Brush Your Teeth Healthy Habits Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes by Little Angel

  • le mois dernier


00:00Baby Rhino has a wiggly baby tooth, so he pulled it out cause it was loose.
00:05He asked his dad, can I stop brushing my gums?
00:08Daddy Rhino said, not until you're done.
00:11Baby Rhino needs to brush and brush, needs to scrub-a-dub-dub all the sugar bugs.
00:17Sugar bugs!
00:18He needs to floss and floss, so his teeth are strong enough, but the tooth he pulled was now lost.
00:24Where did he put it? He forgot!
00:27Daddy found the tooth on a kitchen chair, he put it somewhere safe in his pocket right there.
00:33Put this under your pillow when you sleep tonight.
00:36When the tooth fairy comes, you'll get goodies for brushing right!
00:40Baby Rhino needs to brush and brush, needs to scrub-a-dub-dub all the sugar bugs.
00:45Sugar bugs!
00:46He needs to floss and floss, so his teeth are strong enough to eat yummy food all day long.
00:52All day long!
00:53Baby Rhino started counting his baby teeth, he has eight more to lose till he gets his good teeth.
00:59Now every morning and every night, he brushes his teeth till they are clean and white.
01:05Baby Rhino needs to brush and brush, needs to scrub-a-dub-dub all the sugar bugs.
01:11Sugar bugs!
01:12He needs to floss and floss, so his teeth grow strong and he can eat yummy food all day long.
01:19Baby Rhino needs to brush!
01:22One day, Itsy Bitsy Spider wanted to lay her new eggs.
01:26So she climbed to the top of a tall tree and made her nest.
01:31She waited and waited until one day, the baby spiders started to hatch.
01:37When they felt the wind breeze past them, they jumped off the branch and started to fly.
01:42Five little spiders went flying one day, high in the sky and far away.
01:47Mother spider said, it's time to go back.
01:50One, two, three, four.
01:52But only four little spiders came back.
01:58Four little spiders were spinning a web.
02:00This is super fun!
02:02One of them said, Mother spider said, it's time to go back.
02:06One, two, three.
02:08But only three little spiders came back.
02:11Help! Help!
02:14Three little spiders were jumping one day, over the flowers and far away.
02:19Mother spider said, it's time to jump back.
02:22One, two.
02:24But only two little spiders came back.
02:30Two little spiders were swinging one day, up in the trees and far away.
02:35Mother spider said, it's time to come back.
02:39One, but only one little spider came back.
02:44One little spider sitting in his web.
02:47Where are my friends?
02:49Little spider said.
02:50He looked and looked and just like that.
02:53One, two, three, four.
02:55The four little spiders came back.
03:03There was once a cute little frog, sitting and singing under the water.
03:09As the frog started to sing, Frankie the fly said, you're bugging me.
03:17So Frankie the fly told the cute little frog, can you be quiet?
03:23As Frankie the fly started to sing, Itsy the spider said, I want to sleep.
03:31So Itsy the spider told Frankie the fly told the cute little frog, can you be quiet?
03:37As Itsy the spider started to sing, Molly the mouse said, you're annoying.
03:44So Molly the mouse told Itsy the spider told Frankie the fly told the cute little frog, can you be quiet?
03:51As Molly the mouse started to sing, Alfie the cat said, you're disturbing.
