yeah? You OK?
31:24They're in Carolina to work for 80-year-old confectioner Donna Elsa.
31:29Oh, wow.
31:31Making dosis, traditional fruit jams and sweets.
31:39In return...
31:41Oh, OK.
31:45Bed and board tonight with Elsa's family.
31:52Hello, black belt.
31:54Hello, black belt.
31:58Hello, black belt.
32:01Can we work today?
32:04For you.
32:05Can we help you?
32:09Can we help work?
32:10Can we help?
32:11Make sweets?
32:12Can we help with...?
32:18Anybody speak Anglair?
32:22Do you speak English?
32:33This is hard.
32:34What have we done?
32:35Right now, I just feel overwhelmed.
32:37There's so much going on.
32:39Oh, oh, oh, there's a...
32:41I'm going to go hungry.
32:43We've decided to go down a route not many tourists take.
32:46I've started to worry, have we made the wrong choice?
32:57Time is getting on.
32:59After spending almost 24 hours in Braganza...
33:03Is that your race face?
33:05..Kelly and Jeremy are waiting for a lift to the nearest bus terminal.
33:10He did say he was going to come back.
33:12An hour's drive away.
33:14There's not a lot of public transport around here,
33:17so we are kind of trapped.
33:22Panic mode. OK, panic stations.
33:24Let's go.
33:27Bye, jungle paradise.
33:29I think we just head this way, babe.
33:31I'm going right, yeah.
33:34I think it's far to walk into town, I'm not even joking.
33:38Excuse me.
33:39Do you speak English? Do you speak English?
33:41Italiano. Can you take us to the town?
33:43Can you drive... No.
33:44Oh, God. No?
33:45Please, please, please. Please.
33:47Can we? Yeah, yeah. OK. Thank you.
33:49Oh, thank God. Oh, my God.
33:51Hotel? Hotel.
33:52Oh, amazing. Oh!
33:53Oh, this looks expensive.
33:55We have no choice.
33:56We've got to just, like, spend the money
33:58and take a bus in the morning.
34:03Oh, my God.
34:04What a disaster.
34:07I was not in charge of the situation,
34:09so I feel I'm a loser today.
34:11And I don't like this feeling.
34:13I really don't like.
34:14We will do better.
34:18This is banging.
34:19Pineapple Cabrino.
34:21That is crazy.
34:23Oh, my God.
34:24I am delighted.
34:26520km closer to the checkpoint.
34:30OK. Perfect amount.
34:32That is my favourite fruit.
34:34Paula and Mary-Ellen are kicking back
34:37at a beachside backpackers hostel.
34:39You have no idea how much I've been craving tequila.
34:42No, not tequila. Cachaça.
34:44Cachaça? Cachaça, yeah.
34:46It so happens that Friday night is their party night.
34:50Yeah, this is exactly what we pictured.
34:52What a place to, like, have a beer.
34:55It's going to be a good time.
34:56Oh! That is mental.
35:13Well, look, today was always going to be hair wash day.
35:15It has slowed us down a bit, but I feel good.
35:18Still only 215km from the start line,
35:22Kelly and Jeremy are at the back of the pack.
35:25If we continue like this, we need 200 days.
35:28A little bit less.
35:29So that's six months.
35:31We're just a bit behind.
35:33Today, we need to race.
35:34Are you happy to do this with me?
35:37Come on. Come on, babe.
35:41I think we need to go directly to the checkpoint.
35:44I thought we were going to Sao Luís.
35:46No, no, no.
35:47Terezina is closer to the checkpoint.
35:49Can you imagine if we go to Sao Luís?
35:51The time we'll lose, babe.
35:52No, I know.
35:53It's a nightmare. We need to go to Terezina.
35:55Jeremy's plan to claw back time
35:58ditched the coastal route to cut 750km inland
36:02to the major transport hub in Terezina.
36:05That means we've missed a lovely beachy paradise.
36:10Yeah, I don't mind.
36:12Well, then you've not seen any of it.
36:14You want to arrive next week to the checkpoint?
36:16I don't want to arrive next week, but that's just like...
36:19All we're seeing is the inside of a bus.
36:25To Terezina.
36:27Oh, my God.
36:28I can't believe that.
36:30I wanted to skirt along the coast and see a few beach towns,
36:33but we've got no option with Jeremy.
36:35How long is the journey?
36:37Five hours?
36:4414 hours.
36:47I've never been on a night bus before,
36:49so I don't know what to expect.
36:51It's like...
36:53Yeah, he's like a dog with a bone.
36:55He just wants us to get there.
