
  • 2 days ago

The.Voice.AU.S13E09 >>>
00:00:00I've been waiting for a voice like yours. I see a major rock star in front of me with each phenomenal artist
00:00:20To hear you hold out those notes with such power and passion your voice could sing anything
00:00:27With every jaw-dropping audition
00:00:37Feel like this is the birth of something special for you. You're a serious talent
00:00:50I think you could win this whole competition
00:00:53Competition you will seize the spotlight next I
00:00:58Just completely lost my shit over here
00:01:01My lord tonight
00:01:05We're getting pretty full quite full in our teams
00:01:09These artists I've only really sung in my bedroom and in my car must rise to the occasion
00:01:16I'm ready to risk it off my blind audition. This is my dream. I'm back for redemption
00:01:21This time around I have to turn a chair
00:01:30The dynamics to your voice it was stunning
00:01:37I want you. That's how I feel
00:01:40It's never been harder to turn a chair. You got to decide. Do we want to be a girl group?
00:02:02Will be undefeated
00:02:03The level of talent here in Australia is insane. I think I came into this wanting a variety of different artists
00:02:10I have eight on my team. No question that there's other great talent ahead of me four to go for team Leanne
00:02:21I feel amazing. I've gone for uniqueness nine the team guy and filling up. I only three left
00:02:33I've worked and created in a lot of different spheres and I hope that that can be applied to my coaching
00:02:40I have ten on my team. I'm getting carried away, but there's so many good singers here in Australia. It's unbelievable
00:02:51I've got nine for team Kate three more to go
00:02:55I'm really excited to help some of these amazing young singers
00:03:00Discover who they are as artists. We're down to the pointy end. I can't stop fighting now
00:03:07I have to fight harder than ever
00:03:21My name is Eden I am 19 and I'm from Sydney
00:03:28My love of four-leaf clovers came by accident I
00:03:32Started finding them everywhere
00:03:34It's not that I would go out and come back with one or two that I've got and I'd come back with 14
00:03:39I think I've got over a hundred now
00:03:41They say four-leaf clovers will bring you luck. So hopefully you can help me turn a chair tonight
00:03:51I've been singing my whole life, but I've never had a formal vocal lesson. I play the flute
00:03:59I'm a classically trained flautist. I've been playing since I was seven
00:04:03Most of my experience came from playing in bands and orchestras, but nothing at all like this
00:04:14The song that I'm singing for my blind audition is life on Mars by David Bowie
00:04:18It's an oldie but a goodie and by an absolute icon of an artist
00:04:24My friends and family tell me that I've got something good going for me
00:04:28but at the end of the day the coaches are the professionals and
00:04:32You know, what if I can't hit this big high note at the end?
00:04:38This is the biggest performance of my life hands down
00:05:02Here we go first one for the day
00:05:11It's a god awful small affair to the girl with the mousey
00:05:19But her mommy is yelling. No
00:05:23And her daddy has told her to go
00:05:27But her friend is nowhere to be seen
00:05:31Wow now she walks to her sun can dream
00:05:36To the seed with the clearest view
00:05:48But she's lived in ten times or more she could spit in the eyes of fools
00:05:56As they ask her to focus on
00:06:07Hey mango, he's in the best-selling show
00:06:56Hi, my love, what's your name? Where you from? My name is Eden. I am 19 and I am from Sydney Wow
00:07:06That was incredible and the dynamics to your voice like the way you started so
00:07:12Effortlessly and sweet and beautiful and then just opened up to that huge note
00:07:17It was stunning like just thank you. Thank you so much
00:07:23Technically really well done and at 19 like David Bowie
00:07:27I mean David Bowie's epic like for you to come out with that song was just like coming out swinging like
00:07:35Have you studied voice or is this something that's self-taught? I have not studied voice. No, but I'm a classically trained flautist
00:07:43Oh, wow, so I've been playing the flute for 12 years, which is yeah
00:07:47It's really helped me with my like breath and my brother, but I have never formally studied voice. No, you don't need to
00:07:57You're absolutely incredible
00:08:05The reason I turned my chair last I think is because
00:08:10Well, first of all, I was just so transported by what you did with that song
00:08:15But I was looking into the the eyes and the faces of the audience and they were absolutely
00:08:20Enraptured and I was enraptured and we were enraptured together. I
00:08:26Love David Bowie the theatricality all that stuff
00:08:30But you you brought out this this pure beauty in that song in a way that I've never
00:08:36Experienced it before when we work together into the future when as as your coach
00:08:41I think at some point maybe even whipping out the flute little Lizzo
00:08:49Feel as though it's a natural choice. It's inevitable. We belong together, please
00:08:57I want you. That's how I feel. I think if you were to choose team Adam
00:09:02Sometimes it's a bit like life on Mars really like it's an alien land
00:09:08It's the bleach, you know
00:09:11Chris me
00:09:13No, but I I think if you were to choose me
00:09:16I think what I would love to see with with a voice like that that's so polished is to sort of get messy
00:09:21You know, everyone's got a little strange in them, you know
00:09:25But not being afraid of like letting that be part of your artistry
00:09:28Letting that be part of your artistry. I think that would be really necessary for you to be perceived as an artist
00:09:34Okay, as opposed to just a vocalist. Okay. Yeah, I
00:09:38Would love to help continue to sort of coach that you know
00:09:41That's that's our job is to sort of challenge you and make sure that we help you reach your dreams
00:09:50Eden I didn't need
00:09:52To hear much of you to know that it was special. It was just exquisite if I'm being honest
00:09:57I went through so many levels of respect for your choice through that song
00:10:03The first thing that caught me was how clean your voice is like in that first verse
00:10:08It was so clear and then you started to get a little bit operatic
00:10:13You showed so many layers of what you are, which is exciting for me as a coach
00:10:19I love also the idea of
00:10:23Pulling out the flute showing all of those different things. It's about standing out and it's about using your musicality
00:10:29on a show like this
00:10:31You're incredible. I would love you on team guy
00:10:38It's decision time
00:10:42Eden Adam in Eden
00:10:47It's really scraping the bottom of the barrel, you know
00:10:50This looks good on a marquee, you know
00:10:55That's where we live yeah
00:11:04Please join my team team cake team cake. I would love you on team guy
00:11:18Think I'm gonna go
00:11:37Team cake team cake
00:11:39So many levels of respect how clean your voice is I would love you on team guy I
00:11:47Think we would have so much fun
00:11:49Sort of get messy. You know what? I mean?
00:11:54We could do some fun things together I
00:11:59Think I'm gonna go with guy Sebastian
00:12:03Oh my gosh
00:12:08Didn't expect that that is amazing. Hello family
00:12:13Awesome, I'm so thrilled that you've trusted me. Thank you
00:12:20So clean and so pure your voice
00:12:30Very kind soul. Yeah, she's smart. She's smart music. Yeah, you can tell yeah very much though
00:12:44Solid hug
00:12:48Well done. That was great. Not for chatter. Yeah, I'm pinching myself
00:12:53It's all so surreal and not at all what I expected when I first came here and I I don't know
00:13:00I it couldn't have gone any better. It was so cool. You wouldn't notice the chance to me. I was excited
00:13:05Team guy is the best place to be
00:13:13We are getting very full on our teams
00:13:16The voices that I want on team guy this year are just ones that are undeniable when it comes to grabbing your attention
00:13:22I've gone for people who stick out to me, you know
00:13:26There's something really special in there and if you can unlock it, you might have a winner on your hands
00:13:33This is a competition. I
00:13:35Don't forget that
00:13:37The competition is really heating up and my books are getting really full
00:13:42I've got an eclectic mixture on my team. What I've been looking for is a singer that can
00:13:49fascinate you
00:13:51It's not actually about perfect vocals every single time
00:13:58I look at the long game instead of the short game and we all want the best artists
00:14:02We have a lot of people on our team and we are looking for that extra something
00:14:07I'm all about like connecting with the heart of someone. I'm just truly truly instinctual
00:14:13My team is shaping up. I have to start getting pickier and pickier so I can get the best of the best
00:14:19have a lot of different singers on my team and
00:14:23There's a reason why I did that. I'm conscious of not having just one type of genre on my team
00:14:28I mean unpredictability is good for competition
00:14:42Hello, how you going?
00:14:46Bit different to the lab eh? Just a little bit different. Lots of equipment but different purpose
00:14:53Definitely can't test any lungs in here
00:14:56I'm Michael Haley and I'm from Sydney and I'm 27 years old
00:15:00So I'm currently a respiratory scientist at one of Sydney's main hospitals. We're there to test people's lungs and how they work. So
00:15:08People come in with let's say a condition like asthma and we check that their lungs are functioning normally
00:15:21I'm really at a crossroad at this point. I
00:15:24Had an offer for medicine. My dream was
00:15:28To be a doctor. Medicine's a very structured and safe path
00:15:32But at the end of the day music's my passion. It's just what I keep coming back to
00:15:37Music's been in my life for a long time
00:15:41I kind of pushed it away a little bit when I began my studies in science, but I just keep coming back to it
00:15:48You know, I sit down and do it and I just feel like a little kid when I do it
00:15:51I think that's so important to feel that way about what you do in life
00:16:00At the same time I've only really sung, you know in my bedroom and in my car
00:16:05So this is a big step for me getting out on that stage I'm putting
00:16:09Everything on the line. I'm leaving my offer for medicine in the hope that I can become an artist
00:16:43Look at the stars look how they shine for you
00:16:52And all the things that you do
00:16:57And it was cold jello
00:17:05Yeah, your skin and bones
00:17:11Think beautiful
00:17:23I love you. It's true
00:17:28Look how they shine
00:17:33How they shine
00:17:53Things that you
00:18:09Hi, hi, what's your name? My name is Michael. I'm 27. I live in Sydney. I'm a respiratory scientist
00:18:19I'm a respiratory scientist Wow, actually just about to start medicine, but I turned it down to be here
00:18:29Wow, how long have you been performing?