36:57Grim times.
36:58Grim, grim times.
37:02650km south...
37:06..before heading back to the nearest town...
37:09Oh, you're a greedy pig.
37:11..Geoff and Freddie are finishing up their farm chores
37:14for Dona Eudene.
37:22She seems really amused by you, Fred.
37:24Despite the language barrier,
37:26I think I'm happy to farm a little bit.
37:28It was fun.
37:37Let's get this race back on.
37:39Can you call taxi?
37:43We must go rapido.
37:52There's no reception.
37:54OK, so no taxi?
37:59So nobody is coming?
38:04No taxi?
38:05No, we've got to walk.
38:09This is a nightmare.
38:12How do we get there?
38:14So straight, and then left, left.
38:18Come back.
38:23This way.
38:26All right, Fred?
38:29Let's go.
38:31This is going to be an absolute shit show.
38:35We're walking in the middle of nowhere.
38:37It's part of the race.
38:38Trying to stay...
38:39I like walking.
38:40..with a smile on my face.
38:41I do. I like walking.
38:43I really like walking.
38:46I don't think Dad's coping well.
38:49Fancy going with the iSpy or something?
38:53While Geoff and Freddie slog it out on foot...
38:59..after a late night...
39:01..Cola and Mary Ellen are blowing away the cobwebs.
39:04Oh, this is madness.
39:06I've only had three hours' sleep, you know.
39:08The hangover is kicking in.
39:11..with a high-speed ride through the dunes and lagoons
39:14of Lensoys-Maranyensis National Park.
39:18This place is unreal.
39:19It's huge.
39:20Look at the colour.
39:22That's insane.
39:25Created by strong Atlantic winds,
39:28the sand dunes stretch 50km inland
39:31and can reach up to 20m high.
39:34This is like one of the wonders of the world, isn't it?
39:36It must be. It is.
39:37No, it's one of the biggest sand dunes.
39:39To actually see it for yourself is just next level.
39:48Nailed it.
39:49We grew up on a rough estate in Peckham.
39:52It was rough, but it was warm.
39:57We were outdoor kids. Yeah, wild.
39:59We were pretty wild, to be honest. We were always out playing.
40:06We spent, like... A lot of time together.
40:08..a lot of time together.
40:09You know, Mary's just not like my little cousin.
40:11She's like my little sister.
40:16We've always kind of navigated life together,
40:19but his career's really taking off,
40:21so I don't get to see him that often.
40:23So to go on this adventure together...
40:28Oh, it's just going to be amazing, really.
40:32You seem like you've lost the words.
40:34Yeah. Yeah?
40:35Yeah, take it in a little bit.
40:37Getting to see all this,
40:39it's not somewhere I thought I'd ever be in my life.
40:42It's just a crazy race.
40:48Still in Carolina...
40:50What's that? Ah!
40:52Oh, my God, what is that?
40:55..Scott and Sam are repaying last night's bed and board.
41:03Very good. Oh, OK. We're doing well.
41:05OK, OK. Yeah!
41:07Making Brazil's answer to marmalade,
41:10a red guava compote called goiabada,
41:13cooked traditionally over an open fire.
41:16The temperature outside is probably 40.
41:19Add in the pot of boiling hot fruit,
41:22this is the hottest I've ever been.
41:26If you take a moment out and just think about it,
41:28this is a lady who does this day in, day out.
41:31Yeah. She doesn't stop smiling. Couldn't be happier.
41:34Will you still be working when you're 80?
41:36100% yes.
41:38I'm still here.
41:41I just can't imagine life without work.
41:45It never really leaves my head, and it's not going to be there.
41:48What's my brain going to do?
41:50Oh, it's starting to really smell now.
41:54Sam thinks that's the thing I'm going to struggle with the most.
41:57Taste it.
41:59No, with your finger.
42:02I was trying to take the spoon off.
42:04Mmm, sweet.
42:06Me and my nan used to make loads of cakes
42:09when I was, like, seven, eight years old,
42:11and I'd write out the recipe.
42:13Scott, cheese.
42:19She loves it.
42:22Being with Mum and Elsa,
42:23they reminded me of when both my grands were alive,
42:26where we just used to have so much fun.
42:32Can't stop now.
42:33Part of this trip is kind of letting go a little bit.
42:36I'm really living in the moment.
42:47I'm bringing out the custard creams.
42:49They're a bit battered.
42:51Would you like to try a custard cream?
42:53In terms of experience, I don't think we could have had a better one.
42:57I think we've seen authentic Brazil.
43:00Thank you so much.