00:18:32Honestly, I haven't done too much performance vocally
00:18:36I've played instruments since I was a young age
00:18:39Look, I was I was close. I felt like we could hear that you are just a little unseasoned as a singer and I
00:18:48Would have loved it if you didn't breathe in the middle of the phrases. Look how they shine for you
00:18:54Rather than for you. You're a respiratory scientist, right? So, you know all about breathing
00:19:01Trying to stay alive
00:19:03That's the most important thing
00:19:05Don't be disheartened by this
00:19:08I would say you've been undercooked and I think this is a really growing moment for you
00:19:13You're gonna grow a bunch from this. I think you should leave this stage. Really really proud of yourself. You just conquered something
00:19:19Thank you, thank you
00:19:29And get back in school
00:19:34Definitely do both for a bit. Yeah
00:19:38Feeling pretty rough at the moment. This was a big opportunity for me
00:19:42To go into the direction of you know
00:19:44What I really want to do with my life
00:19:45One small problem was I just wasn't close enough to the mic when I started and I just couldn't hear myself
00:19:51Yeah, I didn't help
00:19:58Can't keep a good man down
00:20:00I definitely think there have been times in my life where I hadn't gotten something that I wanted or there was a rejection and
00:20:06Sometimes it works out for the best. Sometimes there's a reason
00:20:09if I had booked certain gigs doing theater, it probably would have
00:20:13Taken me further away from me wanting to become a recording artist and I might not have ever auditioned for American Idol
00:20:23So, you know, I think everything sort of tends to work out the way it's supposed to
00:20:31I would really like to make a career out of music
00:20:35I've always believed that maybe one day I could be on the big stages like the big stars
00:20:39But I've never been in a singing lesson before. I kind of just grew up teaching myself
00:20:45Turning even one chair on The Voice Australia. That would mean the world to me
00:20:58Life's like a road that you traveled on, there's one day here and the next day gone
00:21:03Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand, sometimes you turn, you're back to the wall
00:21:07There's a world outside every darkened door, blues won't haunt you anymore
00:21:12Whether brave or free, a love is sore, come ride with me on this
00:21:16Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long
00:21:18If you're going my way, I wanna drive it all night long
00:21:37If you're going my way
00:21:47Hello, I'm Jayden Leslie, I'm 19 years of age and I'm from Logan
00:21:51Is this the first time you've tackled something like this or are you a seasoned pro?
00:21:55Apart from singing in a school ceremony of like 200 people. This is my first gig
00:21:59Really? No way!
00:22:02I didn't turn my chair just because I was looking for that extra little magic sparkle
00:22:08It sounded to me like you were performing for the first time
00:22:12I love your confidence for this being the first time you're performing in front of all these people
00:22:17It is muscle memory, right?
00:22:19So like the more we do it the more it just is in us and we don't have to think about it
00:22:23And I think that's where you're headed. Thank you. Thank you very much guys
00:22:31Yeah, it's a bit of a bummer pretty upset
00:22:34But you know things happen in life and and I guess this is just a stepping stone
00:22:38To me becoming someone who I know that I can really be
00:22:49I think singing to the back of the four rear chairs is like super exciting
00:22:53It's like I now get to take away the muscles and you know the looks and show my voice
00:22:57There's definitely no room for error when it comes to getting a spot on one of the coaches
00:23:02They only have 12 spots available. So I have to be the best
00:23:27We both know
00:23:36As long as you love me we could be starving we could be on this and we could be broke
00:23:44We could be starving we could be on this and we could be broke
00:23:57Love me
00:24:08What's your name, my name is Isaac I'm 21 years old and I'm prepared
00:24:12I think one thing that you might want to look at moving forward is
00:24:16Dynamics a little bit and playing with different tones in your voice, you know, you're a good-looking guy
00:24:21I'm sure that you you were smiling like you are now when you're doing your performance
00:24:25But obviously in this show we're listening with our ears first so moving forward just think about that
00:24:31I think that would be good. But my advice to you would be go out and do gigs
00:24:35that's my advice for any young musician actually, that's where you hone your craft and figure out who you are and
00:24:41You're gonna find yourself as a musician and I think there's a there's a lot of potential there. Thanks so much
00:24:56The next year, I guess I'll just keep trying and hopefully we can see the voice in 2025
00:25:08I think there's something really magical there
00:25:13You were doing some really cool things with your voice prepare to be blown away
00:25:20Found it mesmerizing the whole way through there's something special here
00:25:24You got like pipes and later an audition like no other what am I about to do?
00:25:30Has never been done on a voice stage before
00:25:52Would love to be an everyday teenager
00:25:57Hi, my name is Caitlin, I'm 17 and I'm from country, Victoria
00:26:00I was born with osteogenesis. It's a rare bone condition
00:26:05My bones shatter easily they break a lot easier than anyone else. It's been a challenge
00:26:12Growing up because I've always had a little voice in my head stopping me from doing stuff
00:26:20even the smallest things like going to the city can end in worry because
00:26:25You never know what's gonna happen and what might end in being injured
00:26:38While my friends are out, I don't have that option so I go home and I play music for three hours and
00:26:46I've never had to be careful with music because I can push my limits
00:26:52It's something that's just always been there worry-free
00:27:00Ready to risk it all I'm ready to risk it all for my blind audition. This is my dream
00:27:04I remember being like five and watching the voice and thinking this is what I want to be like and
00:27:10I can't believe that I'm actually here. It's amazing
00:27:16The song that I'm singing for my blind audition is somewhere over the rainbow by Judy Garland
00:27:21But I'm doing Ariana Grande's version because I love Ariana Grande
00:27:30I'm tired of being worried of getting hurt and I really hope tonight going out on that stage will help me gain the confidence to
00:27:38Be stronger and take risks
00:27:46Good luck Belle!
00:27:59The suspense
00:28:15The rainbow
00:28:28Then I'd heard of ones in the lullaby
00:28:37Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind
00:28:50Where troubles melt like lemon drops way above the chimney tops
00:29:03Really good
00:29:20Birds fly over
00:29:55What's your name? My name is Caitlin Martin. I'm 17 and I'm from a country town in Victoria called Shepparton. Oh
00:30:04I know it well and what got you into music? I
00:30:08Suffer from a rare bone condition called osteogenesis imperfecta and it makes my bones brittle
00:30:14So I haven't been able to play sports
00:30:16But I have been able to sing and I've been able to play music. So that's exactly what I've done. Yeah
00:30:26I think that's the power of music right? It can be like an escape hatch from your everyday life. Whatever's going on
00:30:34That's so beautiful. I love your little Dorothy outfit
00:30:38Gorgeous. I didn't even plan it. It just happens
00:30:41I'm running with it
00:30:44You have a voice it was artistic it was musical you're a great singer and I think you belong on team Kate
00:30:56That song I think was the first song I probably ever remember singing as a child and
00:31:01it is so classic and I think that I loved some of your runs like some of the runs were like
00:31:08Were spot-on tasty they just for me weren't for that song, but I think you're super talented
00:31:14Thank you. Like you've got a voice for pop music like you you've totally got a future. I loved listening to you
00:31:20You're absolutely super adorable
00:31:24You know
00:31:26My personal take on it is you were doing some really cool things with your voice that were very interesting and you have like
00:31:34Facility you have the ability to do some wild runs and and you kind of a great range
00:31:39I would like to like figure out where to put that voice
00:31:43Like genre wise sort of sonically because there's a place for it
00:31:47Yeah, and and also like you're young and I can hear that. It's a bit of a raw talent right now
00:31:53Because you've got like pipes, right? I think it's just it's just about experience and and that you know
00:32:00If you chose me as your coach
00:32:02That's something that I could help you with is just it's just knowing where to put it and when to do it
00:32:07you know to me and and figure out songs that like really suit your energy and
00:32:12It would be really great to get to know you because I think you're super super talented
00:32:18What do you listen to everything I don't I don't know I sing everything I listen to everything I've got no clue
00:32:27A tough one for me personally if I'm being honest
00:32:32I'll tell you why I turn I actually turned because of the things that you were doing
00:32:36So I thought to myself, I think there's something special here because you were making some really cool choices
00:32:43But I'm really not the right coach for someone who goes, you know, I'm a blank canvas
00:32:48I don't know what I want to say you tell me
00:32:50But I'm here to guide here to help you shine and be the best you can be
00:32:54You got to give me something. So I
00:32:56Would love to be a coach that probably wasn't the most like
00:32:59Best pitch, but it's an honest one
00:33:05Do you use like streaming to listen to music? Yeah
00:33:08You know how they do the rap thing at the end of the year and it shows you what you listen to the most
00:33:12Yeah, what was the thing you listen to the most are in a grand day? I'd say there we go. I
00:33:17Got you. I
00:33:19Feel that
00:33:21It's now over to you just go with your heart go you got
00:33:54Get you I get you
00:33:56I'm in big shoes in the really crazy shoes. No, we'll have so much fun. I know what to do. Yeah, you're good
00:34:02Sir, you can do this. I guess you are. You sounded amazing. Your voice is crazy. It's crazy good. Congratulations
00:34:11My mom loves me. Oh sweet. I want to meet them
00:34:15Yeah, they're great
00:34:20Yeah, your family's here
00:34:29Thank you, thank you congratulations, thank you so much. Oh, you must be so proud I am
00:34:38Hey, Jay, nice to meet you. Hi Nathan. Nice to meet you Nathan. How are you? Yeah, enjoy. Yes. Yeah. Are you so proud?