43:01While Scott and Sam bag a lift to the bus station...
43:05It's just roasting.
43:07There's a house up there.
43:08Shall we go and see if they've got a phone?
43:10..still exploring a way out of the wilderness...
43:13Do you have a telephone to call a taxi?
43:18..a stroke of luck for Geoff and Freddie.
43:28I wonder if the other team's having as much of a mare as we've had.
43:33I kind of hope they are.
43:38Should we...?
43:39Just ask.
43:40Do you go to Teresina?
43:44Four o'clock. That's soon, Fred. That's 30 minutes.
43:48Back on course, Geoff and Freddie are taking a night bus to Teresina,
43:53where Scott and Sam are also bound.
43:59This is it. I know, I know.
44:01People are bringing all sorts.
44:03It's like when they serve you at Argos.
44:06Order number 321 to your collection point.
44:10As three teams aim to gain ground through the night,
44:14Cola and Mary-Ellen search for a way to continue down the coast.
44:20Is there a possibility we can get a bus to Parnaíba?
44:24No. There are no buses to Parnaíba.
44:27But their luck is running out.
44:30Is there a bus going back to Sao Luís?
44:32Yeah, but tomorrow.
44:35Is there local taxi offices?
44:37Transfers are super expensive.
44:39How much?
44:42Jeez, man. That's a lot.
44:44That's probably, like, 100-and-something quid.
44:47Our options are very, very limited.
44:50I think we should get on the road.
44:52Would you be up for paying for a taxi?
44:54Yes, that's our best option.
44:57It's hard to swallow, but you know what?
44:59We've learnt some things.
45:01Ask more questions.
45:02Ask more questions.
45:03And that is our biggest lesson.
45:04Thank you. Bye, everyone.
45:06We need to be mindful of their transport out of that area
45:09because, you know, we could get stuck.
45:12Yeah, our strategy needs to be amended cos we have no clue.
45:17Sand dunes, mate.
45:18Sand dunes are great.
45:19Yeah, expensive, though, innit?
45:28Oh, my God, we're here.
45:29Fresh off their 14-hour night bus.
45:32Oh, my God.
45:33Kelly and Jeremy are the first to arrive
45:36in the Piaui state capital, Teresina.
45:40That was a long bus journey.
45:42And we'll take another bus.
45:44Oh, don't want to get on another bus.
45:46It's the last one. There is one more sacrifice.
45:48Two-ticket bus to Fortaleza, 8.30.
45:50OK, it's not too bad. Yeah, OK.
45:52Ahead, 600km to Fortaleza,
45:56the gateway to the checkpoint.
45:58Ten hours. OK.
46:00It's perfect. I'm really happy.
46:02I smell the victory.
46:05I don't know how we're going to feel after a ten-hour bus journey,
46:08but he's so fired up.
46:09I think we both feel our competitive spirit coming out now.
46:15Closing the gap...
46:16Bubs, are you all right, sir? Hold tight.
46:18I need to go to the toilet.
46:19..Geoff and Freddie are also picking up a connection to Fortaleza.
46:24I've just seen Mentos.
46:28I reckon this is the one with dollars in.
46:30I reckon that's...
46:35He's done me there.
46:37All right, so a bus, Fred. Ready?
46:45What? A stop already?
46:47Oh, no way.
46:51We got on the bus ten minutes ago and we're having a stop already.
46:55An unexpected pit stop on the outskirts of Teresina
46:58to pick up more passengers.
47:00Can we get something to eat?
47:02If we have time.
47:04Dad, the two guys are there.
47:08You pay for yours first.
47:12What the...?
47:13Where have you been?
47:14How are you, guys?
47:15All right.
47:16Are you on this bus?
47:17We are.
47:18Is that the bus you're getting on?
47:19Oh, wicked.
47:20I'll let you guys pay and get on.
47:22That means we're not last.
47:25We could be joint last.
47:27We're well under budget.
47:29We only spent half of the budget for this leg.
47:32Since we're under half of the budget,
47:34we can get a big bucket of ice cream.
47:36Shame my money belt only has dollars in
47:38cos I'd probably dive in and get myself one.
47:40You can just say if you really want something,
47:42it's our money, not my money.
47:44I wanted some Mentos.
47:45Did you get them?
47:46No, cos I only had dollars.
47:48You don't need to do things on the quiet.
47:51It certainly makes life easier for us as a family,
47:54if we're all just honest and have fun.
47:56I don't think we're even open as a family, though.
47:58I stay quiet because I feel like that's what everyone else does.
48:01Are you joking?
48:03Freddie, this is... Don't be unfair.