00:34:44Also, she's got a killer voice. He's gonna kill her. Yeah, this is gonna be fun. Congratulations. I'll see you soon
00:34:50Nice to meet you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Bye guys
00:35:01She's so cute, she's so sweet. Yeah you standing next
00:35:08You're like the Wizard of Oz
00:35:15That's too funny
00:35:20Caitlyn's got like mad skills. She's young as we know and it's a bit raw right now
00:35:25I think she's just doing it like in such a way where she's not even thinking about it and that's really exciting
00:35:29She's so sweet easygoing. Yeah, and the things that she was doing with her voice was pretty amazing
00:35:35Actually, I have 11 artists on my team
00:35:37I have one more slot left and I still have my ultimate block. So I will see what happens
00:35:54My name is Atlas, I'm 28 years of age and I'm from the Goldie
00:36:04Home wasn't great as a teenager. It was very difficult. I just didn't know what to do
00:36:11Music gave me something to strive for and gave me my purpose in life
00:36:20For my final edition I am seeing your body by Tom Noby
00:36:26No, I don't have any band backing me. It's all me
00:36:29The world probably hasn't seen anything like what I'm gonna do. I
00:36:33Definitely want it to kick off my music career hundred percent
00:36:36I just hope I'm able to give the performance that I know I'm capable of and connect with the audience and connect with the coaches
00:36:54What am I about to do has never been done on a voice stage before it's going to blow with your mind
00:37:05A beatboxer and I don't want nobody. I don't want nobody baby
00:37:16There's something that you daddy it's yeah me thinking about nobody
00:37:39Don't want no
00:38:17What's your name Atlas, um, I did a beatboxing for beginners workshop and
00:38:24Lesson one was you just say baboons and pigs baboons and pigs and then you take away the the vowel sound so it's like
00:38:36Spent about three months walking around looking like a complete lunatic doing that and I never got any better
00:38:43That's still all I can do
00:38:45So I have so much respect like it takes a lot of virtuosity a lot of practice to do that. Thank you
00:38:53That was dope thanks man, how did all of those sounds come out of one person I'm like baffled it's it's crazy
00:38:59Um, I don't know just like lots of time alone, you know
00:39:05Yeah, yeah, that's wild I didn't turn my chair I have like one slot left and I'm looking for specific things on my team
00:39:11But you're fabulous, by the way
00:39:14How long have you been doing that? I've been beatboxing for seven years and singing for three months
00:39:24I think it would help it would help with phrasing and stuff like that
00:39:27I think you're just at the beginning but that was very cool and I applaud you for coming here and showing us this wild skill
00:39:33That you got very cool
00:39:38Can you trust the bits individually like what is the base the moon? Oh, yeah, so that's known as throat bass kind of like a growl
00:39:45so like
00:39:48And then the snare would be
00:39:57There's very few beatboxes that that are like
00:40:02Weapon singers, I think keep working on your singing voice because actually being a complete weapon singer
00:40:08Coupled with already all of those skills. I think we'll get you to an amazing place. Thank you so much
00:40:15Thank you so much
00:40:30Work as a cinema manager, I
00:40:33Love to sing along to any of the songs that are happening in cinema. Love it when a musical is playing. I
00:40:39Have never been happier
00:40:41Hi, I'm Fallon Moore. I'm 24 and I'm currently living in WA
00:40:53Crazy that we're finally here
00:40:56After so long, I'm genuinely so proud of you. Yeah, you did it. I have the best relationship with my family
00:41:02We are a tight, you know
00:41:03I'm just so grateful like it just you've sacrificed so much as a single mom just to get me to sing a lesson
00:41:09That's so special. Like I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys. I really couldn't sing
00:41:14I really couldn't but you can't my siblings mean the world back. I
00:41:19Love them so much
00:41:21Yeah, I
00:41:24Was about seven eight years old when my dad walked out
00:41:28Obviously at eight you don't know why
00:41:31You sort of reflect that is it because of me? Is it my fault? Am I not good enough? I
00:41:36Needed to throw myself into something that wasn't sadness
00:41:42Music gave me a chance to
00:41:44Find who I was
00:41:46And my siblings always encouraged me to just pursue it just to go after it
00:41:57Singing piece by piece by Kelly Clarkson. It feels like a love letter to my family
00:42:03When my dad walked away
00:42:05They stepped in
00:42:07They saved me
00:42:23My biggest concern is that I'll get too emotional seeing them right there
00:42:29I think there's a very high chance that that might take me over the edge
00:42:34So I am so beyond nervous
00:43:02My biggest concern is that
00:43:05I'll get too emotional
00:43:11So I am so beyond nervous
00:43:27Walking towards the airport leaving us all in your
00:43:48Begged you to want me, but you didn't want
00:43:57But piece by piece I fell far from the tree I would never leave
00:44:04You left me