48:05What have I done for the last seven or eight years?
48:08All right, well, don't say that I don't.
48:11Take responsibility.
48:13That's part of this.
48:22Part of me come on this race to open up with my dad,
48:28and already he's storming off.
48:31That's not good.
48:33Like, he might not like what I say,
48:35I'm just trying to talk to him, really, but...
48:38Yeah, it's hard. It's hard.
48:41Thank you. Off we go again.
48:46Sorry if I upset you earlier,
48:48but I don't think I really thought about it.
48:50That's really good of you to say.
48:52It clearly upset you, and that's not my aim.
48:55No, thank you.
49:02It's OK.
49:08It's more of a race now that Geoff's upstairs.
49:10It is.
49:12It's really put the pressure on, hasn't it?
49:19The only team approaching the checkpoint along the coast,
49:22Kola and Mary-Ellen.
49:24Hola. Tickets to Fortaleza?
49:27The quickest one.
49:29Despite last night's expensive taxi to keep on the move,
49:33they still have 750km to cover.
49:387pm tonight.
49:40It's five hours from now, so we've just got hours to kill.
49:43I really hope that hasn't impacted where we come.
49:47The waiting is the painful part.
49:50We're learning on our feet, you know,
49:52and this place keeps throwing hurdles at you,
49:54and, you know, you've just got to...
49:56Roll with the punches.
50:00Kola, do you miss football?
50:02Yeah, I knew it.
50:03Can we watch the game?
50:05The plan right now is just to get to the checkpoint...
50:09Just get there.
50:10..in one piece.
50:15Oh, oh!
50:22Oh, my God, we're here. I can't believe it.
50:26Let's grab our bags.
50:27With no buses to the checkpoint after dark...
50:30OK, let's go and figure something out, then.
50:32..teams will need to find another way
50:34to travel the remaining 160km to Canoa Cabrada.
50:39Taxi? 600?
50:41You'll do it for 600?
50:44Let's just do it, come on.
50:45We'll have a pina colada tonight in the room.
50:49It is a race.
50:50It's not who can save the most money.
50:52Yeah, but it's a race for one month, not one week.
50:57The game plan is we're going to get a free lift to Canoa Cabrada.
51:02All right, we're here.
51:04So, this is our start.
51:05Go, Fred, you got it, you got it.
51:07Right, come on, stick your thumb out.
51:10Canoa Cabrada!
51:14No, no, no.
51:18Canoa Cabrada!
51:20One minute?
51:21OK, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
51:23Cos, Dad, I don't think them cars are going the right way.
51:25Doesn't matter.
51:26Well, it does, cos it would mean
51:28that they're not going in the direction of Canoa Cabrada, maybe.
51:31Canoa Cabra...
51:35I wonder if there's two braziers behind me.
51:37I don't think he would have flagged anyone down,
51:39so I think he would have wasted time trying to hitchhike.
51:41Fred, how long do you want to do this before we get in a taxi?
51:47Oh, my God, I see sandwiches!
51:49Oh, we've arrived.
51:52Canoa Cabrada.
51:55By day, a thriving beach resort.
51:58By night...
52:00..a labyrinth of sandy alleys
52:03and the team's first checkpoint.
52:07To find the exact location...
52:10..instructions are sent to their GPS tracker.
52:13What's it say?
52:14Hang on, someone's turned up.
52:16Oh, my God, someone's there. Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.
52:18Head down to Canoa Cabrada Broadway
52:21to find Monumento Drago de Mar.
52:26We need to move.
52:27Broadway, Broadway, look.
52:29OK, go. There's lights.
52:31I think we're here.
52:32It's not a good time to need a wee.
52:34Hold it.
52:35I've got rubbish shoes on and I need a wee.
52:37Come on, come on.
52:38I can't keep up with him.
52:40Give me your bag.
52:41My things are coming.
52:48Monumento Drago de Mar.
52:50Monumento Drago de Mar.
52:53Come on, come on.
52:54Is this it?
52:55It should be this.
52:56Yeah, yeah.
52:57Facing away from the monument,
52:59turn right, follow the road up and around the corner
53:02all the way to the end, 400 metres,
53:04to find Cerco Escola.
53:09No, no, no, it's fine, I've got it.
53:11All right, Fred, let's put our shoes on.
53:14So we don't know how far we've got to run to the checkpoint.
53:18You OK, babe?
53:20Come on, let's go.
53:21Dad, this is a Broadway.
53:23The sign kind of gives it away.
53:25Coming in.
53:27So facing away from the monument, turn right.
53:30Follow the road up.
53:31Is it that way or that way?
53:34Let's check at the bottom.
53:36OK, it's in the western side.
53:39Cerco Escola?
53:44Covering some ground, aren't we?
53:51Oh, my God.
53:52Follow the road down, take the first right,
53:55followed by the first left to find Hotel Long Beach.
53:58Hotel Long Beach!
53:59That sounds good.
54:02Follow the road up around the corner all the way to the end,
54:05which we've done.
54:07Take a right.
54:10Reread it once more for me.
54:13Look, it's this way cos that was not 400 metres we'd done back there.
54:17OK, go for it.
54:20Just to let you know, Fred,
54:22the local man said it was up to the front and then left.
54:27And so...
54:28Still think it's this way.
54:32I think it's round here.
54:34Oh, wow.
54:35Oh, my God, it's so dark.
54:37I can't see a bloody thing.
54:39I don't think it's down here.
54:42OK, so if it's not here, then I think let's listen to the local
54:46and go back to that point.
54:48But I was happy to explore what you thought was right.
54:51Maybe it's this, cos it loops round.
54:55Er, I'm not seeing that, no.
55:02Oh, Freddy, look, is this it?
55:04Circo Escola.
55:06Glad I didn't doubt myself in that situation
55:09or really question myself or let what you were saying get to me,
55:13because it turns out I was right, we're here.
55:15You were right. You were right.
55:18So I'm going to have to slow down a bit, sorry.
55:20Last pass. Last pass.
55:22Long Beach Hotel.
55:23This is it. This is it. Let's go. Let's go.
55:27Hi. Oh, my God.
55:31We did it.
55:33Please sign.
55:39Oh, my God, babes. We smashed it.
55:41We did well.
55:43We surrendered to the fact we were last, didn't we?
55:45We stayed two nights in the same place.
55:47I think it's a good thing.
55:49We surrendered to the fact we were last, didn't we?
55:51We stayed two nights in the same place.
55:53I think it's taught us that you can't give up,
55:55you've just got to keep going.
55:57I mean, I would have loved to have seen more,
55:59but I want Jeremy to, like...
56:02He's a winner. I want him to be a winner.
56:06Sam, get out!
56:12It's worth the blister.
56:14..is amazing.
56:15I am really proud of Sam.
56:17He's never left Wales until seven years ago.
56:19I did leave Wales. I've been on holiday.
56:22I feel like I've fitted about four years' worth of life experience
56:27in four days.
56:29It's been amazing.
56:31And we are...
56:33What? Oh, wow.
56:35What? Yeah.
56:38Freddie's been amazing.
56:40What I've seen is him actually try some stuff
56:42and go beyond that point of, like,
56:44ah, no, that's not for me.
56:46It sounds like my dad's really proud of me.
56:48I think when it comes to me finding the hotel, he should be,
56:51because we'd probably still be out there.
56:54But it's nice to hear that from my dad.
56:57It's really nice.
56:59After travelling over 1,750km,
57:04there's just over two hours separating three teams.
57:11God, how are you feeling?
57:12Like I need to go to the checkpoint.
57:14You have the doors open and everyone's like,
57:16come on in, Conor, we've got chicken and chips.
57:22Remember when we first started and we were like,
57:24we'll get there today?
57:26Oh, God, I was so naive.
57:29This is way harder than I thought it would be.
57:32You have to be strong here in this race.
57:35Like, you have to be really mentally, like, able to keep going.
57:45Oh, this is going to be brutal.
57:47You're stripping away the armour and you're going to be really bare.
57:50What is that?
57:51You've got a lovely cheat room and you've got a miserable wife,
57:53so well done.
57:54I want to be on that bus.
57:56You're impulsive, I've always been safe.
57:58I think we'll be a good combination.
58:00I knew Dad was competitive, but wow.
58:03One more day like this, we'll break up.
58:05Scott is always worst-case scenario.
58:07My job is to pick him back up.
58:10Come on, yeah! Come on!
58:12I might be not in the game for 89 minutes,
58:15but at the last minute, it's game time.
58:18What has this race done to us?
58:20Oh, my God.
58:21I do love you.
58:22Being here put my life in perspective.
58:26How is it it's hard to get around the world?
58:29It is.
58:34Sitcom season continues with Miranda starting right now on BBC Two.
58:39She's heading on a quest for reinvention.
58:41Press red to join the one and only Miriam Margulies
58:43on a new Australian adventure.
58:45And are there any morals behind that mountain of money?
58:48Good Bad Billionaire is back for a new series.
58:50Listen now on Sound.