00:44:07She would never have to wonder her work because I like you
00:44:15You know, he'll never walk away
00:44:19He'll never break
00:44:21Her heart he'll take care of things
00:44:34Please he restored my that a man can be
00:44:57Piece by
00:45:04Piece by piece
00:45:15Hi gorgeous, what's your name? My name is Fallon. I'm twenty Fallon. Yes. Sorry. Oh, hello
00:45:22First off I just want to say thank you for sharing your heart with us because I could hear your heart through your voice
00:45:28Thank you
00:45:30Were you nervous? Oh so nervous
00:45:34Could hear that come out a little bit and there there was some moments where there was some pitch issues and that kind of threw
00:45:40me a little bit
00:45:42We're starting to get super picky about our teams and that that's when it's it's I think you're in a really tough space right now
00:45:49It's a come audition, but there's no question that you have this beautiful tone and you can feel a song which is super
00:45:55You know important so you should be really proud of yourself on the job you did
00:46:03Are you connected to that song in particular?
00:46:06Yeah, very much. So my father walked out on me when I was eight and
00:46:12Yeah, um my family who?
00:46:15my biggest supporters
00:46:17Yeah, they they definitely put me back together as a little girl who felt very broken
00:46:27I just want to give you a hug
00:46:33Hi family. I just had to hug you after that just felt compelled
00:46:37I I was really moved by that performance and I felt that genuine emotional connection and I think yeah
00:46:44I heard the occasional pitch issue and whatnot, but it actually doesn't matter
00:46:48At that point if the emotions truly there
00:46:51Then everything else is just is just noise because that's what we're listening to
00:46:56It's not an easy song to sing no and you could tell that you were deeply connected to that story
00:47:02It showed and you really brought the storytelling and the theatricality out. That's another reason why I turned I found it moving
00:47:10but also
00:47:11Really entertaining and mesmerizing the whole way through the song and I'm absolutely stoked to have you on my team
00:47:57You're gonna make me cry in a minute
00:48:03I was so lovely to meet you guys and I can't wait to start work
00:48:26Oh, she's so beautiful. Oh my god, you should have seen that the whole family like I was really crying
00:48:33I would not be more excited and just gorgeous the dreams come true fantasy
00:48:39Yeah, I think it's so yeah to be a part of yeah, it's so great
00:48:46Next being a group. It's not a solo. It's not a joy the biggest ensemble takes on the biggest stage
00:48:54There's six of us and so it's super important that we blend together, but is it a case of mistaken identity?
00:49:04We don't want to sound like six soloists sing the song you got to decide do we want to be a girl group
00:49:31Know I'm all right. I'm Lila. Yeah, Juliet. That's here
00:49:38I was so bad
00:49:44We call ourselves a vocal group, we're pretty much all best friends we met in school choir
00:49:50Often we'll have a jam together. We love harmonizing. We love
00:49:58If you had told us when we started that we would be doing this even a year ago, we wouldn't believe you
00:50:04I don't know
00:50:05Wait, it's such a long way from school choir
00:50:08We are seeing freedom 90 by George Michael with a little bit of a twist. We're doing the pitch-perfect version
00:50:14It's a really great song. We love it. We love singing it
00:50:16We're just so proud of all of you girls because you've done so, you know amazing
00:50:20And I don't think anyone has seen anyone like you girls before so you're gonna do fantastic
00:50:30Feel like turning a chair it's such a wild dream for us
00:50:35To have someone of such a high caliber be able to see us and go
00:50:39Oh, you know, I I see potential in them
00:50:42It would be a massive like step towards something bigger
00:50:46Being a group. It's not a solo. It's not a joy. There's six of us
00:50:50And so it's super important that we blend together. We don't want to sound like six soloists singing a song
00:50:56We want to sound like one voice and that can be really hard. So it's definitely a challenge
00:51:02I think it's especially nerve-wracking because if one of us stuff stop it stuff stop everyone. Yeah
00:51:31Heaven knows I was just a young boy
00:51:50Think there's something you should know
00:52:08Sometimes the clothes do not make the man
00:52:42Give you
00:53:04We're good, we're great actually we're so excited to be here sir
00:53:11Yes, I thought there would be quite a crew of support up there
00:53:15You've got everything. I love it
00:53:19What's your name? So we are El Sambal El is French the girl and because we're an all girls group
00:53:25It's sort of like girls together ensemble El Sambal. Yeah, I love it. Very cool. Thank you
00:53:31It would have been my dream
00:53:33When I was in school to join a girl group like this these friendships that you're making now are gonna last a lifetime
00:53:41singing together
00:53:42Knits people together. I just love
00:53:45Then I love the love that I can see between you guys
00:53:49I think you got to decide
00:53:51Do we want to be a choir or do we want to be a girl group?
00:53:54Because the two things are different if you want to be a choir
00:53:57I would have loved to hear something a cappella. I know that you can do that
00:54:02You've got really intricate arrangements. If you want to be a girl group. We need to hear more solos
00:54:07It needs to be punchier. I wouldn't have started with a bunch of oohs and ahhs
00:54:12Underpinning a melody. I would have just had the melody having said that it was joyful. You're all young kids. Keep going
00:54:19Thank you, thank you
00:54:21How did you fall?
00:54:22So we kind of all met through like choir kind of thing, but you know, I'd me had a great idea
00:54:27Why don't we just start a choir then we kind of all let's listen. That is so good
00:54:34It's so handy being in a choir because you learn how to actually work together and how to harmonize
00:54:41If I was to give any feedback on that
00:54:44I think when you're in a pop group there needs to be moments where where I hear individuals shine
00:54:50Gives it a good dynamic because you hear one voice really ring true and say what the song is talking about and then you all come
00:54:56Together to lift the whole song up. I didn't hear those specific
00:55:00Individual moments enough. I felt like I was listening to a mini choir
00:55:04Which made sense when I turned around because I pretty much saw a mini choir, but really well done. It was tight
00:55:09It was sounded really joyful and and you should be really proud of yourselves
00:55:15Congratulations for coming on the show today
00:55:30They really are cute
00:55:32All right
00:55:35We're all gonna keep making music for the rest of our lives
00:55:38It's something we all hold very dear to our heart and we're definitely not gonna stop seeing
00:55:42Anytime soon. I don't think we can stop saying no couldn't stop us if you tried
00:55:47Next this isn't my first time on the boys in a performance do-over
00:55:53For the last time I didn't turn a jet. Will a second chance be a job. I'm back for redemption
00:55:59Or curse this time I have to turn a check
00:56:35Isn't my first time on the voice
00:56:38Back in 2021. I auditioned and I didn't turn a chair. So it was a bit of a disappointing experience
00:56:46I'm a country singer, but last time I decided to change it up and go with a mega pop song. It didn't go so well. I
00:56:56Think even before going out on stage I had that
00:57:01That gut feeling this man
00:57:03This isn't you. I
00:57:07Think there's no way to sugarcoat it. I think it was just a bad gig for you
00:57:13The reason I didn't turn was I was trying to figure out where your voice sat. That wasn't being myself
00:57:24However, what music you listen to I
00:57:27Absolutely love your music and country music in general and do you do any my songs?
00:57:32Stupid boy. I hope I'm not overstepping the mark. Could you possibly play a little bit of stupid boys?
00:57:38Is that asking too much?
00:57:40Do you guys have a guitar that mr. Keith Urban could play maybe maybe that acoustic can I play the acoustic?
00:57:45I did get to do a duet with Keith Urban, which was pretty incredible
00:57:54The video actually went viral on the Internet, which was mind-blowing it was crazy
00:57:59Just how much of an impact one performance can make?
00:58:09Oh stupid boy
00:58:18It gave me the belief in myself that I have to stick to my guns
00:58:23I know what I do, and I know what I do well, and that is country music
00:58:28I'm Tori dark, and I'm a country singer and that's what I'm here to do
00:58:42She was precious like a flower
00:58:54a perfect prayer and a desperate hour
00:59:11It's like home by the way, she laid her heart
00:59:16It's alright
00:59:21And you still dream
00:59:29She had a choice
01:00:01It's the same same stupid boy
01:00:26Gorgeous what's your name? My name is Tori doc. I'm 33 and I'm from Brisbane
01:00:35I've seen you before. Yeah, I would see three years ago, and I didn't turn a chair
01:00:41I took a little bit of a risk. I'm a country singer. I sang a pop song and
01:00:46Yeah, then all of a sudden you suggested Keith Urban get up and sing with me. I thought so okay. I was like
01:00:53For a second having a weird deja vu moment
01:00:58He did so I sang stupid boy, and it went viral and I'm back
01:01:08Let's just go through that chronologically again, so so you auditioned you didn't turn your chair around
01:01:16But I had the foresight
01:01:21Make a viral moment that inspired you to come back. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, look. It was a really good suggestion
01:01:28You know when it comes to choosing a coach it really does boil down to making good
01:01:35suggestions and good decisions
01:01:40So Tori just I
01:01:43Think that's all I really need to say about my bitch. I feel like it's meant to be I really do
01:01:49Thank you. I
01:01:51Mean you did a great job life is all about growth right like and clearly in these last three years
01:01:57You've grown a tremendous amount like as the three of us has turned and have turned around
01:02:02I loved when you opened up like there was such a there's power in your voice. I love that song. I love Keith
01:02:09He's a dear friend actually toured my last tour over here in Australia was with Keith. He actually opened up for me
01:02:21You obviously have this beautiful talent, I would love to play and see where we could take your voice
01:02:26I think there's something really magical there. Thank you very much
01:02:32You have a great instrument, but I'm not a coach for a country singer to be totally honest with you
01:02:37I don't know my way around the genre well enough
01:02:39That's my honest reason for not turning my chair, but I would steal a pair of those boots from you any day. Those are great
01:02:45I'm gonna buy a pair of cowboy boots
01:02:48Keep wearing those. I'm gonna have a good time
01:02:51Great work
01:02:53Well, look I wasn't here three years ago, but I'm so glad you came back because that was amazing. Thank you very much
01:03:03Artists one of the defining features is failures and knockbacks, right?
01:03:07I mean there there are more of those than wins at any level and
01:03:12It feels like you've kind of
01:03:15Taken that failure or what could have been perceived as a failure on the chin and learnt and grown from it
01:03:20Which is exactly the attitude you have to have if you're going to be a professional artist you have to be thick-skinned
01:03:26I think it's super badass, and I would love to have you on team fake. Thank you so much
01:03:34Firstly very proud of you. There's a famous
01:03:40Chumba-wumba who said I guess I get knocked down, but I get up again
01:03:45And you've done that it's decision time and and I would love you on team guy
01:03:56Remember the viral moment
01:04:06Thank you all so much
01:04:08I'm so glad I took a chance and came back
01:04:11It honestly has has made my year, so thank you
01:04:30All right decision time
01:04:36Remember the viral moment
01:04:38But last time you didn't turn your chair around
01:04:41Do you really want to look into the eyes of guy Sebastian every day as your coach because some things can be triggering?
01:04:51I'm so glad I took a chance and came back. Thank you all so much
01:04:59But I can't go past Leanne rhymes
01:05:13I'm so sorry to mean so many foot as nice to meet you. I'm so excited
01:05:26That makes sense yeah, yeah, that is a perfect yeah, yeah, I wouldn't know what to do
01:05:36So ready
01:05:48So proud of her like yeah the guts to come back and do this
01:05:51It's not just about resilience. It's like lit a fire underneath you which I love that fire is gonna come out. I'm excited
01:05:56Well congratulations nice to meet all of you
01:06:09I'm back. Well done. Well done. Congrats. That was so sweet. That's a good that makes
01:06:15Makes a lot of excited to work with her. It's a redemption moment. It is and you know what I love about her, too
01:06:20It's not just picking yourself back up. There's like a fire in her like she's a drive
01:06:24And it's like you want I want to bring that out of her. Yeah, you know
01:06:28It's like I want that fire in us to like come flying out
01:06:32Tori I just love so much about her
01:06:36She is such a beautiful young woman and I just love that. She's so resilient. She's got this like
01:06:44beautiful country pure like storytelling voice so
01:06:48She's super talented. And yeah, I can't wait to play. It's gonna be fun. All right, that is number nine for team
01:06:54Leanne, it's filling up really quick, but I'm very excited to see who I end up with
01:07:01Our coaches have just 12 spots on their teams and they're nearly full
01:07:07Tori brings Leanne's team numbers up to nine
01:07:11Fallon is the 10th artist on team Kate and
01:07:15Guy also has 10 artists locked in with just two to go
01:07:20While Adam is leading the pack on 11 with just one precious spot left
01:07:29Have one spot left I have some
01:07:31Amazing talent on my team, but I'd love to fill it out with another flavor. That is not yet represented
01:07:37I think having that sort of well-rounded team gives me a good advantage
01:07:52Next time on the voice
01:07:55with every turn
01:07:57The stakes are getting higher
01:07:59The blinds are almost over
01:08:06With just a few places left on each coaches team
01:08:10Even the best performance
01:08:13May not be enough to turn a chair. I think it was magnificent, but it just wasn't enough to get me over the edge
01:08:22And which amazing artist will secure the last spot on team Adam?
01:08:29For the voice that I've been looking for on my team